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German Tourist Stabbed To Death In Phuket


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where is the exact location

we should put some flowers down and maybe a sign to what happend there

its ubelieveable the world we live in sometimes


PS: Last week i was bicycling on that road and two young guys on a motobike came ver slowly, very close and then screamed at me to give me shock, i gave them the finger too... I will practice to stay in a cool mood in the future even if some a...holes are behaving like human sh..t

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THere seems to be a lot of stories coming out of Phuket lately and most of them are very negative.

Phuket is starting to make Pattaya look good with these kind of stories.

The whole thing is very scary. We should all be jai yen yen all the time but life doesn't work like that. Sometimes you get annoyed or angry and it comes out.

Getting murdered for expressing a bit of anger is a heavy price to pay.

No other country has the amount of tourists murdered, raped, robbed,scammed etc per capita as Thailand.

Says it all really.

Well for the UK and Australia more tourists are murdered per capita in Thailand than anywhere else.

That is taken from the respective government websites.

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THere seems to be a lot of stories coming out of Phuket lately and most of them are very negative.

Phuket is starting to make Pattaya look good with these kind of stories.

The whole thing is very scary. We should all be jai yen yen all the time but life doesn't work like that. Sometimes you get annoyed or angry and it comes out.

Getting murdered for expressing a bit of anger is a heavy price to pay.

No other country has the amount of tourists murdered, raped, robbed,scammed etc per capita as Thailand.

Says it all really.

Well for the UK and Australia more tourists are murdered per capita in Thailand than anywhere else.

That is taken from the respective government websites.

You should post which web site has the information to verify it. Until then I treat it as rumor.

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Hopefully the witnesses got the license plates of the motorcycles and can pass those on too so these low lifes can be caught.

The newspaper reported the bike had no licence plate.

Even if it had a number, Police once told me they are not allowed to check on that, only the TAX office can :)


case 1

a car drove in my motobike from behind, crashed it and after typically Thaistyle the driver disapeared. we got the number but Chalong police nor Phuket Police cant catch the driver (or dont want too)

case 2

a friends mother was robbed on the way home about 50m in front of their house. A guy on a motobike steal her handbag with important heart medicine, some money and a handphone. They reported the number to Chalong AND to Phuket Town Police station. Same outcome here. Police said the number plate was from PhangNga area they can do nothing to find out who the owner of the motobike was.

It should be not too difficult for the police to find the Pink Yamaha Fino IF THEY WANT TOO. The BiB are not stupid and they have their opportunities to find the driver, holder and his friends presumed THEY WANT TO

Another oppurtunity is a THAIVISA donation found. 10-20.000.- on their head will do it quite fast ! :D

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All is so sad.

I agree. Who could know for the details such as gesture and cutting on the road???? Why it is not in report? That could be a lead to see what really happened.

If someone was in his car (who saw what happened on the road) probbably (just guessing) it might be some Thai woman. Younger then his ex was.

We saw he was separated from his woman (wife?). I would not be happy (i would not be surprised), if he was killed because he nad the new woman (as happened to another German before). If we could know about this some more details (person in the car) we could know it was planned attack.

I am wondering who made a call to his (separated) woman? What time? Why another man (Thai) picked up her phone? Who is that guy? If the call was late night, why another Thai man answered?If was made by Police in wish to inform some his relatives. Why she wasn't with her phone? Could be like making an alibi, coverage for his ex. (naive)

Motobike without plate perfectly match in this possible scenario. Seem like a planned murder.

These are just guessings. But the person who saw details on the road, is the clue. Thus the man who answered to the call, one his ex's phone.

I don't believe the reason for an argue would be honking to some wild in ride teenagers. There is something more behind.

German people are not easy to make them be out of control. He was age 66 amd in that age not so many of us would be wild-whatever we experience on the road. Poor guy is probbably long time in Thailand so i assume he knew how dangerous is to react or fight with stupid Thai kids on the road.

I will not buy this version of story from reports. As always, reports are confusing us all. Makes me sick about it.


As at least one poster has pointed out here, it would be wrong to jump to conclusions and assume the murderers just attacked a stranger who had "disrespected" them. There could easily be more to this and a very careful investigation of the deceased's finances and investments would reveal a lot more than idle hearsay and speculation.

I guess when you refer to "idle hearsay and speculation" you are including your own, and that of stepenwolf :)

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THere seems to be a lot of stories coming out of Phuket lately and most of them are very negative.

Phuket is starting to make Pattaya look good with these kind of stories.

The whole thing is very scary. We should all be jai yen yen all the time but life doesn't work like that. Sometimes you get annoyed or angry and it comes out.

Getting murdered for expressing a bit of anger is a heavy price to pay.

No other country has the amount of tourists murdered, raped, robbed,scammed etc per capita as Thailand.

Says it all really.

Well for the UK and Australia more tourists are murdered per capita in Thailand than anywhere else.

That is taken from the respective government websites.

You should post which web site has the information to verify it. Until then I treat it as rumor.

Thailand 'Deadliest' for Aussies: Cause is Secret

By Alan Morison

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Phuketwan News Analysis

MORE Australians are visiting Thailand for the last time because they are dying here, according to the latest figures issued by the country's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Following release of the statistics, newspapers in Australia described Thailand as by far the ''deadliest destination'' for citizens from Down Under. But why? No-one is saying.


In the year to June 30 2009, a total of 105 Australians died in Thailand, according to the DFAT figures. This compares with 50 in the US and 58 in Indonesia, both countries with larger numbers of Aussie visitors.

Efforts by Phuketwan over two weeks to establish a logical explanation for the high ratio of deaths among Australians in Thailand have failed.

Both the Australian Embassy in Bangkok and DFAT in Canberra, the Australian capital, have declined to provide any explanation for the exceptionally high death rate.

This is in contrast to Britain's Foreign and Commonwealth Office, which sends out an explanation of causes and trends with the annual release of its 'travellers in trouble'' figures, and responds to journalists' questions.

At the slightest hint of a virus or an uprising, Australia is usually among the swiftest of nations to issue often-spurious travel alerts to protect its citizens.

However, its foreign service equivalent now appear to prefer to let its citizens travel in total ignorance about the causes of the alarming rate of deaths in Thailand.

Why are Australians dying in such numbers in Thailand? Tourists won't be told because it's some kind of government secret.

Yet if a beer mat disappears from a bar in Patong and an Australian radio ''shock jock'' gets to hear from a suburban mum accused of theft, expect Canberra to have the Prime Minister respond.

What is going on? Under the Labor government, Canberra treats its travelling citizenry with disdain of a kind that has never been seen before.

For the record, 105 Australians died in Thailand out of 378,400 visitors in 2008-2009. This compares with 58 deaths in Indonesia among 436,100 Australians, and 50 deaths in the US among 500,000 visitors.

Did they fall off jet-skis in Patong? Were they mugged by ladyboys in Pattaya? Have Aussies suddenly taken to drink-driving on motorcycles?

What's more, is that visitor number for the US precise, or some kind of an approximation? There is no-one in Canberra or Bangkok who can tell us.

Proper statistical analysis is the basis for predicting future trends . . . and for warning people about potential dangers. Analysis of figures is something that is well done in the West, and improving rapidly in developing countries.

Australia, it seems, does not view the abnormally high death rate of its citizens in Thailand as a problem, or the need for proper statistical analysis as a priority.

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Hopefully the witnesses got the license plates of the motorcycles and can pass those on too so these low lifes can be caught.

The newspaper reported the bike had no licence plate.

Even if it had a number, Police once told me they are not allowed to check on that, only the TAX office can :)


case 1

a car drove in my motobike from behind, crashed it and after typically Thaistyle the driver disapeared. we got the number but Chalong police nor Phuket Police cant catch the driver (or dont want too)

case 2

a friends mother was robbed on the way home about 50m in front of their house. A guy on a motobike steal her handbag with important heart medicine, some money and a handphone. They reported the number to Chalong AND to Phuket Town Police station. Same outcome here. Police said the number plate was from PhangNga area they can do nothing to find out who the owner of the motobike was.

It should be not too difficult for the police to find the Pink Yamaha Fino IF THEY WANT TOO. The BiB are not stupid and they have their opportunities to find the driver, holder and his friends presumed THEY WANT TO

Another oppurtunity is a THAIVISA donation found. 10-20.000.- on their head will do it quite fast ! :D

They have found the perpetrator, so your suggestion and complaints about the police look a bit strange. Edited by stevenl
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Phuket expat’s killer: I acted alone


A police officer puts confessed murderer Pittaya Srijitraporn in a headlock during a re-enactment of the murder this morning as Phuket Provincial Police Coammander Pekad Tantipong (right) looks on.

PHUKET: -- A 32-year-old man has confessed to the murder of German expat Wolf Kesselheim, telling police he acted alone and in self-defense.

Chalong police arrested Pittaya Srijitraporn yesterday evening at Kata viewpoint, where he made a living charging tourists to pose in photographs with sea eagles.

Mr Pittaya was paraded before the media at a press conference at Chalong Police Station this morning.

He admitted to stabbing 66-year-old Mr Kesselheim, who was stabbed to death in Chalong on Wednesday night.

Mr Pittaya said he had just picked up his two young cousins from school and was driving them home on his motorbike when the incident took place.

He confessed to cutting off Mr Kesselheim’s pickup truck at around 7pm outside Chalong Police Station.

This angered the German, who followed the three Thais in his pick-up to Chalong Circle, shouting at them along the way.

Both vehicles turned off the traffic circle onto Viset Road, heading towards Rawai, with the German honking his horn angrily.

Eventually, Mr Pittaya pulled over in front of the German’s truck, forcing him to stop in front of a 7-Eleven. He claimed Mr Kesselheim was too drunk to talk the incident through.

Mr Pittaya said the German got out of the truck and punched him in the face, starting a scuffle he realized he could not win against the larger man.

When Mr Kesselheim got him in a headlock, the Thai stabbed him with a knife.

After the elderly German fell to the ground, Mr Pittaya and his cousins fled on the motorbike.

Chalong Police Duty Officer Anukul Nuket said Mr Pittaya denied the younger Thais, both minors, were involved in the fight.

Mr Pittaya also claimed that at the time of his arrest he was unaware Mr Kesselheim had died of his injuries.

Police led by Phuket Provincial Police Commander Pekad Tantipong this morning made Mr Pittaya re-enact the crime.

Mr Kesselheim’s body is being kept at Wat Chalong pending funeral arrangements.


-- Phuket Gazette 2010-01-29


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PHUKET: -- A 32-year-old man has confessed to the murder of German expat Wolf Kesselheim, telling police he acted alone and in self-defense.

Chalong police arrested Pittaya Srijitraporn yesterday evening at Kata viewpoint, where he made a living charging tourists to pose in photographs with sea eagles.

Since Mr. Srijitraporn makes his living from tourists, you would think that he might have counted to 10, thinking "jai yen, yen" and simply turning down a soi and losing the angry german.

IMHO a lot of this thai on foreigner violence is because there is usually little downside for the Thais that choose to beat, injur or kill a farang. It will be interesting to see how this plays out and if Mr. Srijitraporn will be found guilty or murder or not.

I wonder how many 32 year old Germans would stab to death a 66 year old thai for giving them the finger in Berlin?

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IMHO a lot of this thai on foreigner violence is because there is usually little downside for the Thais that choose to beat, injur or kill a farang. It will be interesting to see how this plays out and if Mr. Srijitraporn will be found guilty or murder or not.

Me thinks this will play out as self-defence, after all it was the farang who provoked this poor innocent thai indvidual, of course he has admitted to a traffic offense.....am I am being cynical ???... :)

To resurrect an earlier posting by our esteemed member "Rak"...."Boys will be Boys"......Rak so do you consider this 32 year old a boy ??

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THere seems to be a lot of stories coming out of Phuket lately and most of them are very negative.

Phuket is starting to make Pattaya look good with these kind of stories.

The whole thing is very scary. We should all be jai yen yen all the time but life doesn't work like that. Sometimes you get annoyed or angry and it comes out.

Getting murdered for expressing a bit of anger is a heavy price to pay.

No other country has the amount of tourists murdered, raped, robbed,scammed etc per capita as Thailand.

Says it all really.

Well for the UK and Australia more tourists are murdered per capita in Thailand than anywhere else.

That is taken from the respective government websites.

You should post which web site has the information to verify it. Until then I treat it as rumor.

BBC covered it and it was the subject of extensive threads last year.

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Phuket expat’s killer: I acted alone


A police officer puts confessed murderer Pittaya Srijitraporn in a headlock during a re-enactment of the murder this morning as Phuket Provincial Police Coammander Pekad Tantipong (right) looks on.

PHUKET: -- A 32-year-old man has confessed to the murder of German expat Wolf Kesselheim, telling police he acted alone and in self-defense.

Chalong police arrested Pittaya Srijitraporn yesterday evening at Kata viewpoint, where he made a living charging tourists to pose in photographs with sea eagles.

Mr Pittaya was paraded before the media at a press conference at Chalong Police Station this morning.

He admitted to stabbing 66-year-old Mr Kesselheim, who was stabbed to death in Chalong on Wednesday night.

Mr Pittaya said he had just picked up his two young cousins from school and was driving them home on his motorbike when the incident took place.

He confessed to cutting off Mr Kesselheim’s pickup truck at around 7pm outside Chalong Police Station.

This angered the German, who followed the three Thais in his pick-up to Chalong Circle, shouting at them along the way.

Both vehicles turned off the traffic circle onto Viset Road, heading towards Rawai, with the German honking his horn angrily.

Eventually, Mr Pittaya pulled over in front of the German’s truck, forcing him to stop in front of a 7-Eleven. He claimed Mr Kesselheim was too drunk to talk the incident through.

Mr Pittaya said the German got out of the truck and punched him in the face, starting a scuffle he realized he could not win against the larger man.

When Mr Kesselheim got him in a headlock, the Thai stabbed him with a knife.

After the elderly German fell to the ground, Mr Pittaya and his cousins fled on the motorbike.

Chalong Police Duty Officer Anukul Nuket said Mr Pittaya denied the younger Thais, both minors, were involved in the fight.

Mr Pittaya also claimed that at the time of his arrest he was unaware Mr Kesselheim had died of his injuries.

Police led by Phuket Provincial Police Commander Pekad Tantipong this morning made Mr Pittaya re-enact the crime.

Mr Kesselheim’s body is being kept at Wat Chalong pending funeral arrangements.


-- Phuket Gazette 2010-01-29


So even in his version of events, which is designed to make him look good, he still admits, 1) he cut the other guy up initially.. And 2) he blocked the other guys way forcing a confrontation..

And then we are supposed to believe that the 66 year old guy came out swinging.. When the perp was the one who made him stop ?? If he truly didnt want any confrontation why did he block the guys car and make him stop ??

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A thai will fight when they know for a fact they will win. So if they "step up" and get in your face remember that tid bit of information.... They KNOW they will win, and they know this because:

A) He has at least 3 or more of his buddies near by

:) he has a deadly weapon

If a Thai backs down, that is because he does not have the above readily available.

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Phuket expat’s killer: I acted alone


A police officer puts confessed murderer Pittaya Srijitraporn in a headlock during a re-enactment of the murder this morning as Phuket Provincial Police Coammander Pekad Tantipong (right) looks on.

PHUKET: -- A 32-year-old man has confessed to the murder of German expat Wolf Kesselheim, telling police he acted alone and in self-defense.

Chalong police arrested Pittaya Srijitraporn yesterday evening at Kata viewpoint, where he made a living charging tourists to pose in photographs with sea eagles.

Mr Pittaya was paraded before the media at a press conference at Chalong Police Station this morning.

He admitted to stabbing 66-year-old Mr Kesselheim, who was stabbed to death in Chalong on Wednesday night.

Mr Pittaya said he had just picked up his two young cousins from school and was driving them home on his motorbike when the incident took place.

He confessed to cutting off Mr Kesselheim’s pickup truck at around 7pm outside Chalong Police Station.

This angered the German, who followed the three Thais in his pick-up to Chalong Circle, shouting at them along the way.

Both vehicles turned off the traffic circle onto Viset Road, heading towards Rawai, with the German honking his horn angrily.

Eventually, Mr Pittaya pulled over in front of the German’s truck, forcing him to stop in front of a 7-Eleven. He claimed Mr Kesselheim was too drunk to talk the incident through.

Mr Pittaya said the German got out of the truck and punched him in the face, starting a scuffle he realized he could not win against the larger man.

When Mr Kesselheim got him in a headlock, the Thai stabbed him with a knife.

After the elderly German fell to the ground, Mr Pittaya and his cousins fled on the motorbike.

Chalong Police Duty Officer Anukul Nuket said Mr Pittaya denied the younger Thais, both minors, were involved in the fight.

Mr Pittaya also claimed that at the time of his arrest he was unaware Mr Kesselheim had died of his injuries.

Police led by Phuket Provincial Police Commander Pekad Tantipong this morning made Mr Pittaya re-enact the crime.

Mr Kesselheim’s body is being kept at Wat Chalong pending funeral arrangements.


-- Phuket Gazette 2010-01-29


So even in his version of events, which is designed to make him look good, he still admits, 1) he cut the other guy up initially.. And 2) he blocked the other guys way forcing a confrontation..

And then we are supposed to believe that the 66 year old guy came out swinging.. When the perp was the one who made him stop ?? If he truly didnt want any confrontation why did he block the guys car and make him stop ??

There was a case years back in Florida... a case of road rage.... younger guy flashed an older fellow with lights to indicate that he should pull over. The old guy pulled over. The older guy took a toungue lashing from the kid. Then after the kid was walking away. The older guy got out of his car, open the trunk/boot and pulled out a cross bow. Loaded the bow, then shot the kid in the shoulder area... the arrow cut a main artery and the kid died. The older fellow got off without any jail time. It was a shocker case... but Floridians (all older people) "take care of their own." I suspect we will see the same done here, and I also believe the MIB helped this 32 year old "boy" make up his story of the events that took place.

Edited by Dakhar
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Sad but true, the police will try twisting it around so that the perpetrator gets off easy.

There's only the story from the knife wielder, there's no story from the German because he's dead. If there were any Thai witnesses, you can bet they're too cowed to speak up, and if so, certainly would not say anything which would incriminate one of their own.

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i never ever give these mindless idiots the middle finger... i always give them the w**ker sign... these people have no idea of how to drive responsibly on the road... my thoughts and condolences go out to the deceased's family and friends... hopefully if Buddhists believe in Karma they will end up being another statistic also and get their just deserts... "sum num na".... ABSOLUTE SCUM... but then again it will be the farang's fault for sure!

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Phuket expat's killer: I acted alone


A police officer puts confessed murderer Pittaya Srijitraporn in a headlock during a re-enactment of the murder this morning as Phuket Provincial Police Coammander Pekad Tantipong (right) looks on.

PHUKET: -- A 32-year-old man has confessed to the murder of German expat Wolf Kesselheim, telling police he acted alone and in self-defense.

Chalong police arrested Pittaya Srijitraporn yesterday evening at Kata viewpoint, where he made a living charging tourists to pose in photographs with sea eagles.

Mr Pittaya was paraded before the media at a press conference at Chalong Police Station this morning.

He admitted to stabbing 66-year-old Mr Kesselheim, who was stabbed to death in Chalong on Wednesday night.

Mr Pittaya said he had just picked up his two young cousins from school and was driving them home on his motorbike when the incident took place.

He confessed to cutting off Mr Kesselheim's pickup truck at around 7pm outside Chalong Police Station.

This angered the German, who followed the three Thais in his pick-up to Chalong Circle, shouting at them along the way.

Both vehicles turned off the traffic circle onto Viset Road, heading towards Rawai, with the German honking his horn angrily.

Eventually, Mr Pittaya pulled over in front of the German's truck, forcing him to stop in front of a 7-Eleven. He claimed Mr Kesselheim was too drunk to talk the incident through.

Mr Pittaya said the German got out of the truck and punched him in the face, starting a scuffle he realized he could not win against the larger man.

When Mr Kesselheim got him in a headlock, the Thai stabbed him with a knife.

After the elderly German fell to the ground, Mr Pittaya and his cousins fled on the motorbike.

Chalong Police Duty Officer Anukul Nuket said Mr Pittaya denied the younger Thais, both minors, were involved in the fight.

Mr Pittaya also claimed that at the time of his arrest he was unaware Mr Kesselheim had died of his injuries.

Police led by Phuket Provincial Police Commander Pekad Tantipong this morning made Mr Pittaya re-enact the crime.

Mr Kesselheim's body is being kept at Wat Chalong pending funeral arrangements.


-- Phuket Gazette 2010-01-29


So even in his version of events, which is designed to make him look good, he still admits, 1) he cut the other guy up initially.. And 2) he blocked the other guys way forcing a confrontation..

And then we are supposed to believe that the 66 year old guy came out swinging.. When the perp was the one who made him stop ?? If he truly didnt want any confrontation why did he block the guys car and make him stop ??

Exactly, this is "Amazing Thailand" where even the most basic situation can become so convoluted. Initially it was three Thais who beat the old German who "cut them off" in the Chalong circle. Now it's the Thais on the motorcycle "cut off" the German and it was only one of the Thais who stabbed the German in "self-defense" while the others (accessories to the crime) innocently looked on... 

As many Thais have said to me "if you only kill one person, not a big deal and you may have to spend some time in jail". Murder here is almost socially accepted as a method to resolve disputes with others.

Edited by bustersizemore
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I wonder how many 32 year old Germans would stab to death a 66 year old thai for giving them the finger in Berlin?

not much, guess something around 0 ....except they have only a german passport and are not born there :)

a Berliner

THANKS to the MiB and everybody else who helped to bring this coward to justice so fast

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Even though the now-published version of events seems quite believable (and I'm sure there are witnesses who have come forward) the "an-expat-can-do-no-wrong" and "all-Thais-are out-to-get-us" brigades here on TV will still spin this (as they believe the Thai authorities are doing). What a freakin' quagmire of he said/she said... I don't know exactly what happened but I'm tending to believe its a little from column "A" and a little from column "B". Its a shame that either side felt the need to escalate a "happens-all-the-time" incident into what it became... Condolences to family and friends of the victim.

BTW - to the Tolley et al... do you see Thailand anywhere on these "Most Dangerous Tourist Destination lists?




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Even though the now-published version of events seems quite believable (and I'm sure there are witnesses who have come forward) the "an-expat-can-do-no-wrong" and "all-Thais-are out-to-get-us" brigades here on TV will still spin this (as they believe the Thai authorities are doing). What a freakin' quagmire of he said/she said... I don't know exactly what happened but I'm tending to believe its a little from column "A" and a little from column "B". Its a shame that either side felt the need to escalate a "happens-all-the-time" incident into what it became... Condolences to family and friends of the victim.

BTW - to the Tolley et al... do you see Thailand anywhere on these "Most Dangerous Tourist Destination lists?




Totally agree.
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Even though the now-published version of events seems quite believable (and I'm sure there are witnesses who have come forward) the "an-expat-can-do-no-wrong" and "all-Thais-are out-to-get-us" brigades here on TV will still spin this (as they believe the Thai authorities are doing). What a freakin' quagmire of he said/she said... I don't know exactly what happened but I'm tending to believe its a little from column "A" and a little from column "B". Its a shame that either side felt the need to escalate a "happens-all-the-time" incident into what it became... Condolences to family and friends of the victim.

BTW - to the Tolley et al... do you see Thailand anywhere on these "Most Dangerous Tourist Destination lists?




There isn't really that much to believe from A or B. The minutiae of the situation as to why someone may have got angry or not is in reality irrelevant. There isn't any justification for this type of thing to escalate to a death. A person has been killed and another has admitted that he stuck a concealed knife into him.

Forget the headlocks or arguments, there is NO JUSTIFICATION for this type of response to a bit verbal abuse. Flying off the handle resulting in deaths is not justified for verbal abuse. I know there is no precedent in Thailand, but under what circumstances can the law say that swearing at someone and giving them the finger justifies killing them?

Bearing in mind that the person actively chased the other, knew they had a knife on them and got into a fight with the victim, I would suggest that this is murder. In Thailand the death penalty for this type of thing isn't unheard of so, I would hope that in an effort to show that the law of the land has some sway, they should seek it.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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ROFL, IRAQ, HAITI, CHECHNYA, AFGHANISTAN etc..... will you honestly call this as TOURIST destinations?

in the other list Egypt is named, they had some serious bombs attacks where several tourist died, sure it makes the numbers rise!

In Thailand, most of the incidents happend to Tourists will never reported, due to lack of communications or the THAILAND THAILAND UBER ALLES gang. Try to tell the normal tourist in a tourist forum about whats really going on here sometimes..... They delete your post faster as you can say HI. Tourist industry is strong everywhere and its not in their intrest to read anything negative about a destination where is much money in for them....

anyway, have a great day and a nice weekend. I am happy for the family and friends of Wolf Dieter that the Police catched this s_umbag so fast

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