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Juthamas Indictment Creates Bad Image For Thai Tourism

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They simply haven't got a clue.

Corruption and graft operates throughout Thai society almost with surreal impunity and most who have even the slightest passing knowledge of their system together with the more seasoned observer are well aware of its extent, particularly the diplomatic corps and the multi nationals who have to negotiate its perplexities on a daily basis, but nothing is done about it.

Yet the moment one of their society figures is exposed internationally for their criminal greed they squeal like stuck pigs screaming that the image of Thailand is tarnished irretrievably and, wringing their little trotters, they agonise over what the impact might be when in truth the sad reality is that the rest of the world couldn't give a flying fart. To most, Thailand is either an exotic beach destination or a glorified knocking shop and that's about it.

The day they ditch this vainglorious notion of themselves, inflated to a preposterous degree of deluded self importance, and actually take account of just how pitiful their institutions truly are will be the day when perhaps progress could be made.

Those squealing pigs flying is perhaps more likely.

Great post.

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The military/dem coalition government are very selective in what prosecutions they want to see, and what they chase.

Far to busy abusing peoples human rights to care about true democratic process.


:) Another nonsense article about Thai tourism.

Not a single soul outside world tourism will know about this old case of many years ago and not a single soul will ever decide not to come to Thailand because of a(nother) corruption case in this exotic country.

This case creates bad image for Thailand ? :D

Next please.


She was Thaksin's little friend, and so this was not getting checked over,

like so many corruption issues during his 'administration'.

If anyone had attempted an intervention they would have been sued for a billion baht,

And now that Mr. Clean is PM everything has changed... If only Mr. Clean had been in office back in 2002 - then none of this would have happened, or arrests would have been made instantly. Go yellow!

And the T.A.T. remains a toothless entity as Thai Travel agents continue to accept payments for resort bookings and refusing to settle even though they send their T.A.T. "licence" with the booking ! Why even work with them ? :)

The issue is not if they did a good job, but the bribery itself.

If proved that goes against Jutmas also.

Wrong. Read up on the case. The issue is not the bribery itself. The Greens have already been adjudged guilty of bribery, but the judge has delayed sentencing of the Greens to find out whether Thailand actually was damaged by the Greens. Did they do a bad job when others, who didn't pay, could have done a better job? This is what the judge is waiting to hear and the prevailing opinion is that the Thai authorities don't think this is the case. Apparently, the Greens were the best choice anyway. Hence, it looks like the Greens will get off lightly and if this happens, it will not make sense for the US federal prosecutor to pursue Juthamas.

That is strictly for the Greens SENTENCING phase.

Larger or smaller sentence.

The guilt does go against them and Jutmas because of the conviction.

Not all State DA's are appointed and not all elected, each state is different.

Federal Prosecutors are often appointed by the US Attorney General,

passed by the Presidents office, and I think vetted by the Senate.

You have completely missed the point and I don't appreciate your capitals. I don't do that to you. I thought you were better than that.

The federal prosecutors have tried to make the Greens a landmark case against corruption. However, if Thai authorities do not declare that the country has suffered damage by the Green's actions, the magnitude of this case will fall flat on its face. From what I have read, it doesn't seem likely the Thai authorities will declare that the country has been damaged by the Greens, since some think they did a good job and there wasn't many alternatives to choose from anyway. In addition, if the Thai authorities declare that the Greens damaged the country, it would put pressure on them to follow up on Juthamas and it doesn't look like they want to.

If the Greens get off easily in the US, then there really is no point for any federal prosecutor to try and make a big case out of those that helped the Greens. It simply would not make sense for a US federal prosecutor to spend a great deal of time and US taxpayers money to go after a foreign national for committing a crime that didn't do a whole lot of damage to anyone anyway.

Let's sit back and see what the Thai authorities do about the Greens. If nothing, then watch how quick a settlement is made by Juthamas' attorneys with the US attorneys.

Law is NOT my strong point, but from what I know from the US it is up to the DA to press charges. The DA is an elected position and independent from the government - but if the government wants someone prosecuted they can ask or put pressure on the DA to do this, and the DA usually listens.

In many western countries that is illegal and noted as abuse of power. However, it may or may not be illegal here and in most cases probably can happen anyway. But I doubt this was on their agenda as a top item, as supposedly most of the old cabinet members had dirty laundry to deal with...and why spend muscle-power on this case when others was more pressing?

That is how a devils advocate can justify it not being done atleast.

I would not say that this woman's actions have created a poor impression. They have merely confirmed what everybody knows.


very few people reading this understand how Thais perceive 'corruption' and afterall it's their country.

there are 7 levels of corruption. The highest and strongest is 'korruption'. It's no coincidence that TRT tried to ban English words from parliament when they had the steering wheel as this would have also stopped discussion of 'korruption'.

Juthamas entered the ranks of big puu yai and this entitled her to 'gin muang' or eat the country. This is a tradition passed dowm by Rama 5 to allow provincial governers (any puu yai nowadays) to collect taxes or revenue without receiving a salary from central government. They were/are allowed to take a cut of tax/income revenue and allow the influence of their position to enrich their family and friends. 'Gin Muang' is endemic and tolerated by most Thais. Rules of this game are that some of the money 'eaten' must pass to the population at large. Banharn understands this in Suphanburi - great schools, hospitals, flowers along the roads etc. Thaksin didn't when he tried to take income from the sale of Shin/AIS to Temesak and change tax laws at the same time to benefit himself and his direct family. This broke the rules of 'gin muang'.

99.9% of farang have no idea how Thais perceive 'korruption'.

Thanks for the history lesson. Agreed in general.

Except: -TRT trying to ban English with Thaksin using at least one English word in every phrase doesn't make sense.

-Do you really believe ("Mai mee") Banharn did use one baht from his personal wealth to better the life of people from Suphanburi? It was all tax money!

Are you saying provincial governors are still entitled to a part of the tax income of this province?

And please name the other 6 levels of corruption.

People keep saying "this will be bad for tourism", etc. Yet 14 million came this year. Just odd....

Exactly. Thailand is a tourisim "Brand Name" and it seems nothing can/will derail the foreign exchange gravy train. Maybe a 30 year concerted effort to mistreat tourists would do the job.

Remember General Motors? :)


Corruption is a part of probably every society of the world, to some degree. Its when the system within some of those corrupt countries is set up like the pyramid scams which seem to flourish from time to time, that there has to be a day or reckoning. These scams are implemented to bleed the most-est, the quickest, for the most-est possible. Thailand seems to have progressed from substantial corruption to the pyramid scenario which as history has shown will bring downfall to the system but not necessarily the instigators of the system.

  • 4 months later...

Does anybody know what’s going on with this year's Thailand Film Festival? It used to be pretty decent and get some big names and different kinds of movies, but all seems to have gone quiet lately.

I’m guessing the story about the Tourism Authority of Thailand and corruption, didn’t help matters much. Shame if it has bitten the dust, but corruption like this on a big scale makes it hard to recover from.

I do feel quite angry that the former TAT boss thought it was perfectly acceptable to line her own pockets while running the show. Pretty amazed at the lengths she went to in order to cover her tracks though, getting her daughter to set up foreign bank accounts where the funny money would land. Anyway, if anyone knows what’s going on with this year’s festival, would like to learn. And as others said, interesting what will happen to Khunying Juthamas now.

Actually not Go Yellow.

They were only really interested in Thaksin and Companys crimes.

More like Go Abhisit, as such he has set a tone to TRY at least to go after this stuff,

and not just the oppositions faux pas either. Sure several coalition partners haven't

been under that microscope yet, such as Alpine, but many have had to fall on swards

and replace their buggers in office, every step forwards is just that.

Did anyone see Abhisit defending Surayud big time? Not that I saw.

No he was left to take his medicine like a mensch.

Manit tried to hang on in TRT fashion and was cut loose.

As they said Rome wasn't built in a day. and Bangkok won't be cleaned up for generations,

but Rome took many generations...

If you think this government is less corrupt than the last one - or any government in the last couple of decades - then you are deluding yourself. The current government is "same-same, but different", new boss same as the old boss... Mr. Clean is all talk and no action when it comes to cleaning up corruption.

Abhisit has taken a tough stand against corruption even instantly removing a high flying democrat minister. A first for Thailand!!!

Let's also be realistic, abhisit sits in a nightmare of corruption with very little support for tackling coruption, graft etc, even wiithin his own party. The bottom line is that the old style politiciansincluding some in the democrats will fight tooth and nail to maintain the status quo.

The police have shown again that they report to nobody. Can abhisit turn this around in 5 minutes? Of course not, especially since taksin bought the support of the police and there waiting for more taksin money. But abhisit has made it very plain that he's got the police in his sights. And please let's understand that he has been a little distracted in the last few months or so.

As alrady said, rome was built / reformoed in a day. Give the man time.


People keep saying "this will be bad for tourism", etc. Yet 14 million came this year. Just odd....

Yeah, especially with corruption running rampant and misplaced priorities all through the US federal prosecution system.

Thailand tourism will only collapse completely if the country goes the way of Myanmar. Thailand offers so many things to so many people that they can't find in their home countries.

To echo Pete .... double-yawn.


Does anybody know what’s going on with this year's Thailand Film Festival? It used to be pretty decent and get some big names and different kinds of movies, but all seems to have gone quiet lately.

I’m guessing the story about the Tourism Authority of Thailand and corruption, didn’t help matters much. Shame if it has bitten the dust, but corruption like this on a big scale makes it hard to recover from.

I do feel quite angry that the former TAT boss thought it was perfectly acceptable to line her own pockets while running the show. Pretty amazed at the lengths she went to in order to cover her tracks though, getting her daughter to set up foreign bank accounts where the funny money would land. Anyway, if anyone knows what’s going on with this year’s festival, would like to learn. And as others said, interesting what will happen to Khunying Juthamas now.

Found this from only a couple of weeks ago:

NACC informs Juthamas of charge

June 11, 2010

The Nation

The anti-graft agency has informed former Tourism Authority of Thailand governor Juthamas Siriwan of its corruption charge against her for allegedly accepting bribes from an American couple in return for the rights to organise the Bangkok International Film Festival.

Medhi Krongkaew, a member of the National Anti-Corruption Commission, yesterday said the NACC sent Juthamas its allegation against her late last month after its subcommittee had collected sufficient evidence.

He said the NACC had yet to obtain a written explanation from her in response to its accusation.

United States federal prosecutors have charged Juthamas with conspiracy and eight other counts under a law that prohibits US businesses from paying bribes in foreign countries.

The US federal indictment said the former TAT chief accepted US$1.8 million (Bt58.53 million) in bribes from American film producers Gerald and Patricia Green from 2002-07 so that the couple could run the BIFF and land other tourism-related deals.

Medhi said the NACC had obtained information from US public prosecutors regarding the case.

He added he was confident the evidence gathered by the subcommittee was even more convincing than that collected by the US authorities.



I love to watch movies. When Thailand is mentioned, it is usually not in a good light. Primarily having to do with sex. My wife always points this out to me...saying it is too bad we have such a bad image. Like the song says "one night in Bangkok makes a ....". That is Thailand's image to the world. Period.

With regards to corruption, I talk with her about this all the time. About how sad the cops only stop easy prey to make a buck and don't go after all the other crazy stuff that happens on the roads. Her comment is that even young kids know how to bribe. It is learned at a very early age and is just part of the culture. Take advantage whenever you can and from whomever you can. Sad....

I hope we are seeing some improvement, but like mentioned above, it will be a long time before Thailand moves up the list from very corrupt to not so corrupt. It is just part of the culture....

There are 5 or 6 'special' massage parlours in out sleepy little city in Canada. 4 of them are run by Thai women. One of them is right across the steet from the Court House, <deleted>.


Anyway, small miracles; a Thai with 'status' who recogises the #1, root cause of why Thailand is spiralling and spinning apart.

Chanin said Thailand's problems stemmed completely from its politicians, who always sought benefits and were prepared to remove anyone opposing them. Therefore, officials who do get promoted are often corrupt and have poor attitudes.

"This highlights the inefficiency of the administration, as well as the country's weak law enforcement," he said.

Chanin suggested the government carefully monitor each agency's budget disbursal, but admitted such a task was more difficult than it appeared at first glance.

It would actually be quite easy to clear up the mess using The Joseph Plan.


Actually no-one rfeally cares. Most tourists automatically believe Thailand is corrupt. And anyone in a uniform is assumed to be on the take. Thailand is considered safe enough for a holiday, but not honest enough to invest in.

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