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Increase In Work Permit Fees

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600 still isn't that much, but you gotta love the Thai style increase, not 10% or 20%, but 500% :D

You farang. You rich. You pay.

But not good at maths :) - 100 to 600 is in fact a 600% rise

Better than you Graham. increase is 500% as he said :D

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600 still isn't that much, but you gotta love the Thai style increase, not 10% or 20%, but 500% :D

But not good at maths :) - 100 to 600 is in fact a 600% rise

It's *increase* of 500%: 100 + 500% * 100 = 100 + 500/100 * 100 = 600

If you were right, price not being changed would be a 100% increase.

Don't correct others' math if you're clueless.

Sorry, couldn't understand any of that except the last line which I think is very rude...but if you insist, its a 500% increase to me and I think you need to learn how to write before attempting the maths :D !!

How about looking at it this way?:

What do you get if you take the new price (600B) and subtract it from the old price (100B)? Five hundred baht, which is the difference, or the increase.

This increase is 500% of 100B. Five hundred baht is 500% of 100 baht, which is the price it formally was. If the original price was 0 and you made the price 600B, it would be an increase of 600, therefore a 600% increase.

We can say the new price is 6 times the old price, but this doesn't make it a 600% increase.

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From 100 baht to 600 baht.

I wonder why most people pay 20-30,000 baht for it.

Maybe that fee will also go up by a factor 6


I also wonder why people pay 20 to 30,000 Baht for a WP...the application fee used to be 100 Baht (now 600) and the approval fee was a couple of 1000, nothing dramatic. The paperwork is done by my secretary (guess most foreigners working here have one) and then you waste hal a day of your life at the labour department for submitting the application.

Any chance you could either post or pm a process flow, exactly what you do for a renewal? I am one of those farang without a secretary and I am sick of the 20k rip off for a renewal every year!

Which comes first the visa or the work permit?

The visa then the work permit.

For renewal of work permit you can do one year renewal just before your visa runs out.

In KL for example they require at least eight months validity on WP for a 1-year non-B.

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600 still isn't that much, but you gotta love the Thai style increase, not 10% or 20%, but 500% :)

You farang. You rich. You pay.

600B is nothing! Employers have to pay 40000B a year for each Burmese refugee they employ. Admitedly they only pay them a cup of sugar and a bag of rice a day but looks like the Ferrang have it good to me? Don't quote me on that I heard it from a Thai guy!

Sorry, but I thought Burmese people were Farang as well???? I know many Burmese people, some or should I say most need a job and will work for far less. But considering the alternatives they have...I think they are content just having a roof over their heads and food on the table.

My personal feelings are...I hope this in not a phase that will continue with other permits or visas...let's hope that won't be the case.



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From 100 baht to 600 baht.

I wonder why most people pay 20-30,000 baht for it.

Maybe that fee will also go up by a factor 6


I also wonder why people pay 20 to 30,000 Baht for a WP...the application fee used to be 100 Baht (now 600) and the approval fee was a couple of 1000, nothing dramatic. The paperwork is done by my secretary (guess most foreigners working here have one) and then you waste hal a day of your life at the labour department for submitting the application.

Any chance you could either post or pm a process flow, exactly what you do for a renewal? I am one of those farang without a secretary and I am sick of the 20k rip off for a renewal every year!

Which comes first the visa or the work permit?

The visa then the work permit.

I thought you need a nonimmigrant B visa to apply for a WP then the visa is extended to match the WP. Then for renewals you apply for WP before the last visa and WP expires then after receiving the next WP an extension of stay stamp is put in your passport with the same validity as the WP. That's what happened with me the last couple of years. I only had to show up in person to sign for the WP at Dept of Labour too. I have always found the whole process to be reasonable and efficient if the person preparing the application knows what they are doing. :)

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(luluanator @ 2009-12-18 17:07:17)

How about looking at it this way?:

What do you get if you take the new price (600B) and subtract it from the old price (100B)? Five hundred baht, which is the difference, or the increase.

This increase is 500% of 100B. Five hundred baht is 500% of 100 baht, which is the price it formally was. If the original price was 0 and you made the price 600B, it would be an increase of 600, therefore a 600% increase.

We can say the new price is 6 times the old price, but this doesn't make it a 600% increase.

First, Grahamc said he is not good on math! :-) Second, you cannot count percentages on zero, 200% of zero is still zero. It is not a price, it is for free if you don't have to pay. But if the price is 1, which is more than zero, and then you increase the price to 2, the increase is 100%. So what would it be if the new price is 600? Not 600%!

Edited by Tanaka
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I'm with "Loz".

Some of you guys are a waste of time and space.

Thb600 or Thb6000, who gives a flying f...

The OP was passing on some useful info and some of you guys just go off on all your usual biased,uninformed, and ignorant comment.

Honestly, if you can't contribute something useful....(just take your hand off it for a while).

No one cares how your twisted thinking works. Go away.

Ok. Now, about the possibility of the price of beer increasing............?????? lol.

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600 still isn't that much, but you gotta love the Thai style increase, not 10% or 20%, but 500% :D

You farang. You rich. You pay.

But not good at maths :) - 100 to 600 is in fact a 600% rise

Oh really?

I was talking about the increase, which is 500 baht, or 5 times the original amount, the new total being 100+(500% increase)=600.

I knew some sa would make that comment :D

No matter which way you say it or mean it 500% increase on 100 baht = 500baht not 600???

100 X y = 600

y = 600/100

y = 6

or 600 in percentile

Take it from a maths teacher :D

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I'm with "Loz".

Some of you guys are a waste of time and space.

Thb600 or Thb6000, who gives a flying f...

The OP was passing on some useful info and some of you guys just go off on all your usual biased,uninformed, and ignorant comment.

Honestly, if you can't contribute something useful....(just take your hand off it for a while).

No one cares how your twisted thinking works. Go away.

Ok. Now, about the possibility of the price of beer increasing............?????? lol.

Oh I totally agree. The 500 baht increase (500% hahaha) means nothing to me as my school pays it. And secondly, even if I did, it is still 'f' all compared to the overall cost. What I dont like is somebody attacking someone by calling them 'clueless', even if they did make a simple human mistake, which they didn't.

The original 100 baht is 100% If the new price is 200 bht then the 'increase' of 100baht is 100% (100bht +100% equals 200 baht) Therefore an increase of 500baht to 600baht is a 500% increase. However, at the same time, the new price, 600 baht, is 600% of the original price. Just depends on where you are coming from. And I'm now going back to the bottom of that whiskey bottle coz its far less confusing......gohhhh!! I really do have some patience, should be a teacher..oh I am??

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Old price = 100

New price = 600

The new price is 600% of the old price.

You are paying 500% *more* than the old price.

Before, you were paying 100 (100%). Now you are paying 600 (600%). 600% - 100% = 500% more.

It may seem a bit counter-intuitive, but it does work this way.

And we have all wasted more than 600 THB worth of time wrangling over this :)

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Old price = 100

New price = 600

The new price is 600% of the old price.

You are paying 500% *more* than the old price.

Before, you were paying 100 (100%). Now you are paying 600 (600%). 600% - 100% = 500% more.

It may seem a bit counter-intuitive, but it does work this way.

And we have all wasted more than 600 THB worth of time wrangling over this :)

Yeah, but aint it been fun? :D

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Old price = 100

New price = 600

The new price is 600% of the old price.

You are paying 500% *more* than the old price.

Before, you were paying 100 (100%). Now you are paying 600 (600%). 600% - 100% = 500% more.

It may seem a bit counter-intuitive, but it does work this way.

And we have all wasted more than 600 THB worth of time wrangling over this :)

Yeah, but aint it been fun? :D

Surely so :D

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It means that all farangs will pay more. Doesn't matter if your employer pays it. You farang, you pay more. It's Thailand people... Did you expect anything less? If it wasn't for the Thai girls then you wouldn't have this problem because the farang wouldn't be here. It's just another way for the corrupt Thai government to extract more money out of the farang. I don't mind paying it though. I have a pretty good Internet income coming in that keeps me supplied with girls, beer and a nice little condo on the beach. So, 600 baht more? Don't care.

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Using the appropriate basic mathematical trapezoidal percentage ramp-up theorem:

100 baht + 500 baht (w(2,1)+2[w(2,2)+w(2,3)+w(2,4)+w(2,5/100%)+w(2,6)]+w(2,7)) = 599.9999999999999997%

It's just basic freshman high school math, or maths if you prefer.

There, it is now proven. :)

PS: There is a secondary theorem for imbibable material, so don't try to use this for beer.

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Its says for application and changes.

Not for renewal.

Then what does This increase also applies to applications for changes/modifications of existing work permits means?

is it about renewal as well?

Yes I am wondering as well, does with existing permits and want to extend 1 more year have to pay more also?

I would have thought it means what it says, i.e. if you have to change office location or similar. whilst working for the same company and doing the same job. (yes it does happen)

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No matter which way you say it or mean it 500% increase on 100 baht = 500baht not 600???

100 X y = 600

y = 600/100

y = 6

or 600 in percentile

Take it from a maths teacher :)

So that's why kids are dumb these days :D (Sorry, couldn't resist. No offense though.)

Nobody said 600 isn't 6 times 100, maths teacher.

We just said that the increase (from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary: 2in·crease Pronunciation: \ˈin-ˌkrēs, in-ˈ\ Function: noun, Date: 14th century, 1 : the act or process of increasing: as a : addition or enlargement in size, extent, or quantity 2: something that is added to an original stock or amount by augmentation or growth (as offspring, produce, profit)) is 500%.The increase does not include the initial amount.

You should have a word with your English teacher, maths teacher. :D

A bit more on-topic: ...I heard from my agent that the original plan, at least until very recently (? update on subject needed !), was to increase all fees. For instance, the renewal was supposed to be 4,000 starting Dec. 21.

Edited by pontius
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So the document was issued by the DOE. Considering it is written in Thai i am wondering where the DOE emblem and letterhead is. Also, i am in the DOE everyday and i have not seen a single notice posted about this increase although there are numerous postings on the notice boards for Laos, Cambodians, Burmese etc. I will treat this document's validity as dubious at best until i see it on the DOE website. BTW who the hel_l pays more than 15K for a work permit nowadays???

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From 100 baht to 600 baht.

I wonder why most people pay 20-30,000 baht for it.

Maybe that fee will also go up by a factor 6


I never understand why all peaple using lawyers, pay high fees to get their work permits. It's really not difficult to do it by your self and you can save a lot of money. Go to the labout departement and ask what paper you need, they are very friendly and open to talk with you. Collect all the papers what they ask for and you'll get your work permit in time for a very small fee. If you can't speak Thai, take someone with you that speak with them, There is no need for a lawyer.

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600 still isn't that much, but you gotta love the Thai style increase, not 10% or 20%, but 500% :D

You farang. You rich. You pay.

But not good at maths :) - 100 to 600 is in fact a 600% rise

Oh really?

I was talking about the increase, which is 500 baht, or 5 times the original amount, the new total being 100+(500% increase)=600.

I knew some sa would make that comment :D

I have only one question - Where do you get your information from

Some people paying 20,000 + ? who ever pays that is stupid. or don't know anything.

I have been here for a long time and only have paid at the most 3,100 Baht.

Now with the increase of 100 to 500 baht that still only comes to 3,600 Baht.

maybe you all need a good adding machine or calculator.

or sign up for a course in math.

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