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Deposed Thai Premier Thaksin Now In Montenegro


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Deposed Thai premier in Montenegro: police

PODGORICA, Montenegro (AFP) -- Montenegrin police confirmed on Wednesday the former Thai premier Thaksin Shinawatra, on the run from corruption charges, is in Montenegro and holds a passport of this Adriatic republic.

Thaksin arrived on March 13 by a private plane from Dubai to the Montenegrin coastal town of Tivat, police said in a brief statement.

"Mr Thaksin Shinawatra is a citizen of Montenegro and he is here at the moment. The police have no grounds to take any measures based on its competencies," the statement said.

Earlier, local media widely reported that Thaksin, a former telecoms tycoon, was seen in coastal Budva's medieval old town on Sunday.

Montenegro's officials have so far failed to explain how Thaksin obtained the citizenship of this former Yugoslav republic.

The populist former prime minister was ousted in a 2006 coup, and has been living abroad, mostly in Dubai, to avoid a jail term for corruption.

In Thailand, protesters hurled bags of their own blood at the prime minister's residence Wednesday on the fourth day of a rally in support of Thaksin.

The government of Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has rejected an ultimatum by protesters who have demanded immediate elections.


-- ©Copyright AFP 2010-03-17

Published with written approval from AFP.


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Dual citizenship is one thing, diplomatic visas another..but legally, how can you be a quadruple citizen? my only guess is money talks. funny, they wont mention HOW or what TYPE of visa he is on. a type F? Fugitive? C? Criminal or crook?

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If I remember some thread about Thai citizenship, it is illegal to hold dual citizenship..I realize that hundreds do, however, consider if indeed this is the LAW and the Thai Government confirmed that Thaskin is indeed a citizen of Montenegro, and moved to revoke his Thai citizenship.....Intresting bitch slap by the Thai government for all the trouble he has been giving them.... :)

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"POOR DEVIL"....... hopefully literally speaking............... He must be drawing all of his hidden accounts down alot - with all of his relocating, and will soon be "poor" (as the poor in Thailand who he cheated out of a better life)............. Wouldn't that be a fitting end of the story?????????????

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If I remember some thread about Thai citizenship, it is illegal to hold dual citizenship..I realize that hundreds do, however, consider if indeed this is the LAW and the Thai Government confirmed that Thaskin is indeed a citizen of Montenegro, and moved to revoke his Thai citizenship.....Intresting bitch slap by the Thai government for all the trouble he has been giving them.... :D

Well if this is the case they would have to boot Abhisit too? :)

BTW you can't revoke citizenship of someplace you are born. (facts are facts - once thai always thai)

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If I remember some thread about Thai citizenship, it is illegal to hold dual citizenship..I realize that hundreds do, however, consider if indeed this is the LAW and the Thai Government confirmed that Thaskin is indeed a citizen of Montenegro, and moved to revoke his Thai citizenship.....Intresting bitch slap by the Thai government for all the trouble he has been giving them.... :D

Well if this is the case they would have to boot Abhisit too? :)

BTW you can't revoke citizenship of someplace you are born. (facts are facts - once thai always thai)

Double standard?

Thousand of Thai women have a second passport.

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If I remember some thread about Thai citizenship, it is illegal to hold dual citizenship..I realize that hundreds do, however, consider if indeed this is the LAW and the Thai Government confirmed that Thaskin is indeed a citizen of Montenegro, and moved to revoke his Thai citizenship.....Intresting bitch slap by the Thai government for all the trouble he has been giving them.... :D

Well if this is the case they would have to boot Abhisit too? :)

BTW you can't revoke citizenship of someplace you are born. (facts are facts - once thai always thai)

Double standard?

Thousand of Thai women have a second passport.

some countries offer dual citizenship with thailand. I don't believe the ones he flocks to are on the list the gov't officials showed me when I inquired regarding those born as Thai nationals. This man is bribing for sure.

I don't see why the current gov't doesn't bring more charges agianst him..there are countless...crimes against humanity, treason, intent to incite mass rioting......why not end this silly game?

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I don't see why the current gov't doesn't bring more charges agianst him..there are countless...crimes against humanity, treason, intent to incite mass rioting......why not end this silly game?

^because they would have to charge themselves too!! :)

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If I remember some thread about Thai citizenship, it is illegal to hold dual citizenship..I realize that hundreds do, however, consider if indeed this is the LAW and the Thai Government confirmed that Thaskin is indeed a citizen of Montenegro, and moved to revoke his Thai citizenship.....Intresting bitch slap by the Thai government for all the trouble he has been giving them.... :)

Wouldn't that be double standard? Letting hundreds have dual citizenship but revoke it from Thaksin because ...well ...because he's Thaksin?

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I don't see why the current gov't doesn't bring more charges agianst him..there are countless...crimes against humanity, treason, intent to incite mass rioting......why not end this silly game?

last time you told us that a lot of charges already exist, but without going much into details about what kind of charges.

now you talking about more crimes, if you know so much and have evidence you can file the charges by yourself or at least share your information with the authorities.

provide intelligence and support the government!

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Dual citizenship is one thing, diplomatic visas another..but legally, how can you be a quadruple citizen? my only guess is money talks. funny, they wont mention HOW or what TYPE of visa he is on. a type F? Fugitive? C? Criminal or crook?

To get a diplomatic passport of a country you need not be a citizen of that country.

Read Wikipedia: “In exceptional circumstances, a diplomatic passport is given to a foreign citizen with no passport of his own, such as an exiled VIP who lives, by invitation, in a foreign country.”

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I just hope EU will block Montenegro from joining EU. Another third world country.

and from which first class trailer park you are coming from?

Shmendrik Falls Winnebago's,

near East Bubkes Farbissener.

You must know it well, Shlimazeltov.

Edited by animatic
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I don't see why the current gov't doesn't bring more charges agianst him..there are countless...crimes against humanity, treason, intent to incite mass rioting......why not end this silly game?
last time you told us that a lot of charges already exist, but without going much into details about what kind of charges.

now you talking about more crimes, if you know so much and have evidence you can file the charges by yourself or at least share your information with the authorities.

provide intelligence and support the government!

The real answer, as I suspect you know only too well is that under the Thai legal system cases may be prepared but may not be brought to court without the defendant being here. Presently, under confidential warp for obvious reasons, there are a number of cases in abeyance.


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I just hope EU will block Montenegro from joining EU. Another third world country.

and from which first class trailer park you are coming from?

Shmendrik Falls Winnebago's,

near East Bubkes Farbissener.

You must know it well, Shlimazeltov.

Yiddish ?

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I just hope EU will block Montenegro from joining EU. Another third world country.

and from which first class trailer park you are coming from?

Shmendrik Falls Winnebago's,

near East Bubkes Farbissener.

You must know it well, Shlimazeltov.

Goyisher Kop ?

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I just hope EU will block Montenegro from joining EU. Another third world country.

and from which first class trailer park you are coming from?

Shmendrik Falls Winnebago's,

near East Bubkes Farbissener.

You must know it well, Shlimazeltov.

Yiddish ?

English, if you ever lived in NYC. :)

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I just hope EU will block Montenegro from joining EU. Another third world country.

and from which first class trailer park you are coming from?

Shmendrik Falls Winnebago's,

near East Bubkes Farbissener.

You must know it well, Shlimazeltov.

Yiddish ?

no, it is your usual internet hate speech by a fool trying to impress with his google "education".

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Dual citizenship is one thing, diplomatic visas another..but legally, how can you be a quadruple citizen? my only guess is money talks. funny, they wont mention HOW or what TYPE of visa he is on. a type F? Fugitive? C? Criminal or crook?

I think after all the stuff he has pulled, and finally this assassination business, he may no longer be welcome in Dubai. Given enough time he will run out the countries he can hide, May be Libya

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lets leave out the personal bickering shall we

cheers :)

by the way - thai law does allow dual citizenship in some cases. I cant say in Thaksin's case it would or would not qualify....but in those countries that he has citizenship for - perhaps it is not against their law to have dual or multi- citizenship?

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It seems that the Nation has a lot of catching up o do, just as their big examples. Prem cs have never seen a computer, the Nation obviously never used Twitter. Days ago pictures of Thaksin drinking coffee and eating cake in Montenegro were available just as real (foreign) newspapers were reporting on it.

Quite funny for a newspaper that is terrible edited and has only one goal in mind: Being biased towards democratic forces and always kiss up with the influential.

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BTW you can't revoke citizenship of someplace you are born. (facts are facts - once thai always thai)

That fact is simply not true.

In the USA Under Supreme Court rulings, those born in the USA have citizenship, which can only be lost by voting in a foreign election, volunteering for service in a foreign military,

Thaksin arrived on March 13 by a private plane from Dubai to the Montenegrin coastal town of Tivat, police said in a brief statement.

"Mr Thaksin Shinawatra is a citizen of Montenegro and he is here at the moment

And just becasue Thailand might proceed against him, there is absolutly no law that says if you act against one person, you must then act against all person in simular circumstances.

Edited by old wanderer
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^unfortunately you have lost the plot - you are by birth a citizen of your country, no matter how you twist it this will always be the case. :)

Sorry Brit...but you are incorrect. I had two of my bretheren-in-arms that went adventuring in Africa some years ago. Lost their citizenship and became persona non grata in the country of their birth...

This is fact, not academic theory. I am personally connected to these 2 people.

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Well Brit. Here is the Thai law on the subject:


CITIZENSHIP: Citizenship laws are based on the Nationality Act of 1965 with Amendment No.2 AD 1992 and Amendment No.3 AD 1993.

BY BIRTH: Birth within the territory of Thailand does not automatically confer citizenship. A person born of a father or mother of Thai nationality, whether within or outside the Thai Kingdom.

A person born within the Thai Kingdom except a person of alien parents if, at the time of birth, the father was not married to the mother, unless the mother was given leniency for temporary residence or had been permitted to stay temporarily in the Thai Kingdom, unless she had entered the Kingdom without permission.

BY DESCENT: Child born in wedlock, either of whose parents is a citizen of Thailand, regardless of the child's country of birth. Child born out of wedlock, whose mother is a citizen of Thailand and whose father is unknown or stateless, regardless of the child's country of birth.

BY NATURALIZATION: Before being able to apply for Thai citizenship, the person must have the following qualifications: Have displayed good behavior. Have a regular occupation. Have a domicile in the Thai Kingdom for a consecutive period of not less than five years. Have knowledge of Thai language.


Child born abroad to Thai parents, who obtains the citizenship of the foreign country of birth, may retain dual citizenship until reaching the age of majority (18). At this point, person must choose which citizenship to retain.

A Thai woman who marries a foreign national and acquires her husband's citizenship has technically lost her Thai citizenship. Should the marriage end in death or divorce, the Thai national woman could regain her Thai citizenship. This is an unofficial dual citizenship designed to protect female Thai nationals.


VOLUNTARY: Voluntary renunciation of citizenship is permitted by Thai law. Contact the Embassy for details and proper paperwork. If a person of Thai nationality who was born of an alien father and has acquired the nationality of their father desires to retain the other nationality, they must renounce Thai nationality within one year after attaining the age of twenty years.

INVOLUNTARY: The following are grounds for involuntary loss of Thai citizenship: Person voluntarily acquires foreign citizenship.

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^I know the rules on thai citizenship as I have seen them many times, however if you want to apply them then Abhisit will be booted! :) We know for a fact he has british citizenship. As for Khun T we do not know his status except he has diplomatic passports from other countries which do not necessarily mean citizenship. :D

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