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Thaksin Arrives In Cambodia By Private Jet : Thai Fm


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Thaksin denies having been expelled from UAE

DUBAI: -- Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra early Saturday denied that he had been expelled from the United Arab Emirates.

He posted messages on his Twitter page at 2 am, saying he was still living in Dubai.

"There were reports that I have been expelled from Dubai. Sorry, it's not true. I am still in Dubai and I'll leave here to see my two daughters," Thaksin said.

His opponents said his family has left the country ahead of expected turbulence by the red-shirt movement over the weekend but Thaksin said his two daughters were simply visiting Europe to observe certain business operations.


-- The Nation 2010-03-13


I am sure that Thaksin has the means to appoint someone on his behalf to check and reply to comments on his Twitter account. Even if his ISP could be traced, it doesn't mean that he is actually in that location. So he could in fact be in Germany, the U.A.E. (Dubai), Cambodia or even in a small village on the Thai side of the Mekong River/Wasteland.

I am choosing to take much of what The Nation says with a pinch of salt. It's a shame that Thaivisa's news forum has to rely on this one media source. A more balanced view from several sources (even if in Thai) would allow people to juggle the so-called facts being reported and make up their own minds. Otherwise it is bit like accepting that everything The Sun, The Mirror or The Daily Mail in the U.K. says is the gospel truth.

I wonder why AFP news reports appear regularly, they are clearly not balanced.

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OK, here's something from Germany:


Indeed, Thaksin's German visa was revoked on 28 May 2009.

the question is that when having his residence permit revoked does that also mean that he is not entitled for any other kind of visa?

He can travel to any Shengen states with his African diplomatic passport. He's using a loophole. My guess is that he's off to Switzerland to check his accounts there, which probably could be frozen after a possible from him instigated violent outbreak in Bangkok tomorrow. Switzerland will give him a hard time and the trail of the money will be followed.

Having discussed this issue of diplomatic passports with the holder of a US diplomatic passport, it is not so simple as you just travel and they let you enter because you have a diplomatic passport. A diplomatic passport grants you certain privileges and rights but it isnt carte balnche to just travel anywhere on a whim. Things like diplomatic visas need to be applied for

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he sent his daughter ahead and he may have planned that for some time now. They can't refuse him entry when he followed the procedures. They only can deny him a residence visa but not a travelling visa.

If he is using a diplomatic passport he will need a diplomatic visa issued by the state he is travelling to. This is true even for states a regular passport holder doesnt need a visa for. A dipl;omatic passport also does not automatically confer diplomatic immunity, so that could be another consideration.

I am not saying he hasnt planned for this but it isnt as easy as people think

Edited by hammered
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he may even head to Liechtenstein or Luxembourg which I think have different requirements. One thing's for sure. He's stacked money somewhere in Europe and he tries to shift it to another place. Dubai comes to mind. More than 50% of terror financing transaction are via Dubai banks. They don't care so much of Western societies.

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He mustn't be to broke if he can fly around the world in his private jet... Why was he kicked out of Dubai as the Heading said.

He has PLENTY of money left. He could buy a fleet of jets.

The recent verict only covers PART of PART of his money. I did not typo there. He has other interests as well that were not in question that he will maintain control over.

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Perhaps he is looking forward to having the opportunity to enter Thailand in the same way as the then Iranian leader Ayatollah Khamenei, who entered Baghdad during the Iranian peoples massive streets protests and was received with such wild enthusiasm that it resulted in a total revolution which gave the Ayatollah total political power.

I don't ever remember Ayatollah Khomeini ever being welcomed into the streets of Baghdad. :) Did I miss something?

As for what you have said though, it is a possibility that The Fugitive may try to cross the border and try to further incite and gather more supporters. So far though, the criminal has shown far too much cowardice to suggest he would actually try to do such a thing - unless the game had already been decided.

Yes, You certainly have, Ayatollah Khamenei (not unlike Thaksin) initiated and organised the Iranian steet protests from his exile in Paris (France) for some time, and when the mass protests reached the required point he left Paris (by air) and entered Baghdad where he was welcomed by a jubiland mass of supporters, as a result the Shah had to leave the country and the Ayatollah acquired total power.

The above mentioned Baghdad street scenes were shown repeatedly on international media, (TV channels and press) at the time, and Thaksin will certainly be well aware of it, and is no doubt hoping that he gets a similar opportunity whilst being in Cambodia during the current red shirts street protests with his private jet on stand by.

In my above postings I made typographical error, the capital of Iran is Tehran of course and not Baghdad, nevertheless I am sure this typing error did not confuse you in accessing the situation.

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Perhaps he is looking forward to having the opportunity to enter Thailand in the same way as the then Iranian leader Ayatollah Khamenei, who entered Baghdad during the Iranian peoples massive streets protests and was received with such wild enthusiasm that it resulted in a total revolution which gave the Ayatollah total political power.

I don't ever remember Ayatollah Khomeini ever being welcomed into the streets of Baghdad. :) Did I miss something?

As for what you have said though, it is a possibility that The Fugitive may try to cross the border and try to further incite and gather more supporters. So far though, the criminal has shown far too much cowardice to suggest he would actually try to do such a thing - unless the game had already been decided.

Yes, You certainly have, Ayatollah Khamenei (not unlike Thaksin) initiated and organised the Iranian steet protests from his exile in Paris (France) for some time, and when the mass protests reached the required point he left Paris (by air) and entered Baghdad where he was welcomed by a jubiland mass of supporters, as a result the Shah had to leave the country and the Ayatollah acquired total power.

The above mentioned Baghdad street scenes were shown repeatedly on international media, (TV channels and press) at the time, and Thaksin will certainly be well aware of it, and is no doubt hoping that he gets a similar opportunity whilst being in Cambodia during the current red shirts street protests with his private jet on stand by.

In my above postings I made typographical error, the capital of Iran is Tehran of course and not Baghdad, nevertheless I am sure this typing error did not confuse you in accessing the situation.

Lead the redshirts into Bangkok? Pigs will fly before Thaksin has the balls to put himself anywhere close to harms way. We won't see him here until he gets a full official welcome.

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Perhaps he is looking forward to having the opportunity to enter Thailand in the same way as the then Iranian leader Ayatollah Khamenei, who entered Baghdad during the Iranian peoples massive streets protests and was received with such wild enthusiasm that it resulted in a total revolution which gave the Ayatollah total political power.

I don't ever remember Ayatollah Khomeini ever being welcomed into the streets of Baghdad. :) Did I miss something?

As for what you have said though, it is a possibility that The Fugitive may try to cross the border and try to further incite and gather more supporters. So far though, the criminal has shown far too much cowardice to suggest he would actually try to do such a thing - unless the game had already been decided.

Yes, You certainly have, Ayatollah Khamenei (not unlike Thaksin) initiated and organised the Iranian steet protests from his exile in Paris (France) for some time, and when the mass protests reached the required point he left Paris (by air) and entered Baghdad where he was welcomed by a jubiland mass of supporters, as a result the Shah had to leave the country and the Ayatollah acquired total power.

The above mentioned Baghdad street scenes were shown repeatedly on international media, (TV channels and press) at the time, and Thaksin will certainly be well aware of it, and is no doubt hoping that he gets a similar opportunity whilst being in Cambodia during the current red shirts street protests with his private jet on stand by.

In my above postings I made typographical error, the capital of Iran is Tehran of course and not Baghdad, nevertheless I am sure this typing error did not confuse you in accessing the situation.

Maybe Thaksin won't be so lucky. Other people might remember Ayatollah Khomeini, how he did it and how much damage he did since then. Thaksin could easily end up with a bullet in his head, if he tried. After all, it would be treason. With their leader gone, the red shirt movement wouldn't last long. Aside from not being financed anymore, it's Thaksin that was popular, not his croonies, so a lot of the Red Shirt following would fade away.

Of course, there would be a few running around, wearing pictures of Thaksins head on their T-shirts and trying to make a Martyr out of a criminal, but he would be forgotten within a few years.

Maybe with Thaksin gone, a real movement of the people, will one day start up. :D

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Perhaps he is looking forward to having the opportunity to enter Thailand in the same way as the then Iranian leader Ayatollah Khamenei, who entered Baghdad during the Iranian peoples massive streets protests and was received with such wild enthusiasm that it resulted in a total revolution which gave the Ayatollah total political power.

I don't ever remember Ayatollah Khomeini ever being welcomed into the streets of Baghdad. :) Did I miss something?

As for what you have said though, it is a possibility that The Fugitive may try to cross the border and try to further incite and gather more supporters. So far though, the criminal has shown far too much cowardice to suggest he would actually try to do such a thing - unless the game had already been decided.

Yes, You certainly have, Ayatollah Khamenei (not unlike Thaksin) initiated and organised the Iranian steet protests from his exile in Paris (France) for some time, and when the mass protests reached the required point he left Paris (by air) and entered Baghdad where he was welcomed by a jubiland mass of supporters, as a result the Shah had to leave the country and the Ayatollah acquired total power.

No I certainly haven't - but I think you may now have realised your mistake in confusing the capital of Iraq, with the capital of Iran. :D I was only trying to draw your attention to your initial error. :D

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Tahksin is painting himself into a corner with this incitement. Nation states don't like that. I found this list online of countries that have extradition treaties with Thailand;

US, UK, Canada, China, Belgium, Philippines, Indonesia, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, South Korea, Bangladesh, Fiji, and Australia.

Obviously that's not the case now - Cambodia? really?

Thailand has to track those tweets and/or funds and convict him of treason or something -fast and fair- to end this crap. Guys like this don't stop. Like a moth to flame.

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He's one hel_l of a crazy stuoid dude who will stoop at nothing to swindle as much money as he can from the Thai people.

He will get wht he deserves one day, or at least I hope he does.

perhaps, and your opinion, but that is not how the 'people' see him, those people that have ordinary everyday thai lives,, he gave them hope , health care and recognition...

He did not borrow billions from overseas as agovt and then increase all taxes which the average working Thai has to pay back,,, which is what Abhisit is doing,,,ie; petrol tax increaes and land transfer taxes (from 0.1% to 6.7% ????.)

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The guy isn't stupid, he know's how to do business & has learnt from the trick's pulled on him by the military. To be close at hand places increased pressure on the government & nervy generals, I hope all concearned realise an election with an amnesty for him (however hard to swollow) will stop the self destruct button being pushed!

i'm with that..100%

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I love Bangkok in the late winter especially during demonstration season. The distinct aroma of the Gestapo (brown shirts) is about as people everywhere draw lines and take sides. It's all good by me. Easy to ride my Bicycle around Bangkok for a change. It's really sad though. Too bad that the best deal that the Issan people can get is from a guy like Thaksin. Yellow shirts just want a steady supply of debt slaves to polish their Mercedes, their gemstones and their marble floors. Yellow shirts want a steady supply of untermenchen whores so that they can rip off the tourists who come here to experience "ONE NIGHT IN BANGKOK". The yellow shirts regard the red shirts as something akin to animals to be used up washing yellow shirt underwear, building yellow shirt sky rises, and maybe serving as a Mia Noi for a few good years before tossing her back to the rice fields from where she came. I watched Thaksin improve the lives of the Issan people bit by bit year by year. For those of you who don't know, it is the Issan people who put the SMILE in "THE LAND OF SMILES". Thaksin got them out of usurious interest rate debt enforced by corrupt (yellow shirt) money lenders. He paved their roads and improved infrastructure in those impoverished Issan villages. Ask a few yellow shirts if they have ever even been to Issan and they'll laugh at you with disdain as if Issan is not really even a part of Thailand. Certainly, Issan people are not real "Thai" people in yellow shirt eyes. You have no idea the material improvement that Thaksin orchestrated in these hard working peoples lives. Thaksin got a health care scheme that gave people real access to actual affordable medical care. Guess what? People who had been previously dying from easily treatable conditions got to go to a doctor, see a surgeon, be hospitalized and treated instead of abandoned. Let me tell you something Mister, You save someones life and or get them out of lifelong debt to a yellow shirt loan shark you'll really impress them. They will vote for you over and over again no matter how corrupt you might be otherwise. Is Thaksin SHREWD, dishonest, corrupt? You betcha! Is he any worse than ALL the others? At this point, I think NOT!

hmmm utter nonsense, what proof do you have that the evil yellow shirts were praying on the poor as loan sharks, and no one forced these people to take out loans with crazy intrest rates.....if your not smart enough to realize that its not possible for you to repay a loan with high intrest rate, or to bother figuring out how much that loan is going to cost you over the term you deserve to be poor. Stupid people are stupid people the world around.

hel_l id like a 10 million usd loan, but i know i dont make enough to pay it back,

and you obviously have no appreciation of how country thais have to live,, they have no access to banks, and often their income is meagre,, the only place to go is the loan shark...which could be easly resolved by the government "requiring" banks to service these people - but the bangkok elite wouldnt want that ..so first poster is 100% correct and your elitist reply is just that..

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Thaksin got them out of usurious interest rate debt enforced by corrupt (yellow shirt) money lenders. He paved their roads and improved infrastructure in those impoverished Issan villages. Ask a few yellow shirts if they have ever even been to Issan and they'll laugh at you with disdain as if Issan is not really even a part of Thailand.

Funny how these Isaan villagers were getting into debt to corrupt yellow shirt money lenders, yet no yellow shirts have ever been to Isaan.

While the shortcomings of the whole Thai economic system are quite clear, this is just so simplistic and ignores the real complexities of it all. Which is what Thaksin feeds off.

The economy, and those controlling it, need the cheap labour supply from the provinces, especially the northeast. But it's not the Bangkok elite ripping villagers off on a day-to-day basis and taking their land. That's their own people. In any village, you'll find a few families who are the money lenders, often the ones with the best rice fields, and holding sway with postitions in the local administration. They're the ones who take the land when borrowers default. These people had their importance and access to funds increased by Thaksin. So they want to keep hold of that, and you'll probably often find that they do the local organizing for the redshirts too.

Funny, though, because they are part of the problem, not the solution. It's the basic flaw in the 'Thaksin for the people' view. There was never any attempt by Thaksin to increase representation at a local level, to give local people a say in their own affairs. Just the big man at the centre distributing his largesse.

Edited by KhaoNiaw
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The guy isn't stupid, he know's how to do business & has learnt from the trick's pulled on him by the military. To be close at hand places increased pressure on the government & nervy generals, I hope all concearned realise an election with an amnesty for him (however hard to swollow) will stop the self destruct button being pushed!

i'm with that..100%

i'm sorry, i disagree. we hear a lot about the need for thailand to change & transform & move into a bright new future that'll bring equal wealth distribution, fair justice, education, happiness to all. excellent, i'm with you.

but doesn't that imply, some rules of the game must be changed? it's the first time a former pm has been put on trial and found to be guilty. i'd call that a good start to root out a general mind-set that a) there are people in power who are above the law and :) corruption is ok.

so, i don't see any chance for an amnesty --- as that would make a mockery of the judgement. let him come back, serve part of his jail-term, apply for a royal pardon; what's so bad about that?

general elections are due by 2011. over last years i simply have not seen any "red shirts" leaders capable of parliamentary democracy. until this very day i haven't read any strategic policies for thailand. let udd wake up to its huge potential for transformation & allow them next 2 years to build this potential into a "political" force; what's so bad about that?

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Here are the links elsewhere in the forum regarding Thaksin being banned from other countries.



For future reference, khunjamespittman, this is the second time you requested "proof," and have failed to follow through with your own requests. Please stop with the " I suspect this is just another rumor to try to influence people to oppose Thaksin. Be aware of propaganda in the air!" stuff.

Thaksin is unwelcome in many of the Western democracies, a number of which have revoked his visa or residence permit. Because his residence permit is denied, Thaksin can obtain only a short term visa such as Tourist or Business but again, only for a short term. We'll see if Thaksin can accomplish this feat in Germany.

For someone who touts himself as a democrat fighting for democracy, Thaksin is most unwelcome in Western democracies. Thaksin rather hangs out in countries ruled by tin pot dictators whether they be the likes of Cambodia or some in Africa. When was the last time Thaksin was in a democracy in North or South America, Europe or Asia?

Thaksin was also evicted from Hong Kong where he'd initially hoped to establish his base of operations against Thailand. When Thaksin was expelled from Hong Kong the English press/media said they hoped Thaksin could take with him some of the principles of competent governance and clean government he should have observed in the Territory (altho I'm sure Thaksin didn't notice anything of the sort while there, as he was spending all his time plotting and scheming against Thailand).

Thaksin needs to get a life.

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I love Bangkok in the late winter especially during demonstration season. The distinct aroma of the Gestapo (brown shirts) is about as people everywhere draw lines and take sides. It's all good by me. Easy to ride my Bicycle around Bangkok for a change. It's really sad though. Too bad that the best deal that the Issan people can get is from a guy like Thaksin. Yellow shirts just want a steady supply of debt slaves to polish their Mercedes, their gemstones and their marble floors. Yellow shirts want a steady supply of untermenchen whores so that they can rip off the tourists who come here to experience "ONE NIGHT IN BANGKOK". The yellow shirts regard the red shirts as something akin to animals to be used up washing yellow shirt underwear, building yellow shirt sky rises, and maybe serving as a Mia Noi for a few good years before tossing her back to the rice fields from where she came. I watched Thaksin improve the lives of the Issan people bit by bit year by year. For those of you who don't know, it is the Issan people who put the SMILE in "THE LAND OF SMILES". Thaksin got them out of usurious interest rate debt enforced by corrupt (yellow shirt) money lenders. He paved their roads and improved infrastructure in those impoverished Issan villages. Ask a few yellow shirts if they have ever even been to Issan and they'll laugh at you with disdain as if Issan is not really even a part of Thailand. Certainly, Issan people are not real "Thai" people in yellow shirt eyes. You have no idea the material improvement that Thaksin orchestrated in these hard working peoples lives. Thaksin got a health care scheme that gave people real access to actual affordable medical care. Guess what? People who had been previously dying from easily treatable conditions got to go to a doctor, see a surgeon, be hospitalized and treated instead of abandoned. Let me tell you something Mister, You save someones life and or get them out of lifelong debt to a yellow shirt loan shark you'll really impress them. They will vote for you over and over again no matter how corrupt you might be otherwise. Is Thaksin SHREWD, dishonest, corrupt? You betcha! Is he any worse than ALL the others? At this point, I think NOT!

hmmm utter nonsense, what proof do you have that the evil yellow shirts were praying on the poor as loan sharks, and no one forced these people to take out loans with crazy intrest rates.....if your not smart enough to realize that its not possible for you to repay a loan with high intrest rate, or to bother figuring out how much that loan is going to cost you over the term you deserve to be poor. Stupid people are stupid people the world around.

hel_l id like a 10 million usd loan, but i know i dont make enough to pay it back,

You sound like a fancy Wall Street banker talking. BANKERS ARE wanke_rS.....Hope you get caught by a bunch of those "stupid people" and that they slam some "sense " into your stupid little pea-brain head. Let me put it another way so that even you can understand my "utter nonsense". My ass bleeds for the HI-SO Thai-Chinese yellow shirts and their twisted sense of HI-SO entitlement. They have out-lived their purpose in Thailand. It is time to redistribute the power to the people who do all the work in this country(red shirts). Thaksin can twist in the wind. One man One vote! Something about that statement that you don't understand Mister? NUFF SAID.

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I'm in Cambodia now.

Not a word in the Cambodian press about Thaksin being here...and the quality of journalism in the Cambodina English language press is extermely good.

Also not a hint of it on the grapevine here, and Siem Reap is a small place.

Given the size of the security detail he travels with an arrival would be very, very hard to hide.

I don't think he's here.

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Well this is apparently some more tricks of the FM's office, there is no news of Thaksin being expelled from Dubai according to the Gulf News and according to the Cambodians he is not in there country either:

Cambodia Says Rumour On Presence Of Thaksin Is Untrue

PHNOM PENH, March 13 (Bernama) -- The Cambodian government said Saturday that the rumors that have spread on the presence of former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra in the country were "untrue", reports China's Xinhua news agency.

Foreign Ministry's Spokesman Koy Kuong said that as of Saturday, Cambodia has received no information that Thaksin is planning to come to Cambodia.

He said since Friday afternoon, following reports from the Thai press many, inquiries were asked on the presence of Thaksin in Cambodia.

Prak Sokhon, secretary of state of the Council of Ministers and minister attaches to Prime Minister Hun Sen, and who was in charge of facilitations for Thaksin's previous trips to Cambodia, also denied the reports.

Chavanond Intarakomalyasut, secretary to Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya, floated news through Thai press that Thaksin had landed by private jet in Cambodia's Siem Reap province.

Edited by cougar52
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and you obviously have no appreciation of how country thais have to live,, they have no access to banks, and often their income is meagre,, the only place to go is the loan shark...which could be easly resolved by the government "requiring" banks to service these people - but the bangkok elite wouldnt want that ..so first poster is 100% correct and your elitist reply is just that..

Did Thaksin do anything to make ("require") the banks to service these people in the 5 years that he was PM?

Or did he give money to the local *red shirt* loan sharks to lend it to the poor?

For the banks to be able to service the poor by the poor need to use the money wisely ... to make money ... that way they can pay it back. If they can't pay it back, then the banks just go broke.

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Bangkok Post: According to Thai FM, UAE officials have confirmed that Thaksin has been asked to leave Dubai for having used the country as political base

Again, Thaksin will turn to more of his cronies who are authoritarian despots or straight out tin pot dictators for yet another country in which he can hide out. Thaksin is radioactive to virtually every respectable democratic government of the world so he hasn't any choice except to pay off two-bit leaders of countries neither you nor I would want to go to, but Thaksin himself is most at home with fellow tyrants and naturally seeks the company of those who, like himself, rule in their own interests only and with an iron hand.

Dubai isn't a particularly onerous place but remains on the C list or perhaps the D list of places many of us would consider. Thaksin's now approaching the middle of the alphabet of listed countries in his hunt for yet another one that will accept him as he hands over still another sack of cash.


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The Bangkok Post is now reporting that in fact Thaksin was expelled from the UAE for using it as a a base to cause trouble in Thailand.

I'll take the FM's word over it over Thaksin's tweets.

i don't mind what Thaksin twits all day long, but i could be turn out to be pretty sheepish to believe everything what this FM told the public.

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The Bangkok Post is now reporting that in fact Thaksin was expelled from the UAE for using it as a a base to cause trouble in Thailand.

I'll take the FM's word over it over Thaksin's tweets.

i don't mind what Thaksin twits all day long, but i could be turn out to be pretty sheepish to believe everything what this FM told the public.

One of the two in not telling the truth. Given Thaksin's propensity for telling lies, even on the international stage, I'll but my trust into the FM's words over Thaksin's anytime.

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I love Bangkok in the late winter especially during demonstration season. The distinct aroma of the Gestapo (brown shirts) is about as people everywhere draw lines and take sides. It's all good by me. Easy to ride my Bicycle around Bangkok for a change. It's really sad though. Too bad that the best deal that the Issan people can get is from a guy like Thaksin. Yellow shirts just want a steady supply of debt slaves to polish their Mercedes, their gemstones and their marble floors. Yellow shirts want a steady supply of untermenchen whores so that they can rip off the tourists who come here to experience "ONE NIGHT IN BANGKOK". The yellow shirts regard the red shirts as something akin to animals to be used up washing yellow shirt underwear, building yellow shirt sky rises, and maybe serving as a Mia Noi for a few good years before tossing her back to the rice fields from where she came. I watched Thaksin improve the lives of the Issan people bit by bit year by year. For those of you who don't know, it is the Issan people who put the SMILE in "THE LAND OF SMILES". Thaksin got them out of usurious interest rate debt enforced by corrupt (yellow shirt) money lenders. He paved their roads and improved infrastructure in those impoverished Issan villages. Ask a few yellow shirts if they have ever even been to Issan and they'll laugh at you with disdain as if Issan is not really even a part of Thailand. Certainly, Issan people are not real "Thai" people in yellow shirt eyes. You have no idea the material improvement that Thaksin orchestrated in these hard working peoples lives. Thaksin got a health care scheme that gave people real access to actual affordable medical care. Guess what? People who had been previously dying from easily treatable conditions got to go to a doctor, see a surgeon, be hospitalized and treated instead of abandoned. Let me tell you something Mister, You save someones life and or get them out of lifelong debt to a yellow shirt loan shark you'll really impress them. They will vote for you over and over again no matter how corrupt you might be otherwise. Is Thaksin SHREWD, dishonest, corrupt? You betcha! Is he any worse than ALL the others? At this point, I think NOT!

hmmm utter nonsense, what proof do you have that the evil yellow shirts were praying on the poor as loan sharks, and no one forced these people to take out loans with crazy intrest rates.....if your not smart enough to realize that its not possible for you to repay a loan with high intrest rate, or to bother figuring out how much that loan is going to cost you over the term you deserve to be poor. Stupid people are stupid people the world around.

hel_l id like a 10 million usd loan, but i know i dont make enough to pay it back,

You sound like a fancy Wall Street banker talking. BANKERS ARE wanke_rS.....Hope you get caught by a bunch of those "stupid people" and that they slam some "sense " into your stupid little pea-brain head. Let me put it another way so that even you can understand my "utter nonsense". My ass bleeds for the HI-SO Thai-Chinese yellow shirts and their twisted sense of HI-SO entitlement. They have out-lived their purpose in Thailand. It is time to redistribute the power to the people who do all the work in this country(red shirts). Thaksin can twist in the wind. One man One vote! Something about that statement that you don't understand Mister? NUFF SAID.

Sounds like he is a teacher at one of the 495 Red Learning Institutions set up in the north.

A BA in utter BS. seems is a prerequisite.

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