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The Correlation Of Luck And Fortune.


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If you were born in Thailand, then you may not gist the purpose of this thread, because I was born in the scientifically secular realms of Australia, and only became superstitious after I first set foot in Thailand, and it took me by surprise, even though I never realised back then. It's nothing out of the ordinary if you grew up here.

I have learned so much about the importance of good luck after some time in this magical country, although my Australian friends would probably call me crazy.

I'm not, actually, but post this thread to ask whether anyone else from afar like myself has recognised the importance of superstition and good luck in the context of good fortune in Thailand.

If so, please elaborate on practices that caused benefits or other, but it's a public forum so don't get too personal about it.

Last week was not the best for me, and I know why now, but this is not the right forum to mention why, but do you notice the more probable correlation between superstitious behaviour and good luck in Thailand as compared to the western home country?


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Yes, this magical country has so much to teach us.

We always relied on logical thought, but thank god we've learnt its a waste of time.

I used to cross my fingers, touch wood etc. etc., it does no good - but the Thais know better and count the number of Tookay's calls, crows overhead etc. etc.

Thank god we've learnt that Thai superstitions are better than our own.

Edited by F1fanatic
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I have come to understand better why people can become superstitious in the last few years whilst in Thailand. Not because of the religious and 'mystical' nature of the place or the poorer conditions that many live in, but because of my own personal fortune (or lack thereof).

I shan't bore you with the details but if I was to write I book then it would likely be categorised as fiction because many just wouldn't believe me. Because of this I have found myself wondering about Karma and the like, albeit more out of hope than anything. I do know it will come good eventually, but I don't believe that it will be though some kind of divine intervention.

So yeah. From my own personal experience I can easily see how others may see luck, be it either good or bad, as something else. Even for me the idea of Karma is oddly re-assuring even though I simply don't believe in it, if that makes sense.

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I have come to understand better why people can become superstitious in the last few years whilst in Thailand. Not because of the religious and 'mystical' nature of the place or the poorer conditions that many live in, but because of my own personal fortune (or lack thereof).

I shan't bore you with the details but if I was to write I book then it would likely be categorised as fiction because many just wouldn't believe me. Because of this I have found myself wondering about Karma and the like, albeit more out of hope than anything. I do know it will come good eventually, but I don't believe that it will be though some kind of divine intervention.

So yeah. From my own personal experience I can easily see how others may see luck, be it either good or bad, as something else. Even for me the idea of Karma is oddly re-assuring even though I simply don't believe in it, if that makes sense.

Of course not, but many people here need to believe that despite what they've done, they're basically 'good people'.

Funnily enough, they then turn to 'karma', Buddhist temples and luck etc. to find a way out! :) Back in the West they would have laughed at the idea.

V funny that they will never see how pathetic they are.

Need I add the only people who look to 'luck' and superstition are those that can't find in the West, what they found so easily here.

Edited by F1fanatic
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So yeah. From my own personal experience I can easily see how others may see luck, be it either good or bad, as something else. Even for me the idea of Karma is oddly re-assuring even though I simply don't believe in it, if that makes sense.

Of course not, but many people here need to believe that despite what they've done, they're basically 'good people'.

Funnily enough, they then turn to 'karma', Buddhist temples and luck etc. to find a way out! :) Back in the West they would have laughed at the idea.

V funny that they will never see how pathetic they are.

Need I add the only people who look to 'luck' and superstition are those that can't find in the West, what they found so easily here.

I guess you do not walk under ladders either , I will take simple logic and planing over any superstition or hopes of 'good luck' sometime in my future by turning to a temple or wearing some form of amulet or good luck charm around my neck .

How can something be oddly reassuring if you do not believe in it ? Should one believe in ones own convictions , they do not feel the need to drift off into space created by some-one else , who knows not much better how to survive than go begging for sustinance from strangers .

Honesty and goodness to others is far more benificial than hoping or waiting for it to be the other way around , something like love , love is nothing until you give it , most live hoping to receive it , that is the dream world you are living in .

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Funnily enough, they then turn to 'karma', Buddhist temples and luck etc. to find a way out! :D Back in the West they would have laughed at the idea.

Certainly beats giving them food stamps and welfare checks.


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I have come to understand better why people can become superstitious in the last few years whilst in Thailand. Not because of the religious and 'mystical' nature of the place or the poorer conditions that many live in, but because of my own personal fortune (or lack thereof).

I shan't bore you with the details but if I was to write I book then it would likely be categorised as fiction because many just wouldn't believe me. Because of this I have found myself wondering about Karma and the like, albeit more out of hope than anything. I do know it will come good eventually, but I don't believe that it will be though some kind of divine intervention.

So yeah. From my own personal experience I can easily see how others may see luck, be it either good or bad, as something else. Even for me the idea of Karma is oddly re-assuring even though I simply don't believe in it, if that makes sense.

I'm a strong believer in karma... do good things and good things happen to you... though not often right away, or in noticeable ways...

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My wife has been told on numerous occasions that I am her destiny, and she will be wealthy once she reaches approximately 33 years of age. I remind her of this constantly and it keeps her from getting overly concerned about our minimal bank account, among other things.

Once this date has come and gone (assuming we are not yet obscenely wealthy, which I somehow doubt will come to pass barring an unexpected lottery windfall) I intend to seek out other mor doo's to continue the mythology that wealth and good times are just up ahead.

Whether you believe in it or not is irrelevant. All that matters is whether your significant other believes in it enough to stick with you through the hard times. Luck is largely what you make of it. If you can use the situation to make your present situation easier, then good for you.

My wife and I would not be married if not for the mor doo. While I may personally think the whole idea of luck is a large pile of feces, I can't argue with the result, and I am practical enough to make the best of it when I can.

As they say in Thailand, choke dee. Superstition, like religion, has its uses. All you need to do is figure out how to use it.

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Funnily enough, they then turn to 'karma', Buddhist temples and luck etc. to find a way out! :) Back in the West they would have laughed at the idea.

V funny that they will never see how pathetic they are.

Need I add the only people who look to 'luck' and superstition are those that can't find in the West, what they found so easily here.

I guess you never heard the phrase "what goes around comes around"........

Never heard "you make your own luck" either? a funny saying if luck is laughed at......in the west

People laugh at the 4 leafed clover being lucky do they?

White heather?

Nobody in the west reads the horoscope pages faithfully produced daily in the newspapers?

Consults with romany ladies? cross palms with silver?

Consults with astrologers?

Walks down the street without stepping on cracks in the pavement?

I knew one guy who insisted his first words of the day were to say "white rabbits" 3 times......well he was rich...so I didn't laugh!!!

Lucky horse shoe at weddings....the right way up of course!!!!

Chimney sweep for luck at weddings?

Never heard "find a penny, pick it up, all day long you'll have good luck"?

Never heard it is unlucky to open a brolly indoors?

I could go on.........but really.......no further comment necessary.....I just wonder if you ever lived in the west?

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I hesitate to even post my response. I think the OP is correct that in the west we tend to be more scientific. Many people even pretend not to be at all superstitious. Yet, most of us are, whether it be about Friday the 13th or not walking under ladders or hundreds of other little superstitions.

According to the Harris Pol about Americansl:

* 73 percent of adults believe in miracles

* 61% believe in the devil

*40% believe in ghosts.

*28% believe in witches

*25% believe in astrology

*21% believe they were reincarnated

*68% believe in angels

Suffice it to say that in the late 1980s a series of seemingly unrelated things let to my first visit to Thailand, and now over two decades later here I am living here. I don't believe it was all coincidence. On the other hand -- by far -- not everything that happens to a person is destiny. Much of it is good or bad decision making. And perhaps much of what happens to us is a fluke.

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Read the book or watch the movie. its called:


seems like folk in this thread might get a kick out of it.

THere are powers in this universe, for sure. But mine still comes from the two pin socket in the wall.

" The smarter you work, the luckier you get" :)

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It is said that Taksin has a bunch of fortune tellers, maybe this somewhat explains some of his crazy manipulations. Supposedly it was one of them who suggested he go into politics and call his own party Thai Rak Thai.

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Read the book "sincronicity" by i can't remember who, but basically talks about experiences backing up the ideas of Kharl Jung. He's in wikipedia and so is a brief bit about his theories. He was an austrian phylosopher who basically came up with this idea of meaningful conidences where unrelated events actually produce meaniful often useful direction or meaning for those involved. Kinda explaining out destiny works and suggesting that if we look back at our live one can see how key events have led us to where we are now and if we open ourselves and recognise these event happening to us in the future can learn from them and progress more quickly on our path and avoid getting stuck in unhappiness or depression etc. I'm not the best to explain it, but i recomned taking a look, quite interesting even if at first you don't agree with it all; personally i found the more the what i'd read settled in to my brain and i payed attention to what was happening the more i found myself agreeing.

When we travel or are in unfamillier surroundings we're more aware of everything so our sense can pick up on these sincronicities more easily than when we're trolling through the mundane day to day work, eat, sleep routine. This maybe why people become more superstisious as they stay in thailand as many people actualy notice a correlation between events and result where scientifically there shouldn't be any.

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