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Red Shirts Plan Intensified Protest In Bangkok : Saturday

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The Red Shirts will contact local and foreign media as well as the Guinness Book of World Records to see if it could set a record number of protesters joining campaigns to oust the prime minister.

It's not the Guinness Book, but it's a pretty good start for them.

And while the blood thing was nasty and wrong, it was at least a non-violent act that succeeded in getting them some international press (although perhaps not the type they wanted).

To that end, one of the largest international news publisher has selected the UDD's blood-pouring protest as top of the 10 most bizarre protests in the history of the world.

A hearty well-done to the red lunatics comes from the Christian Science Monitor.

Red Shirt leader Nuttawut Saikua said the number of protesters will increase about three to five times from last weekend's motorcade that snaked through roads in Bangkok and Thonburi.

The Red Shirts will contact local and foreign media as well as the Guinness Book of World Records to see if it could set a record number of protesters joining campaigns to oust the prime minister.

Is he legally retarded or just stupid?

There goes 30% more drop in tourism. Poor get poorer, rich don't give a shi....t

The rich don't give a shi....t is exactly what it is all about. The longer I stay in Thailand the more i realize this fact. It starts in the schools at a very early age where the kids are brainwashed into worshiping the elite. The message is then carried on through propoganda which can be seen everwhere in Bangkok and elsewhere in Thailand. The poor are taught to be grateful for what they have while Thailand remains one of the biggest 'haves' versus 'have not' societies in the world. I know a lot of the Bangkok rich. They don't care about poor people. Look at the support base of the Yellow shirts , its the 'haves' the ones that want to deprive the poor of even having a vote, the ones Abhisit relies on for support. Before anyone says it,it is a great pity that a 'have' like Thaksin supported the 'have nots" as it will take them a long time to get over him, but when they do they will be the major force in Thai politics.

And which exactly of the Bangkok rich do you know ..?? personally that is... I`m sure they care a lot more than any Farang.. Pass another Chang

... while Thailand remains one of the biggest 'haves' versus 'have not' societies in the world. ...

I know you really want to believe this, but facts just don't support it. But don't let that stop your rhetoric




This is going to be a very expensive demo. Guiness is as others state a publicity stunt. They may gof ro the pick ups thing again as it looks very impressive and makes numbers look better than they are as lazy news organizations guess at ten per pick up but from what I heard from people selling food at Ayuthaya some had ten in the back, some had only a driver and the average was 3-4. Stuill it looks impressive and pick ups cuase stacks of disruption just by taking up space.

It depends which way the Bangklokians swing on this too. If they get deme fatigue will they turn on the government for either not doing a deal or not just clearing the streets or will they turn on the reds. That is the high stakes game right now especially in terms of hurting the economy.


Except for the people that in the immediate area, the rest of Bangkok is actually enjoying this since traffic has never been so easy except during Songkran. Traffic is getting worse as more people begin to understand there is no problem and get back on the streets.




I live outside of Bangkok so I have not really sean any of the protests. Are they still going on? Is this for this coming Saturday or last Saturday?


Kewl - hope they get 10x the numbers, but based on past events probably should be more modest. :D

Based on previous claims and actual numbers, they will be lucky to top 100,000 again :)

The Reds talk big, but lack a certain something when it comes to delivering on their promises

(Default behavior for most Politicians, right?)

Sounds like the same Red leader who promised a million men (not a million people or a million men and women) ....and who also promised tens of thousands of monks.

The Reds' credibility quotient is on par with their paymaster: zero.



Does anyone know where this new parade is supposed to happen? I wonder that there is no "official" (i.e. television) news about it. Last time they were advising on the route for almost a week in advance.... this time - nothing at all?

Or is the entire thing just a media stunt?

Best regards......


:) Don't count Thaksin out. Money is power in Thailand
Based on previous claims and actual numbers, they will be lucky to top 100,000 again :D

The Reds talk big, but lack a certain something when it comes to delivering on their promises

(Default behavior for most Politicians, right?)

These two posts, picked at random, sum the current stalemate up, quite well.

Thaksin must by now have realised, his Million Man March is a flop, the numbers were never even close to being delivered by his local leadership, but he still has pots of money, and some fairly off-the-wall local-supporters.

At what point might he decide, it's now time to sacrifice a few of the loyal Isaan pawns, in the greater interests of 'true-democracy' and 'justice' for himself ? He's failed to provoke PM-Abhisit's government, or the military, to repress the demonstration, so he may feel driven to the point where he arranges for it to happen anyway, just dress a few of his own in military-uniforms, and point them at the parade.

Would he even contemplate such a thing ? I sincerely hope not. But with time passing, and the meter still running, Thaksin must feel under immense pressure to break the stalemate. :D

The PAD yellows are a small minority. Yes that faction vote for Abhisit but only a small portion of his total support. This is the same tired old false propaganda, that if you are anti-Thaksin, you are pro yellow and against poor people. The Thai democrats have not once suggested they support the PAD/yellow idea of a mostly appointed parliament. I could use the same argument, that the Thai communists mostly vote with Thaksin, to argue that the reds are a communist movement.

The only way I think this can be helped is if the yellow rad red people realize that an do not allow themselves being played by these spoiled rich people. If they just attend to their life and may be they become richer and independent and then everything will ba taking care of itself.

Democracy is impossible if you do not have middle class. The Middle class is the back bone of the democracy

One of the reason Thaksin did not use to build the support from people from south was because the people from south tend to be more educated and have more of their own business, the sign of middle class

So Toxin wasn't rich Elite????


From what I can make out, there is not really an active yellow-shirt movement at this point: it's red or not. My take is the locals have just about had it with these yahoos clogging up the city. I was at Central Pinklao the other day, real pain in the arse trip now as the buses re-route around the red camp and it adds nearly a half-hour to the trip. A merchant told me business there has been down since this crap started.

I wish they could rope-a-dope T into coming back with the promise of amnesty, then when he gets off the plane "sorrreee!" But then the yokels would assemble at the prison.

I envision meetings between the gov't poobahs and the red shirt leaders: "How much is he giving you? We'll double it"

I see it as a quality of life issue: if I had a billion dollars I had would have a lot less worries then Taksin.

Thaksin has three driving influences:

1) money

2) megalomania

3) fortune tellers

Look at the support base of the Yellow shirts , its the 'haves' the ones that want to deprive the poor of even having a vote, the ones Abhisit relies on for support.

On the contrary, PM-Abhisit doesn't receive the support of a single PAD/NPP PM, because there are none. :D

But with BS like this being fed 24/7 to the Red-Shirts, the chances of a fair election are pretty-much zero, in the short-term at least. So much for 'true democracy'. :)

Unless you count Kasit Piromya....


Yes, fair point, I'll give you that one.

Revised version ... "PM-Abhisit doesn't receive the support of a single PAD/NPP MP, because there are none, but one of the Democrat MPs did appear on a PAD-stage a few times, wearing a yellow jacket."

:) Don't count Thaksin out. Money is power in Thailand
Based on previous claims and actual numbers, they will be lucky to top 100,000 again :D

The Reds talk big, but lack a certain something when it comes to delivering on their promises

(Default behavior for most Politicians, right?)

...At what point might he decide, it's now time to sacrifice a few of the loyal Isaan pawns, in the greater interests of 'true-democracy' and 'justice' for himself ? He's failed to provoke PM-Abhisit's government, or the military, to repress the demonstration, so he may feel driven to the point where he arranges for it to happen anyway, just dress a few of his own in military-uniforms, and point them at the parade.

Would he even contemplate such a thing ? I sincerely hope not. But with time passing, and the meter still running, Thaksin must feel under immense pressure to break the stalemate. :D

I wouldn't bet against this scenario for any amount.

Just needs some real troupers in flase flag uniforms, loyal to one of his nutcase or corrupt army friends,

and some wound caused blood in the streets and LOUD, LOUD, UNCEASING SPIN.

At least in his vengeful mindset.

Thing is 'The People' have seen the army and Abhisit quietly and with good humor,

tolerate incredible shnanagains in their face, and extreme provocations such as

grenades lobbed into their midst causing injuries, and STILL remained calm and placating...

These images are not lost on the average Thai.

One group acting calm, Zen, unruffled, proactive conciliatory but not weak,

and talking of the welfare of the protesters in the heat and dirt,

and the other madly screaming at tops of lungs all sorts of very Un-Thai like diatribes.

Thais like leaders: Which side is showing REAL leadership?

Sure ain't the red side.

These people have really gone crazy.

Who else would go on and rally, "protest" for such twisted cause?

As many say if they would steer clear of Thaksin... but then the money is needed

who else would fund such twisted band of opportunists?

from the TAN website "your say"

To those who are accustomed of accepting dirty money remorselessly, go evening time behind Big C North Pattaya with your Thai national identification card for an enrollment trip. The departure is for this next Friday evening to Bangkok (free transportation and free food of course). There, you will watch the Red super show with the super-superstars Weera, Nattawut, Jattuporn and Taki ??. You will sleep in the open (if you can). Saturday you will participate at a warmly parade around Bangkok. And at the end you will be rewarded of 2000 Thai Baht….Isn’t beautiful? ... Thanks Taki! (Please…for your safety, avoid of switching on your camera when you will receive your money)

Anti Taki , Chonbury Thailand (3/24/2010 8:03 AM)

can anyone confirm this?

As the apologist keep on turning their prayer wheel:

Thaksin may be has done many things which are not lawful but which government was better in the past.

since ther is a review of the law in store, cause 'others steal and murder" robbery and murder

are no crimes anymore


"lawfully, democratically elected!"

even it was proven that there was massive fraud and manipulation...

the apologists insist it still was "lawful"... and "democratic" they forgot

what this word means.... "the people rule" not money!

The most saddening part of this is:

"Many, many others are corrupt toot, so...."


When is this going to face a serious review?

Revised version ... "PM-Abhisit doesn't receive the support of a single PAD/NPP MP, because there are none, but one of the Democrat MPs did appear on a PAD-stage a few times, wearing a yellow jacket."

No need revise your statement, Ricardo, as Kasit is not an MP. :)


blood one week, hair the next, maybe toenails next week?

With Thaksin about to lodge an appeal with new evidence we could see this little round calm down now pending further court deliberationj on acceptance or not and if accepted on hearings. Ho Hum

blood one week, hair the next, maybe toenails next week?

Considering the ample girth of the rotund Suporn leading the way for the hair trimming today, I guess there's not much chance of a starvation protest next week.

With Thaksin about to lodge an appeal with new evidence we could see this little round calm down now pending further court deliberationj on acceptance or not and if accepted on hearings. Ho Hum

Yes, considering the endless line of witnesses and mountains of documents presented over the course of that lengthy trial, it will be interesting to see what "new" evidence he presents. What did he uncover in the past 30 days that he didn't know about in the peceding however many days of the trial?

Another mystery I'm still waiting for is the "world shocking" picture of the prime minister the red leaders said they would release two days ago.


blood one week, hair the next, maybe toenails next week?

With Thaksin about to lodge an appeal with new evidence we could see this little round calm down now pending further court deliberationj on acceptance or not and if accepted on hearings. Ho Hum

Next week what? Foreskins and slightly used hymens?

Hairy moles week?

Soon, no body parts left...

Wait... dare there be a place in this weird world

for a spinning Jatuporn Doner Kabab...


And they will be added to the book of records as:

Those who made the biggest fools of themselves in the shortest possible time.

And they will be added to the book of records as:

Those who made the biggest fools of themselves in the shortest possible time.

Right behind 69 year old farangs with 22 year old bargirl girlfriends, of course! :)

Another mystery I'm still waiting for is the "world shocking" picture of the prime minister the red leaders said they would release two days ago.


Their photoshop guy probably got a heads up from their fake audio tape guy that once busted, he's on his own. :)

BTW, can you imagine if the Reds tried to stage demonstrations like this in China or Burma or Thaksins current employer Cambodia? They might see daylight in 20 years. Lucky they are facing off against a democratic government who allow peaceful protest.


Tomorrow is Friday 26th

D Day for Thaskin

As he did not return to Thailand and put in an appeal

Te money is now gone

and in my understanding he can never take part in Politics again in Thailand

If this is true what is the reason to keep fighting

He has lost

Opiniona please


Actually not. Thai law states that he will be barred from politics if he is convicted and spends a night behind bars. This is why Thaksin and other dodgy characters skip bail. As long as they are not physically imprisoned, there is always the possibility that they can make a deal and be rehabilitated.

From what I can make out, there is not really an active yellow-shirt movement at this point: it's red or not.

I don't see it that way. The Yellows have mobilized when they saw cause to do so. And pretty much each time they've demonstrated they've shown success, and been generally quite peaceful considering their numbers and longevity or their individual protests. They're sensibly sitting this one out from the sidelines, and enabling the Reds (and their paymaster) to continue to shoot themselves in their feet, as the days roll by.

These people have really gone crazy.

You don't know my mom. She dumped a large salad bowl full of fruit salad on her daughter-in-law's head, the day her son married her. She jerkily cut off her baby granddaughter's blond curls down to the skull with a razor - to express her anger at the kid's parents. That's crazy.


There goes 30% more drop in tourism. Poor get poorer, rich don't give a shi....t

The rich don't give a shi....t is exactly what it is all about. The longer I stay in Thailand the more i realize this fact. It starts in the schools at a very early age where the kids are brainwashed into worshiping the elite. The message is then carried on through propoganda which can be seen everwhere in Bangkok and elsewhere in Thailand. The poor are taught to be grateful for what they have while Thailand remains one of the biggest 'haves' versus 'have not' societies in the world. I know a lot of the Bangkok rich. They don't care about poor people. Look at the support base of the Yellow shirts , its the 'haves' the ones that want to deprive the poor of even having a vote, the ones Abhisit relies on for support. Before anyone says it,it is a great pity that a 'have' like Thaksin supported the 'have nots" as it will take them a long time to get over him, but when they do they will be the major force in Thai politics.

And which exactly of the Bangkok rich do you know ..?? personally that is... I`m sure they care a lot more than any Farang.. Pass another Chang

I personally know (through work) 20 odd Directors in Various Government Departments, a Supreme court Judge, a Director General of the Judicial system the parents of many Super rich kids who attend a very expensive private school in Bangkok etc etc they don't care more than any Farrang. Who do you know?

Actually not. Thai law states that he will be barred from politics if he is convicted and spends a night behind bars. This is why Thaksin and other dodgy characters skip bail. As long as they are not physically imprisoned, there is always the possibility that they can make a deal and be rehabilitated.

Thaksin certainly doesn't sound like he is talking about a deal. According to Tusathit, tonight Thaksin said if our peaceful fight doesn't work we will resort to civil disobedience. He added, if its necessary, we will surely resort to civil disobedience.

I think it funny how Thaksin keeps saying "we." If he wants to make it "we" he should return and fight his own battles.

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