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300 Students At Risk From A(h1n1) Under Close Watch


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I have been a member of this list for sometime now (and I rarelyread anything truly enlightening or intelligent...sad indeed!) to the contrary, this forum seems gutted with dissatisfied, unhappy, "nothing-else-to-do-but-bitch-moan-and-get-drunk" types, IMHO...and no, I did not say ALL of you! We could be reading about death and destruction under horrible circumstances and immediately there appear a large number of Sherlocks and Colombos in this forum who hardly give a thought to the nature of the crime, the victim, or to the sensitive emotions of their families and close friends who haven't fully understood what really happened. Often times I am so disgusted, I kill the post after the first few insensitive but "experienced detective" type comments from people who 'claim' to "KNOW-IT-ALL", from people who 'claim' they've "BEEN-THERE-DONE-THAT" but now end up here airing baseless opinions they'd hardly get away with if it were not ALL cloaked in the anonymity of Cyber-Space! Get a life y'all....you know exactly who you are!

To specifically those "KNOW-IT-ALLS":

Though I can not and will not account for ALL private schools as has been mentioned in this post that ... at the PRIVATE school I work at here in Chiang Mai we still subject all our students, all staff both Thai and Farang, including the bus drivers, kitchen staff and gardening and security staff...in short everyone who requires entrance to our campus to get a temperature check...we have never discontinued this daily routine since we first introduced it shortly after the outbreak was initially reported...many months ago! The few cases we did have were immediately reported and the students were first isolated, the parents duly informed and the students were then admitted to the local hospital where they underwent the whole battery of tests and treatment lasting approx. 10 days. They were 'medically' released and only then permitted back on campus.

I don't think I have what it takes to can sit here reading your baseless assumptions any longer.

By the way, for you 'know-it-alls' out there....we, our International School never lost a student in fact we attracted a few more due to us being proactive. Not ALL private Schools are what you "know-it-alls" claim them to be.....it's just like claiming ALL Germans are Nazis or ALL Frangs living here are running from somebody or something....ALL...ALL...ALL! Watch how you use the word ALL, EVERYONE, ALWAYS, NEVER and try and exercise some respected level of maturity and sensitivity while sharing your opinions in this anonymous yet very public forum......I enjoy reading other opinions and points-of-view, it's the claiming to "have all the answers" part that really gets to me!

Continue to have a great day, week, month or permanent stay here in Thailand!

Over and Out!

Seems like you are wound a little bit too tight! Life must be pure H--L.

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Three times this number of people die every day in road accidents (mainly those on motorbikes) I don't see any action being taken to restrict motorbike use amongst children and students.

Actually more than 3 times are killed in motorcycle related accidents alone.

I would love to see something done about it. But, I chose to live in Thailand, so... :D:):D:D

Edited by Loz
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certainly a toss up here, which is more dangerous, Thais on motorbikes, or Thais with the flu. I wonder how many of these kids were talked into getting the vaccine. If it comes from the west, and is recommended by a doctor, it must be good. These are the same clowns that talk women into feeding some chemical mixture out of box to their offspring, rather than breast feeding. Antibiotics for a scratch on the toe, (I've seen that) and steroids and tetracycline instead of hygiene and proper diet, vaccines for cervical cancer, which is more dangerous than the actual virus which goes away. Stay out of the sun, drink milk, pepsi cola hits the spot, make your meals consist mainly of something that no longer resembles an offspring. Who is trying to kill the Thai people? When antibiotics are common and no one has heard pro-biotics, that's scary. it's not the ghosts you need to be afraid of, it's corporate greed. :)

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Private (International) schools don't want to put any of their fees at risk...

If they are anything like my school (a private intl one), then we have a few positives going for us:

  • smaller class sizes, thus easier to monitor.
  • Handwashing highly encouraged, and done very frequently.
  • Nurse on hand full time to spot check for fever.
  • Spot temperature checks at morning assembly with laser-thermometers (or whatever they are called)
  • Close communication with parents, especially those with younger children.

I have done some volunteer work in public schools. when kids are crammed 60 to a class where 30 could comfortably fit, there is no wonder the spread of disease is higher. Intl schools do get infections, but they are usually spotted much faster. Same goes for foot/mouth disease.

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I don't think I have what it takes to can sit here reading your baseless assumptions any longer.

haha I should have read further....funny, I was going to go off like you did, but just decided to talk about my school. Glad that you let it out though, that is the seam way I feel about some posters here.

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Your body does not become resistant to anti-biotics, the bacteria do. I have several friends here in that states that have had their flu shots only to get sick a few weeks later. Scam. H1N1 vaccination? Full of Mercury and still in developmental stages of production. Scam.

Set the record straight. In the past Mercury was often used as a preservative in several types of vaccinations. The fact is that today very few are preserved with Mercury. Most of the H1N1 throughout the world DO NOT contain Mercury. Throughout the world there are several different process being used to produce the serums I am not personally aware of any that specifically are using Mercury as a preservative.

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HiSo kids don't get sick, they're too clean.

Or their parents can afford a computer (with a good graphics card, lots of ram, and a quad core processor), therefore negating the need to go to Internet cafes to play games. Thus avoiding the disease altogether!

Edited by hhiser
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Private (International) schools don't want to put any of their fees at risk..

Not true! My good buddy works at an international school (RIS), and they just announced that they are closed for a week!

You're absolutely right...as have Shrewsbury (only Year 8's though ???)

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