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Crackdown On Pattaya Beach Road Prostitutes

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My impression has always been that the girls that hang down by the beach are infected with HIV or too addicted to drugs to be able to hold a job at any bar.

Maybe I'm wrong and its the sweet innocent ones who don't know how to get a job at a bar, but I've always rather thought that punters who take beach girls have a death wish anyway, and to what lengths should we go to protect them from themselves.

Kindof harsh I know, but they're obviously willing to engage in very risky behaviour and will come a cropper one way or another anyway

So you're a bar owner then? :D

Very unfair comment, these girls simply prefer to work for themselves (or so I'm told), :D .

BTW how does one tell a Russian mafia prostitute from an ordinary Thai prostitute?? Serious question, but if you folks want to add punchlines, please feel free....within the rules, of course.

Uhhhh just a guess but Russian prostitutes don't have slanted eyes and are born in Russia? That was difficult.

"slanted eyes" - is Prince Phillip a TV member? :D

Russian prostitutes are obviously Russian born, Russian mafia prostitutes could be from any country - even less difficult. However identifying them, as working for the Russian mafia, instead of for themselves, is not so easy, which is why I asked the question. I did give the option of a humorous reply, but sadly, that seems to be somewhat beyond your capabilities.

Slightly off-topic (but in response)..

A few-odd years back, I was actually seated at a table with some friends at a BKK restaurant, and some VERY non-Thai girls (pale skin, acne, stocky, chunky, blond) sat down nearby, all with dark eyeliner drawn out to elongated points at the outer corners of their eyes. They started trying to chat us up, and began weaving some bizzaro story about how they were Japanese girls, on holiday in Bangkok, in very weak mock-Asian accents. I looked the fattest, blondest one dead in her painted eyes, and asked "So you're all just in from Japan, huh"? Without missing a beat, she nodded up and down frantically and blurted out "Da!" just as plain as day. I almost choked on my beer.

So anyway, that's how we knew they were "Ruskie Hookskis". Needless to say, we didn't wait around for the upcoming "Я буду любить тебя долго!" (which means: I'll love you long time!) :)

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Shame they concentrate on the Thai ladies and not the Russian Mafia prostitutes. I have nothing against the females, only their scumbag bosses. Of course, this exercise is really only about beer money anyway. I hope Pattaya's finest enjoy their ice cold Beer-Chang tonight, for tomorrow promises to be an interesting day! :)

You got it bud. :crazy:And the ruskies are creeping in everwhere, the world over.

There was a serious organized crime problem in the US. Good luck Thailand, best to pay attention early. Those guys know how to do business and could ruin a country fast.


A total of 60 people were rounded-up, including 20 transsexuals and 40 women.

so, 20 transsexuals (lady boys) and 40 women = 40.

All were charged with offenses relating to loitering with intent and prostitution and paid a small fine before being released back onto the Beach where they presumably continued with whatever they were doing prior to their arrest

A total of 60 people were rounded-up, including 20 transsexuals and 40 women.

so, 20 transsexuals (lady boys) and 40 women = 40.

All were charged with offenses relating to loitering with intent and prostitution and paid a small fine before being released back onto the Beach where they presumably continued with whatever they were doing prior to their arrest

this is los man noting changes, have to keep the tea money flowing. :)


Why are they doing this crackdown?

1. There is a new Pattaya police chief and he wants to make an effort or to show he wants to make an effort. If it's the former, I'm sure he'll realize there's too much against him like all his predecessors, or he'll get caught up in the corruption, or both.

2. They have to do this regularly to keep things in control. Vice does this in the States and I'm sure it goes on in most countries with some level of law enforcement. If you let the rats run free to much, with no random kill by the cat, then they grow out of control.

3. They have to hold up their image to some degree as family friendly, because reality is that more and more vacationers are Russian couples and families, Korean or Chinese tour groups, and the Indians/Pakistinians and Middle Easterners who come with family (vs. the ones who come to drink and whore around)....these groups may like to do a quick look at a gogo bar but the nasty street whores are not likely going to make them want to come back...oh, and of coarse there are the Western white tourists who come with their wives.....notice these people like Jomtien more than Pattaya beach....less hookers!

4. Despite some who claim and likely are crazy enough to pick up crack whores on Beach road, most people see the danger of robbery and STD infected drug nuts....

5. Why do they drop them off where they got arrested? Maybe they want to see if they are stupid enough to try again, in which case why not let the underpaid cops teach them another lesson. Besides, are they supposed to drop them off at some decent Thai or farang neighborhood and get flak for that....let's be brutally honest and admit a lot of these walking wrecks are homeless due to various problems.


I'm suprised this thread has been allowed to run on Thai-no bar girl discussions-Visa.

Only 60 people? Hmmm, they must have only done half a mile of beach then!

Still, 60 x 1000 bht = nice tea money for a couple of hours work. (yes, the fine is 1,000 not 2,000 as mentioned by another poster).

I've quite often, when in Pattaya, taken a walk along the beach in the evening. Never been offered drugs yet. Maybe it depends on your age & looks?

I'm suprised this thread has been allowed to run on Thai-no bar girl discussions-Visa.

The forum rule is not to discuss the specifics of prostitution, which gives a lot of leeway, but still, I have agree with you!

Another good example of recent Pattaya news stories giving the Thailand news clippings a good hair day!

Actually I wish they would do something serious about this lot, have you ever tried walking down that promenade by night, it's near impossible without being forcibly accosted by someone every 10 meters refusing to let you pass (a real turn off if ever there was one), they practically manhandle you in the hope you'll be 'persuaded' to go home and make love with them. And when you get tough trying to escape it they react aggressively as if you're starting a bar fight. Ladyboys are the worst.

You might find that if you don't give them the eye they'll leave you alone but strutting along like a dog with two dicks in a street full of lamp posts you get what you ask for.

C'mon admit it, it gives you a little stiffy don't it?

It might give me a bit of a 'chubby' yet, not to sound righteous, I can't avoid thinking about the downward path on which these ladies trod.

Permit me to compliment you on your "...dog with two dicks..." metaphor. I first heard the phrase when working in in 'Dixie' (southeastern USA) some time ago and was left to think that no one else had ever even heard it!

Slightly off-topic (but in response)..

A few-odd years back, I was actually seated at a table with some friends at a BKK restaurant, and some VERY non-Thai girls (pale skin, acne, stocky, chunky, blond) sat down nearby, all with dark eyeliner drawn out to elongated points at the outer corners of their eyes. They started trying to chat us up, and began weaving some bizzaro story about how they were Japanese girls, on holiday in Bangkok, in very weak mock-Asian accents. I looked the fattest, blondest one dead in her painted eyes, and asked "So you're all just in from Japan, huh"? Without missing a beat, she nodded up and down frantically and blurted out "Da!" just as plain as day. I almost choked on my beer.

So anyway, that's how we knew they were "Ruskie Hookskis". Needless to say, we didn't wait around for the upcoming "Я буду любить тебя долго!" (which means: I'll love you long time!) :)

Good story SiangDeeMahk, I've worked in Russia, and it's easy to tell which girls work for the Russian mafia there......all of them. No matter, where they're originally from. Over here, it's less easy to tell, which is why I asked the question. Russian tourists, however are relatively easy to pick out, their fashion sense, (or lack of it), :D , usually gives them away. Maybe they should try one of the many tailors available. :D:D


To get rid of a disgusting eye sore... :) Need to keep that ugly <deleted> behind closed doors as it spoils the view of the beach. :D

Stupid question I know; but what`s the point of this excerise?

...What night was this? It would have been great to stroll down Beach Road promenade and see it empty and enjoy the sound of the sea!!!!

Seems like most (?) of the viewers in this forum support having the commercial ladies/ katoeys/ pimps/ drug dealers to hang out along a public park area that should be enjoyed by all (including couples and families) and not just the sex starved visitor.

What I am observing are some of the old timers in Pattaya that don't want to see Pattaya change...they want it to remain "sex city" of Asia and frown upon Pattaya leaning towards being more metropolitan. They are the ones that dislike seeing the massive Central Beach Road shopping complex ; new condos being constructed, and these same "oldies" go into convulsions when they see the one block of North Pattaya along Beach Rd. (Amari, Holiday Inn -down to Hard Rock) looking like a normal seaside resort, (And they go into shock seeing Russian families with children walking around Pattaya). These old timers are still living in the era of the 70's and 80's...

True, part of Pattaya's legacy is its Walking street ; and soi bars - but let's have it zoned so not all of this (including the Indian tailor shops and vendors) aren't in your face 24/7 everywhere you walk in Pattaya.


There are no prostitutes in Thailand, just a lot of women who prefer to have a lot of boyfriends. The Thai word for prostitute so pee nee (or something like that) is very insulting and will get you a Chang bottle up your nose if you are silly enough to use it.

And for all the complainers, there are a zillion other beaches in Thailand you could walk down that are exactly the way you like.....

Other beaches not really 'exactly the way you (I) like'. Nearly all stretches of beaches in Thailand have paper, plastic, and other sorts of trash every linear meter, from the water line on up.

Silly question - but why do the police wait for late at night - there are lots of "girls" hanging around in the daytime - or are they just relaxing?

No, they’re actually waiting for you.

"A total of 60 people were rounded-up, including 20 transsexuals and 40 women."

I just noticed this.

Is this a typical ratio for Pattaya, one in three "women" with the danglies?

pretty much... same crap here in Phuket, but most of them dont't have danglies anymore...

Women are becoming a rare breed...

Beaches have always been a favorite for Ladyboys... Guess they are not welcome anywhere else

I think the' folklore' linked to prostitution, aside from the prostitution itself, counts for 80 percent of the charm of Pattaya.The strange ' zoo' which is the Beach at night is one of the tourist attractions of the city! Otherwise WHO would take a stroll along the beach?It's polluted, crowdy,noisy.So TAT should ENCOURAGE prostitution on the beach, and police should do the same.I like the beach the way it is.It is an institution, a sanctuary, a living museum, a unique scene for unrrivaled stand comedian. It s almost poetic, at times...

I love the free people watching. More interesting than the zoo.

The crazier pattaya is and the more outrageously dressed its attractions the better as far as I'm concerned as they all add to give the place a unique flavor like nowhere else on earth.

And for all the complainers, there are a zillion other beaches in Thailand you could walk down that are exactly the way you like so why pressure to change this one? And in case you weren't aware, taking one of the girls is NOT compulsory despite them being there

"there are a zillion other beaches in Thailand you could walk down that are exactly the way you like so why pressure to change this one?"

In the name of Buddha, don"t do that!!! We the majority, on the other beaches don't want the prostitutes following you guys to ours.

I always thought having sex was very social.


paid a small fine before being released back onto the Beach where they presumably continued with whatever they were doing

No, later they had "to satisfy" all the voluntiers .....


I didn't know they had any beaches in Pattaya ! There have been rumours floating around for years that the beer bars were to be closed down for good. Same as what they did in Manila , Phillipines. The social elite of Bangkok dont like them. Probably will happen one day. Everything changes overtime.

My impression has always been that the girls that hang down by the beach are infected with HIV or too addicted to drugs to be able to hold a job at any bar.

Maybe I'm wrong and its the sweet innocent ones who don't know how to get a job at a bar, but I've always rather thought that punters who take beach girls have a death wish anyway, and to what lengths should we go to protect them from themselves.

Kindof harsh I know, but they're obviously willing to engage in very risky behaviour and will come a cropper one way or another anyway

Don't perpetuate the dangerous myth that the "sweet innocent ones" can't have HIV/AIDS.

And don't insult our intelligence by subscribing to the fallacy that freelancers and ladyboys are all HIV/AIDS positive, yabba heads.

...What night was this? It would have been great to stroll down Beach Road promenade and see it empty and enjoy the sound of the sea!!!!

Seems like most (?) of the viewers in this forum support having the commercial ladies/ katoeys/ pimps/ drug dealers to hang out along a public park area that should be enjoyed by all (including couples and families) and not just the sex starved visitor.

What I am observing are some of the old timers in Pattaya that don't want to see Pattaya change...they want it to remain "sex city" of Asia and frown upon Pattaya leaning towards being more metropolitan. They are the ones that dislike seeing the massive Central Beach Road shopping complex ; new condos being constructed, and these same "oldies" go into convulsions when they see the one block of North Pattaya along Beach Rd. (Amari, Holiday Inn -down to Hard Rock) looking like a normal seaside resort, (And they go into shock seeing Russian families with children walking around Pattaya). These old timers are still living in the era of the 70's and 80's...

True, part of Pattaya's legacy is its Walking street ; and soi bars - but let's have it zoned so not all of this (including the Indian tailor shops and vendors) aren't in your face 24/7 everywhere you walk in Pattaya.

What i am witnessing, not just on here but on the ground in many parts of Thailand particularly Pattaya is tens of thousands of people, young and old coming here because it is the way it is right now, and has been for years. Theres nothing wrong with loving a place because of its past and its present and hoping that it stays that way.

I love strolling down the beach at the end of the day and watching the sunset . Sitting by the beach and watching thai ladies come and go,...talking to them, and spending time with them either casually or intimately. I dont drink so i dont go to bars and i have never had a problem with a lady off the beach, no money stolen , no std's exchanged. There are many lovely women down there trying to take care of their families and unfortunately a lot of them get treated like trash. I have witnessed recently many groups of guys trying to cheat the girls out of the meagre amount of money they charge by offering them less to go with them as a group. .....So the small fine they have to pay to the police is really nothing compared to the garbage they have to endure from some cheap charlies.

Stupid question I know; but what`s the point of this excerise?

Its to make Pattaya the hub of prostitution clean ups of course. How dare you cynics claim that the police were after money that just wouldnt happen in the democratic Kingdom of Thailand would it?

There are no prostitutes in Thailand, just a lot of women who prefer to have a lot of boyfriends. The Thai word for prostitute so pee nee (or something like that) is very insulting and will get you a Chang bottle up your nose if you are silly enough to use it.

So Pe Nee is the nice version try Galeee that usualy gets a reaction!

Permit me to compliment you on your "...dog with two dicks..." metaphor. I first heard the phrase when working in in 'Dixie' (southeastern USA) some time ago and was left to think that no one else had ever even heard it!

Around Pattaya there's more likelihood of seeing a 'dick with two dogs'!


They should better clear the beach road of the bad semelling garbages everywhere, look that Restaurants and Hotels not put all their garbages at the public containers on the beach. Those businesses should have their own garbage storages. They should also clear up all the motorblye rentals who occuppies all the parking spaces acround the beach road, because there is impossible to parking a car on a public parking space unless you go in a shopping centre. This is for me more "the reason" why i avoid the Pattaya beach, because i can't park my car.

BTW how can they check which one of the "chicks sitting on the beach is a "prost", and which one isn't?

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