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New Police Scam Or Old?


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I once was stopped in a police stop in bkk while driving in a friends car (thai) at night. They checked her license and then saw me in the back. Supposably they asked her where I was from and what we were doing (they talked in thai). The police then asked if I had my passport with me, I didn't. They asked how long I've stayed in thailand, but then just waved us through. No hussle, he just said next time take passport. Come to think of it I would have even had a copy of it in my wallet, but I forgot about that then.

Not everything is a conspiracy.

Edited by coronadian
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I was asked many times for my passport to be checked by Thai police or Army troops at the checkpoint going to Cambodia ,the only other time I was checked when the police stopped a bus I was on checking all farangs after the bank robbery by some Russians in Pattaya, in which they murdered a police officer about 6-7 years ago.

Why are normal doing their duty is seen as a scram by farangs, if you were not complying with the law of proving you are in the country legally, Who would be at fault you or the policeman?

A scam would be a attempt to extort money, which by your description of the incident never happened, I can not tell your the number of times I have been stopped by US police to be checked in affluent neighborhoods as a suspicious person, when I have never been stopped in ethnic neighborhoods for the same reason. Most of you would agree that the US officers were doing their job. but when it happens to you there has to be another sinister motive!


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A few months back they were stopping traffic looking for illegal Burmese. One of the guys saw me in my car and came over. Asked where I was going, I answered like my wife does with a generic La-Un. That's a big area :) , asked me if I had a passport. It's always in the car. He looked through it handed it back, saluted and waved me on my way.

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What was wrong with that?

You must have your passport with you all the time. Police is checking if the Visa is still valid. That is normal. I know several bad guys who stay without visa in Thailand.

It is not necessary to carry your passport, a copy will do.

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A while ago a friend and i were walking past asok intersection when we noticed 2 police shaking down 2 thais on a motocyc, As one of them put the money in his pocket and they were walking away they noticed usand shouted...you where you go, Then they asked for our passports ...my friend directly pulled out his thai dl but i kept my wallet in my front pocket and asked to see his police ID, He went balistic but i just repeated i need to see your ID, he then screamed i am thai police...you farang...can do anything i want with you! and kept repeating it as they walked away backwards to thier motocyc and rode away,

btw i also never carry my passport but do carry my thai dl

This was a VERY bold move...

Hate to think what might have happened if things went the other way..

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A while ago a friend and i were walking past asok intersection when we noticed 2 police shaking down 2 thais on a motocyc, As one of them put the money in his pocket and they were walking away they noticed usand shouted...you where you go, Then they asked for our passports ...my friend directly pulled out his thai dl but i kept my wallet in my front pocket and asked to see his police ID, He went balistic but i just repeated i need to see your ID, he then screamed i am thai police...you farang...can do anything i want with you! and kept repeating it as they walked away backwards to thier motocyc and rode away,

btw i also never carry my passport but do carry my thai dl

This was a VERY bold move...

Hate to think what might have happened if things went the other way..

Yes in hindsight it was a little bold also there were a few farangs standing on the walkway above us and the police noticed them watching the whole scene...this might be the reason they backed off, I think you find the worst of everything in sukhumvit,

A little OT but i drive both car and motorcycle daily since 4 years and have run into these money collecting road blocks more times than i could count, I always ask for the ID before handing my dl over ....i refuse to get into the criminal act of giving cash but am quite willing to take a ticket, I have had 2 tickets in 4 years ...1 for speeding of which i was guilty and another for not being in the left lane on the motocyc but infact i was turning right and had my indicator on,

In the past i have read many times about fake police and for this reason i think its acceptable to ask for the ID...i also tell this to the police.

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I was in a taxi on the way to Central Bangna a couple weeks ago with my colleague, and the police stopped us in the same way, asking to see my passport (I had not shaved in a while so have a rather bushy beard, good sign of a potential terrorist :)) But my friend explained I was a guest at his place and my passport was there, yadda yadda... and they let us go... I don't think it's a scam, just some routine check they have to do...

Edited by eTiMaGo
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I was in a taxi on the way to Central Bangna a couple weeks ago with my colleague, and the police stopped us in the same way, asking to see my passport (I had not shaved in a while so have a rather bushy beard, goos sign of a potential terrorist :)) But my friend explained I was a guest at his place and my passport was there, yadda yadda... and they let us go... I don't think it's a scam, just some routine check they have to do...

Depends on the police officer. And if you have a Thai with you, it's much easier to avoid tea money. But for a farang alone that gets stopped at a checkpoint, they're more likely to have to pay. Happens all the time in certain areas. One friend has been stopped at the checkpoints while in a cab several times without his passport on him. He refuses to pay anything, and demands they take him to his apartment a block away to look at the passport, or take him to the police station. Needless to say, they let him go after 5 or 10 minutes once they realize he's not going to be intimidated in to paying, as they aren't really interested in if his passport is up to date or not and they don't want to miss out on easier targets.

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Been driving here 8 years and have only once been asked for my passport which was not opened.

About speeding, Its natural to me, when I go far flung places , I get a ticket and keep it for the rest of the trip, I keep showing it to any new checkpoints. They usually laugh at me and say som nan na.

I have been waved through at 3am at places like chumphon, driving alone to samui without so much as a dl check.

And have I mentioned that I big bined black fella?

The cops here are nicer than in other places I have been.

Let me give you a trick to beat them cops.

Police: poot pasat thai dai mai khap?

you: (shake your head from right to left couple of time) and say No

he will wave you along.

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as they aren't really interested in if his passport is up to date or not and they don't want to miss out on easier targets.

As a foot note, most cant read english anyway...... but i suppose the visa is in thai, but suspect many have never seen a visa to start off with.

Had one ask me in Tinglish for my "diver license", and seemed quite content to look at my PADI card carefully inspecting it, and returning with no comment ( true story ) :)

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Not a SCAM, just men at work. Jeez! a bit oversensitive or what?

I tend to carry my Thai driving licence more than my passport as it contains my passport number so if they want to check they can. Never had a problem in nearly 4 years.

I love these OPs where you are waiting for the punch line, and there isn't one.

I carry my Thai driving licences (both of them) and my Passport, always have since about 1992, prior to that I wasnt even aware I was supposed to carry it.Am I being paranoid, no, its just that everyone in brown is out to get me. Except the police on the tollways from Bang Phli into Param IV, because generally my wife is with me and they have learned not to mess with her :).

My gut feeling is the BiB wanted some cash, but then whenever I have been stopped that was the reason. But, I agree with other posters, its not actually a scam per se, in that they are in the right to ask for your ID.

Incidentally the 'laminated passport/photo copy' didnt work for me one time, luckily I was right outside my hotel at the time, and could produce my passport "in a reasonable time frame"

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What was wrong with that?

You must have your passport with you all the time. Police is checking if the Visa is still valid. That is normal. I know several bad guys who stay without visa in Thailand.

Can you carry a photo copy of your passport and your Thai visa stamp with you instead of your passport.?

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Seems like at least half the posters here have no idea that Thai people all know that the police are regularly extorting money from Thais. Its on the news! How can you all miss it, I was shocked that they can openly report it on the news showing video of police scams and extortion in action. Things are changing for the better I guess if they are able to rub their faces in it on National television. Seems like a lot of you are not connected to the reality that is Thailand at all. Maybe watch some news with a translator handy?

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The police man asked for your passport, BUT DID NOT OPEN IT?!?! That is the final proof that Thailand is the holy hub of scams! Maybe the police man decided not to wait any longer because your daughter looked scared? Maybe he had a hangover and gave up. Maybe he just felt bored? No, a policeman approaching you and doing his job, there must be a scam.

You hear already about the new new year scam?

I was driving through the village two days after new year. Police man at the intersection singled me out and showed I had to open the window. He put his white gloved hand through the window and said: Happy New Year!

Can I enter this for ther annual contest of Scam of the Year? The first prize is a massive dose of paranoia.

Happy New Year!

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Hardly a scam

But then again most expats on here think claiming ownership of a new scam is like winning the lottery or playin trick or treat in Kansas

I'd suggest your brain might have reached Dreamworld a little bit ahead of time :)

Edited by ozzieovaseas
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  • 2 weeks later...
What was wrong with that?

You must have your passport with you all the time. Police is checking if the Visa is still valid. That is normal. I know several bad guys who stay without visa in Thailand.

It is wrong because it is not practical to carry your passport everywhere. It can be lost or stolen. It is a stupid law that is outdated. Our passports have important work visas for other countries so I NEVER TAKE MY PASSPORT OUT WITH ME FOR FEAR OF LOSING IT. The Thai filth bet on this, that most farang do not carry their passport. They leave it at their hotel and are thus the police are exploiting a loophole in police powers. THAT IS WHAT WRONG WITH IT YOU SANCTIMONIOUS prat. You should never carry your passport when out drinking or in a strange city. A UK/ European/USA passport is worth several thousand pounds to criminals and others including terrorists. Get real. Stop defending the corrupt Thai police. They are hated by the Thais so maybe you should get on side with the people of Thailand or donate your passport to an Al Qaeda cell.

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