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Where Can Thaksin Go Next Nigeria?


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His days of running are numbered i'm tipping that he will be back in thailand behind bars in less than 90 days

What a stupid wager that is - you have better chance winning the lottery than winning that wager. Bookies would have a good laff over that one. :)

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His days of running are numbered i'm tipping that he will be back in thailand behind bars in less than 90 days

Thats a pretty extreme prediction,I can only hope you will be right.

Since his latest court hearings where he has been found guilty on many charges and the stupidity of these red shirts with blood I am sure there are not as many sympathizers in other countries as there were before then they are probably more likey to help the Thai Government in not allowing him into there countries or arresting him.

And If he has been kicked out of UAE this will hurt him and what happens if all his banks get frozen.

Its very hard for person with his profile to keep hiding and running.

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His days of running are numbered i'm tipping that he will be back in thailand behind bars in less than 90 days

Thats a pretty extreme prediction,I can only hope you will be right.

Since his latest court hearings where he has been found guilty on many charges and the stupidity of these red shirts with blood I am sure there are not as many sympathizers in other countries as there were before then they are probably more likey to help the Thai Government in not allowing him into there countries or arresting him.

And If he has been kicked out of UAE this will hurt him and what happens if all his banks get frozen.

Its very hard for person with his profile to keep hiding and running.

Well ain't that sad, pass the tissues please.

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As long as he has money there are lots of places that he will be welcome. In fact, if he would stop funding the redshirts and encouraging revolution here he would still be welcome in the UK.

Given the fact that he was ousted by a coup, most countries will be reluctant to extradite him. However, many countries will also be reluctant to host him while he continues to do his call-ins and other political activities.

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Nigeria is not that far fetched. Ethnic Chinese capitalist who do not necessarily call China home have upped their investment number over the last decade in Africa from 80 billion to 800 billion US dollars in the ten year stretch.

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