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'done' With Thailand And Locals But Not Wanna Leave Or Even 'stucked Here' ?

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Like you I have been out of my home country for the past 11 years, I spent 5 years in Europe got fed up and moved to the LoS (not one of my better moves) Stuck it here for 6 years, met and married a Thai. We soon became, albeit for different reasons disenchanted with the country so we sold up and 'moved on'.

Now I spend just 6 months here which we can just about manage and the rest in the country we have decided to make our home, at some point in time we may get fed up with that! The point being have you considered splitting the year between here and another country?

Another thing I did a few years back was to take a trip back to my country of origin, it reminded me why I had made the choice to move abroad, perhaps it would do you good to take a trip back to your home? For me only positive things came from making the trip.

A couple of old sayings that should be borne in mind;

"The grass always looks greener on the other side"

"There is always someone worse off than you"

I hope you find what you are looking for!



But dont think your friends back home are any happier life has its ups and downs.

You sound like me a few years ago... get some psychotherapy.. you need to train yourself to think more positively. When you are happy and positive other things fall into place.

Try doing something that helps other people, get involved in the community, learn thai, try to make some really good thai friends. Wake up in the morning, thing what a great world it is!! Try to see the good in life.

Running away doesnt help in the long run since you take yourself with you


The grass is always greener blah blah blah..................until you start finding the same brown patches exist there to!!

Better to look around you, make a list of the positive things you like and focus on those. Dwelling on the negatives is for losers. Happy people try to find a positive where possible and enjoy life to the full :)


One will generally find that the expat who retires to Thailand with a wedge of money is the most satisfied person as he can live the good life without having to worry about the small stuff.

On the other hand one will find that the people who come here to make there living are in general the ones who end up regretting there decision and find fault with every thing concerning Thailand .

I offer up this example. Who in there right mind would want to be in England at this time of year when one could be enjoying the fantastic weather in Thailand?

The OP regrets his decision to move here but fortunately many expats love Thailand.


Get a life sport, after5 years I found Thailand to be a land of delights unknown to tourists. Get out and about, buy a motorcyle

and start really seeing Thailand. Chok dee.


Build a 2.7 metre high concrete fence around your property, will a solid metal gate.

Dont have a door bell on the front gate. Send your wife to the local market to do

all the shopping. You do all the shopping at western supermarkets. Have 80% reflective

film on all your car windows. Works wonders... the less you interact with things that

annoy you, the happier you will be.


2 meters is plenty, but a door bell is a must (how do you order pizza or sign for docs?).

Agree with the rest though.



One need only read posts on TV to realize that one of the driving forces bringing people to Thailand is that of 'Running away from their life back home'.

Some time down the line they realize that their 'life back home' has caught up with them here in Thailand.

Its a story repeated time and time again.

One need only read posts on TV to realize that one of the driving forces bringing people to Thailand is that of 'Running away from their life back home'.

Some time down the line they realize that their 'life back home' has caught up with them here in Thailand.

Its a story repeated time and time again

An interesting observation but obviously flawed in its simpleness, one cannot be expected to take it seriously.

Could be the experience of the author but to place all expats in the one box is common.

One will generally find that the expat who retires to Thailand with a wedge of money is the most satisfied person as he can live the good life without having to worry about the small stuff.

On the other hand one will find that the people who come here to make there living are in general the ones who end up regretting there decision and find fault with every thing concerning Thailand .

I offer up this example. Who in there right mind would want to be in England at this time of year when one could be enjoying the fantastic weather in Thailand?

The OP regrets his decision to move here but fortunately many expats love Thailand.

Well put, I agree. Wedge of money makes the difference, work would be difficult.

Could be the experience of the author but to place all expats in the one box is common.

Not that we'd catch Ralf making any broad generalizations.....

One will generally find that the expat who retires to Thailand with a wedge of money is the most satisfied person as he can live the good life without having to worry about the small stuff.

On the other hand one will find that the people who come here to make there living are in general the ones who end up regretting there decision and find fault with every thing concerning Thailand .

I offer up this example. Who in there right mind would want to be in England at this time of year when one could be enjoying the fantastic weather in Thailand?

The OP regrets his decision to move here but fortunately many expats love Thailand.

Western work ethics are so important to keep

God. What a depressing thing to read. How many people lie on their death-bed saying "I wish I'd spent more time in the office"? Not many, I'd imagine. Relax. Get high. Get pissed. Ordain. Marry a lady-boy. Become a peasant farmer. Write a novel. Whatever. But don't don't don't keep working for the sake of working. That's a fuc_king terrible curse to be under.

Western work ethics are so important to keep

God. What a depressing thing to read. How many people lie on their death-bed saying "I wish I'd spent more time in the office"? Not many, I'd imagine. Relax. Get high. Get pissed. Ordain. Marry a lady-boy. Become a peasant farmer. Write a novel. Whatever. But don't don't don't keep working for the sake of working. That's a fuc_king terrible curse to be under.

Western Work ethics...........Oh my. Where's the bundy clock?

Western work ethics are so important to keep

God. What a depressing thing to read. How many people lie on their death-bed saying "I wish I'd spent more time in the office"? Not many, I'd imagine. Relax. Get high. Get pissed. Ordain. Marry a lady-boy. Become a peasant farmer. Write a novel. Whatever. But don't don't don't keep working for the sake of working. That's a fuc_king terrible curse to be under.

The reason you think it is depressing is because you never learned to "play for a living."

By that I mean doing something (working) that makes you so excited and energized that you would do it even if you were not paid to do it.

Rarely do people make career choices based on that.

And that is why so many of us end up in dull professions and can't wait to "retire."

Some people--a lucky few--actually love what they are doing and never want to retire.

Word = play for them.


Thoughts can only reflect the past, or riddle and dream about the future, those caught within their web

are in trouble, they are tricked and troubled by something that ENTIRELY exist ONLY in their thinking, their thoughts

- far from reality, just some fickle construction of a not challenged mind, the mind will turn and challenge therefor it's "host" - it's minds nature, always on the move, always want's to be busy!

The trick is to keep it busy and not to allow it to take over - where ever one maybe!

Get started now, stop worrying, start to live, stop dreaming about a "better place", a "better life", "better this", "better that" if you've achieved it, the mind wants more - it's it's nature!

Play Soduko, Chess, go to the Gym, Fishing, sailing, mountaineering, start running, racing,learn a new JOb, challenge yourself.... DO SOMETHING, don't wait for someone doing it for you!

Or keep on whining, but then PLEASE do it in your cave!


The op sounds a realy sad guy

Thailand offers so much to expats,but many complain about the visa situation,the hot weather,the spicy food,the pollution,the crap beer,the bib,the crime, etc etc etc.

After 6 years living in LOS i feel fitter,healthier and happier than i could have imagined,and i hear all the moans about the UK when friends visit so same same


you gotta

accentuate the positive

eliminate the negative

latch on

to the affirmative

and don't mess with Mr. InBetween

No, don't mess with Mr. InBetween


Lots of great comments,many a single man has come to thailand, been smitten by the ladies ,the smiles and the odd temple,and thinks Wow what a great place to live :) a land of milk and honey(or Honeys :D ) but beneath the surface there lurks a morass of customs, rules and regulations, and perish the thought you get yourself a bunch of thai inlaws, of course not all are the same, but many of them do see their new son in law as a cash dispenser and unwittingly you start to dig a big hole out of which it becomes very hard to escape,buy some land for our future darling!build a house or 2 for our retirement but please not near the beach the village in darkest Esan is much better :D , then maybe a car and the odd motorbike and oops the buffalo needs an appendix operation or contact lenses,But folks lfe is great in thailand compared to the grey windswept streets of warrington or wigan, so you move upcountry say north of Ubon and there you open your fish and chip shop, Alf Ramsden you aint!!so you are destined to become the village laughing stock,but still yur rosecoloured glasses are doing their job, and as many of you have burnt your bridges in your home countries you are stuck!!so no more roastbeef and yorkshire pud !! khao neo and somtam pla for you my lad,then you save and save for a trip home to glorious flat cap and whippet country,your old local has become a theme pub, all the rellies are on the dole and on the cadge as well after all you are the rich relation from overseas, and then there is the weather Kin Ell you think what am I doing here,so you catch the next flight out to thailand, and the look of amazement on the taxitouts face in swampy poom as you kiss him on the cheek and utter those famous words Honey I,m Home !!!!! :D

Lots of great comments,many a single man has come to thailand, been smitten by the ladies ,the smiles and the odd temple,and thinks Wow what a great place to live :) a land of milk and honey(or Honeys :D ) but beneath the surface there lurks a morass of customs, rules and regulations, and perish the thought you get yourself a bunch of thai inlaws, of course not all are the same, but many of them do see their new son in law as a cash dispenser and unwittingly you start to dig a big hole out of which it becomes very hard to escape,buy some land for our future darling!build a house or 2 for our retirement but please not near the beach the village in darkest Esan is much better :D , then maybe a car and the odd motorbike and oops the buffalo needs an appendix operation or contact lenses,But folks lfe is great in thailand compared to the grey windswept streets of warrington or wigan, so you move upcountry say north of Ubon and there you open your fish and chip shop, Alf Ramsden you aint!!so you are destined to become the village laughing stock,but still yur rosecoloured glasses are doing their job, and as many of you have burnt your bridges in your home countries you are stuck!!so no more roastbeef and yorkshire pud !! khao neo and somtam pla for you my lad,then you save and save for a trip home to glorious flat cap and whippet country,your old local has become a theme pub, all the rellies are on the dole and on the cadge as well after all you are the rich relation from overseas, and then there is the weather Kin Ell you think what am I doing here,so you catch the next flight out to thailand, and the look of amazement on the taxitouts face in swampy poom as you kiss him on the cheek and utter those famous words Honey I,m Home !!!!! :D



At the end of the day, it's mostly a state of mind as to wether you are happy or not. Browsing through a lot of the posts on Thai visa, I think one could get depressed very quickly if you took much notice of them.

Don't let the things that are different to home get you down, if it was so good at home we wouldn't have left in the first place.

We each have the ability to live life as we want to and for some people it wouldn't matter where they lived they would find something to complain about. Dwelling on negatives makes people unhappy and miserable.

Thaiand is a good country to slow down and enjoy life. I have lived in many countries and if you are looking for problems, well they are everywhere in some form or other.

Lots of great comments,many a single man has come to thailand, been smitten by the ladies ,the smiles and the odd temple,and thinks Wow what a great place to live :) a land of milk and honey(or Honeys :D )

land of honeys with 'small milk' :D me no beautiful me very small :D:D

Nonsense --- (not that every place has issues ,, the other part)

If you are unhappy ... change something and don't just piss and moan about it! This isn't the same as the old saw ... "If you don't like it then go home". I mean if you are honestly unhappy, then find something that makes you happy. If it is where you live that makes you unhappy, then move. If it is your wife, then dump her. If it is your job, then change jobs!

Life is too short (and cheap) to choose unhappiness when it is something you can change.

WELL SAID ... I fully agree. You are the master of your own destiny and happiness. Your happiness is only limited by your imagination. :)


If you were unhappy and discontented with all you had at home, why do you think moving to Thailand would solve your problems and make you happy.

Ones unhappiness is usually you, not your location. on yes everyone thinks a small move or a big move will resolve their problems and it does for a short time. as you work and stay distracted by all of the new wonders around you, you have no time to be discontended. But as the new wears off and the old you that came from the states or GB shows up and guess what, it's time to move somewere else.

Good luck get your head on straight and maybe you will be happy anywere you go.

Happiness is a state of mind. Find your passion and you'll be happy. Grey skies, rain or a sunny beach....

Just find that thing for which you wake up in the morning.

Correct and your state of mind doenst work when poisoning it day after day with leo beers.

Told a unhappy mate to stop drinking for a month and after make decisions about his unhappy live in Thailand.

He change his life in Thailand got some hobbies others then drinking in a bar and start enjoying his life again.

Clear your mind, clear your body from pioson and chase the happy :D things and avoid the unhappy :) .

  • 1 month later...
Lots of great comments,many a single man has come to thailand, been smitten by the ladies ,the smiles and the odd temple,and thinks Wow what a great place to live :) a land of milk and honey(or Honeys :D ) but beneath the surface there lurks a morass of customs, rules and regulations, and perish the thought you get yourself a bunch of thai inlaws, of course not all are the same, but many of them do see their new son in law as a cash dispenser and unwittingly you start to dig a big hole out of which it becomes very hard to escape,buy some land for our future darling!build a house or 2 for our retirement but please not near the beach the village in darkest Esan is much better :D , then maybe a car and the odd motorbike and oops the buffalo needs an appendix operation or contact lenses,But folks lfe is great in thailand compared to the grey windswept streets of warrington or wigan, so you move upcountry say north of Ubon and there you open your fish and chip shop, Alf Ramsden you aint!!so you are destined to become the village laughing stock,but still yur rosecoloured glasses are doing their job, and as many of you have burnt your bridges in your home countries you are stuck!!so no more roastbeef and yorkshire pud !! khao neo and somtam pla for you my lad,then you save and save for a trip home to glorious flat cap and whippet country,your old local has become a theme pub, all the rellies are on the dole and on the cadge as well after all you are the rich relation from overseas, and then there is the weather Kin Ell you think what am I doing here,so you catch the next flight out to thailand, and the look of amazement on the taxitouts face in swampy poom as you kiss him on the cheek and utter those famous words Honey I,m Home !!!!! :D

You MUST be a scouser , very funny , sharp wit !

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