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Why Do People Who Live Here Always Go Out Of There Way To Say How Good It Is ?


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Title was a bit misleading - thought it is normally the other way guessing on the moaning that is normally here on TV.

Been coming here for since 1991, and lived here since 2005 - Thailand - it's not perfect, but then nowhere is. I still can't complain - if it's so bad for the OP, then there is a simple answer - look elsewhere.

Hold on... Where did i say Thailand so ' so bad ' ??? I never did i said Thailand was on about a even with living back in the UK

I guess it is wrong of me to say anything bad at all about Thailand. Thailand is the great country in the world. I hope that makes you all happy.

Farangs who live in Thailand are the most touchy and childish people there are.

Well I guess I live a different lifestyle then you...

-cheap counterfeit merchandise

-legal valuim and xanax ect

-lawless roads


-cheap Jetski and sport bike rental

-cheap and good food

-less bureaucracy and regulation

-women that will actually take care of you

-easier going folks

-cops that will actually take a bribe

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Title was a bit misleading - thought it is normally the other way guessing on the moaning that is normally here on TV.

Been coming here for since 1991, and lived here since 2005 - Thailand - it's not perfect, but then nowhere is. I still can't complain - if it's so bad for the OP, then there is a simple answer - look elsewhere.

Hold on... Where did i say Thailand so ' so bad ' ??? I never did i said Thailand was on about a even with living back in the UK

I guess it is wrong of me to say anything bad at all about Thailand. Thailand is the great country in the world. I hope that makes you all happy.

Farangs who live in Thailand are the most touchy and childish people there are.

Well I guess I live a different lifestyle then you...

-cheap counterfeit merchandise

-legal valuim and xanax ect

-lawless roads


-cheap Jetski and sport bike rental

-cheap and good food

-less bureaucracy and regulation

-women that will actually take care of you

-easier going folks

-cops that will actually take a bribe

Are they supposed to be positives or negatives? I can see only maybe one of those that is a positive.

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Thailand, like any other country, has positives and negatives.

When the positives outweigh the negatives, that's good.

When the negatives outweigh the positives, time to move on.

Interesting the only post I agree with 100% is from a banned member :)

But it's true. I left the UK for Thailand because the bad outweighed the good. Now I have returned to the UK because the same can be said of Thailand. I am enjoying being back, the weather is mild and sunny, people seem to have less attitude than I remember and the recession is not hurting me in the slightest in fact I am earning more and spending less than I was 5 years ago.

Take a look at the ex pats/wannabe Thais and ask yourself what if anything would they do if they went home? There's your answer.

Oh and I read a Thai forum because I still have business interests there, ocassionally it offers some interesting news items before any other portals and it's funny, I mean c'mon Thailand is great and life is so fantastic there? If your having such a great and productive time then where do you find the extra time to make 6000+ posts on an internet forum? Get out more, it may not be as fantastic as you think if you actually leave the house/condo/room. :D

As an ex-pat if i did ever return to the UK, i would do what i guess many other TV members would do and get a job, work hard and make the most of the life i have. Don't suppose that is the answer you were looking for from a "Thai wannabe"??!

I have a great life, i work hard and have great friends. Oh, and my lifestyle also gives me time to enjoy some of the posts by TV members and maybe even add a few of my own. If i wanted to add 6000+ then thats up to me, as is the opinion that living a life in Thailand is fabulous - for me. And i even manage to get out of my house/condo/room more often than i ever did in the deepest darkest winters of the UK.

Horses for courses, my friend. Just don't knock those who choose to be different to you.....

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Title was a bit misleading - thought it is normally the other way guessing on the moaning that is normally here on TV.

Been coming here for since 1991, and lived here since 2005 - Thailand - it's not perfect, but then nowhere is. I still can't complain - if it's so bad for the OP, then there is a simple answer - look elsewhere.

Hold on... Where did i say Thailand so ' so bad ' ??? I never did i said Thailand was on about a even with living back in the UK

I guess it is wrong of me to say anything bad at all about Thailand. Thailand is the great country in the world. I hope that makes you all happy.

Farangs who live in Thailand are the most touchy and childish people there are.

Well I guess I live a different lifestyle then you...

-cheap counterfeit merchandise

-legal valuim and xanax ect

-lawless roads


-cheap Jetski and sport bike rental

-cheap and good food

-less bureaucracy and regulation

-women that will actually take care of you

-easier going folks

-cops that will actually take a bribe

Are they supposed to be positives or negatives? I can see only maybe one of those that is a positive.

Thank you Rich...I had the same reaction when I read the post...three times.

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Thailand, like any other country, has positives and negatives.

When the positives outweigh the negatives, that's good.

When the negatives outweigh the positives, time to move on.

Interesting the only post I agree with 100% is from a banned member :)

But it's true. I left the UK for Thailand because the bad outweighed the good. Now I have returned to the UK because the same can be said of Thailand. I am enjoying being back, the weather is mild and sunny, people seem to have less attitude than I remember and the recession is not hurting me in the slightest in fact I am earning more and spending less than I was 5 years ago.

Take a look at the ex pats/wannabe Thais and ask yourself what if anything would they do if they went home? There's your answer.

Oh and I read a Thai forum because I still have business interests there, ocassionally it offers some interesting news items before any other portals and it's funny, I mean c'mon Thailand is great and life is so fantastic there? If your having such a great and productive time then where do you find the extra time to make 6000+ posts on an internet forum? Get out more, it may not be as fantastic as you think if you actually leave the house/condo/room. :D

As an ex-pat if i did ever return to the UK, i would do what i guess many other TV members would do and get a job, work hard and make the most of the life i have. Don't suppose that is the answer you were looking for from a "Thai wannabe"??!

What made you think I was talking about you? You have stated "you would get a job and work hard" so I believe you are exempt from any "Thai wannabe" accusations by your own admission. Glad your enjoying it and hope that continues for as long as you want it too. I doubt you will ever reach 6000+ posts. :D

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:) I have reached far more than 6000 posts and I tend to get out more than you would think:) More importantly I get out more in Thailand than you do.

I get that many people just couldn't adjust to Thailand and when their blinders came off it was time for them to go .. tht makes perfect sense.

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When I was a boy, going to junior school in a little back street in NE England, we once had a nature lesson, all about Chameleons, how they could change colour to avoid detection. I was probably about 8 at the time, and was absolutely fascinated learning about this strange creature. I never imagined then, that one day, I would be sitting in my garden, here in Thailand, watching a couple of these creatures climbing on plants in my garden, while I enjoyed breakfast. Truly magical. :)

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When I was a boy, going to junior school in a little back street in NE England, we once had a nature lesson, all about Chameleons, how they could change colour to avoid detection. I was probably about 8 at the time, and was absolutely fascinated learning about this strange creature. I never imagined then, that one day, I would be sitting in my garden, here in Thailand, watching a couple of these creatures climbing on plants in my garden, while I enjoyed breakfast. Truly magical. :)

This is really fresh air. I too had that experience to the extent of being grateful of being alive (whether in Thailand or UK).

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Thank you Rich...I had the same reaction when I read the post...three times.

Wow, you guys must be glasses half empty kind of guys.

How far down on the list of negatives do beaches come, or the cheap and good food?

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Thailand, like any other country, has positives and negatives.

When the positives outweigh the negatives, that's good.

When the negatives outweigh the positives, time to move on.

Interesting the only post I agree with 100% is from a banned member :)

But it's true. I left the UK for Thailand because the bad outweighed the good. Now I have returned to the UK because the same can be said of Thailand. I am enjoying being back, the weather is mild and sunny, people seem to have less attitude than I remember and the recession is not hurting me in the slightest in fact I am earning more and spending less than I was 5 years ago.

Take a look at the ex pats/wannabe Thais and ask yourself what if anything would they do if they went home? There's your answer.

Oh and I read a Thai forum because I still have business interests there, ocassionally it offers some interesting news items before any other portals and it's funny, I mean c'mon Thailand is great and life is so fantastic there? If your having such a great and productive time then where do you find the extra time to make 6000+ posts on an internet forum? Get out more, it may not be as fantastic as you think if you actually leave the house/condo/room. :D

weather...mild....sunny!!!!!!!! Beau lox mate! It's <deleted> freezing and has been since just before the 17th December when the first snow fell. So cold a winter that British Gas have lowered their prices to help people. Airports have closed, people have been trapped in their cars in snow drifts,waterfalls have frozen solid, 3 days ago I was scraping ice from the windscreen of my car, so cold that the heated screen had trouble defrosting it quickly enough. It is not mild and sunny, you are not speaking the truth. Either that or you got on the wrong flight and are not in the UK and haven't realized yet!?

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Thank you Rich...I had the same reaction when I read the post...three times.

Wow, you guys must be glasses half empty kind of guys.

How far down on the list of negatives do beaches come, or the cheap and good food?

My experience of Thai beaches that are away from tourist spots is not good, so it is not a clear cut positive. I can direct you to a TV topic showing my efforts to clean a local Thai Thailand beach, but I won't bore you with it. Suffice to say it was, and still it, filthy. And it is not a lone example.

I do like Thai food, and the price is usually good. But I have to ask you, would you eat at a similar establishment if it were in your own country? I mean would you sit at a plastic table by the roadside with a very low level of hygiene? They are not all road side places of course, but would you eat at a place in your own country that clearly wasn't using good hygiene practices? I very much doubt that you would.

Do you know the preparation and farming methods used to grow the food here? The fact that nothing is regulated here (something some seem to think a good thing) and logic and responsibility are often in short supply gives me reason to doubt the complete safety of what we eat. In Thailand if you decide you want to start selling food to the public you just do it. How you do it is up to you. It does generally taste good of course. This may be an overly negative view but I just like to be realistic.

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Thailand, like any other country, has positives and negatives.

When the positives outweigh the negatives, that's good.

When the negatives outweigh the positives, time to move on.

Interesting the only post I agree with 100% is from a banned member :)

But it's true. I left the UK for Thailand because the bad outweighed the good. Now I have returned to the UK because the same can be said of Thailand. I am enjoying being back, the weather is mild and sunny, people seem to have less attitude than I remember and the recession is not hurting me in the slightest in fact I am earning more and spending less than I was 5 years ago.

Take a look at the ex pats/wannabe Thais and ask yourself what if anything would they do if they went home? There's your answer.

Oh and I read a Thai forum because I still have business interests there, ocassionally it offers some interesting news items before any other portals and it's funny, I mean c'mon Thailand is great and life is so fantastic there? If your having such a great and productive time then where do you find the extra time to make 6000+ posts on an internet forum? Get out more, it may not be as fantastic as you think if you actually leave the house/condo/room. :D

weather...mild....sunny!!!!!!!! Beau lox mate! It's <deleted> freezing and has been since just before the 17th December when the first snow fell. So cold a winter that British Gas have lowered their prices to help people. Airports have closed, people have been trapped in their cars in snow drifts,waterfalls have frozen solid, 3 days ago I was scraping ice from the windscreen of my car, so cold that the heated screen had trouble defrosting it quickly enough. It is not mild and sunny, you are not speaking the truth. Either that or you got on the wrong flight and are not in the UK and haven't realized yet!?

That's strange, I received a text from my sister two days ago saying the weather had been gorgeous. And she is in the north east of England!

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I left the UK for Thailand because the bad outweighed the good. Now I have returned to the UK because the same can be said of Thailand. I am enjoying being back, the weather is mild and sunny.....

You are delusional....

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[i do like Thai food, and the price is usually good. But I have to ask you, would you eat at a similar establishment if it were in your own country?

Yes, of course, and if I never got sick - like here - I would continue to eat there as long as the price was right. :)

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Thailand, like any other country, has positives and negatives.

When the positives outweigh the negatives, that's good.

When the negatives outweigh the positives, time to move on.

Interesting the only post I agree with 100% is from a banned member :)

But it's true. I left the UK for Thailand because the bad outweighed the good. Now I have returned to the UK because the same can be said of Thailand. I am enjoying being back, the weather is mild and sunny, people seem to have less attitude than I remember and the recession is not hurting me in the slightest in fact I am earning more and spending less than I was 5 years ago.

Take a look at the ex pats/wannabe Thais and ask yourself what if anything would they do if they went home? There's your answer.

Oh and I read a Thai forum because I still have business interests there, ocassionally it offers some interesting news items before any other portals and it's funny, I mean c'mon Thailand is great and life is so fantastic there? If your having such a great and productive time then where do you find the extra time to make 6000+ posts on an internet forum? Get out more, it may not be as fantastic as you think if you actually leave the house/condo/room. :D

weather...mild....sunny!!!!!!!! Beau lox mate! It's <deleted> freezing and has been since just before the 17th December when the first snow fell. So cold a winter that British Gas have lowered their prices to help people. Airports have closed, people have been trapped in their cars in snow drifts,waterfalls have frozen solid, 3 days ago I was scraping ice from the windscreen of my car, so cold that the heated screen had trouble defrosting it quickly enough. It is not mild and sunny, you are not speaking the truth. Either that or you got on the wrong flight and are not in the UK and haven't realized yet!?

That's strange, I received a text from my sister two days ago saying the weather had been gorgeous. And she is in the north east of England!

To concede, I have to say 'today, right now' it's sunny and borderline mild and it was sunny but bloomin' cold yesterday but when the sun starts sinking so does the temp, trust me. I am in southeast, Gorgeous for a Northener maybe, i've just finished a 6 month contract at Manchester airport and the people up there start wearing t-shirts if it gets above freezing! Also snow was forecast for last Saturday but didn't come, but that's how cold it has been. Please take into consideration that up until today (in southeast) it has been crippling cold and as stated in my post the weather has brought the country to almost standstill since 17th Dec when 1st snow arrived. Not sunny, not mild, at all. I prefer Thailand.

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To concede, I have to say 'today, right now' it's sunny and borderline mild and it was sunny but bloomin' cold yesterday but when the sun starts sinking so does the temp, trust me. I am in southeast, Gorgeous for a Northener maybe, i've just finished a 6 month contract at Manchester airport and the people up there start wearing t-shirts if it gets above freezing! Also snow was forecast for last Saturday but didn't come, but that's how cold it has been. Please take into consideration that up until today (in southeast) it has been crippling cold and as stated in my post the weather has brought the country to almost standstill since 17th Dec when 1st snow arrived. Not sunny, not mild, at all. I prefer Thailand.

I might have said that once, but now I live in Thailand, where it is uncomfortably hot and humid most of the time. For the past week it has been unbearable and it's not even April yet, let alone June! It is impossible to enjoy this kind of weather. Anyone that says they like it are either lying or not actually in Thailand. Everyone heads for the AC environment rather than stay in it.

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I like it Rich, without lying. I don't even have A/C in my house as I don't need it. I think it's all about how you adapt. I'm comfortable in Thailand regardless. (Lived there 2002-2007, 2007-present 6 months UK 6 months Thai.)

Right now i'd swap places with you and even give you my thermals, boots and Glacier Point ski jacket to help you stay comfortable here!

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It is impossible to enjoy this kind of weather. Anyone that says they like it are either lying or not actually in Thailand. Everyone heads for the AC environment rather than stay in it.

I don't like it either, but it is better than Winter at home was and most of us put up with that. No place is perfect. I just grin and bare it and wait for the cooling rains in May and everything is fine. :)

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Excess winter mortality, England and Wales, 1999/2000 to 2008/2009

In the winter period of December to March 2008/09 there were an estimated 36,700 more deaths in England and Wales, compared with the average for the non-winter period. This was an increase of 49 per cent compared with the number in the previous winter 2007/08. This is the highest number of excess winter deaths since the winter of 1999/2000, when excess winter mortality was nearly a third higher than in 2008/09.

From 'statistics.gov.uk'

Sorry, don't have 2009/10 stats but I think this adds weight to my disagreement that UK weather is mild and sunny. (Yes, I know it does get mild and sunny. We have seasons you know!)

Not much chance of farang going out like that in Thailand.

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Title was a bit misleading - thought it is normally the other way guessing on the moaning that is normally here on TV.

Been coming here for since 1991, and lived here since 2005 - Thailand - it's not perfect, but then nowhere is. I still can't complain - if it's so bad for the OP, then there is a simple answer - look elsewhere.

Hold on... Where did i say Thailand so ' so bad ' ??? I never did i said Thailand was on about a even with living back in the UK

I guess it is wrong of me to say anything bad at all about Thailand. Thailand is the great country in the world. I hope that makes you all happy.

Farangs who live in Thailand are the most touchy and childish people there are.

Don't be surprised by the responses...perfectly natural (and predictable). It's a nonsense opening gambit in my humble opinion and should / would / does elicit the very same response you were expecting. Homesickness is a natural feeling, but I'd venture that if, after 6 years of living here, you still miss home.........maybe give it a go somewhere else.

Personally I like it....but then I spend half my time working in Qatar / Saudi / Oman / Yemen................kind of moves things into perspective, that being said, I like spending time in Muscat.

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I admit, I didn´t read all posts here on this thread. But I got the feeling from your origin-post that you maybe have failed to fit in here. And you are just running your own stuff here. If you like it that way, it is up to you.

But I personally think that if I should stay here "for ever", I must adapt and try to fit in a little bit. I know learning thai is

for me at least, very very hard, and I think I will not do that. But have a family and try to eat every now and than little thaifood, learn little bit keywords and STOP think back. That can do the trick for some of us (maybe)

Me personally I would have a really HARD time to go back and be around our falang-girls again. I would really hate that, no Thank you.

Thailand from my point of view is rather good and that is based on what you did mention; girls and cheap thing. Plus that thai people are really nice people. I do not have so much in common with them, but I find them nice to me. I CAN NOT find anything remotly cheaper in Sweden than in Thailand... Who are you fooling??? The prices here in Isaan is 5 times cheaper than in Europe (Sweden).


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Thailand, like any other country, has positives and negatives.

When the positives outweigh the negatives, that's good.

When the negatives outweigh the positives, time to move on.

Interesting the only post I agree with 100% is from a banned member :)

But it's true. I left the UK for Thailand because the bad outweighed the good. Now I have returned to the UK because the same can be said of Thailand. I am enjoying being back, the weather is mild and sunny, people seem to have less attitude than I remember and the recession is not hurting me in the slightest in fact I am earning more and spending less than I was 5 years ago.

Take a look at the ex pats/wannabe Thais and ask yourself what if anything would they do if they went home? There's your answer.

Oh and I read a Thai forum because I still have business interests there, ocassionally it offers some interesting news items before any other portals and it's funny, I mean c'mon Thailand is great and life is so fantastic there? If your having such a great and productive time then where do you find the extra time to make 6000+ posts on an internet forum? Get out more, it may not be as fantastic as you think if you actually leave the house/condo/room. :D

weather...mild....sunny!!!!!!!! Beau lox mate! It's <deleted> freezing and has been since just before the 17th December when the first snow fell. So cold a winter that British Gas have lowered their prices to help people. Airports have closed, people have been trapped in their cars in snow drifts,waterfalls have frozen solid, 3 days ago I was scraping ice from the windscreen of my car, so cold that the heated screen had trouble defrosting it quickly enough. It is not mild and sunny, you are not speaking the truth. Either that or you got on the wrong flight and are not in the UK and haven't realized yet!?

Pussy :D

Seriously it is not cold today and has been pretty good for the time of year since I got back, last year was really bitter but seriously it is actually quite nice today. I was not here for the snow granted, and for this years snow I will be back in Thailand, sweating my Beau lox off :D

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I'm really glad you started this thread, I've asked myself the same question a 100 times. I've been here over five years, and in my experience, people love to proclaim their love for Thailand for the following reasons:

1) Most are uneducated/undereducated and come from a blue collar background. Because of this, they feel closer to the types of Thais that interact with foreigners (i.e. poor undeucated peasants from Issan). They are able to overlook Thai people's lack of motivation and proclivaty towards failure because most of these expats came here because they were failures and were looked down upon back home.

2) Most men that come here were losers with women back home. They come here, toss some baht around and are treated like they are a sex symbol. They forget that back home the defintion of a GIRLFRIEND is someone you have sex with and DON'T have to pay, here it's completely reversed. These types continue to walk around with satrs in their eyes until the money runs out.

3) Most are drunks, especially from Europe. They're the ones that drink 18 hours a day and whine about not being able to eat spicy food. These types live in a self-delusional, drunken fantasy world where truth is as distasteful as phet-phet.

4) Many are naive and gullible (why?...see #1). I don't know how many times I 've met a bar girl in Pattaya with 4 or 5 "boyfriends" that are all sending her some money from back home so she doesn't have to work in the bar anymore. So...why is she still working in the bar?

5) Concerning English teachers (I used to be one), the ones who loved Thailand were unmotivated, usually didn't have the proper credentials, couldn't care less about lesson planning, loved to screw-off, loved to drink, and didn't expect anything of themselves. The ones that lasted a couple months were hard working, motivated individuals that spent a lot of time preparing for class and expected their students to at least do the bare minimum. These bright people realized they were fighting a losing battle, cut their losses, and moved on.

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Thailand, like any other country, has positives and negatives.

When the positives outweigh the negatives, that's good.

When the negatives outweigh the positives, time to move on.

Interesting the only post I agree with 100% is from a banned member :)

But it's true. I left the UK for Thailand because the bad outweighed the good. Now I have returned to the UK because the same can be said of Thailand. I am enjoying being back, the weather is mild and sunny, people seem to have less attitude than I remember and the recession is not hurting me in the slightest in fact I am earning more and spending less than I was 5 years ago.

Take a look at the ex pats/wannabe Thais and ask yourself what if anything would they do if they went home? There's your answer.

Oh and I read a Thai forum because I still have business interests there, ocassionally it offers some interesting news items before any other portals and it's funny, I mean c'mon Thailand is great and life is so fantastic there? If your having such a great and productive time then where do you find the extra time to make 6000+ posts on an internet forum? Get out more, it may not be as fantastic as you think if you actually leave the house/condo/room. :D

weather...mild....sunny!!!!!!!! Beau lox mate! It's <deleted> freezing and has been since just before the 17th December when the first snow fell. So cold a winter that British Gas have lowered their prices to help people. Airports have closed, people have been trapped in their cars in snow drifts,waterfalls have frozen solid, 3 days ago I was scraping ice from the windscreen of my car, so cold that the heated screen had trouble defrosting it quickly enough. It is not mild and sunny, you are not speaking the truth. Either that or you got on the wrong flight and are not in the UK and haven't realized yet!?

Pussy :D

Seriously it is not cold today and has been pretty good for the time of year since I got back, last year was really bitter but seriously it is actually quite nice today. I was not here for the snow granted, and for this years snow I will be back in Thailand, sweating my Beau lox off :D

I am 'southern softie' when it's below 20 degrees i'll tell ya!

And i've just come in from the garden in a t-shirt (was working) and sweating....today. Only hope it's the start of some decent weather!

Unfortunately my trade is only really busy in winter so have to be here for the un-sunny,un-mild times dreaming about the heat back in Thai. Back next month.

Edited by beerchang
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Title was a bit misleading - thought it is normally the other way guessing on the moaning that is normally here on TV.

Been coming here for since 1991, and lived here since 2005 - Thailand - it's not perfect, but then nowhere is. I still can't complain - if it's so bad for the OP, then there is a simple answer - look elsewhere.

Hold on... Where did i say Thailand so ' so bad ' ??? I never did i said Thailand was on about a even with living back in the UK

I guess it is wrong of me to say anything bad at all about Thailand. Thailand is the great country in the world. I hope that makes you all happy.

Farangs who live in Thailand are the most touchy and childish people there are.

Well I guess I live a different lifestyle then you...

-cheap counterfeit merchandise

-legal valuim and xanax ect

-lawless roads


-cheap Jetski and sport bike rental

-cheap and good food

-less bureaucracy and regulation

-women that will actually take care of you

-easier going folks

-cops that will actually take a bribe

Are they supposed to be positives or negatives? I can see only maybe one of those that is a positive.

They are all positives, I am 25 yo and single BTW

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Thank you Rich...I had the same reaction when I read the post...three times.

Wow, you guys must be glasses half empty kind of guys.

How far down on the list of negatives do beaches come, or the cheap and good food?

My experience of Thai beaches that are away from tourist spots is not good, so it is not a clear cut positive. I can direct you to a TV topic showing my efforts to clean a local Thai Thailand beach, but I won't bore you with it. Suffice to say it was, and still it, filthy. And it is not a lone example.

I do like Thai food, and the price is usually good. But I have to ask you, would you eat at a similar establishment if it were in your own country? I mean would you sit at a plastic table by the roadside with a very low level of hygiene? They are not all road side places of course, but would you eat at a place in your own country that clearly wasn't using good hygiene practices? I very much doubt that you would.

Do you know the preparation and farming methods used to grow the food here? The fact that nothing is regulated here (something some seem to think a good thing) and logic and responsibility are often in short supply gives me reason to doubt the complete safety of what we eat. In Thailand if you decide you want to start selling food to the public you just do it. How you do it is up to you. It does generally taste good of course. This may be an overly negative view but I just like to be realistic.

I will never understand why people like you ever liked it here in the first place. If your a big fan of regulation, safety and hygiene then why are you here ?

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