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Uk Elections....vote Carefully!


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give me maggie thatcher over those two <deleted>, blair and brown any day :D

if you can explain to me the difference between a warmongering rightwing overpriveleged female bastard and a warmongering rightwing overpriveleged male bastard i'd be happy to hear it.

blair = thatcher with better teeth.

if i remember wrightly thatcher was the daughter of a working class butcher/grocer.

where as blair is some lardy dar oxford graduate.

if you are refering to the falklands war. argentina invaded british soil. british troops were deployed over seas to regain the territory and it was over within a month.

blair sent us into the iraq war against the will of the majority of the british public, under false pretences(weapons of mass destruction). made a pigs ear of it along with the yanks and the george bush administration, and our poor lads/lasses are still over there paying the price. where is mr blair now? made a load of money, and then fuc_ked off when when the heat got to hot for him. :)

Edited by tigerfish
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Enoch Powell...rivers of blood speech 1968..Conservative.


do you want comments on that mate? apart from 'massive, racist, nasty, bigoted bastard'?

powell by the way, not you. :)

whatever anyone thinks about his views,40 years ago he predicted a lot of what is going down now,but i agree his points were overly racist......but on certain immigration issues he was right.

He was very popular at the time.

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if i remember wrightly thatcher was the daughter of a working class butcher/grocer.

where as blair is some lardy dar oxford graduate.

if you are refering to the falklands war. argentina invaded british soil. british troops were deployed over seas to regain the territory and it was over within a month.

blair sent us into the iraq war against the will of the majority of the british public, under false pretences(weapons of mass destruction). made a pigs ear of it along with the yanks and the george bush administration, and our poor lads/lasses are still over there paying the price. where is mr blair now? made a load of money, and then fuc_ked off when when the heat got to hot for him. :)

daughter of a grocer who went to oxford and became a barrister? in which case she should have known better than becoming a right wing bitch-queen who torpedoed retreating ships in neutral waters in the back and undermined and destroyed the working classes of britain eh?

i've no love for blair, please don't think i do. i despise the fuc_ker for betraying everything that he was supposed to be.

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if i remember wrightly thatcher was the daughter of a working class butcher/grocer.

where as blair is some lardy dar oxford graduate.

if you are refering to the falklands war. argentina invaded british soil. british troops were deployed over seas to regain the territory and it was over within a month.

blair sent us into the iraq war against the will of the majority of the british public, under false pretences(weapons of mass destruction). made a pigs ear of it along with the yanks and the george bush administration, and our poor lads/lasses are still over there paying the price. where is mr blair now? made a load of money, and then fuc_ked off when when the heat got to hot for him. :)

daughter of a grocer who went to oxford and became a barrister? in which case she should have known better than becoming a right wing bitch-queen who torpedoed retreating ships in neutral waters in the back and undermined and destroyed the working classes of britain eh?

i've no love for blair, please don't think i do. i despise the fuc_ker for betraying everything that he was supposed to be.

I must confess that l am very confused by your posts. You now mention the Falklands war, retreating ships, with all her faults she had backbone, not wait for Brits to be slaughtered before action, backbone !!! You sure sound anti-British to me. What family nationality are you. Be honest. What religion are you, be honest. Yes she destroyed the working class, the unions, but now England has a different problem, which l cannot talk about, BUT, the people l am talking about can talk, no problem, they are protected, ME, English, no. VERY interested in your reply.

yeah me too! i would hazard a guess but im not going to.

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I agree,what his views on immigration and the like where well ahead of his time,and i think he should be credited with a visionary view ....alas it is easy for people these days and in the present climate to always call the racist card.

Me i am not racist at all,i have children from a different continent,and live among asians everyday! but that does not mean i don't want to try and keep some kind of nationalistic pride about my home country.... that my father and grandfather fought for and a lot of immigrants to the UK do not give two hoots about.

Also i have older children living in the UK and i am afraid to say that they are struggling right now in the job market even with degrees.And it is not about to change for a few years yet who ever has the power.Over the last 20 years the greed of institutions through borrowing and lending has totally <deleted> up any chance of a prosperous future for many young uns!

Edited by NADTATIDA1
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I did not see my registered doctor for 5 years! and saw him last year,no problem.

While you might not well have needed to, the poster of post #5 had to.

The poster in post 5 had to because he was registering at a surgery as a new patient. If you are registered with a surgery in the UK your records stay with that surgery until you either move to another surgery or you die. There is no facility to hold 'inactive' records in the NHS.

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i'll leave this thread alone now. there's a nasty hypocritical undercurrent to a lot of the posts in it and i suspect the debate would escalate into a full-on row breaking forum rules.

but go on tigerfish, hazard a guess. you'll be wrong i guarantee it.

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I agree,what his views on immigration and the like where well ahead of his time,and i think he should be credited with a visionary view ....alas it is easy for people these days and in the present climate to always call the racist card.

Me i am not racist at all,i have children from a different continent,and live among asians everyday! but that does not mean i don't want to try and keep some kind of nationalistic pride about my home country.... that my father and grandfather fought for and a lot of immigrants to the UK do not give two hoots about.

Also i have older children living in the UK and i am afraid to say that they are struggling right now in the job market even with degrees.And it is not about to change for a few years yet who ever has the power.Over the last 20 years the greed of institutions through borrowing and lending has totally <deleted> up any chance of a prosperous future for many young uns!

Yes the racist card is easily played these days and sometimes overplayed, let's be broarder (and more generous) and say the majority of expressions in this thread are more xenophobic that racist.

I left England 30 years ago, but I visit usually once a year, my home town is in West Yorkshire with a high asian population, I just didn't want anybody to think I came from the sticks. On return visits I have observed an increase in nationalistic pride, Flag flying is certainly more prominent these days, but the problem is that this nationalism looks more like the skin head, football hooligan, BNP variety of nationalism, more the last refuge of the scoundrel stuff. Faced with this and a growing antipathy towards them, it's hardly surprising that many immigrants don't feel included and therefore don't give two hoots. How to make British society more inclusive is certainly not simple and I agree laws that seem to over accommodate minorities, even if implemented with good intentions, usually have negative impact on many native born people.

I'm sorry your kids are stuggling in the job market even with degrees. Well at least this can't be blamed on asylum seekers or immigrants in general I would have thought.

I have lived a little more than half my life in Australia (just turned 58), there are stiil things that drive me mad about my adopted country, things that I think the UK does better, but one thing Australia has done well is to be a high immigrant society, but with little of the bitterness that is so evident in Britain.

From stiil having a white Australia policy into the early 70's I think,successive goverments pursued a policy of Multiculturalism (as opposed to assimilation), Etnic groups were encouraged to celebrate their ethnic background and culture whilst at the same time embracing Australia and their new Australian identity, things like citizenship are promoted and taken seriously, I supect if UK government promoted citizenship to UK immigrants there would be an outcry from all the usual sources.

Since 1980 the Australian population has grown from 14 million to 22 million, a lot more than the UK population, please don't talk about the relative size of each country that is too simplistic. Many Australians think the poulation is already too big or should not grow, but there argument is mosty about scarce natural resources rarther than "no more bloody foreigners"

The Australian treatment and attitude to Aborigines is less commendable, but I guess that's another story.

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i'll leave this thread alone now. there's a nasty hypocritical undercurrent to a lot of the posts in it and i suspect the debate would escalate into a full-on row breaking forum rules.

but go on tigerfish, hazard a guess. you'll be wrong i guarantee it.

Sorry to hear you're bailing out Steve, your posts have been the one voice of reason, hate to think about the level of debate if there were no rules in place.

Edited by basinboy
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I think its important not to get caught up in the false left/right paradigm that infects countries like the UK and US.

The Conservatives get in power, become hugely unpopular and then the public 'vote the buggers out'. Then Labour gets in power, become hugely unpopular and then the public 'vote the buggers out'. This cycle continues on and on with both parties being almost identical on the major issues. Democracy?

The only party offering any real alternative to this system is UKIP as far as I can see.

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I think its important not to get caught up in the false left/right paradigm that infects countries like the UK and US.

The Conservatives get in power, become hugely unpopular and then the public 'vote the buggers out'. Then Labour gets in power, become hugely unpopular and then the public 'vote the buggers out'. This cycle continues on and on with both parties being almost identical on the major issues. Democracy?

The only party offering any real alternative to this system is UKIP as far as I can see.

Isn't the democracy bit the ability to"vote the buggers out"

The fact that both parties are almost identical on major issues is that policy is rarely based on old fashioned political philosohies (left and right) anymore, rather on what polling and focus groups "tell" the policy makers.

Does this mean that hard line immigration policies actually don't have broad popular support? Because neither major party adopt any.

That's a genuine rather than rhetorical question by the way

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i'll leave this thread alone now. there's a nasty hypocritical undercurrent to a lot of the posts in it and i suspect the debate would escalate into a full-on row breaking forum rules.

but go on tigerfish, hazard a guess. you'll be wrong i guarantee it.

ill go as far as this. i notice from other posts that you have made on the foootball forum site that you are a liverpool supporter. does that mean that when it comes to the world cup in s. africa this year you will be supporting, the boys from england.

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i'll leave this thread alone now. there's a nasty hypocritical undercurrent to a lot of the posts in it and i suspect the debate would escalate into a full-on row breaking forum rules.

but go on tigerfish, hazard a guess. you'll be wrong i guarantee it.

ill go as far as this. i notice from other posts that you have made on the foootball forum site that you are a liverpool supporter. does that mean that when it comes to the world cup in s. africa this year you will be supporting, the boys from england.

no, i won't be supporting england.

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i'll leave this thread alone now. there's a nasty hypocritical undercurrent to a lot of the posts in it and i suspect the debate would escalate into a full-on row breaking forum rules.

but go on tigerfish, hazard a guess. you'll be wrong i guarantee it.

ill go as far as this. i notice from other posts that you have made on the foootball forum site that you are a liverpool supporter. does that mean that when it comes to the world cup in s. africa this year you will be supporting, the boys from england.

no, i won't be supporting england.

so come on then, if a certain other team were to be playing in the finals, who would it be that you would support. maybe my guess isnt that far off after all, by what youve said in other posts on this topic.

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i'll leave this thread alone now. there's a nasty hypocritical undercurrent to a lot of the posts in it and i suspect the debate would escalate into a full-on row breaking forum rules.

but go on tigerfish, hazard a guess. you'll be wrong i guarantee it.

ill go as far as this. i notice from other posts that you have made on the foootball forum site that you are a liverpool supporter. does that mean that when it comes to the world cup in s. africa this year you will be supporting, the boys from england.

no, i won't be supporting england.

so come on then, if a certain other team were to be playing in the finals, who would it be that you would support. maybe my guess isnt that far off after all, by what youve said in other posts on this topic.

it's interesting that you seem to feel the need to pigeon-hole me. i was born in england, am half-english, half-irish, have lived in france, london and thailand. i'll be supporting spain and brasil in the world cup because i like their football and i consider nationality to be a sheer coincidence of birthplace and patriotism to be a bad thing. notwithstanding that over half the england football team are total <deleted> who i'd cross the street to avoid of course.

nationality's over-rated, it's luck of the draw and sheer coincidence. again, notwithstanding that most english people are bastards made up of german, french, danish, norwegian and sundry other races of course.

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That makes two of us. :) StevieH has dodged lots of questions put to him, Come clean, have you the guts, we have have.

i wasn't aware i was dodging 'lots' of questions, but hey-ho. i was more likely avoiding stereotypical nonsense from people stuck in time warps i think.

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Sorry to say this but you are an "odd ball". I hope posters read your latest blab. In fact l feel sorry for you, and that from a bastard (in your eyes) Englishman, who can fight for what is right and can be compassionate for people like you.

an odd-ball for thinking that nationality is over-rated and patriotism a bad thing? ok, i'll take that. and when i said 'bastard' i meant in the mongrel sense rather than the arsehol_e context.

keep fighting for what is right transam. i know i do.

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Sorry to say this but you are an "odd ball". I hope posters read your latest blab. In fact l feel sorry for you, and that from a bastard (in your eyes) Englishman, who can fight for what is right and can be compassionate for people like you.

an odd-ball for thinking that nationality is over-rated and patriotism a bad thing? ok, i'll take that. and when i said 'bastard' i meant in the mongrel sense rather than the arsehol_e context.

keep fighting for what is right transam. i know i do.

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it's interesting that you seem to feel the need to pigeon-hole me. i was born in england, am half-english, half-irish, have lived in france, london and thailand. i'll be supporting spain and brasil in the world cup because i like their football and i consider nationality to be a sheer coincidence of birthplace and patriotism to be a bad thing. notwithstanding that over half the england football team are total <deleted> who i'd cross the street to avoid of course.

nationality's over-rated, it's luck of the draw and sheer coincidence. again, notwithstanding that most english people are bastards made up of german, french, danish, norwegian and sundry other races of course.

Surely if you are born in England you are 100% English, don't get like those New York cops who say their Irish, but have to go back 5 generations to find an Irish born ancestor. Three out of four of my grandparents were born in Ireland, I lack the maths skills to work out under your system how English and how Irish I am :)

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Tut Tut, why is it sh_t, this high ranking minister is preaching religion, perhaps an all Islamic audience enjoying what they are hearing but for an ageing Englishman slowly watching my country slide down the slippery slope of no return, over the years, it's quite worrying. Our long reigning government has bent over backwards to satisfy every Tom, dick and Harry to get votes, even appointing religious minority ministers to secure that religions votes. But the way things are going his religion won't be the minority. You talk about us who live in Thailand and whing, you forget, our family's are still in the UK and we should worry.

what does this sentence even mean?

Not allowed to say on the forum, but it has several meanings.

and is there a good reason that you're not allowed to say them on the forum? as in they're generally reactionary <deleted>?

where are you watching your country slide down this slippery slope from out of interest?

Scotland, why?


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Yes, look in the forum rules, l don't want to tread on any ones toes (again). But readers for sure know what l am refering to and so do you.

How old are you ?, out of interest, because if you are not heading on your way to being a senior or a senior you know nothing, seen nothing, understand nothing of what's happened to the UK over the last 5 decades to the ordinary guy in the street. The English cannot talk in public about their thoughts of what is happening in their country because it can be classed as illegal and one can be prosecuted for it, there you are one of the items on my slippery slope.

What difference does it make to you where l am at present to do with the topic. I am a UK Ambassador,assigned overseas, made any difference, no. Think you should stop nick picking, and say something constructive, get to "your" point. Please :) But l think the topic will not go there.

i suspect i do know what you're referring to, yes, and it smells more than faintly of xenophobia and potentially racism. i just always find it laughably pathetic to hear brits based overseas as immigrants themselves alluding to what a mess immigration has made of the uk. think you'll find britain's 'problems' (among the highest living standards in the world, freedom of movement, ability to enjoy foreign holidays every year, numerous cars, flatscreen tvs, mortgages they can't afford, unbridled freedom of expression whatever you might claim) are generally of britain's own making. the odd radical cleric here or there is nowhere near the top of britain's list of issues at the moment.

when it comes to who to vote for in the next uk election it'd be wise to pay more heed to the two main parties and what they intend to do in the larger scheme of things than the odd publicity-seeking random religious zealot.

Since when is being concerned about the state of your country make somebody a racist and guilty of xenophobia? since when has the UK have a high standard of living? Certainly not for ordinary hard working natives who are shafted at every turn and who no matter how hard they try to improve their lives and that of their families, it's like pissing against the wind, a complete waste of time and to have people (Can't use a stronger word or I'll get kicked off of here) like you to sit there and have a go at people who are worried about the state of their country is shocking. Tell me StevieH what is a racist and a xenephobe?


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