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Solution For Double Pricing?


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if you are so offended by double pricing why not take up arms against International schools in Thailand (one of them proudly advertising) here who are willing to waive their hefty registration fees for "children of an international profile".

Unfortunately my thai born daughter with a dual citizenship does not seem to fit the bill as an international profile means white kids as far as i can tell.

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Well this is the Australian management's response from 2008.

Dear Mr ******************,

I have been forwarded your email by TAT and would like to reply on behalf of Siam Ocean World (SOW).

You are correct in your assertion that SOW operates a dual pricing, however we offer a Thai resident rate and many expatriates living in Thailand also avail themselves of the reduced rate. All other attractions, both government and privately operated, use this system and often the rates differ tenfold or in some instances Thais are free and foreigners charged.

It is also my experience that offering 'locals' rates is prevalent around the world in tourist attractions and indeed hotels although I readily acknowledge that generally the variance is not as great as in Thailand.

I am distressed at the 'racist' tag as this cannot be further from the truth in how our company operates. In fact our family passes use an age based assessment on children to make it more affordable for foreign families. Our regular pricing uses height based assessment of under 120cm for children which is appropriate for Thais but which penalised foreigners whose children tend to be taller.

We are proud of the feedback we get from tourists who visit our aquarium and hope that your family enjoyed your visit.

Yours sincerely,

Geoff Olson

General Manager

Siam Ocean World

Neatly avoiding the fact that the practise is illegal - usual excuse other do it (i.e. break the law) so we shouldn't we? OK - other racist companies around the world are burned to the ground - how well do fish tanks burn? If they don't want tyo be "distressed" at being called 'racists' then stop being 'racist' - simple really!

What's needed here (for many things) is a really good strong expat pressure group - not all expats are "expendable" here and the powers that be know it and en-masse we have more power than we (or they) realise - enough noise can be made and with money raised from large amount of membership money, private suits against these illegally operating companies. If it becomes news (especially internationally) that these companies are losing licenses and/or fines and are being specifically targeted, I guess many companies breaking the law will change policy - and maybe some action by the Gov (or TaT at least) will be forthcoming.

why would any expat group complain about SOW when expats are offered Thai rates there with proof of residence in the form of almost any sort of thai ID?

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Thailand is a democratic country running on patronage system. If the local and actual citizens are treated on double, triple or quadrup standards, should we as foreigners be complaining when we are charged double to visit something that's sitting in their homeland? From my personal experience, i have been accorded better treatment compared to the locals be it a visit to the public or private hospital or goverment agencies. I have seen patients queueing up since morning to see the doctor whereas i just walk in when my appointment time is due. In restaurants, am able to jump queue and get the table compared to locals who stand outside waiting for a table to be free. I guess in these scenerios, it's what makes the locals charge us more when it's their turn to service us. I don't blame them nor do i blame the foreigners for complaining but when it comes to patronage system, that's how things work. Even in my home country, priority or discounts are given to members and since we are just "aliens" in Thailand, we can't really complain when the "members" of this country get to enter a place of interest paying half the price. That's the benefit of being a member.

Well said, and much more rational and well-reasoned than many of the emotional responses on this thread.

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Neatly avoiding the fact that the practise is illegal - usual excuse other do it (i.e. break the law) so we shouldn't we? OK - other racist companies around the world are burned to the ground - how well do fish tanks burn? If they don't want tyo be "distressed" at being called 'racists' then stop being 'racist' - simple really!

I'm mystified that farangs keep bringing up the "illegal" aspect. Pretty much every city in the world that has a large tourist population will have some sort of dual-pricing scheme that affords locals a discount. Standard procedure. The world over. How many times do we have to keep repeating this?

What's needed here (for many things) is a really good strong expat pressure group - not all expats are "expendable" here and the powers that be know it and en-masse we have more power than we (or they) realise - enough noise can be made and with money raised from large amount of membership money, private suits against these illegally operating companies. If it becomes news (especially internationally) that these companies are losing licenses and/or fines and are being specifically targeted, I guess many companies breaking the law will change policy - and maybe some action by the Gov (or TaT at least) will be forthcoming.

Farangs have been complaining about this forever. And threatening to retaliate. Complaining and threatening forever. I mean literally, forever. What has happened? Nothing. Are you incapable of grasping the reality of the situation?

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Dual pricing is illegal - period - there is nothing in the legislation that I know about, or have heard about, that permitts or allows the government to practise dual pricing (i.e. I haven't read the legislation, but I'd be very suprized if there was a clause that exempted government).

National parks are government - yes, right at the top of the pyramid I guess they are, but they are left alone as independant entities to get on with the job, and my guess is that the dual pricing national parks practise, would, if it were challenged in a court, be found just as illegal as any other dual pricing practise.

In reality the only way to put a stop to it is to launch a campaign that gets all foreigners to turn there backs and walk away from anything that is dual priced - then you'll see just how quickly "dual pricing" comes to a stop. The problem is, I just can't see much success in getting everyone to participate. As CobraSnakenecktie points out: Thailand is home ground to many illegal practises which the authorities tolerate and turn a blind eye to.

Sounds like you could be on to something here, so why not take it to the next step. Get all the TV members to take them to law,. It's not as crazy as it sounds and should not cost that much (each) once a precedent has been set it would put a stop to duel pricing.whistling.gif

At this time I don't pay the jacked up price.

Edited by a99az
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Thailand is a democratic country running on patronage system. If the local and actual citizens are treated on double, triple or quadrup standards, should we as foreigners be complaining when we are charged double to visit something that's sitting in their homeland? From my personal experience, i have been accorded better treatment compared to the locals be it a visit to the public or private hospital or goverment agencies. I have seen patients queueing up since morning to see the doctor whereas i just walk in when my appointment time is due. In restaurants, am able to jump queue and get the table compared to locals who stand outside waiting for a table to be free. I guess in these scenerios, it's what makes the locals charge us more when it's their turn to service us. I don't blame them nor do i blame the foreigners for complaining but when it comes to patronage system, that's how things work. Even in my home country, priority or discounts are given to members and since we are just "aliens" in Thailand, we can't really complain when the "members" of this country get to enter a place of interest paying half the price. That's the benefit of being a member.

Tripe! the reason you might get a table/Tuk Tuk ahead of a Thai is because you are fair game (a sucker, sap, easy meat) who's easily parted from the dollar bill.rolleyes.gif

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To me it seems pretty ridiculous to complain about Bt400 to enter a National Park when you would have been charged Bt4,000 back home. And think even if the Thai paid Bt400, the same as you, he would certainly have the right to complain about 10x charging in the UK. What a ridiculous thing to say the Thais dont pay much tax - the costs of maintaining their National Parks dont come out of thin air. And Thailand is trying to stop private operators benefiting from double charging while UK operators seem to enjoy taking the piss. Having charged me GBP14 for valet parking which took 3 minutes, the guy actually asked for a tip.

400bht is family food budget 2 days

Not everyone rich foreigner like you.

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Of course Thais should be charged what is affordable to the average Thai.

It is their country.

If everyone was charged what the average Thai could afford their NP's and attractions wouldn't be half as well kept.

Think of it as giving a little back to your adoptive country, that you choose to live in before your own.

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