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I'm not sure if this is the proper section, the Visa I will worry about later, but right now I'd like to determine if it is safe for a (white, American) foreigner to visit Iran. I have an American/Iranian friend in Thailand who is trying to convince me to visit Iran with him. Says we will have the time of our lives etc. He says my fears about visiting Iran are fed by the media and are unfounded - reminds me a whole lot of what I tell people who are scared to visit Thailand...

He hasn't been there in many years though - anybody have any recent first hand information? Would it be relatively safe for me to visit now? I'll have the benefit of going with somebody who can speak fluent Farsi and presumably knows his way around somewhat.

Thanks for any input.

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I have spent many years in the middle east (Saudi Arabia) and never had a problem. Anglo Saxon/male/American/Christian. I was there in the worst of times pre 9-11 up until mid 2006. I saw everything that went down on the world stage during that time from with in Saudi Arabia. I never made it to Iran but knew other americans male and females that did. They had no problems and spoke highly of the people. Go for it and do not worry.

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They won't call you 'Falang' there... You'll be the 'Infidel'... !!!

Joking aside.... Check the web, there may be forums which local expats contribute to....

Personally I wouldn't worry about going there and imagine I'd find the major cities relatively cosmopolitan...

In Saudi Arabia they always called me MR. Infidel with the greatest respect. :)

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Should you decide to travel to Iran despite the current Travel Warning, a passport and visa are required, except for travel to Kish Island where a visa is not required. Travelers should not attempt to enter mainland Iran from Kish without a visa. To obtain a visa, contact the Iranian Interests Section of the Embassy of Pakistan located at 2209 Wisconsin Ave. NW, Washington, DC. 20007; tel. 202-965-4990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 99; fax 202-965-1073, 202-965-4990 (Automated Fax-On-Demand after office hours).

U.S. citizens traveling to Iran are fingerprinted upon entry. The Iranian press has reported that foreign tourists may obtain seven-day tourist visas at the airport in Tehran. However, U.S. citizens are not eligible to receive these visas and have to obtain valid visas from the Iranian Interests Section in Washington. Note: possession of a valid Iranian visa will not guarantee entry into the country. Some American travelers with valid visas have been refused entry at the border without explanation. U.S. citizens do not have to obtain a visa for travel from Dubai, United Arab Emirates, to Kish Island.


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Thanks Brit,

I assumed getting a Visa was necessary and probably annoying, but doable. I imagine I could even get one here in Bangkok.

My concern though is watching the news and seeing these massive demonstrations and police running over protesters with the trucks, the government shutting down access to Twitter and email and etc. I guess though it is just like Bangkok - unless you go out adventure seeking and wanting to witness protests, you probably wont even be aware this stuff is going on. If that is off-the-mark somebody please chime in :)

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Should you decide to travel to Iran despite the current Travel Warning, a passport and visa are required, except for travel to Kish Island where a visa is not required. Travelers should not attempt to enter mainland Iran from Kish without a visa. To obtain a visa, contact the Iranian Interests Section of the Embassy of Pakistan located at 2209 Wisconsin Ave. NW, Washington, DC. 20007; tel. 202-965-4990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 99; fax 202-965-1073, 202-965-4990 (Automated Fax-On-Demand after office hours).

U.S. citizens traveling to Iran are fingerprinted upon entry. The Iranian press has reported that foreign tourists may obtain seven-day tourist visas at the airport in Tehran. However, U.S. citizens are not eligible to receive these visas and have to obtain valid visas from the Iranian Interests Section in Washington. Note: possession of a valid Iranian visa will not guarantee entry into the country. Some American travelers with valid visas have been refused entry at the border without explanation. U.S. citizens do not have to obtain a visa for travel from Dubai, United Arab Emirates, to Kish Island.


Thank you sir, I am thinking of (daydreaming about?) going to Kish at the weekend in the next couple of weeks. If I was an idle shiftless git I'd ask about British passport holders; instead I checked on the web site, which suggests 4 - 8 weeks for a visa, and doesn't mention Kish.

Anyway, maybe I don't have time...


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I am sure it would be an interesting place to visit. Too bad their leaders are insane. For Americans, there is always the chance you would be there when a war starts. Not to be overly cynical but Obama is in political trouble and there is nothing like a new war to gain political support. Iran is too strong now for Israel to handle alone; if this escalates, the US will definitely be part of it.

Edited by Jingthing
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I'm not usually a nervous traveler, but I think that I would be nervous about visiting Iran. Have you been following the news regarding the 3 American hikers who accidently entered Iran, were accused of being spies, and have been held in Iranian prison for a few months? The news stories indicate that they're not being treated well, and they were denied a lawyer or consular assistance for a long time. It's not looking like they're getting out anytime soon. That kind of thing DOES make me nervous.

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I'm not usually a nervous traveler, but I think that I would be nervous about visiting Iran. Have you been following the news regarding the 3 American hikers who accidently entered Iran, were accused of being spies, and have been held in Iranian prison for a few months? The news stories indicate that they're not being treated well, and they were denied a lawyer or consular assistance for a long time. It's not looking like they're getting out anytime soon. That kind of thing DOES make me nervous.

Well we are talking about entering legally. However, it can't be denied the government of Iran feels America is their enemy (and frankly the feeling is mutual towards the government of Iran).

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Israel doesnt need the yanks help - they can easily bomb the sh*te out of Iran, however the consequences of doing so in a oil rich country might make oil prices sky rocket so....

Actually your info isn't up to date. Israel might do this alone, but only if they are feeling very desperate. Yes they could slow down the Iran nuke program for 6 months or a year, but at a huge price.

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I'm not usually a nervous traveler, but I think that I would be nervous about visiting Iran. Have you been following the news regarding the 3 American hikers who accidently entered Iran, were accused of being spies, and have been held in Iranian prison for a few months?

To be fair, I think if 3 Iranians accidentally crossed the border from Mexico into the US, they would be accused of being spies and likely spend a few months in a detention facility.

Also, the OP will presumably have an entry visa, and will be traveling with an Iranian friend.

I personally have never been to Iran, but the Iranians I have come in contact with have been friendly.

Edited by up-country_sinclair
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Your may find this a very useful book but may have to order


If you get a chance have a trip to Esfahan it really is unforgettable especially if you get to climb the main minaret .


The people are very friendly and the Koran mentions many times about helping Travellers.

Enjoy it is well worth the visit.

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The one thing Iran needs to stop the internal dissent and rally the population behind this government is an attack from Israel or the US.

They left a uranium supply above-ground for about a month hoping someone would take the bait, but when no one did, they moved it back underground.

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This is just sensationalism we are Not talking about the crazy Iran government but about Iran and its people,

Get a Visa if possible and enjoy a fantastic country.

Do not believe all you read in newspapers

Yes they could slow down the Iran nuke program for 6 months or a year, but at a huge price.

Well drop a few nukes on Iran and I'm sure that will solve that problem. :)

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