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Lydia Lyrics, 2548 (2005)


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Ladies and gentlemen, I have a pending serious problem, and have not had much luck over the last few hours searching the Internet for a solution.

Last night, I was handed the microphone at the local rural karaoke bar just up the road from my apartment, and asked to sing a song by Lydia, from 2548 (2005) entitled (in English) something like 'Not One Day' or in the Thai language, it sounds something like 'Mai Wan Jing Jing' or in other words, she's singing about a fellow who has some strange problem with preferring to talk on his mobile phone rather than spend time with her. We might leave his psychological disorders for another time, but I sang the tune in as on key as I could but reverted to English for the verses and the break, only singing in Thai for the choruses as I remember from the local radio back in 2548. (Knowing that nobody else at the karaoke bar would have understood a single word I sang in English, so I managed to keep a straight face and got a small round of applause after the act).

So then, I promised (and actually made an honest bet of 50 satang) to have learned the lyrics to this old Lydia tune well enough to sing in pasa Thai with gusto this coming Thursday night. I thought I could look up the lyrics in Thai and hopefully English this afternoon, and just memorise the three verses, a break, the chorus, and the coda, and get away with it next Thursday, and win my 50 satang from the owner of the karaoke bar.

As it turns out, I have failed to find anything in the way of lyrics, and not even an MP3 as yet, to try and bluff my way through without knowing the meaning of what I will be singing, exactly...

...It looks a little bleak at this stage, as we move into the coming week, and I write this thread to ask if anyone might have any ideas on a link across the web that I might chance upon the Lydia song 'Mai Wan Jing Jing' (as far as it sounds like) to learn to sing it by next Thursday night, albeit an octave lower than she sings, as I am an old man with no falsetto left unless extremely alarmed.

I will send a link to an MP3 recording of my performance next Thursday to anyone who might know where I could find these lyrics. It's going to be hard enough singing a girly song as it is, so I must at least get the words right, or else bow out and forfeit 50 satang. Thanks in advance if you know how I might avoid such a catastrophe.

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Lydia - Wang Leow Chuay Tor Klab

Custom made for your needs:

Thanks very much for your help, TL. I see already how I was wrong even as far as the title of that song for all these years, so you've done a great job of working out the correct answer from an incorrect question. Transliterated, it's not 'Mai wan...' but 'Mai wang...' which corresponds not with 'No day...' but with 'No hope...' from what I guess after one quick look at the video clip.

Come to think of it, 'No hope' might fit this 50 satang bet of mine quite well come Thursday night, but you've provided me with the tools required to complete the job, so I'll get cracking this afternoon and start practicing. Hopefully I'll find a way to record the grand performance on a little MP3 recorder I just need a new AAA battery for, and well, with that I might be able to perpetuate my own embarrasment.

Thanks very much for your quick and ideal response. This video is better than what I had been looking for last night in the way of lyrics.

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Sorry I must have missed the deadline to edit the reply above. It's looking a lot easier than I first suspected - once I have the first verse and chorus down pat, there's only eight more lines in the second verse to memorise and the rest is just repeating the same thing.

Fantastic! I can almost feel the warmth of that 50 satang in the palm of my hand already.

Thanks for making sense of this misguided request of mine last night, TL. I'll hopefully be able to report the outcome back here on Friday.


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Sean, no thanks to me really mate...it was my wife who helped.

I showed her the post and she looked quizzed at first and then said 'chai, chai!!' turned on the Thai fonts and came up with the video.

She laughed when she heard a guy would be singing it, so a video performance would much appreciated! (you may be able to get someone to film on a mobile, most of them have the capabilities now).

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