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Is Increasing Violence Against Western People?


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Hi I ve recently seen several news about violent facts against western tourist and I would like to ask to the western expats living in Thailand wich is his opinion about the fact can we consider than the violence is increasing in Thailand or perhaps only in the touristic places such Phuket,Pattya,and similars thanks everybody for their attention :)

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News media principle: if it bleeds it leads. This seems to be the case in Thailand as well as many other places eg. Mexico, Greece. I have been living here (Phuket) about eight years now and have not noted any apparent increase in violence directed at farengs. There has always been local violence and the newsies love it, particularly if farengs are involved.

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I notice beggers rattle their cups at me with a little more energy than in the past, but nothing I can't handle.

If you want violence towards Westeners, go to Britain. We have plenty of people lining up to attack us there, and they have god on their side in many cases, the crazy savages.

I feel fine in BKK.

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Depends where you are and what you are after.

A man can get bashed in any country

or can live in any country.

Depends on your lifestyle.

That's true,nonetheless it seems violence is increasing worldwide methinks.

In Thailand too,but not necessarily against Farangs imo.

Today in Koh Chang, somebody i trust witnessed the arrest of two farangs who were apparently stealing from houses.

Crazy world isn't it,citizens of the so-called first world robbing stuff in the so-called third world :)

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After over 2 years, I've never had a confrontation with a Thai. Perhaps being big has been to my advantage, not sure...

Frankly, it was much more violent in Tasmania.

As for violence specifically against whites (racist violence), I think you'll mostly only get that in bars and so on, where it tends to attract a lot of Thais with poor character who already view whites as nothing but a walking ATM, thus if conflict breaks, they're more likely to throw in some racism and gang up on you.

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After over 2 years, I've never had a confrontation with a Thai. Perhaps being big has been to my advantage, not sure...

Frankly, it was much more violent in Tasmania.

As for violence specifically against whites (racist violence), I think you'll mostly only get that in bars and so on, where it tends to attract a lot of Thais with poor character who already view whites as nothing but a walking ATM, thus if conflict breaks, they're more likely to throw in some racism and gang up on you.

assie! Well of course, all those 'family arguments'.

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Been here 6 years now and yet to have an alltercation with any Thai, more likely to have it with another westener!!!

I agree .... the only thing more aggressive then the Farang are the bloody dogs!!!!! Many a Thai has not gotten any business from me because they have an unfriendly dog sleeping (pretending to sleep) in their doorway ... daah!! :)

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I notice beggers rattle their cups at me with a little more energy than in the past, but nothing I can't handle.

If you want violence towards Westeners, go to Britain. We have plenty of people lining up to attack us there, and they have god on their side in many cases, the crazy savages.

You are absolutely right, I know how awful the Brits are! :)

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