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Good Things Happen To Bad People.


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Took the wife to Beauragard Hosp. in BKK. Getting out I dropped my wallet in the back of cab after paying. After checking every pocket 3 times I look up to see the driver parked a little way up the block. The door of his cab was open and he was waving me back. Yes, it was on the floor. He says he had not touched it. I think that was true. I had a foolish amount of cash in it and credit cards etc. He got a very nice tip. His # was 3037. I always look when I get in. I will be sending a letter.

On the way home the wife leaves her computer on the seat at the gate and goes for the plane. Home in CM she says-"no computer-left it at gate B3". She is going nuts-all my stuff was on..... She calls Air Asia who call AOT and yes they have it. Wife scans passport and emails to Air Asia with a letter and they go and pick it up from AOT. Air Asia sends it up to CM - FREE. I'm starting to like that airline. I think we have reached our paracord years. Everything worth anything paracord to the body

What nice people. There is some hope!

Happy Holidays

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Thanks for the positive post. I sometimes believe that there IS some truth to Karma. It certainly works for me.

think you need some,after the kuffle the other day,lol happy xmas

I almost missed that one before it was deleted. I got a big kick out of it. I think the mods left it up as long as they did until I had a chance to respond. The guy went so far over the top it was hilarious... kind of like the topic about the guy requesting a "threesome". Doesn't ANYONE read the rules before they post something? Life is too much of a lark to worry about the miserable types.

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I also have many tales of kindness and honesty from the Thai people here. When I first arrived in Thailand, I was a 'babe in the woods'..so to speak. Once I dropped my zip case with money and credit cards. in the parking lot of a guest house. The desk phoned me the next morning to say that someone had returned it. Another time I left the same case behind at a local hospital, known as Ram 2. Hrs. later when I returned the staff was holding it for me and would not accept a tip. I've done many stupid things, especially while enjoying a few beers, and have been so fortunate. I hope that others have experiences of the same type and remember them when they are frustrated with this, our adoped country!!

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Too many to recall, really.

I've left my computer in a bar, several times I've left my new motorbike parked for hours with the keys in it, handed over 1,000's instead of 20's. Never incurred a loss.

I don't believe in god or karma, but many of my fellow mortals are good, honest, beings.

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My wife sent my wallet in my pants to the cleaners. it had 8000 baht in it. When she went to get the laundery they handed her my wallet with 8000 baht in it.

The cleaners is right across from Wat Nantaram, the motorcycle shop on the corner are good friends as well. P' A. (No English)

Those are two more honest places of business for all of you.

And while I'm at it, up the street Kow Mun Gai Nataram is fantastic (same as the vendor in the foodcourt upstairs in Robinson)

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Left 2 laptops in the minibus from Samui Airport to the pier to KPG. Bus crowded of farang and some thai and a thai driver. Gone nuts when we understood the laptop were missing. Calling the airport, after some search because the bus was still on tour, they confirmed that the computers where in their office. We pick up the next day, leaving a handsome tip.

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