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True Internet Connection Problems


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Hi and happy new year!

I have recently moved apartment and have established a new fixed line and internet contract with True. The connection is pretty slow but more importantly the connection keeps cutting out (approx every 5 minutes) the only way that I have found of solving this is to disconnect from the Wifi then re-connect, this resets the connection. However it is time consuming and very annoying!!

I assume that this problem is caused by True(?) and the telephone lines that they have in my area (Sukhumvit near Emporium). Is it worth compaining to True, is there anything they can even do or should I just chalk it up? Also assuming I cannot fix this problem, is it possible to break the contract with True?

Any advice will be appreciated.

Many Thanks.

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I considered that, however when I look into the Network problem in Windows it says that I am still connected to my Wireless network but with no internet connection...

EDIT - Also it is the same router that I used in my last apartment (with no problems at all).

Edited by ashacat
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I considered that, however when I look into the Network problem in Windows it says that I am still connected to my Wireless network but with no internet connection...

EDIT - Also it is the same router that I used in my last apartment (with no problems at all).

Log into your router and see if its down and up line speed is at the speed package you paid True to give you. If not, problem may be within the phone line/connections of the building.

Also, WAN settings in the router for True are:


VPI = 0

VCI = 100

MTU = 1492

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OK thanks for the advise. Assuming that the intermitant connection is due to True's lines is there any point in me complaining to True (other than making me feel better!) I mean are they able to recify it at all?


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Are you using same phone cord/splitter you used in other apartment? They can be bad and cause so much noise that connections fail. If that does not help I would call True. They can determine if it is there lines or inside apartment building. If inside building you will probably have to pay for someone to fix it.

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OK thanks for the advise. Assuming that the intermitant connection is due to True's lines is there any point in me complaining to True (other than making me feel better!) I mean are they able to recify it at all?


The phone lines to a landed property belongs to the property owner and True can access and checkout and fix the phone line on the request of the owner.

The phone lines running in an apartment or a condominium do not belong to the occupants of the units, but to the building owner, or in a condo, belongs to common area and managed by the juristic office. True cannot access and check these line without permission. True's tech can only check out the connection speed to a phone number at their local exchange.

The apartment owner or the juristic office would have their own tech to check out and service the phone line and connections within the building. You should first make your complain there. And you ask True to check out the connection speed for your phone line at the local exchange. If speed is okay at the exchange, but drops at your end, problem is somewhere along the phone line in the building.

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  • 5 months later...

Just pointing out the obvious - but there's nothing plugged into the same phone line that's not got a filter on it. (not necessarily a phone, but maybe an answering machine, or if I was in the UK a Sky box).

Had exactly what you're describing when there was an unfiltered phone on the line - every time it was picked up or a phone call was received, the ADSL connection was lost.

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For the past week or so I have had the same problem with True. My router is indicating normal but my computer tells me that I have no internet connection. Wait some time and the internet connection is restored without any action on my part.

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Sounds like it was not a TOT/modem issue but a computer driver/software problem...and if using a laptop wireless connection this type of connection can be very touchy due to laptop hardware specific issues.

I remember one time that ever time some Windows updates would automatically download/install (as I have it setup to do), I couldn't maintain a full wireless connection...I would have a connection to the router/modem but no IP/internet connection. Turns out it was the driver for my laptop's wireless chip; Windows would install an updated driver that supposedly would work OK but it wouldn't...I would have to roll back the driver and everything worked OK. After figuring this out, I just coded the Windows Update program not to download/install the specific driver that was giving me problems. Yeap, laptops can be very fickle about their drivers.

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OK thanks for the advise. Assuming that the intermitant connection is due to True's lines is there any point in me complaining to True (other than making me feel better!) I mean are they able to recify it at all?


Yes you should complain every time if fails... It has worked for me...

Rule out everything else first.

Rule out wifi problems - use a cable instead

Can you check the routers admin page and see if it is showing connection. Usually it is

I have had problems like that and I have two routers so I can rule out any problems from my side before I call them.


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DNS Servers...use google or openDNS. Google is faster from Thailand.

My ISP is TOT. I've got TOT's DNS server set as my primary DNS and never had a problem; I have Google DNS set as my secondary. For the longest time I just ran with just TOT DNS server (no backup preset servers) and had no problem. Other TOT DNS servers are or .132 or .133. I think the 130 thru 133 servers is what a person on a TOT plan automatically connects to when he does not have any specific DNS servers set/entered in this modem/TCP DNS settings.

DNS benchmarking programs reflect the TOT DNS servers are the fastest DNS servers available "for me" (remember I'm on a TOT internet plan and the TOT servers are in Thailand), with the Google Public DNS coming in 2nd (but not really a close second) since it has a regional server. I would guess that the DNS servers of whatever ISP (i.e., TOT, True, 3B, CAT, etc) a person is with will be their fastest DNS server, with Google DNS coming in 2nd. OpenDNS comes in s...l...o...w for me probably since it is located back in the States. And when it came to how reliable each DNS server was in terms of resolving web sites, for all practical purposes they were equal according to the benchmarking programs.

Sometimes I think we blame too many internet problems on DNS server problems when the cause of the problem is probably the person's computer, router, and/or a bad/noisy phone/DSL line. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure switching to DNS server XYZ fixes some peoples problems. Everybody's results (and opinions) will vary. Cheers.

Edited by Pib
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