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Hi all

Is it ok to feed our dog (a two year old shitzue), the BBQ Liver you see for sale on the small karts

at the side of the road, our dog just loves it.

we feed her two sticks of this every other day. as a treat.

is it good for them or not?


if you give her only dry food, than any real protein is to her benefit. You can try raw liver at 90 baht/kilo.

I do feed my dogs on lungs - 10baht/kilo or 10-20 baht/piece (depending how big). The cheapest meat (and not necessarily the freshest) is kept in the buckets under the tables (rather than on their tops) and not that many meat stalls would have them.

on the street market near me there are some 100 meat stalls, but only a handfull would sell lungs


Thanks for that.

Is it ok to give raw meat to dogs then, ? she gets bones to chew, ( that raw)

the bones are almost the same size as her, very funny to see her lug one around the garden.

but not fed her raw stuff before.

she get's fed dog food out a can with some dry dog food mix,

think the stuff from a tin (Caesars) is already cooked. (not 100% sure)


google fo rthe BARF (bones and raw foods ) diet; several members use this diet: nienke and crypto6 ...



For a raw diet you can start reading an article I wrote many moons ago: http://www.luckydogs.info/pdf/Feeding_your...natural_way.pdf

Now I don't feed the BARF diet anymore but follow the prey diet, meaning that I skipped feeding veggies but give solely meat bones and organs.

You can also check out the following links:




And a link to a Harvard study about kibble: http://leda.law.harvard.edu/leda/data/784/Patrick06.html

After reading this report, you may want to switch to a raw diet for your dog.

And as for feeding bones: NEVER feed any COOKED bones. Feeding RAW bones is fine and, if fed together with a sufficient amount of meat, it's much healthier than kibble or canned food.


I am feeding the dog raw food...chicken carcass, beef, pork, fish. With a little rice and finely chopped (or blended) veggie/fruits. Someone has already alluded to the BARF diet. She has never been better. When she was on those "high quality" dog food, it gave her allergies and skin problems. Now she is a picture of health. Apparently all bones (even fish) is OK as long as not cooked, and my dog will testify to that.


I feed my dog chicken, duck, quail, fat fish, beef, lamb, eggs. It's good to combine multiple types of bones, meat and organs from different species.

Here's a price list of what you'll pay for some of it on average in the supermarkets, thai markets will often have a slightly better price:

Quail: 175thb /kg

chickenleg: 65thb /kg

chickenbreast: 100thb /kg

lamb: 235thb /kg

Beefstew: 185thb /kg

catfish: 65thb /kg

chicken heart: 80thb /kg

chicken carcass: 40thb /kg


One point that i don't see mentioned above, stall BBQed chicken liver often has a salt mixture added to it for their human customers, if your dog it eating it often be aware of the increased salt intake.


Also I don't feed my cat and dog any pork meat because of the Aujesky disease. It's a very minor risk but it could kill them. Never feed them cooked bones! They start to splinter and can be very dangerous, raw bones only!


Thanks for the info about the salt in the BBQ liver. Cuban :)


so is Cooked pork ok, i have fed her this, if there was no BBQ liver on the karts at the side of the road. ?


I think cooked is ok yes. Try google if you want to be sure :)

It's a really really minor risk though... Even if it's in the meat the chance is small your dogs actually gets it... At least that's what I read. It would be horrible offcourse but I see soi dogs and cats chewing on pork heads all the time and they still live.


Cooking kills the virus. If I remember well, not less than 7 minutes cooking.

As Crypt36 already said, the chances a dog gets infected is extremely small. But once the dog or cat gets it chances are extremely high that it won't survive.

Strange actually as this is already for more than 20 years that there is no treatment for this disease. I've seen dogs being ill of the Aujeski virus. It is also called pseudo-rabies as may of the signs and symptoms are similar, except for the aggression part.

The dogs and cats got it after they ate raw tripe. It must have been that the tripe got contaminated in the slaughterhouse. Big mistake of the slaughterhouse, because they weren't and aren't allowed to use the same equipment for the pigs and cows. That was more than 20 years ago and in Holland.

We lost a few dogs and cats to the disease. One dog miraculously survived. Unfortunately the vet couldn't figure out why.

On the raw food forums there are sometimes heated discussions between those who absolutely never will feed raw pork to their pet, because of the risk of the Aujeski virus, and those who do.

so is Cooked pork ok, i have fed her this, if there was no BBQ liver on the karts at the side of the road. ?

you should give the muscles, as well as different organs and bones, each contain different nutrients. Liver contains the most - but at that same time, the most toxins.

you have to give different foods, from different animals - even the dry one from the shop, from time to time, to clean tooth.


at least one plus side to living in a jewish and muslem country that keeps kosher: pork is hard to get, too expensive, and ive never heard of this disease until today... a new one for us here.




Hi Guys

Thanks for all the addvice, A lot of reading on the raw food. :D

What i will do, is fed her on a mix of it all.

Raw meat 3 days a week, think i will stay away from raw pork, loads of chicken and beef from the markets, diferent types of.

Dog food out the can 2 days a week ( Caesar) a dry mix. she loves that.

Raw Bones and cooked food, thats meat we cook for us as well, no cooked bones. the rest of the time.

Treats of the kart, Liver, pork, chicken, fish.

Thanks again :)

Here's my 3 months old soipuppy feeding on a chickenleg and a small indian pacific tuna fish :)



omg! raw chicken! my dog stole it and ate it! tho i fed him enuff yuck now wot he shit on the desk-_-' hi-so!


Hehe well raw fed dog shit can be handled with your bare hands and doesn't smell and kibble fed dog shit is soft and smells awfull, makes you wanna puke so be happy with it!

Thanks you all for the replies. great advice.

Will look into this raw diet.

Thanks again every one :)

Mackeral is the best fish,about 40 baht per kilo.

My dog adores steamed fresh mackeral, it is his top favorite treat.

It was also the cat's favorite treat for many years until she saw me also give some to the dog....!

  • 1 month later...
I feed my dog chicken, duck, quail, fat fish, beef, lamb, eggs. It's good to combine multiple types of bones, meat and organs from different species.

Here's a price list of what you'll pay for some of it on average in the supermarkets, thai markets will often have a slightly better price:

Quail: 175thb /kg

chickenleg: 65thb /kg

chickenbreast: 100thb /kg

lamb: 235thb /kg

Beefstew: 185thb /kg

catfish: 65thb /kg

chicken heart: 80thb /kg

chicken carcass: 40thb /kg

Hey Crypt,

Thank you, that's good info. Great to see fellow raw feeders here in Thailand. I have a 4,5-month old Boston Terrier pup who has been on prey model raw since I got him at eight weeks of age. I would be interested in learning of any ideas to add diversity to his diet as well as find some reasonably priced meat sources. For the past couple of months I have been buying pretty expensive grocery store meats for him, S Pure chicken and pork and stuff. Do they sell whole quail somewhere? Where would I look for it? Sounds like it would be a good thing for a dog the size of mine (he's about 5 kgs) to sink his teeth into... as opposed to a whole chicken. A lot of people recommend cornish hens for smaller dogs on forums dedicated to raw feeding, but I've never seen cornish hens sold here in Thailand.

I've been told that on the prey model diet at least 50% of the meat intake should be red meat rather than poultry.. So I've been looking at lamb and stuff for variety. I have never seen lamb for 235 Baht per kilo though, all I see is imported lamb from Aus or NZ. Where should I look? Thanks in advance!


In the Makro, frozen meat section, you can get crocodile meat, lamb, ostrich, quail, different kinds of fish etc.

Other places for Lamb, I think you have to look in the Moslim area's. In Chiang Mai there is a market where they sell this meat (and/or goat?). Don't know about prices, though.

Be glad you have only 1 (smallish) dog. I have 2 big, 3 medium, and 2 small, plus several customer dogs eating raw. :)

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