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The Mercedes Mentality.


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what about the mentality of moron pickup truck drivers. More of them about and much more lethal.

Actually those are crazy too, together with Fortuner drivers. When im on the bike i treat every car as if they are dangerous and like others say you don't really relax on a bike your looking everywhere checking everything. Its not like driving a car.

I wonder how it will be to drive a car when we buy one later this year. I Would say its more relaxing for sure but i love the bike for overcoming all those traffic jams here.

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In terms of shear numbers there are probably more Toyota and Honda drivers who do feel that they are better (not because of the appearance of their vehicles, but because their total net worth/connections within the justice system etc. are indeed likely superior to yours) than you and hence can disregard your presence on the road. They probably care 2-5X LESS about the costs of vehicle replacement as well and often drive accordingly.


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The OPs overblown ego could cost him his life in this part of the world where that condition is so often accompanyed by artillery. On a bike harassing a person in a much larger & heavyer vehicle. If the Merc driver was in the wrong that makes two. In a collision the other driver WILL walk away, you ????? Let fastlane trouble by as fast as you can. Observe the carnage from a safe ( the already mentioned 2 seconds back) distance. Life expectancy will increase.

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My courageous, heroic reaction to this devil-on-four-wheels I had to suffer on my way back from the hospital yesterday was a carefully administered response to gently remind the rapscallion that his/her behaviour on the roads shall not be tolerated.

And I'm sure he learned his lesson :)

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Most drivers in Bangkok drive offensively, not defensively, and it's not just the mercs that do the stunts.

Just like the OP you mean?? :):D

Before one can reciprocate,another has to instigate.

So two wrongs can never = a right.

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Dont know who's worse....the merc for trying to overtake or you for trying to cause an accident by speeding up and shutting him out.

I agree its annoying when someone does that but after describing your own actions I dont really think I'd want to be your passenger.

And that comes from someone who loves speed.

HL :)


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My courageous, heroic reaction to this devil-on-four-wheels I had to suffer on my way back from the hospital yesterday was a carefully administered response to gently remind the rapscallion that his/her behaviour on the roads shall not be tolerated.

And I'm sure he learned his lesson :)

Yeah, I've realized the errors of my ways and will start driving like my grandpa. I yield to you, young motorbike rider. In fact, here, take my car. (ala Pay It Forward). And then you both get flattened by a Rung Ruang tour bus.


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Out of the 2 lunatics on the road that day I would have to say you are clearly by far the most dangerous. Rather than let a crazy or dangerous driver pass you and let be you nearly caused what could well have been a serious accident. Was this because the owner had a better car than you so making you so jealous or what ? I would suggest you take some form of anger management or it may be you that pays the price the next time!

Wrong. Maybe I didn't explain well enough to begin with. We were all happily cruising along in a dual-carriage convoy: slow-lane and fast-lane. I was riding in the fast lane at the pace of the fast lane traffic, which was not that fast at around 90km/h. The idiot behind me in the Merc had a problem with wanting to pass me, even though I was following the ute in front of me at the same pace at a safe distance. He had nowhere to go in passing me except into the back of the pickup I was following at 10-15 metres behind.

Does that help you to better understand? I didn't have time to grab the camera out of the rucksack to take photos, but I hope that explanation is clarity enough.

Riding as in a bike ?? Your aware that its illegal for you to be in the fast lane ??

Bikes are left lane only vehicles.. YOU were the one breaking local road law in the first place. He had a problem as legally you had no right to be there.

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Out of the 2 lunatics on the road that day I would have to say you are clearly by far the most dangerous. Rather than let a crazy or dangerous driver pass you and let be you nearly caused what could well have been a serious accident. Was this because the owner had a better car than you so making you so jealous or what ? I would suggest you take some form of anger management or it may be you that pays the price the next time!

I concur ---- if this was drawn out like a cartoon and had thought bubbles above the heads of the mercedes driver and seanmoran I could see the text looking like this

MD "There's space in from of that bike. I am going to get in"

SM "What does that *&%&^% in the mercedes think he is doing I OWN THE ROAD"

MD "What does that guy on the motorcycle think he is doing preventing me from moving up in line.. I OWN THE RoAD"

SM )*)*&^%

MD )(^**(&%


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A bike plowed into the side of my car today! That will teach me to look n the mirror! Who was it said just drive like a thai and you will be ok? Oops, that was me.

Lukily he was not hurt, he was a bit pissed off though.

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A bike plowed into the side of my car today! That will teach me to look n the mirror! Who was it said just drive like a thai and you will be ok? Oops, that was me.

Lukily he was not hurt, he was a bit pissed off though.

You mean you hit a bike because you did not look and changed lane.. hmm

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A bike plowed into the side of my car today! That will teach me to look n the mirror! Who was it said just drive like a thai and you will be ok? Oops, that was me.

Lukily he was not hurt, he was a bit pissed off though.

You mean you hit a bike because you did not look and changed lane.. hmm

nope! I was turning from sukhumvit into Rama 4 on the lane that has arrows painted pointing left. The bike rider came up on the in side to go straight on.

Still my fault as I should of seen him but I didn't look.

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A bike plowed into the side of my car today! That will teach me to look n the mirror! Who was it said just drive like a thai and you will be ok? Oops, that was me.

Lukily he was not hurt, he was a bit pissed off though.

You mean you hit a bike because you did not look and changed lane.. hmm

nope! I was turning from sukhumvit into Rama 4 on the lane that has arrows painted pointing left. The bike rider came up on the I side to go straight on.

Still my fault as I should of seen him but I didn't look.

Hmm true.. and not true.. i mean he should not be there.. some bikes drive like madmen. I got a big bike but those scooters leave me far behind (mostly because i wont do the crazy things they do on the long stretches i can win :))

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It's just part and parcel of driving in Bangkok. Like I say he was not hurt and the only damage was his brake lever left a deep dent under my wing mirror. Lucky for both of us, he seemed happy that I drove off so maybe he thought it was his fault as well.

Hopefully we will both learn from this

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It's just part and parcel of driving in Bangkok. Like I say he was not hurt and the only damage was his brake lever left a deep dent under my wing mirror. Lucky for both of us, he seemed happy that I drove off so maybe he thought it was his fault as well.

Hopefully we will both learn from this

I try to avoid accidents like any other try to keep my distance.. I been in an accident and i was hit by a truck and 2 cars hit the truck.. 1 was fined for tailgaiting the other not because he was a police officer. Me and the truck were both guilty but i was more guilty because bikes are not allowed on the fast line (not even big bikes) I did not mind to pay i was lucky to be alive.

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Just to put an extra cat among the pigeons........I find cars driving around Pattaya with Bangkok plates, as opposed to local Chonburi ones, tend in general to give less consideration to motorcyclists. More likely to cut you up or accelerate dangerously up the inside of you. Linking the thought to the thread, it seems to be the 'I'm better than you mentality' in that they came from Bangkok and therefore own the road much the same as OP finds with Merc drivers.........I can't stand them either (Merc drivers, that is), and yes maybe I am a little jealous but as the old saying goes 'just because I'm paranoid it doesn't necessarily mean they aren't out to get me!" :)

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In responce to gmac

I drive to Pattaya very often and you are right in What you say about Bangkok drivers. I think it is because we are so used to having bikes riding around the streets that we now tend to ignor the fact that they are there and if there is a gap then tend to go for it.

I have heard stories about bikers in Pattaya pulling guns out on car drivers after being cut up so guess that the Pattaya drivers take more care because they know this to be true.

Does that make any sense?

Edited because it was guns not gums

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What a coincidence, last month I saw a crazy Mercedez driver and was 1/2 thinking of posting a Topic.

It was mid day on the main road of White Sands on Ko Chang, when suddenly this ultra new, chromed up Mercedes barreled through town at about 70 or 80 Clicks. It was pure dumb luck he never hit anybody or anything.

I was close enough, walking facing traffic, to give him a 'what the?' look.

He gave me a 'if i had time I would stop and put a contract out on you' look. He jiggled his gold necklaces as he zipped by.

There is NO way he can continue to drive like that without killing someone, or worse, putting a dent in that gold Mercedez!

Wasn't there a son of some high level politician who did kill somone with his Mercedez and then got bought out of convictions?


If you don't know; this is a shopping street, 3 7/11's, IN and OUT to several resorts, tourists strolling and crossing back forth to stalls and shops. I would guess the usual top speed even for the experienced songtaew drivers is about 40 clicks. This whacko had that doubled and a horse shoe up his rear end.

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It's just part and parcel of driving in Bangkok. Like I say he was not hurt and the only damage was his brake lever left a deep dent under my wing mirror. Lucky for both of us, he seemed happy that I drove off so maybe he thought it was his fault as well.

Hopefully we will both learn from this

I doubt he will, seeing as he was angry at you, so in his mind he did no wrong. As offensive as this may sound to some, I think it's a shame that motorbike rider didn't fatally injure himself. Every day idiots like that drive around increase the chance that someone I love or hold dearly gets involved in a dangerous road accident. It's drivers like that that cause the accidents. The less of them, the better.

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Just to put an extra cat among the pigeons........I find cars driving around Pattaya with Bangkok plates, as opposed to local Chonburi ones, tend in general to give less consideration to motorcyclists. More likely to cut you up or accelerate dangerously up the inside of you. Linking the thought to the thread, it seems to be the 'I'm better than you mentality' in that they came from Bangkok and therefore own the road much the same as OP finds with Merc drivers.........I can't stand them either (Merc drivers, that is), and yes maybe I am a little jealous but as the old saying goes 'just because I'm paranoid it doesn't necessarily mean they aren't out to get me!" :)

I think for the most part it's a combination of a bad attitude on their part and envy on the part of those on the receiving end. It's easier for folks to shrug off buses and construction pickups laden with 10+ laborers who don't drive friendly because it's easy to rationalize how their lives generally must suck. For those who 'appear' better off, it becomes somewhat more difficult to blow it off, as not only are you being pissed on in traffic, but likely you've also been lapped (sometimes by decades and perhaps generations) in the rat race as well.

On a side note, a good number of 'Bangkok plates' literally do own much of Pattaya, so you're on the mark there. Not all are from Bangkok, a good number of land bank native Cholburi folks have their cars registered in Bangkok as well.


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After having done well over 50,000 kilometers on a motorbike in Bangkok alone i can honestly say that i am getting in situations similar to the OP's on a daily basis. But it is not only Merc's but indeed all sorts of cars, and here in Bangkok it can be said that the WORST are taxis, regardless of what type or colour, and directly followed bu buses. Yes, buses.

Those types of vehicle have no regard for the traffic rules at all and whatsoever, they overtake, undertake, weave in-and-out without the use of indicators and are generally driving with the attitude "i own the road and you have no right to be here".

This is specially bad with buses which are, by nature, large vehicles that use up quite some space while zig-zagging through traffic jams, and almost every day at some point i am coming to a stop because a bus wants to go from the left-most lane to the right-most lane, can't do so for traffic ahead of him but succeeds in blocking all three lanes solidly.

Or, in the morning today, TWO buses wanting to do a u-turn at a spot on Sukhumvit that is rather clearly marked with a "No U-Turn" sign - those buses lined up one behind another, unable to do the turn for traffic in the opposite direction - but again all three lines in my direction totally blocked and empty road ahead.

As to "safe distance", that concept simply doesn't work here. I am on the OP's side with his action in regards to that Merc - let him pass and you'll have to build up a new safe distance - into which the NEXT four-wheeled idiot will squeeze. So in fact you are basically handing yourself further and further behind in a long line of cars, you might as well stop right there and wait until that road is completely empty - or the end of your life, which ever comes first. I, too, defend my place in traffic against idiots who try to push past from behind despite the fact they wouldn't get anywhere other than just in front of me - and right behind the car that's NOW in front of me. Now my bike is not a small Honda Wave but still nowhere near as big as a Harley, however by it's looks it somewhat resembles a cop's bike so usually i have my peace after i prevent the ONCE from dangerously overtaking me - but there are exceptions and again they usually carry a "Taxi Meter" sign on the roof, those HAVE to pass come hel_l or high water, their life depends on being in front of me.

As to the list that someone made further up, with the "10 M up vehicles drivers" being the least dangerous - i can NOT agree. After all it was no less than a red Ferrari that came shooting out of a narrow soi on Ekkamai and only my really good brakes avoided a crash right into his driver's door. My rather loud horn woke him up, or rather distracted him from his phone conversation - and my middle finger told him what i thought about his driving skills. Ferrari or not, money can't buy character and believe me, if i HAD run into that Ferrari i would have sued the cr@p out of him. The "who's at fault" question was a no-brainer there - me on the main road, him coming out of a soi, hard to do the usual "blame the Farang" on that one.

On the other hand i also happen to drive a four-wheeled vehicle in Thailand, and it is even a pickup truck. So what? As i DO ride a bike, too, i think "motorbike" all the time. It is so easy to actually care for motorbikes, thus avoiding accidents with them - and to show some courtesy such as keeping a distance from the cars beside while stationary in a traffic jam just to let the bikes through - prevents scratches to the truck and allows for better (bike) traffic flow. And IF someone arrives beside me after i am already stationary and that someone is too close, it won't hurt to fold my wing mirrors to achieve the same - in fact, i see motorbike riders smile at me every time i do it, they ARE thankful for a little courtesy on the battlefield that is "Bangkok Streets".

Best regards......


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Have seen more than a few fender benders with buses and taxis. You can almost literally see their driver's ego shrink as soon as their vehicles are blocked in. It's like 'oh crap, I'm just a bus driver and I might get docked my 180 Baht a day pay today. <deleted> am I going to eat tonight?'


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The truth is, Bangkok is full of rude bastards on the roads, only this morning a taxi cut me off only to slam on the brakes so he could get back into his original lane as he realised that the lane was going to move faster after all. Then he was inbetween me and a bus and of course the bus cut the taxi off and came in to his lane and the taxi tries to run me off the road. He pulled a wheelspin to try to get in front of me but couldn't make it and ended up skidding to try to stop.

What an ape, I've seen brighter monkeys at the circus.

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