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Worst Room You Ever Stayed In.

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A while later I awoke to feel a sensation on my scrotum. I glanced down to see a cockroach crawling over one of my exposed <deleted>.


An apt place for a cockroach to be.

I was once working in Brighton and found a B&B that claimed to be designer boutique it was off season so only 25 a night. It had a very nice designer bed but the rest of the place was a complete dump with the room falling apart, the shower 4 inches from the bed and a toilet you could just about squeeze into.

Yep, I've stayed in a place like that in Corby of all places... the shower was actually inside the wardrobe and was so <deleted> tight that you had to back out of it, turn around and then re-enter to wash your back. :)

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Sop Chaiyaphoum (sic) isn't a gay area. Were you implying gay short time hotels are more gross than hetero short time hotels, or am I just being too sensitive?

Yes. Males when excited have a tendency to leak certain substances. The more males to use a room, the more likely there will be those substances. I can be more explicit. However, some of the boys in here might faint. Don't believe the hype about women being geysers. That only happens in fetish adult films. If you don't believe me, do the research with a lady. :)

Every so often a TV news show does a report on filthy hotel rooms. They spray the bedspreads with a solution that highlights semen and then turn on the special light and voila they have sufficient visuals to make even the hardiest of people squirm. My favourite was the series on bedbugs and cockroaches. Again, magical mists were used, the lights turned off and the infared or whatever it was they used, turn on to reveal a ballet of bugs.

If you want to see disgusting, check out the trip advisor annual listings. You can google skynews from March 9, 2009 to see the list of the UK's worst hotels including pictures. They make the Bangkok dives seem clean in comparison.


Wow, I thought I was Mr El Cheapo.

Mrtoad, I had the same experience in Bangledesh. Mine was about 9 yrs after you on a Christmas eve.

Worst room has to be a beach bungalow on Koh Chang, at the very end of white sand beach, built on the

cliffs. Think I paid about 300-400 per night. Cockroaches scampering over my bed, half the beach inside the

room. Nasty. I had to get absolutley mashed up on ale to sleep.

Another was a room in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. More scary than anything else. Paying through Iron bars

should have said it all, I stayed 2 nights back in '05.

Also had a sh!t room in Pattaya opposite my beloved P.R.S Mansion (now under renovation).

450 baht per night, Bahtroom stunk, the mattress were paper thin and stained to high hel_l. I had to

request clean sheets.

I can beat you all.

I stayed at the only hotel recommended by the Rough Guide's South East Asia guide for Udon Thani, and I am going to hazard a guess the author never stayed at it.

I was the only guest. It took 3 viewings before I found a room with either a mosquito net or a window. But I should have been concentrating on the fundamentals. The sink had no plumbing anywhere. You switched the tap on and the water simply poured onto the carpet floor.

Yet the hotel owner is a genial old man. He told me that every year he goes to watch Manchester United play at Old Trafford. How can this be? The hotel has but one guest for 150 baht.

I got my answer at midnight when I arrived back at the hotel to find a line of Thai men waiting for 6 Laotian girls in the downstairs rooms-- while I sat in the porche area watching the telly, with the line of Thais snaking around me, the Laotians kindly offered me a pop at 300 baht. I declined. The police drove by and did nothing. The next morning I came downstairs to find the police chatting with the girls and the owner over a nice cup of coffee.

A great experience. Multi-culturalism, returning back to nature, interacting with the State, watching the locals at play. And only 150 baht a night.

That is exactly the point I was making. Very often it's not an exprience you want to repeat, but what a great story afterwards.

I HAVE shared one room with one bed with 5 Filipina hookers and I have to say that was an interesting experience. They knew I was the only sucker who took pity on them during a rainy night in Angeles City when there was no other place for them to stay. :)


Worst place: while hitchhiking from Durban to Joburg in South Africa in the apartheid era I slept in a 44 gallon drum half way up the plateau near Pietermaritzburg.

It kept the freezing mist off me, but the towel I used as a blanket wasn't much help with the cold.

There was a bridge under construction nearby, but I wasn't game enough to join the road workers who were camping there and had a roaring fire going.

This is like the Monty Python skit with the four guys sitting around talking about how hard they had it growing up.

"You lived in a paper box? Luxury!"

Right. I spent 6 nights in a black hole on the outskirts of Calcutta, as it was called then. I found out later it was a converted septic tank. I had to share the bed with 327 cockroaches, 1854 bed bugs and a leper. My only bit of luck was that he drew the attention of the insects, and was notably smaller each morning. The hotel was also used as a short time joint for the bestiality and coprophiliac bars in the surrounding area. Breakfast was a plate of cold gravel, at least, the edible bits were, and the toilet facilities consisted of a corner of the tank. I once made the mistake of using the wrong corner and would no doubt have been severely scolded by the leper if not for the fact that a roach had eaten his tongue the previous night. Unknown to me, the owner had me insured when I checked in and the day before I was due to leave killed me for the insurance money. But I can laugh about it now.

The real worst place I've stayed was in Surabaya. Grey sheets, the bits of which that weren't clammy were greasy. A mosque outside the window. I managed to sleep by using my clothes as sheets, but was woken up by water falling on me in the night. It was pouring down outside, and the water was flooding through the ceiling. I wasn't even on the top floor, so god knows what the rooms above me were like. It wasn't even that cheap by Indonesian standards.


I got crabs ( and under a magnifying glass, that's what they look like ! ) in my pubic region from the Chinese hotel I stayed at in Kuala Lumpur, but that was sheer luxury compared to some of the stories here . More, more ! :D

A 44 gallon drum ? :)

There are no worst rooms; some are just better than others. They all have a story to tell and that makes them worthwhile....

So true - the best times (& most humourous) are often when conditions are less than optimum.

Everest Lodge in Freak St, Kathmandu. Five of us sharing a very small room when in the middle of the night raw sewerage from a blocked bog on the top floor flowed down the stairs & flooded the rooms on lower floors - not much room on the beds with 5 people + backpacks.

Arriving late one night in Jammu town with the only available accommodation a mildewed & filth encrusted dormitory, overrun with bedbugs, at the criminally miss-named 'Palace Hotel', the almost non-existent lighting hid most of the squalor till first light.

There was the forgettable Chulia St hotel (the one almost directly opposite the long gone opium den) infested with junkies vomiting in & on every conceivable surface in the communal bathroom & leaving trails along the corridor leading back to their rooms.

I can never forget the Pokhara hotel room inhabited by a large Tibetan who looked something like Genghis Khan, his equally large & unattractive wife, & an assortment of farmyard animals, which he proceeded to shag with extreme gusto throughout the night, the paper thin cardboard partition threatening to collapse at every thrust.


1974, Phoenix, Arizona/USA. Was glad to have found a US$ 2 room. Leaving the room to go to the shared bathroom, I was immediately pinned to the wall by a policeman who started frisking me. When it got through to him that I was a very young and innocent European backpacker, he advised me to leave the hotel immediately, and not through the front door.

Oh well, I hadn't paid the room yet anyway.


Needed a room in Bangkok for a couple of nights, asked to view it first. It looked OK in daylight.

As soon as it went dark, it was swarming with cockroaches, they were running over our bodies... Could not sleep, even the spray we bought would not kill them, so checked out early the next morning.

Do Cockroaches bite?

They are disgusting and I am terrified of them.


This is maybe not the worst room but certainly the most rats I ever saw in a hotel. The malaysia hotel in bangkok intriqued me because its history so I decided to stay there one night.After dark I looked out the front window to see rats everywhere running head to tail in line on all the walls outsaide. thousands of them. I then went into watch the thai woman singing in the nightclub. The curtains behind the singer were alive with rats running up and down them,I felt one rub against my foot and looked under the table to see rats all over the floor running around hundreds of them. The room had no windows and the rats ran around in it all night.

This is maybe not the worst room but certainly the most rats I ever saw in a hotel. The malaysia hotel in bangkok intriqued me because its history so I decided to stay there one night.After dark I looked out the front window to see rats everywhere running head to tail in line on all the walls outsaide. thousands of them. I then went into watch the thai woman singing in the nightclub. The curtains behind the singer were alive with rats running up and down them,I felt one rub against my foot and looked under the table to see rats all over the floor running around hundreds of them. The room had no windows and the rats ran around in it all night.

From what I hear of it now you do not get women singing in the showers....or nightclub.

This is maybe not the worst room but certainly the most rats I ever saw in a hotel. The malaysia hotel in bangkok intriqued me because its history so I decided to stay there one night.After dark I looked out the front window to see rats everywhere running head to tail in line on all the walls outsaide. thousands of them. I then went into watch the thai woman singing in the nightclub. The curtains behind the singer were alive with rats running up and down them,I felt one rub against my foot and looked under the table to see rats all over the floor running around hundreds of them. The room had no windows and the rats ran around in it all night.

From what I hear of it now you do not get women singing in the showers....or nightclub.

Twenty years ago Malaysia hotel was a kind of extension of Thermae... Nowadays it is a kind of extension of Telephone bar :)


In Koh Samet.... it was Valentine weekend and rammed with Thais. Managed to get a room, a real hole and thought I'd just get a good night's sleep and go to Koh Chang instead the next morning. There was a party going on in the street outside my room until daylight!!!!!!!! No sleep - and never going back to Samet either!


don't know what the aversion of rats is about...I wuz in the Swan Hotel in Harbin, Manchuria in January an' there were rats as big as cats in the reception area...but it wuz so godammed cold that you just wanted to get up to yer drafty room and get under the covers...the rats were the last of yer worries...

more like a crazed irishman singin' molly malone in the nearly zero temp of the downstairs bar...bizarre...

goin' out with the chinese to eat dumplings at lunch...filth and -30oC squalor everywhere but the food shure wuz good...I heard that them chinese put on their quilted clothing about October and never removed until about April sumtime...didn't have a chance to check out the wimmin until my next visit in May of the same year...not bad, either...

later, in Brighton when I didn't want to eat western food any longer the ex said: 'yer gettin' all slitty eyed; can't tell if it was the food or the wimmin yew were hangin' around with over there...ye bastid...'


The worst I have stayed in was in London. This was many years ago when i first got a job and had no money and nowhere to stay. I cant remember the name of it but it was in Sussex Gardens, Bayswater, and it was cheap.

When I walked in they asked for payment in advance and I asked to see the room first. Answer was no. I dont know why I asked really, as there was nowhere else that I could afford.

The room was a cell, wooden floor, hard bed with one-inch mattress, no toilet/washbasin, no furniture. Facilities all down the end of the corridor and filthy.

In the middle of the night, some guy who was crazy would start to scream and shout in a nearby room.

I dont know how I managed to stand it for a week.

Funniest hotel room story: A friend staying in a hotel in Paris. The washbasin was loose and when he ran a basin full of water it became detached from the wall. It fell forwards snapping off the water pipe, which released an uncontrollable high pressure fountain of water across the room, drenching everything including all his clothes, the bed etc. He had to run down to reception as fast as possible followed by a deluge of water and try to explain "It just fell off, I never really touched it honest...".


Metro Hotel in New Orleans. Typical skid row fleabag but at 19 years of age and having ridden freight trains from Seattle, and it being Mardi Gras, I still had a blast. Rich or poor, I've always had a great time in New Orleans and have a soft spot in my memories of the Metro Hotel.

Funniest hotel room story: A friend staying in a hotel in Paris. The washbasin was loose and when he ran a basin full of water it became detached from the wall. It fell forwards snapping off the water pipe, which released an uncontrollable high pressure fountain of water across the room, drenching everything including all his clothes, the bed etc. He had to run down to reception as fast as possible followed by a deluge of water and try to explain "It just fell off, I never really touched it honest...".


Big chap I know was staying in a dive in Thailand somewhere... on the crapper, lent over to position the bum squirter, toilet gave way and he ended up on the deck.


Sop Chaiyaphoum (sic) isn't a gay area. Were you implying gay short time hotels are more gross than hetero short time hotels, or am I just being too sensitive?

Last time I checked there were 4 boy go go's on Chaiyaphoum. They seem to have a mojority of male customers until the ladies get off work and go pick up a gick for the night.


First night in Kathmandu I stayed in a room that had fresh blood on the wall, dirty sheets and mattress, and someone else's clothes in the bathroom. My friend was sick and it was pouring rain, so we took it for 3 dollars.

The last time I was in Nepal I slept on the dirt floor of a hut, between a fire pit and three baby goats. But this time it was free.

don't know what the aversion of rats is about...

Because they are disgusting vermin, tutsi. Thats why!



I have a very recent experience. Stayed in the Executive Suite at one of the Pullman hotels during last week's holiday. The air conditioning would only go down to 23 degrees rather than my perfect comfort zone of 22. Instead of enjoying the 72-inch LCD TV from my king-sized bed, I had to spend most of my time in the cooler oversized whirlpool bathtub just to keep my body temperature down. An absolute waste of 7,500 baht.

Worse, management wouldn't issue a free voucher for a future stay.

"Travel trauma" is what I call it. :)

P.S. Adding injury to insult, one of the apples was bruised on my complimentary fruit platter. Can you believe it? A double-failure for this supposedly "quality" international chain?


I have a very recent experience. Stayed in the Executive Suite at one of the Pullman hotels during last week's holiday. The air conditioning would only go down to 23 degrees rather than my perfect comfort zone of 22. Instead of enjoying the 72-inch LCD TV from my king-sized bed, I had to spend most of my time in the cooler oversized whirlpool bathtub just to keep my body temperature down. An absolute waste of 7,500 baht.

Worse, management wouldn't issue a free voucher for a future stay.

"Travel trauma" is what I call it. :)

P.S. Adding injury to insult, one of the apples was bruised on my complimentary fruit platter. Can you believe it? A double-failure for this supposedly "quality" international chain?

72 inch LCD Top, did you take a photo of it by chance? :D

Last time I checked there were 4 boy go go's on Chaiyaphoum. They seem to have a mojority of male customers until the ladies get off work and go pick up a gick for the night.

I believe this is false information.

The gay areas of Pattaya are Boyztown and neighboring sois, Sunnee Plaza, and minor activity in the Day Night Sois area. No way are there 4 gay go gos at Soi Chayapoom.

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