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Gang Rape In Rawai


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I cant understand why people seem to think that this sort of crime only happens in Phuket. It happens everywhere especially when people have put themselves in risky situations.

I would never read this then think 'just another reason why I dont go to Phuket'. Robberies, rape, murder, rip off's, no police worth a w**k...sounds like the USA or the UK to me....

I feel safe in Thailand almost anywere. Not so in America. Phuket is still a very safe place dispite the high profile stories. It's an island the size of Singapore whose official population of 300,000 swells to over half a million during high season due to seasonal labor and tourism.

I'm impressed at the detail provided by the US state department concerning travel safety for tourists in Thailand.


...the crime threat in Bangkok remains lower than that in many U.S. cities...Violent crimes against foreigners are relatively rare.

Thanks for posting that website - it was v interesting.

Of note, as far as violent crimes are concerned "Violent crimes against foreigners are relatively rare. However, there has been a recent upsurge in violent crime against tourists, including the murder of several independent travelers, on the southern islands of Phuket and Koh Samui. Independent travelers should exercise caution and stay in the vicinity of other travelers, especially in the beach areas of these islands.

I missed any mention of 'suicides' amongst the expats, but its clear that certain areas are considered to be dangerous.

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The current situation of Phuket policing is that unless there is an occurrence that happens right before their eyes, the local police lack both the skill and acumen to be able to investigate any other than the most simple of crimes. The really sad part is that the local population know this, and hence incidents such as this will continue, and everyone will wail with anguish, and nothing will be resolved.

False, they have to be in touching distance, their eyes have noting to do with it.

They have 5 police officers sitting at the lights during peek hour, making the traffic worse. You have 3-4 guys violating the traffic rules badly everytime they let a new lane go, yet none of them move their ass to make a quick buck.

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The current situation of Phuket policing is that unless there is an occurrence that happens right before their eyes, the local police lack both the skill and acumen to be able to investigate any other than the most simple of crimes. The really sad part is that the local population know this, and hence incidents such as this will continue, and everyone will wail with anguish, and nothing will be resolved.

False, they have to be in touching distance, their eyes have noting to do with it.

They have 5 police officers sitting at the lights during peek hour, making the traffic worse. You have 3-4 guys violating the traffic rules badly everytime they let a new lane go, yet none of them move their ass to make a quick buck.

Oh but haven't you heard of Phukets illustrious Inspector Wijak "The Magnet" Tarom?


Lt Col Wijak has been dubbed “The Magnet” by the local media for his uncanny ability to solve difficult cases and bring criminals to justice.


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I have been wondering how the poor girl is doing, whether she is still here or has gone home now with such a dreadful experience haunting her. How do you ever get over something so awful! I feel so sad for her, poor girl :D

How about the Thai guy that ran away instead of taking a beat down (or getting in some good punches depending on how you look at it) and letting her run away? What a pussy............


Yeh,yeh, right....easy to talk the talk in the security of home ,grumpy...

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Definitely criminal but the situation she put herself in............

Drunk, having sex on the beach early AM with a Thai guy, just bad decisions altogether.

But I am not condoning the criminal action, just saying ladies, probably not a good idea to be drunk on the beach at 4AM having sex.

When will it stop?

When men decide it's not ok for men to behave this way towards women. "The situation she put herself in", sure knowledge of the culture one is in is important, but peer presure is the best way to alter male behaviour. The perp should be shamed by his own - and, like in many other countries - east and west, that is not quite the same. Stop blaming the victim, whatever her state she was taken advantage of and that is NOT respect.

Where were the male's friends saying 'enough'? And don't think the cops will be the anwer. When men decide it's not ok, then we will see change. (And I've worked with women victims of crime - we call it sexual crime but it is really violent crime) for decades and am one myself.

She is likely to be emotionally hurt/scarred - the perp is likely to be far from such feelings. There is hope in victim/perp negotiation, but that is tricky and very selective by culture. We can accept that farang girls are at the bottom of the food chain, AND we can educate men - or better yet, have men educatate men. And we can learn Muay Thai@

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this is 2010 and everybody should be allowed to do what he/she want

That has to be the stupidest, most naively idealistic statement ever posted on TV - maybe the entire web... A Darwin Award nomination for our HD ridin' friend!!

If some guy went for a midnight swim & then got gang raped by a bunch of homosexual drunkards I seriously doubt anyone on this forum would intimate he was asking for it or it was his fault.

The more likely scenario for a single guy swimming at 4am would be a robbery, beatdown/knifing, and/or murder (but a little jail-house coitus wouldn't be out of the question...). And yes I would say he was asking for it by putting himself in a VERY RISKY situation.

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