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Sucky thing here is, they only sell beer on camp (limited to 2 per person/per day). No hard booze at all, so I have to go dry until my next holiday :o

Then...............................................look out boozers

Got that right. My 2nd night back on my last trip, I dropped 30,000 baht in one bar, and then another 15,000 the next night. I kinda settled down after that though. My average bin for the last 5 nights was down to only 3,000 baht !

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Don't drink during the week, working up to 12 hours a day.

Friday night down to the local (Liberty Mansion) for a meal and a couple of Chang.

Saturday night a few more, some at LM, then often more down Walking Street or around Soi Chaiyaphum / Soi Lenke.

Beer is not so bad, but having worked abroad for many years I have had to send up to a dozen men home for drinking problems (mostly from Saudi and Libya - two alcohol-banned countries). Also in Iran (Shah's time, booze allowed) I shipped back five bodies - all at different times - all heavy drinkers / smokers. We were working up at 2,500 metres above sea level, the guys were all fifty-ish, overweight and should never have been working in 50C heat.

But all this has taught me to be careful of alcohol at all times. And not to smoke - not to put on too much weight.

Sorry to be so pedantic; but where in this world can you get 50C at 2,500 meters?

If it's outside it should be quite cool at that height.


Or rather about 50km north towards Isfahan, place called Marv Dasht. This is near Takht-e-Jamshid (Persepolis to Westerners).

During the day it rose to over 55C (received air temperature) and one soon learnt not to pick up rebar or nails with bare hands.

There are two desert areas in Iran, Dasht-e-Lut and another (can't remeber the Farsi) meaning Salt Desert and Sand Desert. The Salt Desert had one of the greatest temperature differences anywhere in the world - midday (summer) above 55C, night-time (winter) below (-)26C - these are yearly averages for maximum / minimum, not exceptional recordings.

But I found the people to be among the best in the world for civility and friendship. As I said, this was pre-Khomeini.

I can always remember flying over that area in the late sixties. What I remember vividly was the football stadium,the only part of the town you could see clearly.

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I like dancing on Funday. To be honest I stopped drinking to stop cigarettes. I was OK with out a smoke but as soon as I had a beer they just went hand in hand having acquired both habits at an early age. I just woke one day 3 years plus ago after another friend had died of a heart attack, my own mother from cancer. It was like hey do I wanna be around when the kids get married.

Smoking was the problem not the beer for me and I do genuinely feel and look better for it.

Well they still call out handsom man where you go.

I did go to an AA meeting twice the second time to resign

Edited by MP5
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I can understand that MP5.

I used to drink a minimum of eight pints of guiness everyday and 13 pints on a good session. When two of my buddies died from drink I decided it was time to stop.

I still enjoy a good drink but only get going if the company is good.

By the way can anyone explain how I could drink all that and never put on weight.

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I can understand that MP5.

I used to drink a minimum of eight pints of guiness everyday and 13 pints on a good session.  When two of my buddies died from drink I decided it was time to stop.

I still enjoy a good drink but only get going if the company is good.

By the way can anyone explain how I could drink all that and never put on weight.

Just the way you are I suppose.I had a mate who was in the merchant navy.On a 3 month trip to the UK he lost 14kg.(He was a big lad)After spending 10 days at the Seamans Mission in London, where Guiness was really cheap (Subsidised) he put on 16 kgs over this 10 day period..... :o

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i work off shore + previous sh*t holes like Saudi, Kuwait so i might go through 3-4 weeks (offshore) (can be months in middle east)  without and then back here so I make up for lost time when i come back, but i do see lot of guys who's main hobbyy is drinking all waking hours.

The years that I spent in Saudi were the ones that I was most at risk of becoming an alcoholic. I always had a few drinks every day. The main problem was the alcohol content of every thing over there. Beer at 15%, wine at 20%, and sid at rocket fuel levels.

While I'm on vacation, as I am now in Oz, I am also having quite a bit more than what I should but at least it is at commercial beverages alcohol content.

When I'm at home in Thailand, I have maybe 2 bottles of Beer Leo per week.

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I made a rule 2..5 years ago. (living here for nearly three.)

Never drink before 9pm. Then have a maximum of seven or eight beers before driving home.

The odd occasion when I know the drink is going to flow, either book a hotel in town, or get a taxi home.

Seen many friends turn into alcoholics, and don’t want o go there.


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i work off shore + previous sh*t holes like Saudi, Kuwait so i might go through 3-4 weeks (offshore) (can be months in middle east)  without and then back here so I make up for lost time when i come back, but i do see lot of guys who's main hobbyy is drinking all waking hours.

The years that I spent in Saudi were the ones that I was most at risk of becoming an alcoholic. I always had a few drinks every day. The main problem was the alcohol content of every thing over there. Beer at 15%, wine at 20%, and sid at rocket fuel levels.

While I'm on vacation, as I am now in Oz, I am also having quite a bit more than what I should but at least it is at commercial beverages alcohol content.

When I'm at home in Thailand, I have maybe 2 bottles of Beer Leo per week.

Wow, that Saudi 'Siddique' nearly killed me; I was actually drunk 24 hours a day, and so was everyone else, it seemed to linger in the blood, so even when you woke up, you actually felt pissed. We used to cut 'sid' 50/50 but it was still lethal. A lot of guys just couldn't handle it and got sent home.

But if someone offered me 'sid' here in Pattaya I'd buy it just for old times sake to re-live the buzz.

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i work off shore + previous sh*t holes like Saudi, Kuwait so i might go through 3-4 weeks (offshore) (can be months in middle east)  without and then back here so I make up for lost time when i come back, but i do see lot of guys who's main hobbyy is drinking all waking hours.

The years that I spent in Saudi were the ones that I was most at risk of becoming an alcoholic. I always had a few drinks every day. The main problem was the alcohol content of every thing over there. Beer at 15%, wine at 20%, and sid at rocket fuel levels.

While I'm on vacation, as I am now in Oz, I am also having quite a bit more than what I should but at least it is at commercial beverages alcohol content.

When I'm at home in Thailand, I have maybe 2 bottles of Beer Leo per week.

Wow, that Saudi 'Siddique' nearly killed me; I was actually drunk 24 hours a day, and so was everyone else, it seemed to linger in the blood, so even when you woke up, you actually felt pissed. We used to cut 'sid' 50/50 but it was still lethal. A lot of guys just couldn't handle it and got sent home.

But if someone offered me 'sid' here in Pattaya I'd buy it just for old times sake to re-live the buzz.

I couldn't drink Sid in Saudi because of legs cramps the following day.

When i was Kuwait, the stable drink was ethanol, cut 3-1 with water and then drank with coke or whatever, this also gave me extreme leg cramps

I was staying in an apartment with a guy who almost burned it down cooking chips, we had to move out for a month due to smoke damage, he was sacked later for drink related incident.

Another guy came out, whose hands used to shake at least 2 " each way, he's way of things was to finish work at 6.30pm come start drinking ethanol until he passes out on the chair, get up for work no problem next day and in a great mood, the shakes used to start about 4 pm and he would be getting twitchy for a drink .

Then there was the aftershave party ! yes , i saw the pictures, a group of guys drinking the local aftershave (Jackson)

The guy who used to stay with me used to keep a backup bottle of aftershave in the fridge just in case the ethanol ran out,

I have promised myself never to go back to the middle east, crazy people out there (not including the muslims) :o

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i work off shore + previous sh*t holes like Saudi, Kuwait so i might go through 3-4 weeks (offshore) (can be months in middle east)  without and then back here so I make up for lost time when i come back, but i do see lot of guys who's main hobbyy is drinking all waking hours.

The years that I spent in Saudi were the ones that I was most at risk of becoming an alcoholic. I always had a few drinks every day. The main problem was the alcohol content of every thing over there. Beer at 15%, wine at 20%, and sid at rocket fuel levels.

While I'm on vacation, as I am now in Oz, I am also having quite a bit more than what I should but at least it is at commercial beverages alcohol content.

When I'm at home in Thailand, I have maybe 2 bottles of Beer Leo per week.

Wow, that Saudi 'Siddique' nearly killed me; I was actually drunk 24 hours a day, and so was everyone else, it seemed to linger in the blood, so even when you woke up, you actually felt pissed. We used to cut 'sid' 50/50 but it was still lethal. A lot of guys just couldn't handle it and got sent home.

But if someone offered me 'sid' here in Pattaya I'd buy it just for old times sake to re-live the buzz.

I quite enjoyed the old sid and team (with ice)until one morning I woke up (Friday)and couldnt find the light switch.It was soooo dark and i thought it must still be the middle of the night..... wrong ...i was inside my wardrobe.

That was it never again :o

Back in LOS for another quick visit and sticking to 3 big Heinees a day.

Last night in Buoa Rest next to Secon Sq in See Nak...very good :D

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  • 3 years later...

To answer the original question I drink very little beer when home in Canada. I'd rather drink juice or water. But, when I'm in Thailand I'm a social drinker so I HAVE to order something in beer bar. I can nurse one or two beers for several hours if the ladies are pretty enough, but I always buy the girls a drink or two.

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I have two drinks every night. Not less, not more. I know, very boring. I never get drunk just a short lived mini buzz. So either 2 small beers, one large beer, or two shots of vodka or tequila. The hilarious thing is that some moralists would call this kind of drinking alcoholism.

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I drink when I want, as much as I want.

And I don't have a problem with it.

Do you?

Of course not. Have some ciggies while you're at it, Tex. (But please never on a baht bus!)

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The thing is: Those of us who live in Thailand and don't work here can turn from regular social drinkers to 9.00 am-3.00 am drinkers. I am not so much talking about myself but certainly friends of mine have gone that way, slowly but surely.

I think beer is a great cure for boredom and perhaps the hedonistic lifestyle in Pattaya can tempt any previous moderate drinker to become an 18 hour drinker.

Comments and thoughts appreciated.

Edited by syd barrett
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The thing is: Those of us who live in Thailand and don't work here can turn from regular social drinkers to 9.00 am-3.00 am drinkers. I am not so much talking about myself but certainly friends of mine have gone that way, slowly but surely.

I think beer is a great cure for boredom and perhaps the hedonistic lifestyle in Pattaya can tempt any previous moderate drinker to become an 18 hour drinker.

Comments and thoughts appreciated.

Syd, your right. I love a Beer or 3, but when my Thai Partner starts drinking with his friends it turns into a 12 Hour Session, it certainly passes the time but puts me off drinking for a few days, they just dont know when to stop.

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