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Four M-79 Grenades Fired Into A Battalion In Bangkok, Injuring 2 Soldiers

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a long post there ballpoint, but amongst all those words you wrote you faield to show me any promises or guarantees, not that it actually matters how many there are, like I said already the numbers that matter will be at the polling stations.

the fact is they have put together a massive peaceful protest and kudos to them

What on earth is your point? Clutching at straws again Tony?

I am not the one saying it is a failure based on numbers, I am simply pointing out that the numbers are not relevant, they will be relevant come the election, and pointing out that as much as people would like there to have been some promise about numbers, none was made.

Clutching at straws seems to be coming from others on here, certainly not from me, I prefer to deal in facts. Do you have any facts for me?

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this just might be a 9/11 plot in small...

army shooting on same army and blaming someone else

giving them a reason to become violent and oppressive

sorry but I believe if you are hit with a m79, you are scraped together (from your many pieces all over the place)

maybe a m79 practise grenade

yes all these grenades, assassination attempts on sondhi etc, grenades fired at the PAD stage, and no deaths. either the Thais are really bad shots or really good shots. I know which my money is on.

this just might be a 9/11 plot in small...

army shooting on same army and blaming someone else

giving them a reason to become violent and oppressive

sorry but I believe if you are hit with a m79, you are scraped together (from your many pieces all over the place)

maybe a m79 practise grenade

yes all these grenades, assassination attempts on sondhi etc, grenades fired at the PAD stage, and no deaths. either the Thais are really bad shots or really good shots. I know which my money is on.

and no deaths? I think you should go back and do a bit of research about the grenades your boy sae Daeng used on the PAD .. then send out some apologies to the families of the dead.

Don't these idiots realize that most of the soldiers are just poor kids from the sticks? :)

That's probably why they were targeted. We shouldn't immediately assume this was the work of Red Shirts.

Umm. Yes, yes, we should.

this just might be a 9/11 plot in small...

army shooting on same army and blaming someone else

giving them a reason to become violent and oppressive

sorry but I believe if you are hit with a m79, you are scraped together (from your many pieces all over the place)

maybe a m79 practise grenade

yes all these grenades, assassination attempts on sondhi etc, grenades fired at the PAD stage, and no deaths. either the Thais are really bad shots or really good shots. I know which my money is on.

and no deaths? I think you should go back and do a bit of research about the grenades your boy sae Daeng used on the PAD .. then send out some apologies to the families of the dead.

"Scraped together if you are hit by an m79".

Well it's not necessarily like that, perhaps it's possible that the soldiers who were injured (with all respect to them, this it not a joke) were hit by a fragment which splintered off the main projectile on impact, etc.

Hmmm crazy move

Totally insane. It doesn't fit in with anything that has happened this weekend, now does it? unsure.gif

They are losing. They didn't turn out. They are humiliated. They are FRUSTRATED and their face is badly damaged. This isn't crazy given the crowd we are dealing with (remember BLACK SONGKRAN), it is totally PREDICTABLE.

Also predictable, the pitiful red spin that is wasn't the reds who did this.

another stupid yellow tainted comment - bet u even wear yellow pyjamas to bed -- what benefit would the reds get from doing this as there will be lots of stupid people just like yourself who immediately assume - that they did it -- assume -- make an ass of yourself --- talk about tunnel vision -- and they have not lost anything - getting world attention right now - major headlines on the BBC

So... you are saying it is

alright to throw a grenade and hit two likely conscript soldiers

just standing duty where they were told to, because it will be

"getting world attention right now."

And before THAT you talk about tunnel vision... YIKES!

hel_l yes, better to be in opposition to anything resembling this mindset.

What benefit would the Reds get from this?

The only way they can bring down the government and install Thaksins crew in office,

is to cause a conflagration between innocent APPEARING protesters and the Army.

Then advertise this as a propaganda coup and spin spin spin....

There are some red factions who don't care HOW the government is brought down

as long as THEY get to move into power afterwards.

I really don't see that the Government or the Army have anything to gain by starting violence. Quite the opposite in fact. I suspect that the grenade was fired by an extremist, probably Red.

Of course the government has nothing to gain by such a blantantly stupid act, which is not to say fringe elements of both sides have everything to gain from their warped POV. Upping the stakes from either side throws the whole "rebellion" into another magnitude...one, I might submit, that helps no one in Thailand, and least of all any hopes for democratic reform. The Red Shirts are making their point and have generally shown huge restraint. The same can be said for government forces who are forced to provide "security" without any weapons. It's probably a stand-off, though one which might last a good while. My suspicion is that it will be fringe yellow shirts (non-army, non-government) who will try to force a confrontation, then blame the Red Shirts. With the two papers here publishing any story that fits, it makes for non-coverage. All I know is that the procession in front of Ramathibodi Hospital this morning was astounding. The march on Bangkok alone should give the present administration some pause, if not put it on notice.

(This has been an un-paid for observation, though a little lunch money is always welcomed.)

this just might be a 9/11 plot in small...

army shooting on same army and blaming someone else

giving them a reason to become violent and oppressive

sorry but I believe if you are hit with a m79, you are scraped together (from your many pieces all over the place)

maybe a m79 practise grenade

yes all these grenades, assassination attempts on sondhi etc, grenades fired at the PAD stage, and no deaths. either the Thais are really bad shots or really good shots. I know which my money is on.

and no deaths? I think you should go back and do a bit of research about the grenades your boy sae Daeng used on the PAD .. then send out some apologies to the families of the dead.

"Scraped together if you are hit by an m79".

Well it's not necessarily like that, perhaps it's possible that the soldiers who were injured (with all respect to them, this it not a joke) were hit by a fragment which splintered off the main projectile on impact, etc.

Yes, an grenade, thrown or launched, is NOT the mighty destructive bomb with nice pyro-effects that Hollywood use in their productions.

Events like these clearly show who of the posters that has any military background and who has been watching too many B-movies.


You don't throw M-79 grenades, you fire them from a rifled shotgun style launcher. Without the required spin, they won't arm and will not explode. BUT, bodies will not be flying through the air amongst flames, that's simply hollywood BS.

"this just might be a 9/11 plot in small...

army shooting on same army and blaming someone else"

This would have to be the most mindless statement of all time. Anybody that believes 9/11 was faked/set-up/US conspiracy has to have a mental defect.


You don't throw M-79 grenades, you fire them from a rifled shotgun style launcher. Without the required spin, they won't arm and will not explode. BUT, bodies will not be flying through the air amongst flames, that's simply hollywood BS.

"this just might be a 9/11 plot in small...

army shooting on same army and blaming someone else"

This would have to be the most mindless statement of all time. Anybody that believes 9/11 was faked/set-up/US conspiracy has to have a mental defect.

I have a feeling that the red leadership, if I were to use the term, has forgotten to have something called 'Plan B'. Maybe it was just an overlook or it was seriously thought that a million plus would flood BKK and the government will simply give in to their demands.

Carefully observe the statments issued the them. Starting from continuing the agitation/rally to now absurd ideas like a million cc of blood to deface the government property? Funny I find it. Loss of word, no backup plan, no brains to prompt them what to say, heat of mid march, humiliation due to failure of tall claims, calmness of their 'enemy' ... indeed some edgy nerved lunatics in such mass hysteria may pull the trigger.

In my two satangs worth, Reds, never had a chance and now they are convincing those who thought they had a good cause that they don't. I see the red support fading away. Most unfortunate thing would be that in this stand off and mindless moves by some wrecked nerve lunatic with stash of weapons, many innocent will suffer. Finally it will be Thailand as a nation that will suffer not red shirt or yellow or brown or olive or .. whatever colour.

May GOD give them wisdom to see this. :)

Excellent post.

Clutching at straws to stay relevant, when confronted with their irrelevance, that's 'the three buddies'.

But they may just be more puppets and meant simply to get cannon fodder into place,

for the real players in this fools drama to make things move forwards.

Can't have a true peoples revolution if a significant portion of The People,

are not rock solid behind you and that is NOT the case for the red street leadership.

So if you consider what kinds of scenarios galvanize great masses together as one, it is :

Solidarity of War against an invader or oppressive neighbor.

Acts of God and the destruction they cause such as the Tsunami,

Acts of apparent unforced depravity

or excessive zeal by the authorities

without apparent reason,

against apparent innocents,

especially women, children and monks.

So how does one get in this state of glavanized populace,

If the neighbor won't invade, and a natural disaster can't be ordered like Pizza....

Oh yes, you can send a bunch of gullible brain-washed people out in the streets,

and then set them up as patsies, to discredit your opposition as animals.

Is this what is happening now... hard to say,

is this a plausible possibility considering the desperation and desire for revenge on display...

certainly can't be ruled out in an way.


That does not answer my request, can you show me where they promise these figure? this seems to form part or your wrong assumption that they have failed, it is still ongoing as far as I can see, you saying they have failed does not mean they have failed, you are nobody to these people so why would they listen to you anyway.

i think you are getting hotter under the collar than any red shirt out on the streets my friend :) you need to take a chill pill

I really wonder if you are as ignorant as you make out to be, or if you have some other agenda? It's not that hard to find examples of the red leadership promising a million protestors:

""Some 600,000 to 700,000 'red shirts' are on their way to Bangkok and, together with those already in town, we will have more than a million people," Woravat Auapinyakul, a member of parliament for the pro-Thaksin Puea Thai Party, said." - http://www.scotsman.com/12007/Millionman-march-by-red-shirts.6150250.jp

"Nattawut Saikua, a top leader of the anti-government Red Shirts said they had evaluated the situation and their movement's strategy and that everything had been accomplished as planned.

The Red Shirts are confident there will be one million protesters attending the demonstration on Sunday, he said.

"This is real, not a dream", Red Shirt leader Nattawut said emphatically." http://www.mcot.net/content/31980

And, from the Bangkok Post "More than one million red-shirts will certainly take part in a mass rally aimed at bringing down the government, United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD)leader Jatuporn Promphan claimed on Tuesday." - No link as per TV policy.

That gives three different red leaders all confident of a million protestors. Granted, getting 100,000 is not much of a failure, only 10% of the confidently certain number we were told would turn up. Maybe that's a success in some quarters?

As others have posted, what has the government got to gain from the grenade attack? It gets an excuse to stamp down on the reds, but at a price. It would be far better for it if the protests remained peaceful and peter out when Thaksin's funds wear thin. What have the reds got to gain? It's obvious to anyone that their protest has been a flop so far. Sure, they've shut down a few streets, made a lot of noise and threats - "we'll protest on the 12th" "the biggest numbers will be on the 14th" "if Abhisit doesn't dissolve parliament by 09:00 on Monday we'll shut down the city" "if Abhisit doesn't dissolve parliament by 12:00 on Monday we'll shut down the city" "we'll lay seige to the 11th infantry barracks until Abhisit dissolves parliament" "we'll skulk back to our bridge and think about what to do next" "we'll carry the master's bloodsucking ways to their logical conclusion by sucking the blood of his supporters and throwing it where ever we want"... - They can carry on (pun intended) as they have with their keystone kop antics of chasing around the city in a show of orchestrated buffoonery, making empty threats until said master's money runs out and they all go home, or they can escalate matters. It's also interesting that all the reds here broadcasting how peaceful the rally has been so far seem to have forgotten just how long the rally remained peaceful last songkran until the true nature of these thugs made itself evident.

What about the thugs that blocked the international airport last time and costed billions of bahts to the thai economy ?

Don't these idiots realize that most of the soldiers are just poor kids from the sticks? :)

That's probably why they were targeted. We shouldn't immediately assume this was the work of Red Shirts.

so did Hello Kitty or Mickey Mouse do it? Dude....c'mon

if it: looks, sounds, smells, and tastes red....betcha it is

Did the Red Shirts do it? Did government agents do it trying to blame it on the Red Shirts? Did Thaksin shoot it? There are myriad possibilities including one that plagues militaries the world over. NEGLIGENT DISCHARGE. This is not an issue that happens at go go bars or soapie massages. It is an incident in which a soldier negligently fires his weapon that may or may not cause injury or death. The Thai military still uses M 79 grenade launchers. The Thai military is not the most professional or well trained force in the world. It is a conscripted military that does not want to be there. rather than bickering and making accusations like a bipolar chronically PMSing woman why not wait for the facts. Just my 2 cents. If you think I am full of it, continue making wild accusations and firing each other up.


"MCOT: Red Shirt leader Jatuporn denies UDD involvement in M79 attack, citing state officials create situation leading to Emergency Decree use"

I don't think this is true. The government don't want to use the Emergency Decree.


After the first couple of posts, this thread deteriorated into twaddle and nonsense.

Way too many people responding to these threads for the sake of rattling their keyboards - <deleted> has the Tonkin incident got to do with the M79 attack on a barracks in the centre of Bangkok, other than as the possible source for the M79 launcher?

C'mon guys - act your ages, not your shoe sizes.

Keep it sensible for those of us living in the sticks that want to keep appraised of happenings - especially those of us due into Bangkok within the next week on business.


Interesting after everybody and every car is searched for weapons that arms get through so easy like this, even near at the alleged tollway. Nobody controlled there? Or do we have an army insider job in high ranks?


Interesting after everybody and every car is searched for weapons that arms get through so easy like this, even near at the alleged tollway. Nobody controlled there? Or do we have an army insider job in high ranks?


"Did the Red Shirts do it? Did government agents do it trying to blame it on the Red Shirts? Did Thaksin shoot it? There are myriad possibilities including one that plagues militaries the world over. NEGLIGENT DISCHARGE. This is not an issue that happens at go go bars or soapie massages. It is an incident in which a soldier negligently fires his weapon that may or may not cause injury or death. The Thai military still uses M 79 grenade launchers. The Thai military is not the most professional or well trained force in the world. It is a conscripted military that does not want to be there. rather than bickering and making accusations like a bipolar chronically PMSing woman why not wait for the facts. Just my 2 cents. If you think I am full of it, continue making wild accusations and firing each other up."

4 explosions and 2 unexploded shells, that's one hel-l of a AD!!! oh, hang on, witnesses saw the shots fired from a car on an overpass. Great theory though.


To be honest in situations like these I expect all sides and factions to be economical with the truth. In these troubling times any and all things are possible. No matter which side of the line you stand to totally discount the fact that your " man " could be telling porkies simply because you support him would be rather naive.

Don't these idiots realize that most of the soldiers are just poor kids from the sticks? :)

They are not idiots, they are acting under instruction from their leaders, should the poor army kids get orders from their leaders (commanders) to open fire at the Red Shirts then they too will have to do so, it is obvious that during those street protests the same social classes have to confront each other.

However, for the government to be silient and do nothing during those mass street protests is entirely wrong, the PM should show some guts and gumption, he should come out and address the Red Shirts Churchillian style, explaining to them that their current activities will achieve nothing, except blood, toil, tears, and sweat, and then state and clarify in detail his political vision for Thailand, then predict and ensure them that the result of his political activities will be positive for the whole of Thailand's population.

Such a speech would positively reflect to the advantage of all Thais in particular those from the sticks, and the political climate in Thailand would be softend which will of course benefit the whole Nation.


M79 Suspect Released

Police reveal that they have released the suspected M79 grenade attacker after forensic experts didn't find explosive power residue in his vehicle.

Authorities are on the hunt for the real perpetrator.


-- Tan Network 2010-03-15


I really wonder if you are as ignorant as you make out to be, or if you have some other agenda? It's not that hard to find examples of the red leadership promising a million protestors:

Are people still nitpicking about this? Calling it the Million Man March was not a prediction. It was marketing. :)

Don't these idiots realize that most of the soldiers are just poor kids from the sticks? :)

They are not idiots, they are acting under instruction from their leaders, should the poor army kids get orders from their leaders (commanders) to open fire at the Red Shirts then they too will have to do so, it is obvious that during those street protests the same social classes have to confront each other.

However, for the government to be silient and do nothing during those mass street protests is entirely wrong, the PM should show some guts and gumption, he should come out and address the Red Shirts Churchillian style, explaining to them that their current activities will achieve nothing, except blood, toil, tears, and sweat, and then state and clarify in detail his political vision for Thailand, then predict and ensure them that the result of his political activities will be positive for the whole of Thailand's population.

Such a speech would positively reflect to the advantage of all Thais in particular those from the sticks, and the political climate in Thailand would be softend which will of course benefit the whole Nation.

Ummm, I believe the Prime Minister was one of those who a Red Leader said was "marked on the forehead". Why should he expose himself to that kind of threat? And remember, the Reds attacked his car last April, tried to kill his driver. The Reds top leadership has continually said if they don't get their way they will turn violent. Looks like they have started. Sad, very sad.

Don't these idiots realize that most of the soldiers are just poor kids from the sticks? :)

That's probably why they were targeted. We shouldn't immediately assume this was the work of Red Shirts.

Of course it might not be. But it's still worth differentiating between ordinary Red Shirts we see dancing on the streets, and other Thaksin-backed types who need to make something happen.

Well in this part of the world two wrongs make a right. When you disregard the will of the people and take over that is making something happen as well? Who is right?

I was watching a program on Dubai: wow, they won't let you leave the country if you owe someone money, you go to goal. A young woman complained about a rape. She was asked if she also slept with her boyfriend; was sentenced to six months goal for out of marriage sex.

Each country has it faults and the people that run them.

Who is going to win this fight, reds or yellows. I know red is a dominate colour, and that taking a lot of money off someone because they did what the rest did, but for longer and got more capital out of it, will only make that type of person more determined to succed.

Just keep your head down and be careful.

Interesting after everybody and every car is searched for weapons that arms get through so easy like this, even near at the alleged tollway. Nobody controlled there? Or do we have an army insider job in high ranks?

quite easy for the reds to have moved the weapons in before the event

Interesting after everybody and every car is searched for weapons that arms get through so easy like this, even near at the alleged tollway. Nobody controlled there? Or do we have an army insider job in high ranks?

Yes, his name is Seh Daeng- access to weapons, a history of this crap and has threatened violence. 1+1+1= ?


They are losing. They didn't turn out. They are humiliated. They are FRUSTRATED and their face is badly damaged. This isn't crazy given the crowd we are dealing with (remember BLACK SONGKRAN), it is totally PREDICTABLE.

Also predictable, the pitiful red spin that is wasn't the reds who did this.

another stupid yellow tainted comment - bet u even wear yellow pyjamas to bed -- what benefit would the reds get from doing this as there will be lots of stupid people just like yourself who immediately assume - that they did it -- assume -- make an ass of yourself --- talk about tunnel vision -- and they have not lost anything - getting world attention right now - major headlines on the BBC

So... you are saying it is

alright to throw a grenade and hit two likely conscript soldiers

just standing duty where they were told to, because it will be

"getting world attention right now."

And before THAT you talk about tunnel vision... YIKES!

hel_l yes, better to be in opposition to anything resembling this mindset.

What benefit would the Reds get from this?

The only way they can bring down the government and install Thaksins crew in office,

is to cause a conflagration between innocent APPEARING protesters and the Army.

Then advertise this as a propaganda coup and spin spin spin....

There are some red factions who don't care HOW the government is brought down

as long as THEY get to move into power afterwards.


What benefit would the yellow get from this ?

a) Governement declare state of emergency

:) All reds are arrested

c) The public opinion turns against the red

End of the story


It could be anyone , so if you dont know you dont know . Until there is an enquiry ...

Don't these idiots realize that most of the soldiers are just poor kids from the sticks? :)

My assumption would be (please note that was an ASSUMPTION, which is the same as an OPINION, not a FACT) that this is done by provocateurs trying to get the Army to react against the Red Shirts. The question then becomes whether or not the Army CARES who fired the shots.

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