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Why Do Limey Brits Live In Thailand

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Actually the correct is Full English Breakfast - beats a petite dejuner or pancakes with Maple Syrup anyday - also a great hangover cure


It doesnt beat fruit, orange juice and vegemite on toast :D

warm beer, greasy food, <deleted> rugby team, <deleted> cricket team, but the north of the country is absolutely beautiful (where the bairn lives :D )


Nah the orange juice makes you throw up if your pissed :D

highly unusual to find a pissed pom :D:D

Are Scots poms also - I though it was only the English Prisoner of Mother England???? The English could never catch enough Jocks to make up a shipload!!

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Actually the correct is Full English Breakfast - beats a petite dejuner or pancakes with Maple Syrup anyday - also a great hangover cure


It doesnt beat fruit, orange juice and vegemite on toast :D

warm beer, greasy food, <deleted> rugby team, <deleted> cricket team, but the north of the country is absolutely beautiful (where the bairn lives :D )


Nah the orange juice makes you throw up if your pissed :D

highly unusual to find a pissed pom :D:D

Are Scots poms also - I though it was only the English Prisoner of Mother England???? The English could never catch enough Jocks to make up a shipload!!


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A sense of adventure and curiosity made me an ex-pat for over 30 years.

The education system, the language and my English family drew us back to the UK.

Now I treat the UK as a foreign land – do you know all the books in an English library are printed in English? I can talk to the old dear next door or the young girl in the supermarket and we all understand each other – it’s amazing. You can also watch films on Television without subtitles.

Still I miss LOS – she also is family.

Therefore we return and stay as often and as long as we can afford.

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Yup, I agree with pretty much everything said about the UK as regards weather, bland food, high taxes, lack of democracy and so on, but I'm not blind to its merits, such as sport, theatre etc. However, life is a compromise, and all told, I'd much rather live in Phuket than anywhere in Britain.

Jackr, the word 'limey' dates from the 18th century, when scurvy was rife in the Royal Navy, and sailors would eat limes and rub them over their gums to get enough Vitamin C to stop their teeth falling out etc. The word was supposedly coined by Brits about the RN and later adopted by Americans, but I don't suppose anyone will ever really know. So a 'limey brit' is a tautology (yeah, I know - so what if it is?)

Just while I'm in truly anal retentive mood, the word 'pom' ('Prisoner of Mother England' or 'Prisoner of His Majesty', depending on who you believe) probably originally excluded Scots prisoners, because (if you can stay awake): English prisoners were originally sold as slaves to plantation owners etc in the Americas in the 17th century, which predates the 1701 (I think) Act of Union which joined England and Scotland. When Africans later began selling their own people (sorry its not pc, but its the truth) as slaves, they undercut the English, who then began using Australia. Market forces were more influential than the anti-slavery lobby. I think I need to lie down and drink. Life's too short for this.

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Yup, I agree with pretty much everything said about the UK as regards weather, bland food, high taxes, lack of democracy and so on, but I'm not blind to its merits, such as sport, theatre etc. However, life is a compromise, and all told, I'd much rather live in Phuket than anywhere in Britain.

Jackr, the word 'limey' dates from the 18th century, when scurvy was rife in the Royal Navy, and sailors would eat limes and rub them over their gums to get enough Vitamin C to stop their teeth falling out etc. The word was supposedly coined by Brits about the RN and later adopted by Americans, but I don't suppose anyone will ever really know. So a 'limey brit' is a tautology (yeah, I know - so what if it is?)

Just while I'm in truly anal retentive mood, the word 'pom' ('Prisoner of Mother England' or 'Prisoner of His Majesty', depending on who you believe) probably originally excluded Scots prisoners, because (if you can stay awake): English prisoners were originally sold as slaves to plantation owners etc in the Americas in the 17th century, which predates the 1701 (I think) Act of Union which joined England and Scotland. When Africans later began selling their own people (sorry its not pc, but its the truth) as slaves, they undercut the English, who then began using Australia. Market forces were more influential than the anti-slavery lobby. I think I need to lie down and drink. Life's too short for this.

Well some things never change 300 years on and Tony Blair is still selling us to the Yanks

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Cumberland sausage, black pudding

No need to go to the UK for those - Yorkies in Jomtien make them.

UK has arguably the widest range of ethnic food in the world.  Greek, Mexican, Italian, Russian ... the list goes on
I'll agree with you on that one - from my house in London, I can get to two Indians, a Thai, a Chinese, a kebab shop and a Fried chicken place without crossing a road.

Add in crossing one road, and you get into exotic things like Ethiopian cuisine.

Thai food is nice, and ultra-cheap here, but there is a bit of a lack of selection.

Taxation - very high.  Income tax itself is not too bad but that, of course, is only the tip of the iceberg.  Total lack of imagination on the part of successive governments has brought things to the point where road transport bears the brunt of taxation while the roads become ever more undrivable.  We don't have 'local' income tax (yet) but we do have the iniquitous 'council tax', which seems to increase by leaps and bounds every year.  In short, UK is becoming a very expensive place to live.

Now to one of the main reasons I left the UK. Tax is getting totally ridiculous there.

And while Germany and France are lowering their taxes, the UK is going the opposite direction. (and what people in the UK don't seem to realise - a married couple in Germany and France where the wife stays home and looks after the kids paid LESS tax than in the UK, and that was before they started lowering the tax rates).

Also I dread to think how much it costs now in the UK to fill up a car with petrol. I do wish Thailand would lower some of their import duties though, so that big flat-screen TVs and imported cars were a bit cheaper...

I'm a 'hansum man' here but back in UK I'm just an old git!

I'm not an old git back in the UK (yet), but did get a surprise on my honeymoon when a shop assistant said "Lor" on seeing me, and thought my wife was kidding when she said it meant handsome. (until I checked the dictionary).

I think it's something to do with Thai's seeing lighter skin as a factor in beauty. Some honestly do think we're handsome. :o:D

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...Now to one of the main reasons I left the UK. Tax is getting totally ridiculous there.

This point always amuses me when I see it. British taxes are not that high.

In Denmark I was paying between 50% and 60% income tax. That is high!

I think with us Brits, since the days of Robin Hood, we just have never been able to reconcile ourselves to the necessity of any tax.

But high taxes, properly administered, do result in a better infrastructure and fully functioning services. Just look at Scandinavia.

Unfortunately, the reverse is true in LOS. Perhaps you haven’t noticed yet.

But, as with all of us, someday your need will come.

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Cumberland sausage, black pudding

No need to go to the UK for those - Yorkies in Jomtien make them.

Quite right and I have sampled both the sausage and the pudding.

Very acceptable and reasonably priced but I'm afraid that Richard Woodhall of Waberthwaite, Cumbria, by Royal Appointment Purveyor of Cumberland Sausage to Queen Lizzy, has absolutely nothing to worry about. Neither of the Yorkie products taste like the real thing! I'll be back for more though and they have pies and pasties too!

Feeling hungry now!


PS You can get Lincornshire (sic) sausage from the Foodmart in Jomptien (opposite Pan Pan) and that's pretty good too.

Edited by doctormann
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Well I am in Liecester at the moment it is 20 degress and lovely and sunny so i am off down the pub for few pints of Guiuness Extra Cold, or maybe Pedigree or John Smiths even a long cool Stella -a good look at all the foxy Indian chicks then its off for a real Chicken Tikka Madras - now thats real English Food.


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Actually the correct is Full English Breakfast - beats a petite dejuner or pancakes with Maple Syrup anyday - also a great hangover cure


It doesnt beat fruit, orange juice and vegemite on toast :D

warm beer, greasy food, <deleted> rugby team, <deleted> cricket team, but the north of the country is absolutely beautiful (where the bairn lives :D )


Fruit and <removed> vegemite? :D At least have a man's spread and bung some marmite on there! :D

Real ale is warmer than liquid nitrogen-blasted poofy larger because it'll taste like shit if it ain't (must admit, the just-under room temp stuff ain't too good) . The current rugby team is <deleted> due to 70% of the superb side that trod on the Aussies toes + very bias referee, absconding. Give it time though and you convicts will be quaking again. :D Cricket? who gives a rats ass about that girls game? :o

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20 deg and rising...........and set for the next 5 days. Bring out the bank holiday beer! When it's nice, it's not so bad - when it's bad, it's bloody awful.

Anyway, we have an election to look forward to next week, oh joy of joys, the result of which no doubt will be more people migrating for distant climes. Move over you lot...the Brits are coming.

ps: What exactly are skanky women? It is a serious question - I just wondered what the definition was.


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Jackr, the word 'limey' dates from the 18th century, when scurvy was rife in the Royal Navy, and sailors would eat limes and rub them over their gums to get enough Vitamin C to stop their teeth falling out etc. The word was supposedly coined by Brits about the RN and later adopted by Americans, but I don't suppose anyone will ever really know. So a 'limey brit' is a tautology (yeah, I know - so what if it is?)

Yes, very good, Sadman, although I'm sure you Goggled somewhere, but I was hoping the op would try and enlighten us with his knowledge.

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I could post the Unoin Jack but wouldn't want to be seeing as getting on my high horse...Illuminati

I had every right to put that flag up there and defend my country as everyone was coming down on Americans for senseless reasons beyond our control. Normally, you would never see me even talking about America at all, let alone defending it. As the times go on though, I will no longer tolerate people labeling me or my compatriots as war-mongers, conservative neo-cons, loud-mouthed and ignorant just because of a government that I have no control over and didn't vote for. If you have had personal problems with an American before then you had problems with a HUMAN BEING that just happened to be American. Where they were born has little to do with anything. All Americans are not how you are generalizing and I certainly am not.

You will never see me criticizing England or any other country for the many flaws that it may possess, and no matter which country you come from, it is flawed no matter what you say. What good is it going to do anyone to point out the things that you feel are negative about a place? Will it change anything? Hardly. If someone were to ask me about England, I would feel inclined to tell them about all the things I like about the place and not the things I don't like. I like how a majority of the English are well-mannered. I like how you have betting parlors everywhere and its not frowned upon. I like puddings very much. You see, it's not so hard to be positive is it?

If you want to be a negative jerk-off all your life than that's you perogative. If so, I still want you to kiss my Red, White and Blue A**!!!!!!!!!!!

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The friends I have who are British say it is because England is a dreary, wet, dismal little crap island with high taxes, skanky women and dreadful food. :o

They say Thailand is wonderful because the weather is great, food is good, things are cheap, taxes low to non-existant and of course the women fantastic. Mind you, this is not what I am saying; I am not British and don't live in Britain. This is what


Lived there myself for a bit and partially agree with the above criticisms of the UK w/exception to the "skanky" women bit. Found all that wet, dreary weather made for some lovely complexions. And the beer ain't too bad either! :D

Skegness is a terrific holiday spot!

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I could post the Unoin Jack but wouldn't want to be seeing as getting on my high horse...Illuminati

I had every right to put that flag up there and defend my country as everyone was coming down on Americans for senseless reasons beyond our control. Normally, you would never see me even talking about America at all, let alone defending it. As the times go on though, I will no longer tolerate people labeling me or my compatriots as war-mongers, conservative neo-cons, loud-mouthed and ignorant just because of a government that I have no control over and didn't vote for. If you have had personal problems with an American before then you had problems with a HUMAN BEING that just happened to be American. Where they were born has little to do with anything. All Americans are not how you are generalizing and I certainly am not.

You will never see me criticizing England or any other country for the many flaws that it may possess, and no matter which country you come from, it is flawed no matter what you say. What good is it going to do anyone to point out the things that you feel are negative about a place? Will it change anything? Hardly. If someone were to ask me about England, I would feel inclined to tell them about all the things I like about the place and not the things I don't like. I like how a majority of the English are well-mannered. I like how you have betting parlors everywhere and its not frowned upon. I like puddings very much. You see, it's not so hard to be positive is it?

If you want to be a negative jerk-off all your life than that's you perogative. If so, I still want you to kiss my Red, White and Blue A**!!!!!!!!!!!

I went to work in rural America - Williamsburg last year for 3 months had a great time frendly people. It is very diffrent from the UK culturally. About the only thing we have in common is the language. There is no pub culture at all in the sticks -which drives most adults lives in the UK. Socialising is built around the familiy and eating out which you probably afford to do most days. My only critisim would be the insular nature of the culture. The average Joe does not really have a great deal of awarness of what is really going on outside the USA and in many cases does not really care as they have a high standard of living. This is what probably drives US politcs keep average Joe happy but unaware and all will be rosy.


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Interesting that the UK (and US) are such terrible places to live. Every time I walk by one of their foreign embassies, there are always a ton of locals lining up to apply for a visa.

Yeah, the UK really sucks :o

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...Now to one of the main reasons I left the UK. Tax is getting totally ridiculous there.

This point always amuses me when I see it. British taxes are not that high.

Weather you cosider taxes high or low is dependant on your income.

semed to me the harder you work to make something of youself in the UK the more you subsidise the scroungers that can't be ar33sed to get out of bed :o

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...Now to one of the main reasons I left the UK. Tax is getting totally ridiculous there.

This point always amuses me when I see it. British taxes are not that high.

Weather you cosider taxes high or low is dependant on your income.

semed to me the harder you work to make something of youself in the UK the more you subsidise the scroungers that can't be ar33sed to get out of bed :o

Taxes overall are high... it's not just income tax you have to look at, it's also National Insurance, Council Tax, Tax on fuel and booze, Stamp duty to be paid when buy a house, capital gains etc...

  Interesting that the UK (and US) are such terrible places to live. Every time I walk by one of their foreign embassies, there are always a ton of locals lining up to apply for a visa.

Yeah, the UK really sucks whistling.gif

Everyone wants to get in to the UK because of how easy it is to get something for nothing, this doesn't apply to many Thais who want to come in because most are supported or want to work, however a large number of people come to the UK from all over the world and live off the public funds, the reason a lot of tax payers in the UK are pissed off is because it's them who have to pay for these peoples healthcare, rent, spending money etc..

It doesn't just stop there, also a large number of people in the UK who are unemployed and want to stay that way, why shouldn't they, ultimately they get more income from government benefits than they would if they worked.

For many Thais ( and others ) they see the UK through rose tinted glasses, grass is greener on the other side sort of thing.

Totster :D

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...Now to one of the main reasons I left the UK. Tax is getting totally ridiculous there.

This point always amuses me when I see it. British taxes are not that high.

Weather you cosider taxes high or low is dependant on your income.

semed to me the harder you work to make something of youself in the UK the more you subsidise the scroungers that can't be ar33sed to get out of bed :o

Taxes overall are high... it's not just income tax you have to look at, it's also National Insurance, Council Tax, Tax on fuel and booze, Stamp duty to be paid when buy a house, capital gains etc...

  Interesting that the UK (and US) are such terrible places to live. Every time I walk by one of their foreign embassies, there are always a ton of locals lining up to apply for a visa.

Yeah, the UK really sucks whistling.gif

Everyone wants to get in to the UK because of how easy it is to get something for nothing, this doesn't apply to many Thais who want to come in because most are supported or want to work, however a large number of people come to the UK from all over the world and live off the public funds, the reason a lot of tax payers in the UK are pissed off is because it's them who have to pay for these peoples healthcare, rent, spending money etc..

It doesn't just stop there, also a large number of people in the UK who are unemployed and want to stay that way, why shouldn't they, ultimately they get more income from government benefits than they would if they worked.

As I wrote before, taxes in the UK are not high. I paid 50%+ income tax in Denmark plus all the other taxes, which are also considerably higher than the UK e.g VAT in DK is 22%.

Having read this thread all the way through, I am now convinced that the Aussies are correct in their assessment:

the vast majority of UK ex-pats, as reflected by these postings on TV, are whingers.

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As I wrote before, taxes in the UK are not high. I paid 50%+ income tax in Denmark plus all the other taxes, which are also considerably higher than the UK e.g VAT in DK  is 22%.

Having read this thread all the way through, I am now convinced that the Aussies are correct in their assessment:

the vast majority of UK ex-pats, as reflected by these postings on TV, are whingers.

Well done for paying such high taxes and not whinging about it... you are a real hero.. :D

The thread is " Why do Limey Brits Live in Thailand"... Which people are answering, giving their reasons... I can see how this would be mistaken for whinging :o

totster :D

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