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Mexican Restaurants In Thailand: Reviews And Pics


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ordered T &S through Chefsxp last night.

Nacho chips and 3 salsa




Overall 8.8 out 10.

only thing that doesnt travel well is the nachos, the rest perfect - salsas were spicy hot and flavourful btw.

would like to try la monitas but sadly not available on chefsxp.

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Mexicans don't even drink Corona. They will tell you that is for export.

I'm not a fan of Corona, but it's the #1 selling beer in Mexico. Mexico Brewery website

I think pilsners match well with Mexican food and prefer Pacifico of the Mexican pilsners. I also like Dos Equis. I don't think that much of Tecate.

Negra Modelo - the best beer out of Mexico.

After Bohemia and Negra Leon :)

Wow, you nailed it on those two, but if you can find 'em in Thailand, you're a better detective than me!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Lots of places pack the nachos discretely allowing you to prepare at home. Because as James says the corn chips are soggy if it's prepared the normal way (as served at your table).

Hi........I am the OP who said he was not going to post. Well..........

I thought I would take a look at Tequilla Reef again in Pattaya.


I have to say, the food shown on their website looks better than before, especially the combination plates.

I plan on eating there again within the next month.

If anybody has an update on the place, please post.

Maybe it has changed for the better. Thanks.

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Lately I've been on a Mexican kick, so have eaten at Sunrise and La Monita a few times. To compare apples to apples, I had the carne asada burrito at both places for about the same price. Beans and rice removed for extra tomato salsa and lettuce in both instances.

Volume - Sunrise wins hands down - it's at least 50% bigger. There was at least enough meat in the burrito for a medium-sized steak.

Taste - a bit subjective, but I much preferred the one at La Monita - their carne asada is definitely superior by a mile.

Guacamole - about the same volume and taste at both places.

Salsa - again, subjective, but again I think La Monita's are way better, though Sunrise has a mango salsa, and the hot salsa is good if you want a straight kick.

Conclusion - if I was very hungry, Sunrise definitely fits the bill - but the carne asada at La Monita's is so much better that I'd probably go there when I have time to spare.

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Hi........I am the OP who said he was not going to post. Well..........

I thought I would take a look at Tequilla Reef again in Pattaya.


I have to say, the food shown on their website looks better than before, especially the combination plates.

I plan on eating there again within the next month.

If anybody has an update on the place, please post.

Maybe it has changed for the better. Thanks.

Looking at their website... the first thing the caught my eye was:


Proper español should read "Platos Mexicanos".

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There is no way Tequila Reef's food is better. They have been raking it in for years selling to very unsophisticated drunken mass tourism tastes. That is their brand. They would actually weaken their brand to have better food, so why bother? In my view, a complete waste of time and money to dream they will have good Mexican food there. It is horrible Mexican food. Perhaps the ribs are OK. That isn't Mexican. The margaritas are good and you need lots of them the stomach the food.

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There is no way Tequila Reef's food is better. They have been raking it in for years selling to very unsophisticated drunken mass tourism tastes. That is their brand. They would actually weaken their brand to have better food, so why bother? In my view, a complete waste of time and money to dream they will have good Mexican food there. It is horrible Mexican food. Perhaps the ribs are OK. That isn't Mexican. The margaritas are good and you need lots of them the stomach the food.

Ouch! Just curious: Is there a good Mexican food place in Pattaya?

I have not tried Mexican food there in some time, but have tried Blue Parrot, Tequilla Reef, a small dive across from Big C, and some other place on the road between Pattaya and Jomtien (Mike's?).

Maybe there are others now.

If not, I wonder if Jorge of Tacos and Salsa should try something there.

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Some people like Mikes. I am sure it is better than TR. I still haven't tried because many have said they have crap bland salsa and I can't be bothered with any Mexican place that doesn't take the basics seriously. I tried the Parrot years ago and found it disgusting. Basically, I have given up Mexican because I would rather have nothing than crap Mexican.

Edited by Jingthing
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Some people like Mikes. I am sure it is better than TR. I still haven't tried because many have said they have crap bland salsa and I can't be bothered with any Mexican place that doesn't take the basics seriously. I tried the Parrot years ago and found it disgusting. Basically, I have given up Mexican because I would rather have nothing than crap Mexican.


I did mikes, not bad but salsa was crap bland, and cabbage in the tacos ???? what the H%ll was that... TR was not bad , better salsa , not as good enculadas , so do as i do go to TR , get salsa , eat basic , tacos (better than mikes) and , take salsa to mikes and get enculada and put TR salsa on it and you have a 3 day go around between the 2 ,

both have good and bad , so take the good to the other and pass on the bad, i take tacoetos to TR to use there salsa and bring mikes guacamole.....it can make for more fun than you think, when you pull out from your bag food and order to use some of theres they look at you ,,,,,,and you look back.....now all i have to do is get them to warm the tacoetoes ......do you think...??? like the spanish spelling ...good uh

I spent 4 out of 6 meals in Bangkok at La Montoia and it was great, did sunrise ,,,,not bad,,,,tried others ,,,,but La Montoia the best.....

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Stopped by La Monita the other day for lunch, and had another great meal... highlighted by a carnitas burrito with tortilla chips....

The food continues to be consistently good. And for the first time, a request to sample their salsas produced a set of four small dipping-type bowls each filled with a different variety of salsa... not just the familiar squeeze bottles, which are still present there...

La Monita continues to refine their salsas, by the way, based on the chili peppers that are available to them, and I must say, the latest incarnations are quite good....far far from the usual tomato sauce varieties found elsewhere.

That's the good stuff... The bad stuff..... For I think the third visit in a row now, the new menu offerings had been promised but not yet delivered.... Still no new menu as of a few days ago.... And, still nothing arranged yet in terms of delivery options or accepting bank/credit cards for payment....

But the food is hard to beat... I keep wanting to try some other things on their menu like the torta sandwiches.... But the burritos, tacos and carne asada fries keep pulling me back.... I'm in anguish!!!! :D

I'd been avoiding these threads because I hated being part of the "Yeah will this is a REAL salsa, not like your idea!" problem, which I was. Still, I do have strong opinions. Anyhow, I just got back from Texas where I ate a ton of Tex-Mex and for some reason I was near Phloen Chit and finally found La Monita (which needs much better signage roadside). I went in, had a steak burrito and was absolutely blown away with both the burrito and the salsas. You've been banging on about this place for a while and you're absolutely right. I spoke with the woman at length and the first thing I asked her was, "You grill the beef, don't you?" That makes all the difference in the world for flavor and it's one of the main reasons why other burritos don't taste right here.

So, yeah, I wanted to come in and contribute something positive. Everyone on staff there was really nice, the food I had was excellent and I'll definitely be recommending it. Thanks for the heads up :)

Edited by on-on
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That is news to me that TR has good salsa. The one time I went there I had the worst burrito of my life. The salsa was very stale salsa fresca and when I asked for spicy salsa they brought me Tabasco sauce.

Los Cabos Suk Soi 14, that's the best mexican food I've ever had in Thailand.

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I just delivered some fresh (picked yesterday in Pattaya) Ancho, Jalapeno, Anahiem, Pasilla and a few Habanero peppers for thosw who like it hot to La Monita today. Although it was only a few kilo's of each pepper for them to try i'm sure it can only add to their already great food and also add some authentic taste like people are after. I would suggest if your near get there quick because i'm sure they won't last long.

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I just delivered some fresh (picked yesterday in Pattaya) Ancho, Jalapeno, Anahiem, Pasilla and a few Habanero peppers for thosw who like it hot to La Monita today. Although it was only a few kilo's of each pepper for them to try i'm sure it can only add to their already great food and also add some authentic taste like people are after. I would suggest if your near get there quick because i'm sure they won't last long.

I think I speak for many posters: Please post images of your Mexican peppers, tell us how you are managing to grow them, and let us know if we can purchase them or seeds.

Some of us have tried to grow all of the peppers you mentioned and failed because of bugs, temperature, pH, etc.

My guess is that you are growing them in a controlled environment.......hydroponics?


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Have a look at the 'farming in Thailand' forum under hydroponics and you can view pics of the chili's. They are not all grown hydroponically and the seeds are not from Thailand and can sometimes be difficult to import. All the past peppers are grown from OP (open pollinated) seed but my new seeds which have just arrived are hybrid which should give bigger peppers with greater yields.

At present i cannot supply the demand but hope to be able to in the near future.

I've been through the bug, temp issues and have them under control but it takes time with plenty of trial and error to get it right. There's another TV member growing some mexican peppers and has been of great help and we often share useful tips. If you have plenty of time to take care of the plants then the end result is worth it but very hard work.

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Have a look at the 'farming in Thailand' forum under hydroponics and you can view pics of the chili's. They are not all grown hydroponically and the seeds are not from Thailand and can sometimes be difficult to import. All the past peppers are grown from OP (open pollinated) seed but my new seeds which have just arrived are hybrid which should give bigger peppers with greater yields.

At present i cannot supply the demand but hope to be able to in the near future.

I've been through the bug, temp issues and have them under control but it takes time with plenty of trial and error to get it right. There's another TV member growing some mexican peppers and has been of great help and we often share useful tips. If you have plenty of time to take care of the plants then the end result is worth it but very hard work.

Hi........thanks for the link to the pics. Impressive operation.......simple greenhouse. The peppers look clean.

The poblano looks a bit small, but if it is the real thing........WOW. That is the key pepper to many dishes.

Dry a poblano and it becomes ancho in my book.

Do your poblanos taste and smell like poblanos back in the USA/Mexico?

Or are they similar to the common bell pepper?

Yes, I and many others know how hard it is to grow them.

I just refused to spray them with pesticides each day.

I tried organic methods like garlic/pepper spray and the Thai bugs just laughed at me.

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I'm not getting into the name thing either fresh or dried. Ancho, Poblano or Mulato does me fine and i just call them Ancho as that's the name used when ordering seeds. The Ancho's are slightly small and thats why my new seeds are all Hybrid and should grow very much bigger plus this bloody heat doesn't help right now. They are still big enough for the restaurant to give a try and the taste and smell is very different from a bell pepper that i do know but as i'm not from the US or Mexico i can't comment regarding the similarity but i'm sure the restaurant owner will know the difference as he's American.

Too much bug stuff on the market but i reckon i've found the perfect one after much trial's when the bugs were laughing at me too!

Attached is a pic of the Anchos i hope to grow. The seeds have been planted for 1 week now and the hybrid serrano and jalapeno are already sprouting and hopefully the anchos will follow shortly.


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Do you guys mind not hijacking this thread? Thanks in advance...

Went to La Monita today with a friend - food good as usual, had a carne asada burrito with extra meat, no rice and beans, and the guacamole and chips. They were busy at lunch, we had to wait for a table to open up. Billy wasn't there but Monita and the other family and staff ensured that service was smooth.

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Do you guys mind not hijacking this thread? Thanks in advance...

Went to La Monita today with a friend - food good as usual, had a carne asada burrito with extra meat, no rice and beans, and the guacamole and chips. They were busy at lunch, we had to wait for a table to open up. Billy wasn't there but Monita and the other family and staff ensured that service was smooth.

Sorry for the diversion.

As the OP, I really would like to remind people to post pics if at all possible.

Yes, there are pics on websites of restaurants we are reviewing. But they are sometimes not the same as what comes on your plate.

I would like to see the carne asada burrito at La Monita........if it looks good, I might go there and order it.

If it looks like boiled meat, I will avoid it.

OK..........I said I was not going to post, so I am out of here.

Please post reviews and pics.........thanks.

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That is news to me that TR has good salsa. The one time I went there I had the worst burrito of my life. The salsa was very stale salsa fresca and when I asked for spicy salsa they brought me Tabasco sauce.

Los Cabos Suk Soi 14, that's the best mexican food I've ever had in Thailand.

Found the food there to be very ordinary and probably the worst I have eaten in Thailand! Really looking forward to trying La Monita very soon as I have yet to see a bad review about the food (except the salsas).

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Those have to be incredibly soggy.

Like the ones at my house better.

They make the chips fresh, then pile on the beans, cheeses (cheddar, jack and añejo), sour cream, guacamole, onion, tomatoes, and a ton of carnitas. After we get them, they don't last long enough to get soggy. Between the nachos and the carrots, one order is a meal for my wife and myself.

But, as with all things posted on TV, I'm sure some member's are better. :)

Edited by Curt1591
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I've visited La Monita four times. The first time it was closed for a private party. The second time it was open to the public, and I sampled a few dishes, not particularly authentic but not bad, squeeze bottles a turnoff as others have noted. The third and fourth times I visited it was also closed for private parties. This was within the space of two months. I won't be back, too arbitrary. YMMV

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