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Bringing A 1950 Chev From Australia To Thailand..

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Im looking at bringin a car over from australia that ive owned for a while to leave at a freinds place in pattaya.. I want to register it in thailand so i can drive it when on holidays just wondering how hard it is to do and whats involved?

Its a 1950 chev 2 door custom, right hand drive pretty much just an old skool cruiser.

Am i going to have problems?



Problems doesn't even begin to explain things. Do a search and then read and read. IF you do manage to get it in the customs are going to party mak mak. Your best bet would be to sell it there and buy something here to play with and do up yourself. Much cheaper and far less stressful :)

Plus far far too low to cope with the pot holed roads of Thailand :D

Ohhhh customs is gunna love that, bring plenty of lube they as are gunna ream you with import taxes.

Forget it!

BTW, this car is anyway to beautifull, to drive in Pattayas trafficjams and get scratched by all the small motorbikes. You should keep and treath this car as a collector. It's so nice.

Ohhhh customs is gunna love that, bring plenty of lube they as are gunna ream you with import taxes.

On a scale of one to ten on problems and expense, make that a ten. As well as KY Jelly you will need a lot of Parasetamols.

We all wish it wasn't so!


Buy something here and customize if necessary, look round you will be surprised what you can find. There are many Americans, and I also know where to find them. Or what about a Volvo Amazon, it's standard now, but look at this beauty: http://www.tuningfever.fr/pics-max-9338-23...zon-hot-rod.jpg

There are body shops who can do this work, and of a high standard, quite surprising what you can get done here, if you know where.

Importing is a no no, customs will make your life a misery, and even if you pass that hurdle, you then have to register it = more misery.

1950 year model.

1950% import tax.

1950 days before clears customs.

hahahaha yeah you guys have made a point, shame really couldnt think of a better place than pattaya cruisin with nowhere special to be..

thanks guys :)

hahahaha yeah you guys have made a point, shame really couldnt think of a better place than pattaya cruisin with nowhere special to be..

thanks guys :D

There is plenty of classical cars imported to Thailand. There are plenty of companies that specialize in this matters. There are plenty of people doing this. Just forward your question to someone that can actually help you :)


Morteena, Nobody said it could not be done, hel_l we import/export thousands of cars a year here where I work..

When exactly did most of the "classics" already here imported arrive, my guess is most are left over from the american soldiers.

I may be wrong but im sure I read somewhere there was an age limit on Vehicles that can be imported.


hahahaha yeah you guys have made a point, shame really couldnt think of a better place than pattaya cruisin with nowhere special to be..

Yea, I hate to see people trying to bring their cars in and then suffering because of that decision. I'm pleased you wrote here first.

It's not impossible, can be stripped and brought in as spares, but then you still have registration to suffer, it's really not worth it.

Yes the idea is cool, especially because of the dull boredom of most of the vehicles on the roads here, but it can still be done. Buy something here and make it nice.

Also you will always pay more here for such a vehicle that's why people want to import, I wish there was a way.

hahahaha yeah you guys have made a point, shame really couldnt think of a better place than pattaya cruisin with nowhere special to be..

Yea, I hate to see people trying to bring their cars in and then suffering because of that decision. I'm pleased you wrote here first.

It's not impossible, can be stripped and brought in as spares, but then you still have registration to suffer, it's really not worth it.

Yes the idea is cool, especially because of the dull boredom of most of the vehicles on the roads here, but it can still be done. Buy something here and make it nice.

Also you will always pay more here for such a vehicle that's why people want to import, I wish there was a way.

yeah mate thanks for your input, ive got 6 months to do something so maybe leave it in australia and build a bike over there.. see what happens, im a painter and panel beater by trade and work in a shop building kustoms all the time so building another in thailand wont be a problem later on..

thanks guys


yeah mate thanks for your input, ive got 6 months to do something so maybe leave it in australia and build a bike over there.. see what happens, im a painter and panel beater by trade and work in a shop building kustoms all the time so building another in thailand wont be a problem later on..

thanks guys

This conversation is getting interesting. I would like to meet you if possible, we have a lot to talk about. I used to run around in a black Subaru engined beach buggy, now sold. I also have a Maserati Spyder and a part built Porsche 928 engined hot rod. Yea, I'm a bit mad!

Give me a call 081 3846824

Morteena, Nobody said it could not be done, hel_l we import/export thousands of cars a year here where I work..

When exactly did most of the "classics" already here imported arrive, my guess is most are left over from the american soldiers.

I may be wrong but im sure I read somewhere there was an age limit on Vehicles that can be imported.

I dont know all the details myself. I just know that there so many car importers here. Also foreigners (especially japanese cars). A quick search on google reveals a huge classical car interest, both amongst foreigners who live here and thais. Of course these cars have to come from somewhere..

Anyway I would recommend the OP to talk to someone that actually done it before, or goto the customs department and make a deal upfront. Just so much negativity on this forum its unbelievable.. If I had a great car i missed and time to do it, I would definately go for a project like this!


Lovely car but forget it .. read around like i do .. im leaving a couple of cars like that in Falangland , sad but true.

In the future Asian cars and bike´s will be "cool"! :D

(im having a hard time to convince my self here really 5555) :)

Morteena, Nobody said it could not be done, hel_l we import/export thousands of cars a year here where I work..

When exactly did most of the "classics" already here imported arrive, my guess is most are left over from the american soldiers.

I may be wrong but im sure I read somewhere there was an age limit on Vehicles that can be imported.

I dont know all the details myself. I just know that there so many car importers here. Also foreigners (especially japanese cars). A quick search on google reveals a huge classical car interest, both amongst foreigners who live here and thais. Of course these cars have to come from somewhere..

Anyway I would recommend the OP to talk to someone that actually done it before, or goto the customs department and make a deal upfront. Just so much negativity on this forum its unbelievable.. If I had a great car i missed and time to do it, I would definately go for a project like this!

There is almost no to zero interest on classic cars in Thailand. Most of peaple overhere think about buy a economical boring 4 door family vehicle to save fuel costs. They would never spend a couple hundert grand on a old classic car, for that money they go and buy a new car. Another thing is that classic cars, unlike europe, can not get finanzed and local peaple use to buy allways in downpayments. So if you have a classic car, you are married with that item for ever. Don't think you can ever turn in to cash again, unless you selling very very cheap. You would beable to get much more money for a classic car in a western country than overhere. So there is no reason to try to import it anyway.

15 years ago i had a 1953 Benz Adenauer convertible overhere, original, in perfect condition, try to sell it locally for 2 million. Noone wat to buy it. Everyone complained about the high price for such a old car. After i had enought complains from so many cheap charlies, i exported the car and sold it for 4 million to a german museum in Mannheim. Don't missunderstand me, this are the facts, but personally i love old classic and american cars.

Morteena, Nobody said it could not be done, hel_l we import/export thousands of cars a year here where I work..

When exactly did most of the "classics" already here imported arrive, my guess is most are left over from the american soldiers.

I may be wrong but im sure I read somewhere there was an age limit on Vehicles that can be imported.

I dont know all the details myself. I just know that there so many car importers here. Also foreigners (especially japanese cars). A quick search on google reveals a huge classical car interest, both amongst foreigners who live here and thais. Of course these cars have to come from somewhere..

Anyway I would recommend the OP to talk to someone that actually done it before, or goto the customs department and make a deal upfront. Just so much negativity on this forum its unbelievable.. If I had a great car i missed and time to do it, I would definately go for a project like this!

There is almost no to zero interest on classic cars in Thailand. Most of peaple overhere think about buy a economical boring 4 door family vehicle to save fuel costs. They would never spend a couple hundert grand on a old classic car, for that money they go and buy a new car. Another thing is that classic cars, unlike europe, can not get finanzed and local peaple use to buy allways in downpayments. So if you have a classic car, you are married with that item for ever. Don't think you can ever turn in to cash again, unless you selling very very cheap. You would beable to get much more money for a classic car in a western country than overhere. So there is no reason to try to import it anyway.

15 years ago i had a 1953 Benz Adenauer convertible overhere, original, in perfect condition, try to sell it locally for 2 million. Noone wat to buy it. Everyone complained about the high price for such a old car. After i had enought complains from so many cheap charlies, i exported the car and sold it for 4 million to a german museum in Mannheim. Don't missunderstand me, this are the facts, but personally i love old classic and american cars.

Sorry but i think you have misunderstood the original question. I am not interested in selling the car and i am not looking at taking the car to thailand to sell.. Im looking at taking it there for my own benefit and enjoyment as building cars like this is not to make profit because that will never happen.. One day in the near future i will live in thailand fulltime and ive never been the type to drive boring cars..


Sorry but i think you have misunderstood the original question. I am not interested in selling the car and i am not looking at taking the car to thailand to sell.. Im looking at taking it there for my own benefit and enjoyment as building cars like this is not to make profit because that will never happen.. One day in the near future i will live in thailand fulltime and ive never been the type to drive boring cars..


I think what Stingray meant is it would be cheaper and less hassle to buy an old classic car and make it lovely and interesting and enjoy it in Thailand than to try and import the lovely car u have now. He did not say you only plan to bring it to sell.

I would also love to bring the car I drive now in UK to Thailand but i know it will never happen, but i also know that you can find interesting cars that would be fun to own, but harder to find.

I read the TV motor forum sometimes and it seem like Stingray really knows a lot about classic and custom cars in Thailand, cheers


Why is everybody so negative about importing this car? There are people in Thailand that can help you, they are called "Customs clearance agents" and know a lot more about this business than TV members or guys sat on bar stools.

I suggest you direct your question to them rather than us lot, as you will no doubt be miss-informed here.

Why is everybody so negative about importing this car? There are people in Thailand that can help you, they are called "Customs clearance agents" and know a lot more about this business than TV members or guys sat on bar stools.

I suggest you direct your question to them rather than us lot, as you will no doubt be miss-informed here.

Actually we import american car parts and i have the expirience in this. we do all the clearings by our self. You need a import license for this. Using a custum clearance agent can by riski as i have some friends who paid their duties taxes for the car but lost car and money. This isn't unusual, but it's happen. BTW i'm also interested of someone knows "the way" I would like to drive a nice little Corvette. So please inform me.
[There is almost no to zero interest on classic cars in Thailand.

Im not sure if u ever tried Google. As I have, I can see several classical car interest clubs, in BKK, south, north, thais and foreigners. I can see shows, exhibitions, races.. In BKK I often see old Mercs, BMW's, Mini and also Vintage cars.. I don't know what that tells you?

Here is a guide for import ur car:


And from the customs dep:



Everything you want to know is readily available info and you can easy work out teh exact cost.

Recently I was toying with the idea of importing. Here are some links.

The costs/maymay not be as bad as all that (probably are though.) I may well be wrong but I think it depends on the age of the car/kms (older being better.) the engine capacity and the weight. Despite it being a lovely car ... it is still old and second hand (no offence intended as I am drooling).

I would assume anything you could do to dress it down on its way in would be in youtr favour. ie: change the wheels and have the nice ones mailed in as parts.

I think (as many have said) that it is to low for some of teh crap roads here.

Perhaps just bring it in as a temporary vehicle instead: http://www.motorcycle.in.th/staticpages/in...cycle_into_Thai

and then apply to keep it here whatever is cheaper.

"Used / Secondhand Vehicles

Used/secondhand vehicles need to obtain an import permit from the Foreign Trade Department of the Ministry of Commerce, telephone 02-5474804. For the vehicles with the weight less than 3500 Kgs., an importer needs to obtain an import permit from the Industrial Standard Institute as well.

some starting links are here:





For the importation of used/secondhand vehicles, an importer needs to obtain an import permit from the Foreign Trade Department of the Ministry of Commerce before the arrival of the vehicles; otherwise he/she shall be liable to a fine equal to 10 percent of the price of vehicle but not less than 1,000 Thai Baht, or exceeding 20,000 Thai Baht.


Criteria for a Permanent Import of Used/Secondhand Vehicles

* An importer is eligible to import only ONE used/ secondhand vehicles for personal use.

* In case where the importer is a nonresident, he/she is required to stay in Thailand for at least ONE year and present a non-immigrant visa issued by the Immigration Bureau, the National Police Office together with a work permit issued by the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare at the time of importation.

* In case where an importer is a Thai resident marrying a foreigner, he/she is required to present documentary evidence of marriage and proof of changing residence to Thailand. Also the importer has to own and possess the imported vehicle for at least one and a half year while staying abroad, from the date of transferring the ownership to the date of arrival into Thailand

* In case where an importer is a Thai resident, he/she is allowed to import a vehicle only when such vehicle is accompanied the owner on the change of residence and he/she has owned and possessed the imported vehicle together with the valid driving license for at least one and a half year while staying abroad.




General Documentation:

o An Import Goods Declaration and 3 duplicates;

o A Bill of Lading or Air Waybill;

o Proof of vehicle purchase (if any);

o A Release Order (Kor Sor Kor 100/1);

o An insurance premium invoice; and

o Other relevant documents (if any) e.g. a power of attorney.


Additional Documentation for the used/secondhand personal vehicles:

o A House Certificate and an Identification Card;

o A passport in case of changing residence;

o A Vehicle Registration Certificate indicating that the imported vehicle was used abroad;

o An import permit from the Foreign Trade Department of the Ministry of Commerce


Import Clearance Procedures

* An importer/agent submits an Import Goods Declaration together with all supporting documents to the Customs office/house at the port of entry;

* Customs verifies the documents, allocates a Goods Declaration number and calculates liable taxes and duties;

* The importer/agent pays liable taxes and duties at a Cashier Office; and

* The importer/agent presents the receipt issued by the Cashier Office to a Customs Inspection Office to bring the imported vehicles from Customs custody.


Tax and Duty Assessment:

The Customs value of the imported vehicles is determined on the basis of the CIF value (Cost, Insurance and Freight).


Customs Value

o Purchase prices of new vehicles imported or exported by an authorized dealer.

o If the purchase price in 4.1.1 is not available, the price listed in the Parkers Car Price Guide, Japanese Car and What Car?

o Costs of any modification or improvement of parts or accessories done on the vehicle are also taken into account.

o In case where the vehicle is damaged by any incidents other than normal use e.g car accidents, fire, etc. the price of the vehicle is discounted as appropriate.

o The Customs value for used/secondhand vehicles is discounted according to the registration period as shown in the given table



+ In case where the cost of insurance is paid before the arrival of a vehicle, the actual cost of insurance is applied.

+ In case where the cost of insurance in 4.2.1 is not available, the cost of insurance is calculated at 1% of the FOB value.


Transport Cost

# In case where the latest transport cost of an authorized dealer is available, such cost is applied.

# In case where the transport cost in 4.3.1 is not available, the transport cost indicated in the Customs Code of Practices is applied e.g. the higher transport cost of the same make and model vehicle within 6 preceding months, etc.

# In case where the transport costs in 4.3.1 and 4.3.2 are not available, the transport cost is calculated at 10% of FOB value.

Here is an example costing of your import from the links provided:

Table of Tax and Duty Rates

Table of Tax and Duty Rates

Type of Vehicles Cylinder Capacity Duty (%) Excise Tax (%) (Multiplier) Interior Tax (%)* VAT (%) Total (%)

Personal Vehicle including passenger vehicle with not more than 10 seats - Not exceeding 2000cc. and not more than 220 horse power 80 30 (0.4477612) 10 7 187.47

- 2001 cc. but not exceeding 2500 cc. with not more than 220 horse power 80 35 (0.5691057) 10 7 213.171

- 2501 cc. or but not exceeding 3000 cc. with not more than 220 horse power 80 40 (0.7142857) 10 7 243.94

- Exceeding 3000cc. or more than 220 horse power 80 50 (1.1111111) 10 7 328

* Interior tax is calculated at 10% of excise tax.

Example Calculation of Taxes and Duties

CIF value of the imported vehicle and applicable taxes and duties are as follows:

* CIF value of the import

= 100 Thai Baht

* Import duty

= 80 %

* Excise tax

= 35 %

* Interior tax

= 10 % of excise tax


= 7 %

The total import duties and taxes imposed on this import are calculated as follows:

1. Import duty

= (CIF value * Rate of import duty)

= (100 * 0.8)

= 80 Thai Baht

2. Excise tax = (CIF value + import duty) * {Rate of excise tax/1-(1.1 * Rate of excise tax)}

= (100+80) * {0.35/1-(1.1*0.35)}

= 180 * 0.5691057

= 102.439 Thai Baht

3. Interior tax = Excise tax * Rate of interior tax

= 102.439 * 0.1

= 102.439 Thai Baht

4. Base VAT = (CIF value+ Import duty+ Excise tax + Interior tax)

= (100 + 80 + 102.439 + 10.2439)

= 292.6829 Thai Baht

5. VAT = Base VAT * VAT Rate

= 292.6829 *0.07

= 20.4878 Thai Baht

Total taxes and duties = 1 + 2 + 3 + 5 = 213.171 Thai Baht

Type of Vehicles Cylinder Capacity Duty (%) Total (%)

Motor Vehicle (Tariff Heading 87.03) - Not exceeding 2000cc. 80 188

- 2001 cc. but not exceeding 2500cc. 80 213

- 2501 cc. or but not exceeding 3000cc. 80 244

- More than 3001cc. 80 328

Motorcycle (Tariff Heading 87.11) 60 77.04

Electric Motorcycle 60 72

Electric Bicycle 60 72

Sorry for such a long post.

BTW I have a beautiful secure EMPTY Garage available.... :)

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