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Does Your Thai Lady Get Very Angry Quickly Too ?

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I don't have a current Thai Lady but all of my previous Thai Ladies have gotten angry very quickly, yes. How I have fixed it has depended upon them. For one it was simply for me to shut up and do or say nothing. Another that would just make more angry, for her I had to tell her I was sorry (even if I had done nothing wrong) and soothe her with my words.

With Thai women you have to decide whether you want to be happy or you want to be right. If you want to be happy then you have to let them be right every time they go crazy on you, or you will never be happy. If you want to be right then just have a bunch of Kik's and never have substantiative conversations with any of them, because a long-term relationship will never work out for you with a Thai woman (or any woman, most likely).

....personally I reckon it is their over exposure to Thai soaps that makes them behave the way they do. :D

Amen, Brother!

Seconded :D

My gf sometimes get's annoyed (usually a few day's before "that time of the month" ) :)

For example, if we're chatting on the phone she might put the phone down on me. I call her back in a few minutes after she's calmed down and she's fine and laughing about it.


That doesn't count, that happens the world over..Having said that though I have to say that my Mrs. is far less defensive then any other western woman I have ever dated or married and when she is facing those emotional moments if I mention it, instead of that generating an entirely new tiff and her thinking I'm instigating or making a personal jibe she stops and says "Oh! Yes in a few days and all is well and there is LESS tension after that instead of more as she sees how its intended which is an attempt to understand instead of as a barb.

So why is it then that women from western societies with far more practical and usually higher education on such issues can't understand or be as accepting as my little Chinese village girl?

Perhaps it's time for you to really look at yourself in the mirror and see why people get angry at you so often. And remember, people who don't get angry with you may be indifferent. Cheers.

Very good point.


Just playing devil's advocate, but perhaps she is blowing up because she realises you are a bit of a jerk and wants to dump you, has met a few others she prefers to sleep with, and wants to go and so magnifies your indiscretions, to vindicate herself. Just a few thoughts. Who knows!

I don't have a current Thai Lady but all of my previous Thai Ladies have gotten angry very quickly, yes. How I have fixed it has depended upon them. For one it was simply for me to shut up and do or say nothing. Another that would just make more angry, for her I had to tell her I was sorry (even if I had done nothing wrong) and soothe her with my words.

With Thai women you have to decide whether you want to be happy or you want to be right. If you want to be happy then you have to let them be right every time they go crazy on you, or you will never be happy. If you want to be right then just have a bunch of Kik's and never have substantiative conversations with any of them, because a long-term relationship will never work out for you with a Thai woman (or any woman, most likely).

Well despite this they all seem to have gone!

I don't have a current Thai Lady but all of my previous Thai Ladies have gotten angry very quickly, yes. How I have fixed it has depended upon them. For one it was simply for me to shut up and do or say nothing. Another that would just make more angry, for her I had to tell her I was sorry (even if I had done nothing wrong) and soothe her with my words.

With Thai women you have to decide whether you want to be happy or you want to be right. If you want to be happy then you have to let them be right every time they go crazy on you, or you will never be happy. If you want to be right then just have a bunch of Kik's and never have substantiative conversations with any of them, because a long-term relationship will never work out for you with a Thai woman (or any woman, most likely).

.. been there..after a recent argument I TOLD her I would always agree with her.. but if you do that you are REALLY setting yourself up for grief.. she realized she was being unreasonable and there is a happy medium of give and take..

signed: communication is everything

  • 2 months later...
Worth it to have a love-in later on to make up for it. Maybe get some special treatment :)

Mine does blow up occasionally. When she does it takes hours to get her to stop mouthing off. That is when I take her to her mothers. That soon shuts her up. I leave her there and let her mother give her he_l. I go to the pub and refuse to answer the phone. Makes her wonder what I am up to and who with :D

Next day all is fine and dandy again. Wonderful things - women.

I'd not trade mine in for anything.

How do you get her in the car to go to her Mothers?


I just go out for a few hours, if in the day out to play pool, if in the evening out to look at girls and drink beer.

Assuming i can make it to the door in one piece.

I'm not sure about any of this, I try my hardest all the time to try and avoid her........theyre all the same women, they just live in different houses.

Women are the reason I love my motor cycles, cars, fishing/camping equipment and surf board so much. :) Ohh and I nearly forgot to mention the dog. :D

Reminds me of that joke........

Toss your dog and your wife in the trunk of the car, drive across town, stop, open the trunk, and see which one is happy to see you......

Thai wifes in opposite to their Western counterparts have a nasty habbit of grabbing knives when they get angry... this is not so nice.

These are psycho women, not Thai women.

The correct anwser is: get rid of them immediately. Call the security guards if necessary.

Psychos can be quite a fun sometimes, but never ever have a relationship with them. You play with fire.

Can any poster here relate their experiences of being attacked by any Thai woman?

"For example, in 1997, a Thai wife had severed her husband's penis while he was sleeping and attached the penis to a bunch of helium balloons."


Not quite attacked like that unfortunate..

However, my Thai wife likes to go bonkers sometimes and there is no stopping her..i used to try to argue back and that just makes it worse then i just shut up but that makes it worse for me as i need to release the built up anger.

So i settled on buying some boxing gloves and when she starts going bonkers i put the gloves on her and let her belt me around the body and box my head. (i used train regularly in the UK so i've got a few good moves on me)

This works a treat and within a few minutes that small volcano has subsided back into the smiling happy bundle of fun..... energy and anger spent!

Hope someone else tries it....as it really works and fast as hel_l from high energy arguement back to normal within minutes...give a go.

Can any poster here relate their experiences of being attacked by any Thai woman?

First thing I did after getting married was take her flick knife from her handbag and hide it.

My previous gf , one night, decided to chase me around the graden only wearing shorts and weilding a meat cleaver, I really wish I had taken a photo but I had to keep moving at the time.

  • 2 weeks later...

Thai women have a total fear of another girl taking her man, or her man leaving her for another women... it's all thanks to these insane Thai soap operas that are themed around women plotting against each other and trying to take the man of another woman, while the men in those shows are just dick controlled. Simply forbid her to watch that crap... and maybe replace it with funny shows. However dumb those shows may be, I take a goofy girl over a hysterical bitch any time a day.

What may help is also saying to her: "The only thing that could make me leave you is not another girl, it would be YOU being a pain in the butt with your crazy behavior and jealousy. Chill out or get out!"

I'm married (and got a kid) and my wife is the most chilled out person ever. Example: I left the house yesterday around lunch time and said I'd be gone for about 2 hours, later I called and said it may get a bit later and I actually returned at 4am. She knows I don't cheat on her, and she gives the the freedom I need... that's why I married her :)


My wife gets angry with me .......oh about 3 times a day, fortunatley it lasts about as long as it takes for me to start talking "wan wan" with her, and then its forgotten. She is probably justified in her anger and I am just thankful that when she asked me to check out the pistol I got it working but hid the ammo.

My wife is cool hand Luke to me but if she feels you mess with me wowa no stoping the little lady. She would carve you up for dinner.

Hard boiled eggs for dinner?

Paul Newman in CHL, if you missed it.

I'm not sure about any of this, I try my hardest all the time to try and avoid her........theyre all the same women, they just live in different houses.

Women are the reason I love my motor cycles, cars, fishing/camping equipment and surf board so much. :) Ohh and I nearly forgot to mention the dog. :D

Reminds me of that joke........

Toss your dog and your wife in the trunk of the car, drive across town, stop, open the trunk, and see which one is happy to see you......

Yes R, I could only hope that the dog ate the misses during the trip.

I use to be married once, probably never told you about that during our mango days.

Anyway, cut a long story short, my misses and my best friend had an affair and eventually they ran away together.........geeze I miss him. :D

In 5 years we've been together I think she has lost her temper 3 times!

Each time I deserved it. :D

She's one helluva patient women then :)


My wife of 14yrs now (i think) is pretty much, very laid back. But she one of those who like to bottle stuff up, brews it for a few months, then lets it all out, with a big bang! Thing is, because she's bottled stuff up over a long period of time, when it does all come out, I can't remember what it is that she on about.

"I have no idea what you're talking about dear"..worst thing anyone can say, and of course now you're a lying bas**rd on top of it. Three days of sleeping on the sofa (big sofa, so that's well cool) then it's back in the sack....healthy session....everythings hunkydory.

Yep they can go absolutely ballistic over nothing. If they have a bad dream at night then beware the next morning.

oh man, there is nothing funnier than when they are pi$$ed at you for something you did in their dream lol


Edit: fixed typo

It's not so much what we do in their dreams, but rather if they dream about something stupid like , a snake or a bird with a busted wing or what ever, because it all means that you are most definitely going to something bad or naughty :)


my wife is like the weather - most of the time she's absolutely great, but when it rains - it RAINS ... and it comes and passes just as fast as well :)


'The Land of Smiles' is a con. Just watch the Thai soap operas and see the women there. Angry, spiteful, jealous... that's the reality for a lot of them. I know mine is quick to anger too. There is not much attempt at understanding another persons point of view. Noone looks beautiful when they're angry.

Thai wifes in opposite to their Western counterparts have a nasty habbit of grabbing knives when they get angry... this is not so nice.

They are a violent people.

  • 11 years later...

Loving these answers. My lady is amazing in many ways. So sweet, thoughtful, best cook ever, etc, etc. We have a son that is due in 2 months, but she told me from the beginning she has a bad temper sometimes. During the 27 months we've been together, she's threatened me with police. Run at me with a knife, attempted to run out a window. It took me so long to realise that there is no point arguing with this lady. Be quiet and let it play out for an hour or two. Eventually she's cute again if I don't argue back. Despite all this, I feel it makes me a stronger man cause in the past I'd always have retaliated. Thailand and this lady have inadvertently helped me with my bad anger problems that I brought here from the UK. Because of her I'm a calmer happier person than I was before. 

9 minutes ago, spencerh1982 said:

Loving these answers. My lady is amazing in many ways. So sweet, thoughtful, best cook ever, etc, etc. We have a son that is due in 2 months, but she told me from the beginning she has a bad temper sometimes. During the 27 months we've been together, she's threatened me with police. Run at me with a knife, attempted to run out a window. It took me so long to realise that there is no point arguing with this lady. Be quiet and let it play out for an hour or two. Eventually she's cute again if I don't argue back. Despite all this, I feel it makes me a stronger man cause in the past I'd always have retaliated. Thailand and this lady have inadvertently helped me with my bad anger problems that I brought here from the UK. Because of her I'm a calmer happier person than I was before. 

I would never accept if my lady attack me with a knife or other items.She is wery calm ,but if i get drunk and accusing her of things thas not true she get upset.She dont drink at all because of bad experience when she grown up.Anyway she have never ever speak bad to me,just say what she mean.We know echother about 6 years,before as good friends.2 year ago we started serious dating with sleepovers.She dont mind i take a beer or more,but VODKA/WHISKY not allowed because then i change my thinking.Shes just turned 45 and she want a quiet peaceful life without no drama.


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