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Thailand Donates $20000 To Haiti


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Find it odd that this 'story' is being reported by the pattaya daily News yet there is nothing in the on-line version if the Bangkok post. now which paper has the most credibility??

This is a trick question..... right ???

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There are about 10 million people in Haiti, the unemployment rate was about 70% before this and there are relatively high rates of disease. It is a failed stated that the United States and United Nations has been helping survive for years due to decades of government corruption. Donor fatigue is a problem with Haiti. The other country on the island they share has increased border guards to prevent an influx of refugees and I have heard nothing of any help coming from them.

From what is being reported, under the circumstances, volunteers of Thai Doctors and medical supplies will be far more valuable to the Haitians than baht. Hospitals and clinics have been destroyed and a lot of people are dying for lack of any medical care.

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Suggest you google 'thaiand donate $20,000 and see what comes up. Some pretty angry people out there.


That comes up with one youtube video, with 34 views and a handful of comments from the usual idiots. Oh, and this thread if you change the search a bit. No one knows or cares how much or if Thailand donates to anyone.

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I see the mighty Messiah Obama has agreed to donate 100 million to Haiti. Not bad till you consider he has agreed to donate 18 BILLION to Israel in aid and gave wall st bankers 3 TRILLION ? :D You go figure. Thailand has done something at least. just how many people slagging off Thailands donation have actually put their hand in their pocket and sent money ? :)

I have. Have you?

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Last time I checked, Haiti was the poorest country on earth (or at least in the bottom ten). That was before the quake. There is no comparison between the wealth of Thailand and Haiti. Thai nationalists want this country to be taken seriously in the world. That involves engagement with the world.

BTW, there was indeed massive international aid to Indonesia which was hit in non-western-tourist areas, so that theory that Thailand got help because of the dead tourists doesn't cut it.

You are absolutely right JT. I was going to write the same thing , but you beat me to it.

Haiti, as far as I know, is seen as the poorest country in the world, so to expect any donation from them for almost anything is just not fair. These poor people live in squalor . Unlike the average Thai and definately unlike the average Mercedes Benz driving Bangkokian.

It is official that donations to Haiti have been the highest ever for this type of disaster, so the colour of the skin was defifately NOT a factor for the vast majority of civlized peoples particularly as usual from America (thank God).

And to remind us what Thailand pledged $20,000 bucks. Patheically shameful, smug and selfish. The good old "I'm all right Jack" syndrome.

Do I think the fact that most Haitians are black had anything to do with the embarrassing joke of an offering from Thailand ....Do fish swim?

They don't need to know where Haiti is. Most Thais I know have True Vision UBC and a TV or two around the home and most can read newspapers as well.

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So mate but that's a very poor arguement when Haiti i believe is one of the three poorest countries in the world with one in four of it's children suffering from malnutrition. You'll have to do whole lot better than that.

BTW, it's next to the Dominican Republic :)

Yeah, they're all very poor there. Did you see the pictures of the presential palace? It's just another corrupt tin pot little country where the rich and powerful have bled the average people dry, and expect a handout when something happens. It would be interesting to see just how much the rich Haitians give to their poor countrymen compared to how much foreign aid they skim off. Not unlike Thailand in that respect. Foreign aid - poor people in rich countries giving money to rich people in poor ones.

Maybe they could sell their voodoo secrets in Thailand to the highest bidder. Both shirt colours would love to get their hands on them.

I tend to agree with this too. Unfortunately it is all too prevalent around the world, even more so in 3rd world and devloping countries (like Thailand) where they can least afford corruption of this type

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I personally think charity begins at home. Being from the UK, it amazes me how there is no money to resolve UK issues but suddenly millions and millions for some tin pot meaningless craphole which no-one would miss were it swallowed up by the ocean. That Thailand chose to give anything is amazing and perhaps right that Thailand's donations are of the order of very little in monetary terms. Thailand does not care about Haiti and why should they ? Now if Thailand receives aid, then the waters become more murky but even the USA would accept help say after the flooding of New Orleans etc.

I think people should get off Thailand's case. Now if you could stop UK donations, I'd happily sign up.

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I think it's also important to see the amount Thailand has donated in the past to other countries.....

$50000 USD to Vietnamese typhoon victims

$100,000 FOR TYPHOON FRANK VICTIMS (Philippines)

100,000 US dollars and rice for people affected by earthquakes in Indonesia

US $25,000 for Hurricane Dean Reconstruction (Jamaica)

$20,000 to Haiti seems in-line with Thailands "usual" donation amounts. It's a pitty that Thailand is more of a taker than a giver considering how much Thailand depends on the internationl community.....

I must admit, there seems to be alot of taking in this place......no pun intended.

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suddenly millions and millions for some tin pot meaningless craphole which no-one would miss were it swallowed up by the ocean.

That is the verbal equivalent of kicking a dying man lying the street.

We aren't talking here about the corruption of Haitian governments or the international importance of the small nation of Haiti or even the politics of foreign aid. We are talking about hundreds of thousands of people in shocking pain surrounded by the stench of 50,000 corpses (their friends and relatives), at risk of dying in days of things easily fixed (food, water, basic medical care to prevent infections, security to stop the machete gangs). There is no government there anymore that can do anything for good or evil. Just the basics. Dying human beings who are crying for help. You are no better than them even though you were lucky enough not to be born in a tin pot.

Your other point, I agree there isn't much point in spanking Thailand over this. My feeling is that they gave something cynically just to get their name on the list of donor nations. That amount, it really wasn't from the heart. As I said before, they shouldn't have mentioned it. In any case, its peanuts and probably not worth a whole lot of discussion (the Thailand aspect of it).

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Suggest you google 'thaiand donate $20,000 and see what comes up. Some pretty angry people out there.


That comes up with one youtube video, with 34 views and a handful of comments from the usual idiots. Oh, and this thread if you change the search a bit. No one knows or cares how much or if Thailand donates to anyone.

Give it time

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I'm not having this. There's no way they would donate such a paultry sum :)

So true. As just one person I know that have injected more than that into the thai economy. I bought land (well with my wife) built a home furnished it and spend money everyday. I am just one person how many other farangs are like me? What the Thai government has given is less than 10% that I have given them

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Haiti's neighbors the Dominican Republic on the same island is now providing hospital care with U.S. helicopters flying the injured from Haiti to hospitals on the Dominican Republic side of the island. The wife of the President of the Dominican Republic arrived this morning in Haiti and said they are also a poor nation but will provide what they can but their support would be more in terms of workers/services. Haiti needs immediate monetary, materials, and services support from the world for food, water, health care and rescue efforts.

It sure takes a long time from when the aid is needed until its finally delivered. The USS Comfort hospital ship is finally stocked up and on its way to Haiti after interrupting maintenance from its previous assignment to Haiti.

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I think it's great that one third world country can provide any support to another third world country following a natural disaster.

Quite simply, their economies are not comparable.

Thailand (largest exporter of rice in the world)

"an emerging economy and considered as a Newly Industrialized Country" Wiki

2008 GDP - per capita (PPP): $8,400 USD

Haiti (home of voodoo tourism)

"By most economic measures, Haiti is the poorest country in the Americas." Wiki

2009 per capita of 790 USD, about $2 per person per day

In any case this isn't a matter of permanent foreign aid, its an emergency response, such as the world did for Thailand after the tsunami.

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Ok guys, we will be hosting a charity dinner/auction here in bangkok on the 6th of feb in cordination with doctors without borders and red cross 100% of ticket sales and money raised will be donated, pm me if anyone is interested in more info, i would post more but i think the mods will pull it down.

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Perhaps its a better idea for Thailand to give free Mali rice , so they don't have to spend there so

beloved money , I think its a big joke to give 20k after Thailand itself received hundreds of millions aid itself ....

But to give a couple of tons of rice would be very considerate and appreciated .

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