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100,000 Baht In Reward!


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Found this classified in a Norwegian Pattaya newspaper. (pattayatidende

Translated to English.

100,000 baht in reward!

Calls for criminals: Kitty was a three years old Chihuahua-dog with six puppies from two different litters.

On the morning of 20 December my two children found Kitty and five of her puppies dead or dying in the garden when

they came out in the morning to play with them.

Kitty and her daughter Blondie died in great pain in on the way to the hospital with my wife.

They were poisoned by food thrown over the fence!

The case is reported to the police who investigating the case.

We call for information from anyone who knows something about this terrible action,

and offer 100,000 baht (one hundred thousand baht) in reward to the person or persons who can give us information which results in the arrest by the police and lead to their punishment.

Such inhumane acts against innocent animals can not be accepted.

PM me for telephone and e-mail

Location: Baan Sabaijai???

Edited by PoorSucker
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I'm sorry for your their loss, this sort of thing happens all to frequently and for no apparent reason other than to cause the owners some grief. Not to detract from your post but do you know what poison it was, the locals everywhere here seem to have easy access to a product that's readily available.

Edited by chiang mai
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there is no chance, that perpetrator will be punished - they did not cross the fence and steal or rob.

but they might be coming back to do so - so finding their identity would prevent them from crime.

there is only a very small chance, that the informer, on top of setting them up, would testify agaist them in the court.

if the owner is that worried about the safety, the best is to move somewhere else - if the robbers set up on him, sooner or later they will find the way in.

even if not by themselves, they will "sell" the "job" to another gang for a percent.

setting such high reward might indicate, that the owner of the house is rich - some gangsters might take it as a challenge to rob him, just for the sake. I would rather pay police to do the job, rather than going public and relaying on an advert. They do have informers within gangs and have a lot of official time and power, to investigate. Criminals would't play around, if they knew, that police is after them.

dog posoning is far too common in thailand, any poison bought over the counter will do when inserted into piece of meat.

Edited by londonthai
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I'm sorry for your their loss, this sort of thing happens all to frequently and for no apparent reason other than to cause the owners some grief. Not to detract from your post but do you know what poison it was, the locals everywhere here seem to have easy access to a product that's readily available.

I agree. Find out what kind of poison it is, how and where it's available, what it tastes like, etc..

It's scary that some people, sick as they are, have access and the method to poison innocent animals and/or people.

The more you learn about their method, the better chance of finding them.

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I'm sorry for your their loss, this sort of thing happens all to frequently and for no apparent reason other than to cause the owners some grief. Not to detract from your post but do you know what poison it was, the locals everywhere here seem to have easy access to a product that's readily available.

I agree. Find out what kind of poison it is, what it tastes like.

Surely you didn't mean to say that.

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Someone in my neighborhood shot a crossbow dart at one of our cats. We reported him to the police (Banglamung Station), the case has been recorded, the neighbor had to come down to the police station for questioning and the officer made it very clear to him that this is punishable in Thailand.

I could have insisted on compensation for the hospital bill but asked the officer to record instead that I want the neighbor to donate 20,000 Baht to an animal shelter. I could enforce this now in a civil court.

I strongly encourage to file such reports with the police.

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Someone in my neighborhood shot a crossbow dart at one of our cats. We reported him to the police (Banglamung Station), the case has been recorded, the neighbor had to come down to the police station for questioning and the officer made it very clear to him that this is punishable in Thailand.

I could have insisted on compensation for the hospital bill but asked the officer to record instead that I want the neighbor to donate 20,000 Baht to an animal shelter. I could enforce this now in a civil court.

I strongly encourage to file such reports with the police.

Now that is definitely worth knowing.

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It's a shame.. But like a previous poster said.. A neighbor was probably at his wits end listening to 6 dogs yapping day and night..

It's regretable when this happens but dog owners often turn out to be selfish and stubborn when it comes to respecting others quality of life..They seldom listen when told their dog is a nuisance. My own village has been plagued in the past with both noisy/aggresive dogs and their poop.. Dogs let out in the early hours to cr_ap in the street and on the common areas (where kids play) or to chase kids/adults riding their scooters along the road.. Next you have the same owners (some who have 5-6 dogs in a small townhouse with next to no garden) allowing their dogs to bark all night long or all day while they are out.. Of course these 'dog lovers' who leave their pet unattended for hours, never walk them and seem to have little interest in training them are the first to bleat and make a fuss when their pet goes missing..

I'm an animal lover.. I have two rescued stray cats. They bury their poop and sleep inside at night.. The only person who they disturb is me and that is only when it's feeding time.. I don't like to see animals suffer.. But humans have to come first.. and I doubt anybody would have gone to the effort to poison these dogs unless they had been making someones life unbearable.. Let it be a lesson to careless dog owners.

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I whish they would have done it to the huge bunch of +18 flee infected soi dogs who terrorize our street, attack people on motorbikes and kill my cats, instead of doing it to your privately owned puppies.

If anyone out there wants a free soi dog, then please come get them at Naklua Soi 16/3. I will even pay you 1000 baht for each dog you take with you.

(unfortunately I dont have the heart to poison animals, not even soi dogs)

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I like animals. Horses, dogs, cats. Naturally I am sorry for the ugly killing. Poison is a horrible death, slow and painful. Now, Stop and think. Use your 100,000bt to find out the kind of poison. Find the nearest places where it can be easily obtained. Check out if the vendors will not finger the culprit. Most likely the 'good' neighbours.

Now, IF you will find out who did this,- what would you do? Poison their pet? Poison their kids? Torch their car? Legally, you can do nothing. Illegally, as I said, STOP AND THINK!

Really sorry for you and your family. Sad story...

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Legally, you can do nothing.

You can. See my post. Deliberately killing/injuring animals is illegal in Thailand and I do have a police report that would enable me to sue my neighbor in a civil court. Nope, I didn't pay anything to obtain this report. Would be against my principles.

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every day I read of dreadful things happening in Pattaya. It is certainly not the place for families. There are plenty of other safe places in Thailand to reside. These places don't thrive on Prostitution and bars like Pattaya which attract the worst type of foreigners and locals which are the root of the problem.

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every day I read of dreadful things happening in Pattaya. It is certainly not the place for families. There are plenty of other safe places in Thailand to reside. These places don't thrive on Prostitution and bars like Pattaya which attract the worst type of foreigners and locals which are the root of the problem.

Insightful. Thanks.

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I'm sorry for your their loss, this sort of thing happens all to frequently and for no apparent reason other than to cause the owners some grief. Not to detract from your post but do you know what poison it was, the locals everywhere here seem to have easy access to a product that's readily available.

I agree. Find out what kind of poison it is, what it tastes like.

Surely you didn't mean to say that.

Surely I did.

Maybe you don't understand my purpose.

If I'm offered food or drink by somebody, and it tastes off (like something has been added), then I'd know not to consume any more.

This day and age, where people are getting drugged and robbed, it's only a matter of time before it's poison to stop the witness from ever talking.

The more I know about poison, especially that available (and being used now), the better I can protect myself from it.

Who knows, maybe this dog poisoning was just a test, a trial run to see if it would work on people.

Edited by MisterFingers
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I'm sorry for your their loss, this sort of thing happens all to frequently and for no apparent reason other than to cause the owners some grief. Not to detract from your post but do you know what poison it was, the locals everywhere here seem to have easy access to a product that's readily available.

I agree. Find out what kind of poison it is, what it tastes like.

Surely you didn't mean to say that.

Surely I did.

Maybe you don't understand my purpose.

If I'm offered food or drink by somebody, and it tastes off (like something has been added), then I'd know not to consume any more.

This day and age, where people are getting drugged and robbed, it's only a matter of time before it's poison to stop the witness from ever talking.

The more I know about poison, especially that available (and being used now), the better I can protect myself from it.

Who knows, maybe this dog poisoning was just a test, a trial run to see if it would work on people.

Erm, but what happens if you die testing the stuff? :)

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It should be pretty easy to find the person did it. Look to the person next to you. I doubt that a person drive around Pattaya and poison strange dogs.

Ex girlfriends, next door tired of barking and so on.

But a big board on your door telling the same thing as you told here. I am sure some will step forward.

Or it can be like LondonThai said someone want to break into your house you better move or buy new dogs. Take in some stray big dogs there is plenty that need a big home.

Edited by thesyndicate
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Erm, but what happens if you die testing the stuff? :)

By testing it, you mean taking a bite or drink of something served to me by any given person, that may or may not be poisoned?

Then maybe so, maybe not, depending on how deadly it is, how concentrated it is, and how much is consumed.

The less of it I consume, if any at all, the better the chances of surviving it.

The more I know about this whole issue, the better I can keep myself safe from it.

I want to know what poison it is, what it tastes like, what it smells like, what it can be added to, how available it is, who's using it to poison dogs, ... everything that I can know in order to protect myself from it.

I don't understand why people are arguing with me about this.

Edited by MisterFingers
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Erm, but what happens if you die testing the stuff? :)

By testing it, you mean taking a bite or drink of something served to me by any given person, that may or may not be poisoned?

Then maybe so, maybe not, depending on how deadly it is, how concentrated it is, and how much is consumed.

The less of it I consume, if any at all, the better the chances of surviving it.

The more I know about this whole issue, the better I can keep myself safe from it.

I want to know what poison it is, what it tastes like, what it smells like, what it can be added to, how available it is, who's using it to poison dogs, ... everything that I can know in order to protect myself from it.

I don't understand why people are arguing with me about this.

Because it's nuts to think you can safely or sensibly gain useful knowledge of poisoning by scoffing the stuff. It's not like a truffle eating contest.

Some poisons are odourless and tasteless, especially if put on or in food or drink, so what do you think you will be able to detect (before you die)?

And then, just say you gain this specialist knowledge and survive. What then?

Are you going to go round your garden sniffing and sampling your dogs' food every time someone throws it a bone or a scrp of chicken?

And how will you keep on top of your game as a poisonmeister, as new pharmacological products come on the market?

Oh, and sorry. I can't come for dinner at your house. I have a longstanding engagement with a stomach pump. :D

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I whish they would have done it to the huge bunch of +18 flee infected soi dogs who terrorize our street, attack people on motorbikes and kill my cats, instead of doing it to your privately owned puppies.

If anyone out there wants a free soi dog, then please come get them at Naklua Soi 16/3. I will even pay you 1000 baht for each dog you take with you.

(unfortunately I dont have the heart to poison animals, not even soi dogs)

18 dogs @ 1000 baht.Will check the soi out and if i decide to do the work i get 18,000 baht.Are these dogs flea infected or sick as i will have no compulsion to decapitate them and say i thought they had rabies.Poison is too cruel but other methods are better

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Most likely one of the neighbours hired someone to poison the dogs. As has been pointed out many of the little breeds of dog yap and yap all day and could drive even a saint to distraction, pugs are a typical example. I have not heard of poisoning just for the sake of it. There is usually an underlying reason, such as not getting on with the neighbours, noise pollution, pissing off the local soi taxi queue, etc.

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It would be interesting to hear from the OP if his dogs barked constantly...or if he has ever had a neighbor say something to him. I would guess the two reasons for them being poisoned are to either break into the house...which would have happened already or will shortly....or to keep the dogs from barking. I am assuming they are behind a fence and don't roam around (another reason dogs are poisoned).

I am a huge dog lover...have rescued several...but dog owners need to be more responsible if they are bothering others. They are your responsibility to take care of and make sure they are not a problem to anyone else.

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Something similar happened to one of our dogs. One of the neighbors put poison out on the street as they did not like some stray dog taking a crap/pissing on the small patch of grass outside their house (not their lawn but outside their fence). They did not intentionally want to kill one of our dogs, but we were so unfortunate that one of my dogs managed to get a mouth full of the food before I could drag her away. I was of course not aware that it was poison at that moment. She died a violent death in our arms on the way to the vet. We later discovered the poison stuffed in the food and confronted the neighbors. They admitted to putting it out but when we informed them we would report this to the police they immediately changed their story and said they had nothing to do with it. They also threatened to kill our other dogs if a police report was filed.

We filed the report but the police couldn’t have cared less. Without evidence there was nothing they could do apart from summoning the guys to the police station for questioning (they never turned up). We moved to another area shortly after this incident as people like this will stop at nothing to try and clear their name. In our new house we installed security cameras so we at least have evidence if anything should happen in the future.

I would probably recommend against filing a police report if they plan on staying in the area as there could quite easily be further problems from the person. I would recommend moving as soon as possible.

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The psychology behind this whole dog poisoning business leaves me way out of my depth - Mrs CM's family dog was poisoned by the neighbour who incidentally, freely admitted she had done so. The reason, Mr's CM's dog was intimidating the much younger puppy owned by the neighbour. I have problems trying to get my head around that kind of thinking but just so you are aware, this kind of thing is not always a precursor to a robbery, as many might have you believe, it's just one aspect of the way in which some people think. Actually, in the case of the OP, the dog was the smallest of creatures, not exactly an deterrent.

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