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It has been my strong intention to buy a Toyota Camry this month. Been planning it for a couple of months. My choice was due to liking the car quite a bit (I have driven one on a rental) and an overall faith that Toyotas were really good cars (although I have always owned American brands while living in America). Now I'm living here.

I am quite conflicted on what to do. Part of me says...hey, it's now a stay-away brand. The other part of me says they will sort through it and it is not a common problem.



Toyota is the most reliable brand in the world and has been that continuously for the last 10+ years in statistics gathered in Europe. I don't know about the same statistics in America but that European statistics all show the same and continuously put a Japanese brand in the top spot ahead of European brands says a whole lot I think.

I would certainly still buy a Toyota :)


There is not a car company on the planet that has not had re-calls.....or much worse. Toyota builds very good vehicles, I would not let this latest hiccup effect your choice of buying a Camry.


Firstly, the recalls don't effect Thailand. Second, the majority of recals were concerning 2 things: A floor mat interfering with the accelorator pedel, and the regenerative breaking in the Prius. I have never owned a car or truck where I didn't have similar issues with the floor mat, and until now I have never owned a Toyota. Incidently I took the floor mat out of the Yaris when I bought it. I just have the smaller square plastic one now. And they don't sell the Prius here so that won't effect you either.

I don't believe Toyota is a "stay away brand" at all.


Actually Scuba there were 2 separate accelerator problems. One with the floor mat you described but also another with a corrosion problem on a cable.

Again, hardly a reason to stay away from Toyota......


If you do a search on this forum, you'll find a year or so back quite a few owners of Fortuners complaining of having had brake issues. Whether they were one-offs or not i don't know.


As ScubaBuddha said, I've never driven any make of car that I didn't have a problem with the floor mat on.

Maybe you would rather buy a Ford, the company that had problems with the delamination of tyres on the Explorer causing many accidents and deaths and continued to deny the problem for years until they lost the class action suits.

Then Ford tried to blame the tyre manufacturer who had fortunately kept all the correspondence warning Ford that the tyre specification insisted on by Ford would delaminate.


Due to the financial plight also Toyota is in because of the financial crisis, somewhere money must be saved.

If only to stay alive.

And, Toyota did make production cheaper, had to.

By buying in cheaper (ask yourself how that is possible), by shifting production of components and cars elsewhere (ask yourself to where), by speeding up the production line, by whatever means a few percent can be saved on any car produced.

Indeed, the quality status of Toyota is high, but also quality control is a part of the production where some money can be saved, and they did.

And the slight decrease in general quality is well known in the trade.

But Toyota is in good company, Mercedes too has a decline in quality in the last 5-6 years.

I am not really in the trade, never was, however my son is.

Very much so.

Just last week I was emailing him about all this, and he told me that Toyota is still a good car.

One of the best, actually, in the whole world.

But quality differs per factory, not much but enough to make a difference.

Look where the car was produced and draw your own conclusions.


Yes Toyota is a reliable car.It's good they put out the problem in open,even if this will cost Toyota very much money.Do not worry,run and buy :D

Toyota is the most reliable brand in the world and has been that continuously for the last 10+ years in statistics gathered in Europe. I don't know about the same statistics in America but that European statistics all show the same and continuously put a Japanese brand in the top spot ahead of European brands says a whole lot I think.

I would certainly still buy a Toyota :)


My 2c

I'm in the "there is no reason not to buy a Toyota". I have a few (4 minimum) friends with Camrys no one ever says anything bad about them.

I think most of the hype is coming unfortunately from the US. Probably because they see a chink in the armour.

Prius is a subject for a whole other topic. Ten foot pole and all that.


Unless you are going to trade every year or two, I'd buy what I liked the best. I don't follow the lemming principle. I have a Nissan pickup and a Ford Focus for a car. Contrary to what the lemming tell you, I don't think there is a bad vehicle built or sold here in Thailand.


The fact that Toyota has a worldwide recall would not affect my buying another Toyota but the head in the sand of Toyota Thailand that the fault does not occur here would.


Go to the dealers of most makes and models.

See how the sales person treat you... good?... bad?... snobby?... uninterested?... idiots?... knowledgable?

Ask for the the after sales informations.... how are their garages?... clean?... dirty?... professional?... childish?

Ask for the maintenance cost of their cars, in print or writing. Honda has a booklet that will give you the cost of each maintanence period for every model. (obviously this will be an approximate.. smart asses need not apply, please go to the dealers and bug them about it)( i own both a Toyota and Honda).

Go to various dealerships, and compare between dealership owners... Are they all constant across the board?... Is one dealer of the same make better than the other?...

Go to variouse makes (Toyota, Honda, Mercedes, etc) and compare....

REMEMBER, buying a car is only the first step of hundreds..... you will need to MAINTAIN it!!!! Compare the after-sales, maintanence service.

<<my 2 satang>>

As ScubaBuddha said, I've never driven any make of car that I didn't have a problem with the floor mat on.

Maybe you would rather buy a Ford, the company that had problems with the delamination of tyres on the Explorer causing many accidents and deaths and continued to deny the problem for years until they lost the class action suits.

Then Ford tried to blame the tyre manufacturer who had fortunately kept all the correspondence warning Ford that the tyre specification insisted on by Ford would delaminate.

Delaminating tires is normally in Thailand (cheap rubber quality), specially if yo using "Made in China" tires. After one year the problem starts.

Toyota is a very boring, but very good brand. It's not only Toyota. Every car today is fully pimped up with all electronic items, controls and sensors, to fullfill the treehughers laws and rules to save gasoline. But you should notice:, more electronic on a car, more problem you will have after certain time. You save money on gasoline NOW, but you'll pay more money for repairs AFTER the car is out of warrantie. Every car same!


Toyota are one of the most reliable, well made cars in the world. This whole thing stinks. Read this article and wonder why the American car makers who had exactly the same so called fault were not made to do anything ? Somebody trying to keep the USA motor industry in existence ?

As far as I am aware to date they do not even have a fix for the so called problem ?


I would not hesitate to buy one!

Toyota are one of the most reliable, well made cars in the world. This whole thing stinks. Read this article and wonder why the American car makers who had exactly the same so called fault were not made to do anything ? Somebody trying to keep the USA motor industry in existence ?

As far as I am aware to date they do not even have a fix for the so called problem ?


I would not hesitate to buy one!

seems like us auto industry is using all means to sell a few vehicles. I assume there are one or two suppliers of this el throttle in the us, IOW us and japs made in us all use the same part. but someone makes Toyota take the blame. or Toyota wants to show the world only they take the problem seriously.

LOS Toyota, Honda, Izu, Ford, Mazda, Mitsu all get their el throttle from a supplier making them in LOS. Due to tax reasons. Thats why LOS and OZ vehicles are not recalled

Toyota are one of the most reliable, well made cars in the world. This whole thing stinks. Read this article and wonder why the American car makers who had exactly the same so called fault were not made to do anything ? Somebody trying to keep the USA motor industry in existence ?

As far as I am aware to date they do not even have a fix for the so called problem ?


I would not hesitate to buy one!

seems like us auto industry is using all means to sell a few vehicles. I assume there are one or two suppliers of this el throttle in the us, IOW us and japs made in us all use the same part. but someone makes Toyota take the blame. or Toyota wants to show the world only they take the problem seriously.

LOS Toyota, Honda, Izu, Ford, Mazda, Mitsu all get their el throttle from a supplier making them in LOS. Due to tax reasons. Thats why LOS and OZ vehicles are not recalled

And why it needs a electrical trottle? A mecanical one would be better and saver anyway. Specially on hunmid climate wou will have more and more problems with electonic parts. today cars are made to be broke after five years. For example automatic transmissions on almost all new cars broke after 100'000km. Very expensive replacement. so in most of western countries, where labour and parts is expensive, consumers will, or have, to buy a new car, to pay another 4 years rates again. Peaple who can't afford to buy cash will never get out of their depts again, unless they walk.
today cars are made to be broke after five years. For example automatic transmissions on almost all new cars broke after 100'000km.

Based on personal experience I have to disagree.

2002 Camry (top model auto) - Owned since new - nearly 280k km's - most of that at speed, with the usual sudden braking and heavy acceleration characteristics of driving on Thai roads - only thing to be replaced (apart from std. service items) in the whole power/drive train was a head gasket - for a price of 3750B.

It still drives like a new car.

Toyota are one of the most reliable, well made cars in the world. This whole thing stinks. Read this article and wonder why the American car makers who had exactly the same so called fault were not made to do anything ? Somebody trying to keep the USA motor industry in existence ?

As far as I am aware to date they do not even have a fix for the so called problem ?


I would not hesitate to buy one!

seems like us auto industry is using all means to sell a few vehicles. I assume there are one or two suppliers of this el throttle in the us, IOW us and japs made in us all use the same part. but someone makes Toyota take the blame. or Toyota wants to show the world only they take the problem seriously.

LOS Toyota, Honda, Izu, Ford, Mazda, Mitsu all get their el throttle from a supplier making them in LOS. Due to tax reasons. Thats why LOS and OZ vehicles are not recalled

And why it needs a electrical trottle? A mecanical one would be better and saver anyway. Specially on hunmid climate wou will have more and more problems with electonic parts. today cars are made to be broke after five years. For example automatic transmissions on almost all new cars broke after 100'000km. Very expensive replacement. so in most of western countries, where labour and parts is expensive, consumers will, or have, to buy a new car, to pay another 4 years rates again. Peaple who can't afford to buy cash will never get out of their depts again, unless they walk.

All todays cars meeting euro and us emission requirements have electric fuel control. So moving this control from engine bay to throttle pedal have several advantages. Cost, noise, vibration, maintance, throttle feel. Thats why almost all cars have done this.

Last 10 years electronic controlled autos usually run 200-400 k km, if oil replaced when needed.

today cars are made to be broke after five years. For example automatic transmissions on almost all new cars broke after 100'000km.

Based on personal experience I have to disagree.

2002 Camry (top model auto) - Owned since new - nearly 280k km's - most of that at speed, with the usual sudden braking and heavy acceleration characteristics of driving on Thai roads - only thing to be replaced (apart from std. service items) in the whole power/drive train was a head gasket - for a price of 3750B.

It still drives like a new car.

A 2002 Camry is a 8 year old car. I guess it's the GOA Body. I have one as well. No probs so far, but kick down on the tranny and the trottle still mecanical. Thy are simple cars. I talk about today new cars. As i'm in the used car business i know what i talking about. Many Honda City 2003 or 2005 with their six speed or IDS models and Toyota Camry, newer models have problem with the transmission. Some peaple not regonize this, but there are missing gears, sometime they go from the first gear directly to the thirt gear, slipping gears, kick downs not working, even Lexus have some troubles. Another thing suspensions are very week, after 3 years, rattles and knocks everywhere. This is not only about Japanese. Even today US Cars or European cars are junk in compare 30 years ago. There is nothing solid. For example: I could never rip off a doorhandle of a 1975 Opel Kadett or VW Golf (actually never replaced one in my life, back in europe). But how many broken plastic doorhandles we already replaced in LOS? Specially Camrys, Hyundai, Daewoo, Opel and VW, thei have common problems with their locking systems. This is not quality! But the buyer tuday look only at the design and the fuelconsumption of a car. Not on the quality.

Do you know if they will launch a new Camry soon? But I agree that the current model is really my fav cheap Jap car !

And what about the Hybrid Camry model, is it worth the price ?


the 2,4 hybrid has a huge tax brake in LOS compared with the 2,4 petrol only. if you can live with the smaller trunk in Hybrid, its absolutely a bargain.

New camry? watch the us and japs, then 6-12 months later here

I think the new Corolla, with CNG beats the Camry Hybrid.


if CNG is available, yes its more economical. most of thailand CNG is not available., and the cng range is like 200km.

besides the corolla cng is a cheap car. you can get it with auto, but no airbags or other stuff


The problems with Toyotas has been greatly exaggerated, they are still the most durable and well engineered cars on the road. The politicians in the USA are launching investigations into Toyota while the US Government owns 60% of General Motors and is therefore a direct competitor. Also, many of the Democrats (Obama's party and the party in control of both houses of Congress) in the US owe their jobs to support their received from the powerful United Auto Workers Union, so they can be expected to bang the drum against Toyota (regardless of the facts) if they want to maintain that support. (Even in their US assembly plants, Toyota has located them in non-union States). I personally have much more trust, respect and admiration for the Toyota Corporation than I do for the American Government.

Also it's hard to believe there are people who are too stupid to turn off the ignition key or push in the clutch pedal in a manual if the gas pedal is stuck. Pure stupidity.


Back in blighty after a years of german cars I went to by a Jag S-Type and came home with a Lexus GS300. Best car I ever bought. drove 2 miles down the road and knew I Would be going home in it. Since then I have done my homework and based on that (JD Power Surveys) and my own experience, I think Toyota is a great car maker. out here I drive a sportrider now. Drives great and can't think of a reason why I would change it.

Nowt wrong with a 'yota.

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