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Yes, true. Now I need to go to Alpine to see what options are available.

If you look on the Australiia Mitsubishi website under " Challenger " ( Pajero sport ) It shows a very nice integrated GPS unit. I can't tell from the pictures what brand it is.


The Australian Challenger looks like a much better, cleaner installation than the Thai version.

As stated in the email from Mitsu Thailand, they have contracted with Alpine to supply the sound system, as I don't think that is the case with the Challenger.

So, short of pulling the whole unit out and junking it, I'm left with what Alpine offers for the GPS functions.

  • 1 month later...

Hey CDNinkS, did you ever get a final navi solution working in your Pajero Sport?

From what I have been able to determine, the PMB-D100E in conjunction with the PMD-DOK1E (docking adaptor) and PMD-ANT1E (GPS antenna) will achieve full integration with the touch screen. If you don't want/need the ability to use the PMB-D100E as a portable device, I guess you could always hide it under the dash somwhere - though that does seem a terrible waste of money on another LCD screen..

Knowing Alpine pricing I'm expecting this to be prohibitively expensive though.. If it works out too much, it's probably just better to throw away the Alpine system that comes with the car and replace it with something newer altogether (the DVA-9861E is a 2006 year model unit) - in which case you'd be able to get proper iPhone support, USB and Bluetooth as well (apparently impossible on the DVA-9861E no matter how hard you try).

Get a Fortuner...................

Can not, no hab :)

Try and buy an Aperto, the only 2WD model available with Navi, in white........all sold out and no idea if that option will ever be made again.

The Fortuner is a nice car, and it is a Toyota.......but that doesn't mean that the other cars do not have some good features as well.

It would be a pretty boring world if we all dressed in baggy shorts and knee socks as well, as practical as that may be :D

I agree with Maigo6, get a Fortuner. How can you say no hab!? They are all over. You want white, 2WD and Navi just ask at any big dealer.

You want white, 2WD and Navi just ask at any big dealer.

The only Fortuner Toyota offered in 2WD and white is the Aperto. It is no longer available, anywhere, big dealer or not. Here is the disclaimer from the website:

Remarks: Fortuner Sportivo II and Aperto are limited amount of manufacturing and subject to change without any prior notice

That may change in the future as if you go to the website you will see they are starting to post new models now.

Anyway, the Fortuner is an old model and I'm very happy with the Pajero Sport, it is about 200,000 cheaper and I have no regrets in buying it.

Hey CDNinkS, did you ever get a final navi solution working in your Pajero Sport?

Yes, found a solution. Had a Kamaz NBX700 installed at Formula Tech in BKK which interfaces nicely with the Alpine touch screen. Not cheap mind you at 24,000 baht. It uses Speednavi software and maps. In some ways it is far superior to Garmin although it does take a bit getting used to the menus. The big advantage is the upgrades and maps are free.

I have since found that this company Rocket also offers either the Alpine Navi 202 or the Kamaz units.

pm me if you need any further info

Yes, found a solution. Had a Kamaz NBX700 installed at Formula Tech in BKK which interfaces nicely with the Alpine touch screen. Not cheap mind you at 24,000 baht. It uses Speednavi software and maps. In some ways it is far superior to Garmin although it does take a bit getting used to the menus. The big advantage is the upgrades and maps are free.

Interesting.. So I'm guessing from your response that the Kamaz unit interfaces properly with the touch screen in the Pajero Sport GT? I don't suppose you know how many A/V inputs are left after interfacing the navigation? -I ask because I'd also like to add the front+rear cameras as well as a WDTV, so I could be running out of options again with the standard system..

BTW, a quick Google search turned up a vendor selling the Kamaz NBX700 for 16,500 THB - that won't include installation (which shouldn't amount to much), and you may need additional adaptors to fit your unit, but it stands out against the going price from most other vendors (20- 25K). Link to vendor here: http://balanceaudio.thai-forum.net/forum-f1/topic-t31.htm


There is a interface cable that is needed between the unit and the Alpine screen, but like you said between that and the installation it shouldn't be 8000 baht more. I also checked here Global5 and they were the same price as Formula, so figured this was a legit price.

I have a reverse camera and a roof mounted DVD screen player installed as well and everything works well together, so I don't think you will have any issues, but I'm sure a visit to either Formula (the sons owner speaks excellent english) or Rocket will be able to tell you for sure. The roof mounted DVD player I had installed has numerous inputs including SD, USB and RCA video plugs, so if you want the WDTV to be watched in the back seat then that would not be a problem. As an aside, I found out that they offer a UBC sat antenna and receiver as well. They were installing one on a Hummer the day I was there.

Good luck

P.S. if you inadvertently screw up the touch screen calibration as I did, don't worry, there is a USB connection on the unit that you can plug a mouse into to give you a screen cursor.


Ordered a Pajero Sport today. Was NOT able to get the GPS for free, but got pretty much everything else in the accessories catalogue along with the free insurance and registration etc.

I had a lengthy argument with one of the technicians who was called up from a shop somewhere. This person claimed that NOTHING but the handheld Alpine PMD-B100E GPS unit could integrate with the Alpine touch screen system (according to him the NAVI-202 does NOT integrate...). I am of the opinion that this was <deleted>, and decided to skip buying the navigation unit from Mitsubishi in favor of one of the local options available in BKK - details was forwarded by CDNinKS, a special thanks to him!

Delivery time is four (4) days. We'll see about that, since I added a clause on the order itself disqualifying the order unless the car is delivered within TWO (2) weeks.

Another thing I learned was that there is NO USB plug on the Alpine, but there's a 3,5 plug. Apparently, there's also a Bluetooth unit available (KCE-400BT) for the Alpine unit. I still dont know if that unit is compatible with the unit on board the Pajero Sport.

This person claimed that NOTHING but the handheld Alpine PMD-B100E GPS unit could integrate with the Alpine touch screen system (according to him the NAVI-202 does NOT integrate...)

The tech should read the manual that comes with the Alpine unit.....that is where it says the Navi 202 is the unit to install. I called the Alpine distributor for Thailand in BKK and he was the one who put me onto Formula for the Navi 202, it was them who talked me into the Kamaz unit.

Correct, there is no USB plug on the Alpine head unit and although there is an IPOD logo on the front, the guy at Formula Technic told me that I would need a cable installed to allow that feature, don't own an Ipod (I know, must be the only person on the planet without one) so didn't get that. They also told me about the Alpine bluetooth accessory, but if memory serves it was about 12,000 baht.......I passed on that as well.

Good luck

Get a Fortuner...................

Can not, no hab :)

Try and buy an Aperto, the only 2WD model available with Navi, in white........all sold out and no idea if that option will ever be made again.

The Fortuner is a nice car, and it is a Toyota.......but that doesn't mean that the other cars do not have some good features as well.

It would be a pretty boring world if we all dressed in baggy shorts and knee socks as well, as practical as that may be :D

I agree with Maigo6, get a Fortuner. How can you say no hab!? They are all over. You want white, 2WD and Navi just ask at any big dealer.

Pajero Sport 3.2 beats the Toyoya Cliteros hands down.. In my local Mitzu dealership, the sales manager said that most of his customers were former Fortuner owners.....

  • 2 weeks later...
This person claimed that NOTHING but the handheld Alpine PMD-B100E GPS unit could integrate with the Alpine touch screen system (according to him the NAVI-202 does NOT integrate...)

The tech should read the manual that comes with the Alpine unit.....that is where it says the Navi 202 is the unit to install. I called the Alpine distributor for Thailand in BKK and he was the one who put me onto Formula for the Navi 202, it was them who talked me into the Kamaz unit.

Correct, there is no USB plug on the Alpine head unit and although there is an IPOD logo on the front, the guy at Formula Technic told me that I would need a cable installed to allow that feature, don't own an Ipod (I know, must be the only person on the planet without one) so didn't get that. They also told me about the Alpine bluetooth accessory, but if memory serves it was about 12,000 baht.......I passed on that as well.

Good luck

Hi CDninKS

I am pajero owner from Indonesia.

I would like to ask you a question. does the alpine screen that comes with your car could also display information like km/ liter gasoline usage , average speed , altimeter , compass ??

since Indonesian version didn't have the lcd screen option but in other hand it has a MID that serves that information I stated above.

would love if could share some picture with you guys


andrew soehartono


Hi Andrew,

unfortunately, no. The Pajero has no kind of trip computer for fuel consumption, compass etc. There might be an aftermarket unit that could interface with the screen, but I have not seen one. I have a reverse camera and a Kamaz GPS unit installed so that is what I use the display for.

Enjoy your car


you seee thats it you have to pay extra for all these bits and pieces with the mu7 you get them all has standard 2 tv,s sat nav bumper bars tinted windows etc etc etc with a fortuner this lot came to a nice 300,000 on top when i enquired about them .


Agree, the MU-7 is very well equipped for the price. I seriously considered getting one, but the missus didn't like the look..........what can you do :)

Agree, the MU-7 is very well equipped for the price. I seriously considered getting one, but the missus didn't like the look..........what can you do :)
Same here, went to look at the MU-7 but the government vetoed the whole idea. She looked like a teenage girl who's just been asked to wear lederhosen on her prom night.
  • 2 weeks later...

I have been told by the dealer that the GPS module to activate the NAVI function of the multi-function display is a 29,000B option from Mitsubishi, but that I can get it for about 10,000 from one of the local audio shops. Can you ask your friends who own a Pajero Sport what they did about this? Also if they went the outside source route, what is the GPS based on, Garmin?


Took delivery on a white 4wd yesterday, 3.2 of course for just under 1.3 mil TB here in Udon. Pushing the saleman a bit we got windows tinted, windbreakers on the 4 windows, 1 year 1st class ins, 1 year gov't ins, a car cover on order, the manual in English on a cd also on order, a full tank of fuel and a stainless license plate frame. I asked about the Navi system and was only told I could buy it but it was never pushed as an accessory and I asked because it came on a CRV.

We looked at both dealers here, pricing was close, freebies the same, sale personnel were similar in attitude and sales presentation, always polite and helpful. The salesman at the dealer in town has been one for many years. The salesman at the dealership on the Ring Road near Tool Pro was new at sales and had to be pushed a bit more for the freebies. If you don't ask they may not volunteer them but they have a budget of about 15,000 TB for these things.

One thing I asked him to do was check the tires for air pressure and reduce it if over 35. When we took delivery he came out with a tire pressure rig and all showed 50lbs. The reduction to 35 made a noticable difference and and still go to 30 and be within the tire specs. This dealer had several 2wd drives, including white but the one was sold and he told us a 2 day wait for another one. The white 4wd I bought was on the floor and available. The salesman told us he had sold 7 vehicles the day before, mostly PSs.

Honda told us if we bought a CRV we would take delivery in June.


Congrats on the purchase OTR!

On the topic of discounts, I was offered the following deals on my 2WD GT:

Option 1:

20% Down with 1.3% Interest (the current campaign is 1.69% @ 20% down, 1.64% @ 25% down)

First year 1st class insurance and Por Ror Bor

Genuine carpet mat set

20,000 Baht cash refund

Option 2:

20% Down with 1.3% Interest

First year 1st class insurance and Por Ror Bor

Genuine carpet mat set

+3M Window tint all round (AKA "film")

+Weather shields

+Reversing Camera

+Rear Spoiler (not standard on the 2WD)

+Side mirror covers with indicators

+Scuff plates w/LEDs

- No discount

Option #1 is actually the better deal, but in the end I went for the 2nd option just to save me the hassle of organising the extras myself.

I tried pushing them for the 5pc Body kit (4 corner skirts + rear lower garnish) as well, but their list price on this was 28,000 Baht (!) and they just wouldn't play ball. In the end I ordered the body kit set myself for 8,500 Baht from another vendor :)

Congrats on the purchase OTR!

On the topic of discounts, I was offered the following deals on my 2WD GT:

Option 1:

20% Down with 1.3% Interest (the current campaign is 1.69% @ 20% down, 1.64% @ 25% down)

First year 1st class insurance and Por Ror Bor

Genuine carpet mat set

20,000 Baht cash refund

Option 2:

20% Down with 1.3% Interest

First year 1st class insurance and Por Ror Bor

Genuine carpet mat set

+3M Window tint all round (AKA "film")

+Weather shields

+Reversing Camera

+Rear Spoiler (not standard on the 2WD)

+Side mirror covers with indicators

+Scuff plates w/LEDs

- No discount

Option #1 is actually the better deal, but in the end I went for the 2nd option just to save me the hassle of organising the extras myself.

I tried pushing them for the 5pc Body kit (4 corner skirts + rear lower garnish) as well, but their list price on this was 28,000 Baht (!) and they just wouldn't play ball. In the end I ordered the body kit set myself for 8,500 Baht from another vendor :)

Do you have photos of a Pajero with the 5 piece body kit attached. Also where is the vendor and do you have contact details?


Do you have photos of a Pajero with the 5 piece body kit attached. Also where is the vendor and do you have contact details?


I can't show you it attached to my PJS just yet, because some monks are holding it hostage until this Friday :D

Here's the parts as delievered though (excuse the cell phone photography):


And here's what they'll ultimately look like when fitted (less the 20" wheels, for now :) )



Note that I chose to have my rear lower garnish match the color of the front one however.

And finally, here's a link to the vendor (who is able to communicate in English quite well BTW):



Did you have these shipped to you and you are going to install them yourself? Where is this vendor located? I like the looks of all those parts, what about the body side cladding I see on the website? Did you consider those?

Did you have these shipped to you and you are going to install them yourself? Where is this vendor located? I like the looks of all those parts, what about the body side cladding I see on the website? Did you consider those?

Yes, shipped from Bangkok to Chiangmai and will fit myself (nothing to it). All 3M tape/clips were included, along with instructions in Thai+English. The price I quoted earlier included delivery to CM, so you *may* get it a little cheaper in BKK BTW - or may not ;-)

I didn't consider the side body moldings because I'm actually trying to source the Australian version side body strips.. An email to the vendor should get you a quick response though.

I should also say that I was impressed by the service I got too, so have no reservations in recommending them.


Thanks very much for the info, I'm going up to BKK later this month so may just have them install it then. Did you have the option to have the rear lower garnish in white or silver?

Did you have the option to have the rear lower garnish in white or silver?

I asked for silver from the get-go, so can't confirm that white is available..

I got lightening fast repsonses to my emails, though I concede TiT so YMMV :)

I asked for silver from the get-go, so can't confirm that white is available..

I got lightening fast repsonses to my emails, though I concede TiT so YMMV

You are right about the response time, sent him an email late last night and the response was here this morning.

The rear garnish (crank guard) is available in either silver or white for the same price. I originally thought I would go with the silver, but having seen the pictures you posted, I think the white looks very nice. Might have to leave the final decision up to the missus :)

I got lightening fast repsonses to my emails, though I concede TiT so YMMV

You are right about the response time, sent him an email late last night and the response was here this morning.

Bah, humbug!! I sent email two days ago but no reply yet. :)

Finally took delivery yesterday, and promptly fitted the body kit...



Fitting was pretty straight forward - no surprises and took all of 15 mins including waiting for the 3M primers to cure.

Think I'll get the rear bar sprayed though, I'm not liking the black!

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