Harri44 Posted February 23, 2010 Posted February 23, 2010 Hello, I have a problem with nuisance barking with my 1 year old pitbull. I live in a small road with neighbors, my dog always stay in the garden, he isnt allowed to come in. My problem is that during the night, he is barking in response to dogs they hear barking in distance or coming pissing on motorcycles just in front of my house. Also, he hears the 2 dogs from a neighboor fighting. These are aggressive warning barks, not lonely howls, even though dogs are clearly way off from my property. When I am awake I can check out what's out there and tell him to stop, but he still do it after I've gone to bed. One of my neighboor, farang, started to shout at me last night, threating me to call the police if my dog doesnt stop. I always try to make my dog stop barking, which he sometimes do, but when I go to bed, I just don't hear him, I sleep while my neighbor is living the hel_l.. What can I do? And what happens if police come? Cheers,
onnut Posted February 23, 2010 Posted February 23, 2010 The police will do nothing, don't worry about that threat. Why don't you bring him inside for a few nights and train him not to bark unless someone gains entry to the house or comes very close. There are some good trainers in Bangkok.
Nienke Posted February 23, 2010 Posted February 23, 2010 Does your dog stays loose at night? If so, it may be helpful confining him in a bench/cage outside or inside at night. At my boarding kennel that does the trick, with the occasional acception.
neverdie Posted February 23, 2010 Posted February 23, 2010 The Police probably won't come nor give a hoot if they do. In my experience, if the dog can see out, down the soi then it will be alerted to possible threats alot more than if it is keep away from this visual temptation. Also if the dog is allowed to p!ss directly outside and around your house then it will defend this area as its. I noticed you say the dog is never out, but if when you walk the dog you allow it to take a leak on the way out of the yard, then this allows the dog to increase its territory. You do walk the dog, don't you? My neighbour has too many dogs and they bark constantly, they are bored out of their brains. When she was asked why she doest walk the dogs/take them to the park etc, she stated that she is scared that her dogs will attack other dogs. When asked why she doesnt muzzle the dogs then take them to the park, she looked disinterested.......typical really. If your dog is bored it will bark more. If your neighbour is complaining then there is most likely a problem & YOU need to take some form of action, its only fair. Is your neighbour thai, if so I am surprised he/she is complaining, most of them seem indifferent to thailands dog problem.
katabeachbum Posted February 23, 2010 Posted February 23, 2010 In daytime he needs to work. Exercise as in walking is a start, but he needs to have jobs to do like searching for something, bring a ball back to you or carry a stick while walking or......... A couple of hours a day should be good for a start In the night time I would sleep out with him a few nights to reduce barking, if its difficult to control his barking keep him on a leach while sleeping out with him. Perhaps its sufficient just to sit out with him a few hours before your bedtime. Last option is to cage him/decrease his territory I have a rottweiler myself, and he is not allowed to bark at people or dogs walking by our townhouse. Only if they touch the gate/doors. Police will not do anything as long as your dog is inside your property, but as your neighbor I would not accept barking without intruders.
bkksw Posted February 23, 2010 Posted February 23, 2010 Without knowing more it's hard to say. It is true that bored untrained dogs tend to bark a lot because they have nothing else to do.. or don't know it's undesirable behavior. You need to keep in mind that its NEVER the dogs fault. They're like children, they only do what we allow them to do and they often look for attention when they don't get any. So punishing the dog isn't an option, at least an option that will work. If he's an outside dog and you want him to remain an outside dog then bringing him inside isn't an option either, not unless you want him barking to get inside.. For sure this is a problem you need to fix. Just because all the other dogs bark, it won't make your neighbor being kept awake by your dog feel better. Personally I think Thailand is a terrible place concerning dogs.. I haven't purchased a place in single structure moo ban and the dog barking issue is oen of the major reasons. No one wants to get involved, and there are no authorities willing to fix the problem. The Thai way of fixing the problem is to not say a word except her perhaps very subtely. What they'll do is toss a piece of poison meat to the dog and that will be that. 50 baht and THIER problem is solved and that's the way they look at it. Police expect people to take care of their dog barking problems in this matter because its what they'd do. There is an easy solution. Buy a bark collar. You might need to have one shipped in, but they're very effective. The dog bars once, gets a shock, maybe barks again cautiously, gets a shock.. and from then on it knows when wearing the collar that barking isn't an option. However, you can set the degree of shock so when there is a real threat the dog won't notice it in their excitement of the real threat. A good company I've used in the past is Tritronics. All they do is make training collars of all types and they're very good at it. Training videos come with each product. For sure you don't want to buy some dodgy bark collar that might go haywire and shock your dog for no reason.. or every time he takes a step.. I know this sounds cruel.. but compare it to the alternatives, the risk of poisoning, the owner getting angry and beating the dog, locking him in a kennel, etc, etc.. and a single shock, maybe two, starts to look very humane.
HS Mauberley Posted February 23, 2010 Posted February 23, 2010 My sympathies are with the neighbour and it's important that you sort the problem out - things like this can very rapidly escalate unpleasantly. If all else fails, can't you muzzle the dog at night? And I realise this isn't the point of your post, but a pitbull? <deleted>.
doggie888888 Posted February 23, 2010 Posted February 23, 2010 Walking or exercising the dog may help calm it enough to be more quiet at nights. And training helps; try googling Cesar Millan as his method has worked fantastically on my dog who now only gives warning barks, never a nuisance barker eventhough my neighbour's dogs may be carrying on or howling away.
neverdie Posted February 23, 2010 Posted February 23, 2010 My sympathies are with the neighbour and it's important that you sort the problem out - things like this can very rapidly escalate unpleasantly. If all else fails, can't you muzzle the dog at night? And I realise this isn't the point of your post, but a pitbull? <deleted>. Keeping in mind a muzzle can be very effective but some of them also prevent the dog from releasing its tongue from the mouth and thats how dogs regulate their body heat. It is possible for a dog to suffer heat stress or die when this happens. My dog was barking at night, same as the OP mainly because soi dogs would come to the front gate, so I decided to tie him up around the side (hes an ex soi dog himself). Anyway he didnt take kindly to being tied up and chewed thru the rope, so i decided I would lock him in the toilet attached to the maids quarters at night to restrict his movement. Anyway I did that for a week and then started leaving him out in the yard at night again. He didnt bark for the first few nights but when he did, I dragged myself out of bed and went and locked him in the toilet again.....it only took him a few nights of 'custody' to work out if he awoke me with barking he would be doing hard time again & guess what, he doesnt bark anymore. But you need to show the dog who is BOSS, whos running the show & your not being cruel by doing so, they actually enjoy it. Ohh and no flaming about locking the dog in the outhouse, its plenty big & clean & theres an endless supply of water in the toilet bowl
isanbirder Posted February 23, 2010 Posted February 23, 2010 Cruelty like the shock collar is never justified, (a) because of the possibility of heat stress, and ( because the dog may want to communicate for a perfectly justifiable reason, e.g. to warn you about an intruder. You cannot take away its communicative facilities for your convenience.
bina Posted February 23, 2010 Posted February 23, 2010 several threads running about barking and shock collars and muzzles; i think some good basic training and talk to some of the other pit bull owners as it may be a more stubborn breed to work with ....... teaching a dog to speak on command and then quiet is a method ; the sleeping outside for reassurance and reinforcing the fact that u are in command is also a method... crating could do as well... tying up in a small are is an other that works (with water, the dog lays down and sleeps, doesnt see/hear other dogs, feels protected in his 'den'... ) bina israel
NADTATIDA1 Posted February 23, 2010 Posted February 23, 2010 You think you have problems!! Try telling a foot long gecko to shut the <deleted> up!right outside your bedroom window
verybigboss Posted February 23, 2010 Posted February 23, 2010 Dog barks, people do not like, you do not like! Remove dog,install alarm (easy to control) no more problem. Dog lovers tend to live near Sakhon!
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