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We all know that Thais are far more Supersticious than the majority of us Farangs

Has your significant other related any of their personal experiences to you or any passed on through freinds or family? Can they be explained away by rational thinking or not?

Have YOU ever been spooked in LOS ?

I have been told that Thai's prefer to buy brand new homes than second hand ones because of the "Spirits that lurk within" resale properties, that is apparantly why they are harder to sell. Have any of YOU been influenced in your choice of home by your Partner because of this?

Do any of you beleive it or have been convinced that it is true in any way or have you just ploughed ahead regardless of what your Partner thinks?

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Ghosts will never be a fact.

Facts require solid evidence and as much as the believers will try and prove the existence of life after death, the nay sayers will refute their findings with just as much gusto.

Have I been spooked in LOS? Yes I have and very badly too.

Would I let my gf's superstitions influence our decisions? Maybe. It depends on the circumstances but shes a level headed girl.

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We all know that Thais are far more Supersticious than the majority of us Farangs

Has your significant other related any of their personal experiences to you or any passed on through freinds or family? Can they be explained away by rational thinking or not?

Have YOU ever been spooked in LOS ?

I have been told that Thai's prefer to buy brand new homes  than second hand ones  because of the "Spirits that lurk within" resale properties, that is apparantly why they are harder to sell. Have any of YOU  been influenced in your choice of home by your Partner because of this?

Do any of you beleive it or have been convinced that it is true in any way or have you just ploughed ahead regardless of what your Partner thinks?

Just bought a house last month, would have been perfectly fine just to renovate the place.

...The Wife insited that we tare the ###### thing down, and start fresh. She wanted even the dirt replaced. I don't know why I gave in, but I did. Cost about 15,000 Baht to destroy the place and another 15,000 Baht to have new dirt put in.

I think she used some kind of Jedi/Thai mind trick on me or something.

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Has your significant other related any of their personal experiences to you or any passed on through freinds or family? Can they be explained away by rational thinking or not?

Have YOU ever been spooked in LOS ?

Two years ago this month a good friend of mine from the US who was working in Phuket had a heart attack and passed away. Subsequently my GF and I spent 10 days in Phuket for the funeral, cremation, cleaning out his apartment, and shipping everything back to his family in the US.

When we arrived back to Bangkok and walked into the apartment, there was a sweet flowery perfume smell throughout the place. My GF could smell it too, and told me that this is this was the ghost of my friend, who had followed me home and showing his gratitude for taking care of him and his family.

It can't be explained away by rational thinking or logic because the apartment had been locked up tight and unoccupied for 10 days. A further check with the housekeeper revealed that she was there the day after we left, and had not been back because no one was there to mess anything up. So- no one had set foot in the apartment for 9 days.

I have told this story to many Thai people, and they all agree, tell me it is true.

Was I spooked? Not at all. If it was my friend, I am flattered by the experience knowing I did all right by him.

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My neighbors nephew was shot dead on the 16th of last month in Pattaya. They took his body to his home town where his parents live, had the funeral about four days, then had the cremation. when my neighbors came home things were moved around, and they heard sounds at night outside their home. They called a Temple in Surin, and three monks came to their home in Pattaya, to bless the home, say prayers, and according to my wife show his spirit the road back to his home. Was i spooked , No. Do i believe this? I don't know.

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My Wife was told by a freind of hers that went to help with the tusami releif operation that a Tuk Tuk driver picked up two Farangs walking along a road in Phuket and told him to take them to somewhere or other. He heard them laughing and joking but when he arrived the back seat was EMPTY. I am sure there is more of a story but that was just the gist of it.

Not for me to judge, its just what she was told.

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My Wife was told by a freind of hers that went to help with the tusami releif operation that a Tuk Tuk driver picked up two Farangs walking along a road in Phuket and told him to take them to somewhere or other. He heard them laughing and joking  but when he arrived the back seat was EMPTY. I am sure there is more of a story but that was just the gist of it.

Not for me to judge, its just what she was told.

it sounds like one of those urban legends

did the two Farangs left anything behind? most of the story would say that they would find a small tomb stone or maybe a scarf or something like that. this is just to make the story more juicy.

Explorer :o

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I'm don't believe in ghosts. but i'm not so sure I mean I've heard things in our house and can't explain it. People say it is your ming playing tricks on you. My cousin wanted to go to phuket for holiday, My wife pleaded with him not to go. She said because of all the people that died during the tsunami.

Who knows but all of us will indeed find out when we leave this earth.

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If you live in the "Ban Nook" you tend to believe in them more than big-city folks.

Personally, don't hold much regard for "ghosts". :o

:D Many people on this forum are too young to remember the Patpong bargirl story of the 70's about a well known hotel near Patpong. (Won't name it,here). In 69 or 70 there was a fire in that building. A black American who was a G.I. on vacation in Thailand was killed in the fire. Shortly after the hotel was renovated, a bargirl there with a "customer", woke up in the night needing to go to the toilet. When she opened the door, there was a black guy in the toilet, shaving. He said hello to her. She was spooked, slammed the door, and woke up her customer to ask who the black guy was. Together they went to toliet, opened the door, and no one was there. The girl told her friends at the bar, the story got around Patpong, and the bargirls who believed the story added a "surcharge" for anyone in that hotel. The story grew, and the gossip around Patpong was that over the next 3 or 4 years, a number of girls saw or talked to the "Ghost" of that black guy in the renovated wing of the hotel. The story gradually died away, as more people forgot the original event. Eventually, the Ghost stories and sightings stopped.


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I've "seen" and things in my life that I can't explain. whether they are ghosts, I don't know.

sometimes, I think it was me from another time looking at myself during a happier, more carefree time of my life.

if I had the ability to travel through time, I think I would like to travel back to my college days to just sit and watch myself then. the carefree times, no headaches, no problems, just being able to enjoy yourself.

ahhh. the memories... cruising down I-5 in my bright red trans-am. with my girlfriend at the time smiling at me with this great big smile. good memories..

life is great now. but there is something about first time experiences, first loves...

life is short. get those happy memories before it's too late....

ghosts from the past.

..sounds like a dickens novel.

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We all know that Thais are far more Supersticious than the majority of us Farangs

Has your significant other related any of their personal experiences to you or any passed on through freinds or family? Can they be explained away by rational thinking or not?

Have YOU ever been spooked in LOS ?

I have been told that Thai's prefer to buy brand new homes  than second hand ones  because of the "Spirits that lurk within" resale properties, that is apparantly why they are harder to sell. Have any of YOU  been influenced in your choice of home by your Partner because of this?

Do any of you beleive it or have been convinced that it is true in any way or have you just ploughed ahead regardless of what your Partner thinks?

Before we built our house my wife had someone inspect the land . Something about ghosts , bad luck , ect. . I asked what happens if there is something wrong with the land , She said that we cant build there . Im happy to say that there are no spirits . What a relief :o

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A few years ago I saw a house that had some very nice possibilities. Great location but had not been lived in for years. I asked about it and my girlfriend said that it had ghosts and that no one would EVER buy it. She was horrified when I told her that I never harmed anyone who died or any ghosts. She made it plain that there was nothing to talk about and to just forget ever seeing the property.

Recently I built an eight by eight meter shop. When digging the footings one of the workers dug into a jar. All work stopped and it took about an hour to dig around the jar so as not to damage it more than he had already. They managed to get it out in three pieces. It contained some bones and the monks had to be called to make sure the spirits in the jar were not upset. A day and a half and 300 baht later it was determined that we had done what we could, the spirits were happy and the work started again. I can't say I believe in spirits but when among those who do it is best to follow the local customs. LOL!

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They called a Temple in Surin, and three monks came to their home in Pattaya, to bless the home, say prayers, and according to my wife show his spirit the road back to his home.

Interesting (and amazing timing).. it appears as though thats what my sister says needs to happen with my dead wifes spirit.


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my ex-GF's mom, (who is half thai) seems to have a bunch of these stories that will just freak you out....

The one that I was most memorable to me, according to her, happened in the mid - late 70's before my ex's parents had her.

Their family owns a piece of property in which they built a small condo in downtown bangkok. It's actually still there, and I've been to the place. But anyways, here's how the story goes.

When my ex's parents got married, they moved into the 5th of the condo. They had a security gard which had worked for them for quite a while, and he basically became the property manager during his late years before he passed away. Well this guy lived in the apartment on the 4th floor, and he was basically really quiet. There was one yr when he was taking a trip home to the country side to visit his family and he was suppose to leave early so no one noticed if he had left of not.

It wasn't till about 2 days after he was suppose to leave that one of his family members called to see if he had left but could not get a hol do f him, so they called the office where they had thought he had left. It turned out the guy never woke up the morning he was suppose to go home. So they had a monk come over and take care of the proper arrangements and he was cremeted (sp?) and taken home by his family members.

Well about a week after the ceremonies were over, the strange sounds start aappearing. the first couple of day my ex's parents didn't notice it much, and they just thought there were both dreaming so they didn't talk to each other about it.

it was the 4th night wen they were both woken up with the sounds of thumping on the floor which sounded like a broom stick thumping on the ceiling from the floor below.

It was pretty loud so they were both a little startled. but the sound didn't last long and they went back to sleep. Here's the kicker, that apartment was being cleaned up, and the walls were being repainted so they thought it was a worker who had snuck in and was playing a trick on them. They went the next day to the forman, and was told the ainted had finished the day before and they cleared everything out, even the doors and windows were lock which were checked my the management as everything was moved out.

They left it at that but didn't investigate into it. The next night the same thing happened but this time it was louder. By now my ex's dad was really pissed, so he called the night manager to meet him at the door of the 4th floor apartment as he waited to catch the trickster in the act. They went in, saw nothing and they were perplexed as all teh doors and windows were locked.

When he went back u stairs they were pretty tired so they went back to sleep. as they were about to fall asleep, that's when the banging noise got really loud and heavy that they began to feel the floor physically shake, it got so strong that things in their room started to vibrate from the thumping on the floor. By this point they were simply scared shitless, and tey put on cloths and ran out of the apartment and went to the managers office where they stayed the night.

The next mrning they called the a spirit guy to come and look at the apartment and find out what the heck was going on. After looking into it, the guy said there's a vey angry spirit of a old man, and he's angry becasue everyone's been ignorning him. Needless to say, they figured out it was the property manager and they ask for another monk to come and guide the spirit home and to let him know that he was moved on.

After the monk came the second time, that never happened again. Ofcourse I'm not a full believer, but every time I hear or tell this story, I get chills down my spine, and I figured I'd share it with you guys, regardless if you believe it or not. :o

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  • 2 weeks later...

A place which i find very spooky is the rahja hotel in nana, soi 4. 2 men have committed suicide at this place, the last was around 2-3 years ago as i am led to believe, the other i dont know when that happened, the last chap jumped out of the window on the 15th floor into to the pool and had to be fished out of the blood red water, it is said he still wanders the corridors there, i have always been spooked when i stayed there so have not since. Another story is that a yung child went to the toilet downstairs near the restaurant and saw another child covered in blood talking to him, when the mother was informed(thai by the way) there was no sign of anyone being in there, i am not 1 for ghosts to be honest but some times i do wonder.


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ThaiPauly.. you are f###ing boring.. always as you are professional.

Only nine posts and you have already attacked the Prof and now ThaiPauly, who are both well established members here... Not the way to make friends is it sugar?

I actually think this is an interesting topic and my only experience was quite recently when I was staying in an old farmhouse in Nakhon Sawan with a friend and his wife.

I had woken up at sunrise and taken a photo of it through the curtains which were hanging... I went back to sleep for an hour or two (I'm a light sleeper BTW) and when I woke up I noticed that the curtains had been beautifully tied in a bow.

My friend said his wife would not have gone into the room if I had been in there sleeping and also that there had been a death there a long time ago and that I was not the first visitor to comment on strange goings on.

I didn't think I had any reason to be afraid, after all it wasn't the work of a dead murderer, more that of a dead interior dresser. :D:o

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I had woken up at sunrise and taken a photo of it through the curtains which were hanging... I went back to sleep for an hour or two (I'm a light sleeper BTW) and when I woke up I noticed that the curtains had been beautifully tied in a bow.

The general agreement is that its my wifes grandmother(dead) she seems to like to take care of guest's here. The last bloke that stayed in that room in the middle of the hot season reconed he had to get up in the night and put clothes on cos it was so cold quote " I've never been so cold in the night and I've never worn clothes to bed." He's a big bloke as well and turned the air off before going to sleep. We think she thought he was hot :o

There have been loads more here as well...nothing bad though :D

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