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When Bangkok Sinks Into The Sea, Where Shall The New Thai Capital Be?


When Bangkok sinks into the sea, where shall the new Thai capital be?  

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Cooling period? Last decade was the warmest in recorded history.

The 2000's were originally declared the warmest, then someone pointed out some 'mistakes', the numbers were re-crunched and the 1930's came out as the hottest. Of course, since then the numbers have been cherry picked and the 2000's is once again the hottest but then along came climategate and the IPCC lost whatever little creditability it had.

The Earth has been cooling for 2-3 years now and looks set to continue cooling in the near future coinciding with the Sun's decreasing activity. Yes, that huge ball of nuclear fusion in the sky, the thing that the Earth would fit into a million times drives our climate.

It is really shocking and incredibly ignorant in a knee jerk kind of way that so many people actually believe that the trivial so called "Climategate" thing means global warming isn't happening. Granted, it was a bad PR blow exploited by climate change deniers like a pack of wolves. Scientists aren't really natural PR people, they are scientists.

Edited by Jingthing
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Cooling period? Last decade was the warmest in recorded history.

The 2000's were originally declared the warmest, then someone pointed out some 'mistakes', the numbers were re-crunched and the 1930's came out as the hottest. Of course, since then the numbers have been cherry picked and the 2000's is once again the hottest but then along came climategate and the IPCC lost whatever little creditability it had.

The Earth has been cooling for 2-3 years now and looks set to continue cooling in the near future coinciding with the Sun's decreasing activity. Yes, that huge ball of nuclear fusion in the sky, the thing that the Earth would fit into a million times drives our climate.

It is really shocking and incredibly ignorant in a knee jerk kind of way that so many people actually believe that the trivial so called "Climategate" thing means global warming isn't happening. Granted, it was a bad PR blow exploited by climate change deniers like a pack of wolves. Scientists aren't really natural PR people, they are scientists.

The IPCC have been caught manipulating data time and time again, Climategate is just the tip of the iceberg.

What is shocking is the way that people have been scared into thinking that fluctuations in climate are somehow unnatural, that it's all OUR fault and we are going to die if we don't pay carbon tax and submit to carbon rationing NOW.

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"Thanks to the ClimateGate instigator, whoever you are. The Australian people owe you a fortune.

Somehow the God of Reason has smiled upon us and our democratically elected leaders are hesitating to give away $7 billion dollars of voters' money annually (and ad infinitum) to foreign forces in the hope of changing the weather."

- Joanne Nova, Australian blogger.

The whole "man-made global warming" scam simply demonstrates how many uninformed people are prepared to enter the pathetic race to grovel before the priesthood of political correctness, which is principally what this scam represents.

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The very real threat to some areas of the Thai coastline is not due to increasing sea levels. They are due to erosion, often exacerbated by manmade structures or destruction of natural protection. Many places around the world have similar problems. The California coast at Malibu is probably the most high profile example.


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Yep this isn't a global warming issue, Bangkok is sinking with or without changing sea levels. They built skyscrapers on a river delta and then sucked out all the ground water. Eventually some of those really tall buildings will tilt and crack, and that is going to be a bigger problem than building dykes and pumping stations. I don't know how far you have to move from Bangkok before you get away from problem. The airport has a similar problem and it is outside of Bangkok. As far as I can remember Ayutayah is also a flat area full of ground water. this is one of the reason's I suggested Sriracha. Best access to shipping rail and air, and bedrock instead of mud.

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The very real threat to some areas of the Thai coastline is not due to increasing sea levels. They are due to erosion, often exacerbated by manmade structures or destruction of natural protection. Many places around the world have similar problems. The California coast at Malibu is probably the most high profile example.


LOOK Jing a voice of sanity not hysteria. Checkout the Mangroves of Bangkok........................... wassat theyre all gone!! oooops wonder what mangroves do???

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The very real threat to some areas of the Thai coastline is not due to increasing sea levels. They are due to erosion, often exacerbated by manmade structures or destruction of natural protection. Many places around the world have similar problems. The California coast at Malibu is probably the most high profile example.


LOOK Jing a voice of sanity not hysteria. Checkout the Mangroves of Bangkok........................... wassat theyre all gone!! oooops wonder what mangroves do???

Depends on whether you place your confidence in the overwhelming opinion of mainstream science. Or the flat earthers. Up to you.

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JT before you run off on your daily polling initiative, take a look first in the newsclipping to see if the topic has (like this one) been covered already.

Is there another poll on this topic, my dear?

No Poll JT because someone had the foresight to realize polling a bunch of farangs about where the Thai capital should be if the city is underwater makes about as much sense as asking a bunch of Thais where the US capital should move to in the event that it floods.

But carry on mate. Be sure to submit your findings to the Thai Gov't once you are done.

This is a forum mainly for non-Thai expats in Thailand. We talk about things Thai here. For discussion purposes. This is a Thai thing.

Jing,dont think he likes you much,always butting in to your posts with crap.Never mind,his house wil be underwater and his team will be drowned too

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Jing,dont think he likes you much,always butting in to your posts with crap.Never mind,his house wil be underwater and his team will be drowned too

This is a good time to post this information. Due to a long running and exceedingly annoying (from my point of view) personal conflict between the poster bkkjames and myself, I am now ignoring all of this posts from here to eternity. This means I will never reply to any of his posts ever again. I think this is the best thing for both of us and also for the members here (such personal spats aired publicly are ultimately VERY BORING to readers). I tried to resolve this civilly between the two of us by PM and without mod involvement, but I was not successful. To be clear, I am not saying that poster doesn't sometimes have valuable things to say, its just that the communication between us shows we have irreconsilable differences. I am very sorry to have bored you here with this info but I thought some people might want to know the reason behind the future lack of replies.

Now back to the topic. Thank you and sorry again for boring you!

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Thankfully it worked.

I am thinking of doing a poll on whether or not the act of excessive polling is trolling but haven't got the heart to involve the TV authorities yet.

I once suggested a poll about which poll of a certain poster was best, worst, funny, sad - unfortunately I couldn't quite relate it to Thailand and thought better not to proceed.

Regarding when Bangkok Sinks, where should the new capital be?, me thinks that unless it happens overnight, they will have time to debate it, study it, taste it and perhaps protest about it long before the previously-suggested date of sunken-ness to allow us to

1) build a big wall around the city

2) increase the sinking funds of every condo

3) import a lot of sand from Dubai

4) drill a bunch of holes to the core of the earth.

5) find a new location

If I had to guess which option would be chosen, I would say number 2. Not exactly a poll I know but feel free to add your own suggestions.

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Jing,dont think he likes you much,always butting in to your posts with crap.Never mind,his house wil be underwater and his team will be drowned too

This is a good time to post this information. Due to a long running and exceedingly annoying (from my point of view) personal conflict between the poster bkkjames and myself, I am now ignoring all of this posts from here to eternity. This means I will never reply to any of his posts ever again. I think this is the best thing for both of us and also for the members here (such personal spats aired publicly are ultimately VERY BORING to readers). I tried to resolve this civilly between the two of us by PM and without mod involvement, but I was not successful. To be clear, I am not saying that poster doesn't sometimes have valuable things to say, its just that the communication between us shows we have irreconsilable differences. I am very sorry to have bored you here with this info but I thought some people might want to know the reason behind the future lack of replies.

Now back to the topic. Thank you and sorry again for boring you!

Not boring Jing,just noticed his constant bickering at any of your posts or replies.Best bet is to ignore this type of poster

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I want to say I am happy this topic came up.

If my memory serves me right in the 1990s there was talk of relocating the capital for various reasons and there was a place already picked out I will research for that later.

The big reason i find this so interesting is I think this 2010 rainy season will be a big test on Bangkok viability to keep the water at bay. Up country where all the floods happen there has been extensive work done at dredging the rivers and digging away at the banks of the rivers making them deeper and wider so the water flows south and doenot flood the northern areas.

All the water during flood season that in the past was absorbed by rice fields, jungle rural areas etc is now going to keep flowing south and end up in Bangkok.I feel this will be a real test. I actually wanted to make a post about this but was unsure how to approach it.

I will leave it at that and go searching for info on where it was they had discussed moving the capital too in the past.

Edited by lovelomsak
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The very real threat to some areas of the Thai coastline is not due to increasing sea levels. They are due to erosion, often exacerbated by manmade structures or destruction of natural protection. Many places around the world have similar problems. The California coast at Malibu is probably the most high profile example.


LOOK Jing a voice of sanity not hysteria. Checkout the Mangroves of Bangkok........................... wassat theyre all gone!! oooops wonder what mangroves do???

Depends on whether you place your confidence in the overwhelming opinion of mainstream science. Or the flat earthers. Up to you.

Mainstream science once said the earth was flat!!!

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The very real threat to some areas of the Thai coastline is not due to increasing sea levels. They are due to erosion, often exacerbated by manmade structures or destruction of natural protection. Many places around the world have similar problems. The California coast at Malibu is probably the most high profile example.


LOOK Jing a voice of sanity not hysteria. Checkout the Mangroves of Bangkok........................... wassat theyre all gone!! oooops wonder what mangroves do???

Depends on whether you place your confidence in the overwhelming opinion of mainstream science. Or the flat earthers. Up to you.

Mainstream science once said the earth was flat!!!

No they did not.

Mainstream western educated philosophy (not sure you could call it science back then) in ancient Greece, the year 400 Before Christ, believed the earth was spherical. Not flat. Pay attention to the mainstream scientists, sir!


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The problem is, when you take other's data that is defective to begin with, the output is also defective.


The temp increase can be shown from cherry picking the data to prove the Theory.

Hide the decline. :)

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Mainstream science once said the earth was flat!!!

No they did not.

Mainstream western educated philosophy (not sure you could call it science back then) in ancient Greece, the year 400 Before Christ, believed the earth was spherical. Not flat. Pay attention to the mainstream scientists, sir!


Do you ever read the articles you post?? Never did I mention the Christian aspect of believeing in a flat Earth in the Middle Ages. Here from the first paragraph of your link

Various cultures have had conceptions of a flat Earth, including ancient Babylon, Ancient Egypt, pre-Classical Greece and pre-17th century China. This view contrasts with the realization first recorded around the 4th century BC by natural philosophers of Classical Greece that the Earth is spherical.

The false belief that medieval Christianity believed in a flat earth has been referred to as The Myth of the Flat Earth

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Yes I read it. I stand by it. Western mainstream philosophy from WAY BACK knew the earth was not flat. Deal with it.

Nothing to deal with I NEVER mentioned "Western Science" you did? OK I quit banging my head up the wall lets try to move on, how about the other article done by a scientist on the ground NOT with computer simulations you have never commented on that??? Nils-Axel Morner let me guess he is a Maverick lunatic?

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Nils-Axel Morner let me guess he is a Maverick lunatic?

Yes, it appears the man is quite a major league KOOK!

So who is Nils-Axel Mörner, and how is he able to see these things that every other scientist in the world can’t?

Well, in addition to his activities “debunking” climate change, Mörner is also an enthusiast of dowsing and water witching.

And he has some very weird ideas about archaeology. See here, here, here, and here.

And he is associated with fringe wacko/antisemite/conspiracy theorist Lyndon LaRouche. Here’s an interview (PDF) he did with the LaRouche publication Executive Intelligence Review.

And he is an “allied expert” with the Natural Resources Stewardship Project, a group that is controlled by energy industry lobbyists.

Verdict: there may be credible scientists raising valid objections to anthropogenic climate change theory, but Nils-Axel Mörner is not one of them. He’s a raving kook.

And it gets worse; in 2004 Mörner misrepresented his professional position in a presentation to the Russian Academy of Sciences:

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Back to the subject of where to put the capitol when BKK sinks.

Hua Hin is the natural choice, already has has a summer palace there. So it is apparent that ( I will not mention who) likes it there. And it already has overcrowded roads so all the BKK drivers will feel right at home.

On second thought never mind. :)

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And it already has overcrowded roads so all the BKK drivers will feel right at home.

On second thoughts, you're right - Hua Hin has everything needed to make it into the capital.

Apart from the crowded roads it has: high prices, aggressive and surly locals, intrusive Indian tailors, multiple rip-offs, a venal and corrupt police force, and a high incidence of unpleasant overweight farangs on zimmer frames tottering down ruined pavements with a small dark-skinned 'friend' hanging on to their Rolex-clad arm.

As far as I know, the Nigerian scammers haven't made it there yet, but I'm sure that'll come too. I don't think Hua Hin stands for Hel_l Hole, but it should. Unless you already live in Pattaya, of course.

Edited by RickBradford
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