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Crackdown On Pattaya Beach Road Prostitutes

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I regularly walk on the sea-side of beach road, simply because I detest some dirty Indian tailor insisting on shaking my hand and blocking the footpath on the opposite side.

I have never ever felt threatened, embarrassed or even shocked by the 'parade' of girls lined up along the footpath on the beach side. I have had the odd smile and occasionally a "hello" - and returned the compliment - thats all. Pleasant and not such a pain in the ass as 'Timothy Tamil' on the other side of the road.

I could, if i were so inclined take things a step further with any of the girls, but they don't harrass me and I don't harass them - this is Pattaya and what makes Pattaya. Its not for me to judge.

Further down - between RGP and Walking Street - I am almost every single time I walk there, harassed and followed by a dodgy looking Thai man who whistles, shouts and whatever else he can to attract my attention before offering me an assortment of drugs.

This is downright annoying, dangerous, and at times scary as sometimes they simply won't take no for an answer.

These are the people that should get the crackdown on them. The REAL menace to society and Pattaya in general.

I reported it once to the TPV's in Walking Street entrance - who told me there is nothing they can do as these guys are just the pushers and don't actually carry anything. Is it that difficult to set up a 'sting'? - Jeez I will do it myself if they ask me - I get offered drugs regularly enough ! Maybe I look like I need them ? LOL

My impression has always been that the girls that hang down by the beach are infected with HIV or too addicted to drugs to be able to hold a job at any bar.

Maybe I'm wrong and its the sweet innocent ones who don't know how to get a job at a bar, but I've always rather thought that punters who take beach girls have a death wish anyway, and to what lengths should we go to protect them from themselves.

Kindof harsh I know, but they're obviously willing to engage in very risky behaviour and will come a cropper one way or another anyway

for a man of so many posts you really don't have a clue do you!!!!!!

Saved? Hmmmm seems the White Knight Farang has come along and saved the poor thai lady. Oh my some have heaps to learn about thailand. :)

Hey friend sarcasm is the lowest form of ***T, take that anyway you see fit but if you are such an expert on the ways of Thailand ? Why don't you enlighten us instaed of coming up with a stupid meaningless sarcastic one liner ?????

My impression has always been that the girls that hang down by the beach are infected with HIV or too addicted to drugs to be able to hold a job at any bar.

Maybe I'm wrong and its the sweet innocent ones who don't know how to get a job at a bar, but I've always rather thought that punters who take beach girls have a death wish anyway, and to what lengths should we go to protect them from themselves.

Kindof harsh I know, but they're obviously willing to engage in very risky behaviour and will come a cropper one way or another anyway

So you're a bar owner then? :D

Very unfair comment, these girls simply prefer to work for themselves (or so I'm told), :D .

BTW how does one tell a Russian mafia prostitute from an ordinary Thai prostitute?? Serious question, but if you folks want to add punchlines, please feel free....within the rules, of course.

Uhhhh just a guess but Russian prostitutes don't have slanted eyes and are born in Russia? That was difficult.

"slanted eyes" - is Prince Phillip a TV member? :)

Russian prostitutes are obviously Russian born, Russian mafia prostitutes could be from any country - even less difficult. However identifying them, as working for the Russian mafia, instead of for themselves, is not so easy, which is why I asked the question. I did give the option of a humorous reply, but sadly, that seems to be somewhat beyond your capabilities.

^well 99% of the prostitution is thai on thai, not to mention its run by police/government. So I suspect that will never happen. :)


Street meat has an adverse effect on the real cash cow in the bars. Its going back to the way things where, no free enterprise, you work, you pay,..soon we will see the return of std cards. They were vary useful to police in need of cash. My wife was once held up for 500 baht for being with a white man and not having a card. The fact we were married and she was 8 months along made no difference. Your really going to enjoy the up coming police state.

std card???? you talk about ID Card or??? I´ve never heard story like that but somehow it doesn´t surprise me at all. But still an insult to you and your wife I would say.

I don't know when they stopped having std cards for working girls. That was 1975 and 500 was a lot of money. 18 baht to a dollar and I was making 3200 baht a month. The only thing good about getting older is people stopped assuming. Well except the taxi driver the last trip to Bangkok. he said to my wife. "your with him you can afford a bigger tip then that" and she said "Please, look at my face, how much do you think I getting these days"


Not sure why it matters, but it is accurate that several establishment that strictly cater to farangs, including in BKK, is foreign owned. Electric in Patpong is a Russian, the new pink place in Patpong is a french guy (Nickolaus) etc...

Only problem I have had sofar when walking anywhere and NOT wanting to be approached, is by the freelancers and I can only imagine how the beach walk in Pattaya is. Managed to see the hordes of people there during the one single day some year back and we walk around it in a wide circle...

Saved? Hmmmm seems the White Knight Farang has come along and saved the poor thai lady. Oh my some have heaps to learn about thailand. :D

Hey friend sarcasm is the lowest form of ***T, take that anyway you see fit but if you are such an expert on the ways of Thailand ? Why don't you enlighten us instaed of coming up with a stupid meaningless sarcastic one liner ?????

Not meaningless - my point is you can't save those who do not want to be saved. Fact is that no one is forcing them into this sort of profession. They can come/go as they please. I've seen many lads burned by thinking this is a lifestyle that they did not want, only to find that this is smth that they indeed wanted.

Now good on you for going upcountry and finding a lady you like and got along with who you married. I don't think you saved anyone - you just met a lady and fell in love with her. Very admirable mate!!! :)

If they are serious about cleaning up the beach of filth they would let them spend the night in the arrest and process the fees in the morning...

"Filth" - these are people we're talking about.

You're a "Libertarian member"?? God help us if you ever get right-wing views. :)

My impression has always been that the girls that hang down by the beach are infected with HIV or too addicted to drugs to be able to hold a job at any bar.

Maybe I'm wrong and its the sweet innocent ones who don't know how to get a job at a bar, but I've always rather thought that punters who take beach girls have a death wish anyway, and to what lengths should we go to protect them from themselves.

Kindof harsh I know, but they're obviously willing to engage in very risky behaviour and will come a cropper one way or another anyway

I don't know about all the prostitutes on Pattaya Beach, but elsewhere in other areas of Pattaya, around Nana Plaza, etc. there are many freelancers who are newbies, want to be their own boss, don't want to work in a bar, don't have enough time to be full-time bar worker, want to choose who they will spend time with instead of being obligated/pressured to go with someone they don't want to be with, just come to work periodically for extra spending money, etc.. College women, etc. will come from out of town to work an area as a freelancer occasionally, on weekends, etc. in order to to earn extra money. It is true that if a bar worker tests positive for HIV they are "fired" or at least they are suppossed to be. Some of these individuals continue prostituting on the street instead of in a bar. Anyway, just because a prostitute is freelancing on the street or elsewhere does not mean she is HIV positive. Many "prosties" have reasons for being freelancers instead of being tied down to a full-time bar obligation. The best action, no matter where one lives or is at, is to assume everybody one is thinking of engaing in sex with is HIV positive.


^Very good insight, however even in the bars those that do not want to go with you will not go with you unless they like you. I've seen this happen a number times to an Iranian mate.

As for HIV+, the ladies who work bar or freelance should have the same mentality that all their customers have HIV+ and protect themselves accordingly.

All were charged with offenses relating to loitering with intent and prostitution and paid a small fine before being released back onto the Beach where they presumably continued with whatever they were doing prior to their arrest.

Wonderful :)

^well 99% of the prostitution is thai on thai, not to mention its run by police/government. So I suspect that will never happen. :)


Whilst its maybe a larger section, it certainly isnt 99% ... or are you telling me its all done around the backstreets of Thailand and is all a bit cloak and dagger ... think this is another bar stool made up story which has gone the rounds and now become fact in Nana , Soi4 and similar places.


You are in thailand - how may thai people are there versus westerners? This alone should tell you that statistically thai on thai prostitution would be the vast majority of it. Farang side of it is just a drop in the bucket. :)

If they want to 'clean up 'Beach Road, they should start with the tailors that harrass everyone trying to get past.

Agreed - these chaps simply won't take no for an answer. The reality is, most men on this road are looking to get into someone else's suit ( of the birthday variety :D ), not to buy a "whistle" * from some tailor with a fake cockney accent - bunch of bankers.*


** whistle - whistle and flute = suit. Cockney rhyming slang. :)

* bankers - you need to be told?? :D:D

Are you from the Smoke Wee???

I erd..aving lived Cable Street E1....24yrs ( moved there when I was 19 ) a true cockney was born in the sound of Bow Bells..is this true???

If so where are the Bow Bells that if they ring....when yer born....it makes you a cockney.????


I dont know why this is newsworthy, the police do this 3 or 4 times a week, sometimes twice a night, and the girls start coming out again 20 mins later. maybe this was a press release but its standard practice, especially during low season when the police need money for their rent and lost football bets

^Very good insight, however even in the bars those that do not want to go with you will not go with you unless they like you. I've seen this happen a number times to an Iranian mate.

As for HIV+, the ladies who work bar or freelance should have the same mentality that all their customers have HIV+ and protect themselves accordingly.

Does he tell them he's Iranian before or after they turn him down? :D

Seriously, this poor lad must be devastated....turned down by working girls. :)

Whilst its maybe a larger section, it certainly isnt 99% ... or are you telling me its all done around the backstreets of Thailand and is all a bit cloak and dagger ...

You must be new to Thailand?

I remember the Police Chief in Bangkok saying that there were no brothels.............

Many were quick to point out that he only had to look out if his office window. :D

There is much that the visitor, and non-Thai speaker never sees.

I would put it on a par with the proverbial iceberg, 9/10ths unseen. :)

My impression has always been that the girls that hang down by the beach are infected with HIV or too addicted to drugs to be able to hold a job at any bar.

Maybe I'm wrong and its the sweet innocent ones who don't know how to get a job at a bar, but I've always rather thought that punters who take beach girls have a death wish anyway, and to what lengths should we go to protect them from themselves.

Kindof harsh I know, but they're obviously willing to engage in very risky behaviour and will come a cropper one way or another anyway

for a man of so many posts you really don't have a clue do you!!!!!!

i second that!...most puying on beach road are as clean as they come!!!...boyz & girlz (clayton wade copywright 2010)...same girlz as barfine agogos..after 2a..and some amateurs just lookin for sanook...the sale of female services has been goin on for 1000's of years..WHY?..because men need sex!!!

we should be concerned about the ever encraoching western diet that will make most...LOOK LIKE YOU..

^Very good insight, however even in the bars those that do not want to go with you will not go with you unless they like you. I've seen this happen a number times to an Iranian mate.

As for HIV+, the ladies who work bar or freelance should have the same mentality that all their customers have HIV+ and protect themselves accordingly.

Does he tell them he's Iranian before or after they turn him down? :D

Seriously, this poor lad must be devastated....turned down by working girls. :)

Those ladies are not blind, I guess.

If they want to 'clean up 'Beach Road, they should start with the tailors that harrass everyone trying to get past.

Agreed - these chaps simply won't take no for an answer. The reality is, most men on this road are looking to get into someone else's suit ( of the birthday variety :D ), not to buy a "whistle" * from some tailor with a fake cockney accent - bunch of bankers.*


** whistle - whistle and flute = suit. Cockney rhyming slang. :)

* bankers - you need to be told?? :D:D

Are you from the Smoke Wee???

I erd..aving lived Cable Street E1....24yrs ( moved there when I was 19 ) a true cockney was born in the sound of Bow Bells..is this true???

If so where are the Bow Bells that if they ring....when yer born....it makes you a cockney.????

No mate, I'm a mongrel. Born in Scotland, raised in NE England, worked in Scotland (offshore), Libya, Saudi, Iraq, Russia, Canada, Norway, Ivory Coast, and, erm, Wales. My Dad was a proper cockney though, (born within the sound of Bow Bells), which is why I speak the lingo! I just find it really annoying that all these Indian tailor chaps, use a fake cockney accent to try and drum up business. They should be at home eating a "Ruby"! :D They deserve a kick up the "Khyber". :D

If they are serious about cleaning up the beach of filth they would let them spend the night in the arrest and process the fees in the morning...

"Filth" - these are people we're talking about.

You're a "Libertarian member"?? God help us if you ever get right-wing views. :)

Forgive me for being unclear. The average working gal/lb is not filth in any measure of the word.

However the reputation is that a lot of the individuals on the beach has a propensity for violence, scams, robbery, drugging customers etc, and these are the real targets of the crack-down, or should be.

These individuals usually cannot get hired in the bars due to their history (have been, was thrown out etc) and therefor are more likely to be found at the beach or onthe walking street than in the bars.

The criminal ones that prey upon their tagets are the filth I would like to see be taken care of in a more clear manner.

My impression has always been that the girls that hang down by the beach are infected with HIV or too addicted to drugs to be able to hold a job at any bar.

Maybe I'm wrong and its the sweet innocent ones who don't know how to get a job at a bar, but I've always rather thought that punters who take beach girls have a death wish anyway, and to what lengths should we go to protect them from themselves.

Kindof harsh I know, but they're obviously willing to engage in very risky behaviour and will come a cropper one way or another anyway

for a man of so many posts you really don't have a clue do you!!!!!!

i second that!...most puying on beach road are as clean as they come!!!...boyz & girlz (clayton wade copywright 2010)...same girlz as barfine agogos..after 2a..and some amateurs just lookin for sanook...the sale of female services has been goin on for 1000's of years..WHY?..because men need sex!!!

we should be concerned about the ever encraoching western diet that will make most...LOOK LIKE YOU..

Agree about the dietary comments, when I first came to Thailand, there were very few really fat Thai people, now they're everywhere. A sad sign of the times.

Not sure why it matters, but it is accurate that several establishment that strictly cater to farangs, including in BKK, is foreign owned. Electric in Patpong is a Russian, the new pink place in Patpong is a french guy (Nickolaus) etc...

Only problem I have had sofar when walking anywhere and NOT wanting to be approached, is by the freelancers and I can only imagine how the beach walk in Pattaya is. Managed to see the hordes of people there during the one single day some year back and we walk around it in a wide circle...

I often walk on Beach Road in the day and in the early evening and never ever have been really troubled by freelancers.

Just avoid too much eye contact if you do not want something more.

If they are serious about cleaning up the beach of filth they would let them spend the night in the arrest and process the fees in the morning...

"Filth" - these are people we're talking about.

You're a "Libertarian member"?? God help us if you ever get right-wing views. :)

Forgive me for being unclear. The average working gal/lb is not filth in any measure of the word.

However the reputation is that a lot of the individuals on the beach has a propensity for violence, scams, robbery, drugging customers etc, and these are the real targets of the crack-down, or should be.

These individuals usually cannot get hired in the bars due to their history (have been, was thrown out etc) and therefor are more likely to be found at the beach or onthe walking street than in the bars.

The criminal ones that prey upon their tagets are the filth I would like to see be taken care of in a more clear manner.

Thanks for clarifying your point of view. Wholeheartedly agree with you, about the criminal element. Perhaps you should do your own typing, instead of dictating it to the cute little fellow in your avatar ? :D Past his bedtime BTW, and mine...cheers. :D


People keep on about sex tourism.

For the "normal" tourists the sex scene is one of the major attractions; they may not indulge, but they don't half like to look! :)

Take it away and Pattaya will be that much less colourful.

For a sex tourist it would be like Disneyland without the rides.

Whatever anyone else says, I'm totally convinced that as a major tourist destination Pattaya isn't viable without the girls. It wouldn't die completely, but it would be a fraction of its former self and bring a fraction of its former income into Thailand.

In my opinion of course.

My impression has always been that the girls that hang down by the beach are infected with HIV or too addicted to drugs to be able to hold a job at any bar.

Maybe I'm wrong and its the sweet innocent ones who don't know how to get a job at a bar, but I've always rather thought that punters who take beach girls have a death wish anyway, and to what lengths should we go to protect them from themselves.

Kindof harsh I know, but they're obviously willing to engage in very risky behaviour and will come a cropper one way or another anyway

Don't perpetuate the dangerous myth that the "sweet innocent ones" can't have HIV/AIDS.

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