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Who Do You Tip?


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I sometimes tip Bt 100 at either Christmas or New Year. Bt 1,000 or so won't break me and it can make a serious impact on the service I get.

On a regular basis, I tip more for services I request rather than service at restaurants, etc. I will tip the housekeeper at my hotel more than I will the bellman. I tip the mechanics who service/repair my car.

At my condo, I usually bring some food/fruit to the security guards and receptionists when I go on my weekly shopping expedition.

All "routine" electrical and plumbing at my condo are done by resident maintenance people. But when I request something like an extra light fixture being installed above the counter, I pay for the items. Then when the job is done, I "tip" what I think the standard labor charge might be.

The guy who unloads my car, puts all the stuff on a luggage trolley, takes it up to the room and unloads it gets Bt 40.

Seems to work. :)

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