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Two More Blasts Hit Thailand Amid Protests

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My Thai wife is going to rally in Bangkok next weekend.

She is NOT paid for it and she bought her polo-shirt and heart-shaped rattle from her own money.

For those who cannot read: SHE IS NOT PAID FOR IT.


Stupid comment.

My wife happens not to be from Isaan, but that is not the point.

I can only fully agree that this is a stupid comment, totally uncalled for!

Everyone is entitled to their choice be that red, yellow or other. It deserves respect. Disagreements can be discussed and if there still is disagreement, agree to disagree and move on.

For me, I am quite new and have difficulty understanding the implications of politics here in Thailand. Therefore, I will refrain from making any comments, pro or contra.

(another dutch speaking belgian from Antwerp!)

:) for jalansanitwong...

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My Thai wife is going to rally in Bangkok next weekend.

She is NOT paid for it and she bought her polo-shirt and heart-shaped rattle from her own money.

For those who cannot read: SHE IS NOT PAID FOR IT.

Tell her to invite my wife and they both can pay their own way as well as buying the show pieces which will further advance the so called cause.

For those who cannot read: SHE IS NOT PAID FOR IT.


You have no right to reply to that post. It clearly says that it's for those who can't read. So, unless you had someone read it out to you, and dictated your reply, you should have just ignored it. It's also strange how it is assumed by the OP that if he writes in capitals people who can't read will somehow be able to understand it.


Of course the quoted article makes no claim to knowing who were the perpetrators of the bombing but still managed to link the story to the current rallies. The bombing could be the work of Muslim insurgents, could be a local gangland dispute, could be any manner of possibilities.

But never let the lack of information stand in the way of an opportunity to discredit the Democracy movement, hey?

The Nation - something George Orwell would be familiar with.

My Thai wife is going to rally in Bangkok next weekend.

She is NOT paid for it and she bought her polo-shirt and heart-shaped rattle from her own money.

For those who cannot read: SHE IS NOT PAID FOR IT.

Cool! so now we know that ONE person attending isn't paid directly!

You had such a great build up - shame you had to blow it!


Am I the only one who finds it pathetic to read ANY post which starts with the phrases;

"My thai wife said. .."

"My thai girlfriend told me. .."

or the ever popular "My thai wife’s family said. .."????

Are the plethora of foreigners with their obligatory "thai-in-tow" who live here incapable of formulating their own thoughts and instead must rely on being spoon-fed their (mis)information?

The mind wobbles at the b/s foreigners are willing to believe simply because it comes from their significant other. :)

"DickFarang" certainly shot himself in the foot with his witty remarks, and by saying the People TV (the Red shirt channel) is unbiased in their news reporting. That's like watching FOX news in the US and wondering why every is spun a certain political direction.. Sheesh, again, the mind wobbles. :D

I stand by my assertions; read the postings of 'jdinasia' to get a clear(er) picture of how this current political situation developed over the last few years.

To reiterate some of the bullet points he's made, read this (shamelessly used without a direct quote, sorry);

*You can't "demand" democracy when your party has been dissolved for electoral fraud and have any shred of credibility.

*You can't "demand" democracy when your leader states unequivocally that Democracy is not his goal.

*You can't demand democracy when your leader demolishes the checks and balances that hold the executive branch accountable.

*You can't "demand" democracy when the current government (contrary to your belief) was elected to office the same way as the previous 2 governments. (By the members of parliament by forming a coalition!)

*You can't "demand" democracy when your leadership threatens (and those threats bear fruit) violence.

Please look back at the 2007 elections and see who had the most votes (note --- in parliamentary democracy votes do not count and only seats in Parliament do!), I am guessing that you will be shocked to see that the Dems got the most votes.

Look back in recent Thai political history and see who the independent power-brokers in Isaan and the North are and look what happened with them. The next step will require a bit of deduction from you. Now tell us why the factions that Thaksin put together deserted PTP. It certainly wasn't for the rumored 40 million baht! They knew that Thaksin had lost and decided to distance themselves.

The poor in Thailand DO deserve a voice (and are getting better and more sustainable benefits under the Democrats than they ever did under TRT/PPP), but until they get rid of the Thaksin baggage they will remain just a discredited rabble.

Sadly, any way you spin it; grenades and/or bombs going off is going to help neither faction achieve their goals. .. :D

My Thai wife is going to rally in Bangkok next weekend.

She is NOT paid for it and she bought her polo-shirt and heart-shaped rattle from her own money.

For those who cannot read: SHE IS NOT PAID FOR IT.


My Thai wife is going to rally in Bangkok next weekend.

She is NOT paid for it and she bought her polo-shirt and heart-shaped rattle from her own money.

For those who cannot read: SHE IS NOT PAID FOR IT.


Stupid comment.

My wife happens not to be from Isaan, but that is not the point.

I can only fully agree that this is a stupid comment, totally uncalled for!

Everyone is entitled to their choice be that red, yellow or other. It deserves respect. Disagreements can be discussed and if there still is disagreement, agree to disagree and move on.

For me, I am quite new and have difficulty understanding the implications of politics here in Thailand. Therefore, I will refrain from making any comments, pro or contra.

(another dutch speaking belgian from Antwerp!)

:) for jalansanitwong...

You are welcome.


My wife is short (1.44 m), but brave.

She says Mr. A. is a coward who evaded military service and is now hiding behind the military.

I think this also applies to some former American presidents.

So ... your wife is short, and a apparently gullible and ill-informed? Does she have her "Thaksin, My Hero!" poster ready? Backing a group that is so against democracy is shameful, I am surprised you accept it!

When this becomes Yankvisa.com we can discuss former or current US presidents :)

Seems ironic you mention brains not being in idle at the end of your post. Yours is clearly not even in idle. The red shirts demand democracy. They want free and fair elections with the winner being accepted as the winner. The whole political unrest in Thailand has come about because of the Democrats refusal to accept the mandate of the people.

Do a Wikipedia search of the last 5 generals elections and see who were the winners were - it wasn't the Democrats.

It may not have been the democrats who won those elections, but your reason of thought needs a lot of sorting out. This "red rabble" who you are espousing, are a minority of 200 odd thousand, out of a population of over 65 mill, who want to bring back in a convicted dictator to run the country, who has a proven track record of corruption, as opposed to a government who is legally in place from an elected party, who made a parliamentary decision to have Khun Abhisit as their leader. The "red shirts" are a very small minority with huge financial backing, who are being dictated to and "brain washed" from overseas, by a power hungry maniac, who is now shown to have not the slightest regard for the welfare of the country of Thailand as a whole and who is just trying (and succeeding) to create as much dissension and kaos as he can, out of petty revenge for having failed to maintain his post as leader and being shown up for the power hungry charlatan that he is. Another post quite accurately pointed out how this megalomaniac used the taxes and government funds at his disposal, to hand out a few million baht to some "rural villagers" in a failed bid to gain a few more votes. There is no "mandate of the people" as you say,that the government is refusing to concede to. The government quite rightly, is refusing to bow down to a small well paid mob, who do not have the "best interests" of this country at heart. If their man is so good and so clean, let him come here in person and stand up in the "light of day" and tell us all, just what magic formula he has, for getting this country back on its feet without any corruption and with fair (read unpaid) open elections. With all the media focus, there would be no chance of foul play( by either side) and he would have nothing to fear. Instead, he sends some pathetic video extorting this rabble to keep up their futile efforts, in the vain hope that this government, who in my opinion, are doing a very good job in an impossible situation, will crash. If they do succeed, god help this country, as there is nobody better qualified that can ever hope to get the country back on its feet. Without this present mess, I am sure the economy would be a lot better and fight against corruption would be proceeding a lot quicker. No one can ever hope to clean it up in a short time. Impossible. Any claims that it could be would be outright lies. Khun Abhisit (who does not have a corrupt history) should be given another 2 to 3 years, to allow his plans to succeed. He could then be judged and voted upon his success or lack of it. Anytime less than that, does not allow him or anyone else a chance to change anything for the good of anyone. Neither he nor anyone else, is perfect, but we can only go with the best that there is to offer. I think most of his plans are well thought out, embracing the interests of the country as a whole at heart, not just the interests of a few rich minorities. He will have to "pander' some to them though, as without the support of those "super rich" companies and individuals that we are all too familiar with, he unfortunately cannot hope to succeed. He must draw the line though, at letting them have too much control and say in the overall running of an efficient and democratic government. My main criticism of him and this government, is that I think they have let this "red rabble" run too long. Time to stop it now, before more people get injured and the country gets further down the drain. thebom

My Thai wife is going to rally in Bangkok next weekend.

She is NOT paid for it and she bought her polo-shirt and heart-shaped rattle from her own money.

For those who cannot read: SHE IS NOT PAID FOR IT.

dick farang

so what are you saying about your thai wife....?

she is going to bkk rally next wkend.... ?

did you see the real red shirt and red heart ladies.... having their heads shaved-balled to the skull....?

DID YOU SEE THE NEWS TODAY AT 4:00 PM BKK TIME.... thousands of redshirts piling on pickups heading north....

they said they are going home to see their families and members.... there at least they can eat regularly....

AND redshirts coming from the north to replace the redshirt deserters.... according to roadside observers.... are only numbered in several hundreds at best....

IF YOUR WIFE IS NOT RECEIVING ANY RENUMERATION one way or the other.... i'd say.... you and your wife are very much short changed.... :)

if i were you.... i won't be too proud to boast about her devotion to a collective bodies of some 100,000 boasting to represent the 60,000,000 thai people....

perhaps, you already firgured it out that the ratio of redshirt and its supporters is.... dramatically disporportionate.... 1 to 600 meaning....

where there is 1 redshirt.... there... there are 600 non-red....

perhaps you can ask your lovely thai wife to also wear a yellow ribbon around her hair.... i for one would love to spot her in the front row.... to cheer her on....

well, come to think of it.... if she really wants to show her loyalty to the redshirts who champion for tuksin.... and have her head shaved....

then she won't be able to wear a yellow ribbon on her head....

at any rate.... if it is you and yours desire to represent a convicted male escapee named tuksin....

you folks surely have the same democratic rights to do whatever you please....

just make sure that whatever your wife does would not infringe upon your neighbors' democratic rights either.... K?

the 4:30 news stated that there are now about 190 groups of private citizen expressed themselves in written declaration that....

if the redshirts continue to disrupt their business places.... disrupting their customers' conveniences.... disrupting their children's schools and education....

they will.... get this.... they will take to the street to stop redshirts' aggression on their own, even without govt, police nor military assistance....

it seems like.... the very silent and patient larger part of citizentry in bangkok has finally spoken out loud.... not for the redshirts as most core leaders would hope to hear....

we hope there is still time for all concerned parties to negotiate for a graceful face-saving retreat.... but thai politics will never be the same from now onwards....

dick, you really should ask your wife to wait a week or two.... or to wait til after saturday, the 27.... to travel to bkk to join the redshirts' victory march.... if any....?

i'll also be in bkk.... on the sunday, the 28.... to observe the obvious....

Why is it that the government seems to know all about the intentions of the bombers but can't identify those responsible?

Why is it that security laws are being applied to achieve political objectives? Can we have some transparency here, please?

Good grief!!! You are so hot on screaming "CONSPIRACY!" that you are hinting at things that you cannot even name.

Why is it that the government seems to know all about the intentions of the bombers but can't identify those responsible?

Why is it that security laws are being applied to achieve political objectives? Can we have some transparency here, please?

Let's call for Jack Bauer :)

My Thai wife is going to rally in Bangkok next weekend.

She is NOT paid for it and she bought her polo-shirt and heart-shaped rattle from her own money.

For those who cannot read: SHE IS NOT PAID FOR IT.

OK. I've read through the whole lot of this to the end of about 3 pages.

One thing that you haven't said is ** why she is going **.

She obviously believes something about the red shirt protests. What is it?

Is it for the poor? Is it for Thaksin? Does she think Thaksin is good for the poor?

And ... what do you think? Do you think she should go? Do you think she is right?

Having some of these opinions of her and you would help us understand why she is going to the protests.

I reckon that if I was a Muslim Extremist in southern Thailand and the Malay peninsula and my goal was secession from Thailand and the Islamification if SE Asia I would have been stashing explosives around Bangkok for the last 6 months just waiting for a moment like this. To incite civil war amongst the Buddhist ruling elite and country folk would be an ideal way to push their agenda for separation and to bring the southern population over to their way of thinking. I'm not saying this is the case but it seems that a lot of munitions and arms have gone "missing" from southern barracks over the last few years and not a lot of people are really talking about the possibility of a "third force"....

Excellent point and one missed by many contributors to this forum.

The political battle engulfing Thailand is not just a battle between red and yellow. Its between red, yellow and camouflaged - the colours of the Islamic extremists.

Everyone leaps to the same conclusion if there's a bomb scare or outrage somewhere in the capital and assume its down to the red shirts. The Islamists have had their own agenda for decades and its very much in their interests to keep the political temperature at boiling point.

Its not as if they have no previous in the use of explosives.


the politics in the capital city is hot and sizzling enough....

let's keep the other religious group out of this please, i beg you all....

the ratio of redshirts as was posted elsewhere.... is only 1 to 600 or so.... meaning.... there is only one red shirt to some 600 plus others who are not redshirts....

in reference to the south.... there are many many peaceful islamic populations who are loyal to thailand.... and i salute them.... but as we all know....

it only takes a few bad apples to spoil the whole basket....

please be considerate.... thank you y'all.... :)


Hi George,

I received the following email:

Breaking News:New bombings in Chiang Mai and Bangkok; Govt rules out using emergency decreeFull story:

it included the url to this post.

I don't see anything about Chiang Mai in your post.

The reason I'm interested is because I've asked my travel agent to cancel my Chiang Mai airline reservations. She says China Airlines will charge me a $200 cancellation penalty. —ouch for this retired vet.


My Thai wife is going to rally in Bangkok next weekend.

She is NOT paid for it and she bought her polo-shirt and heart-shaped rattle from her own money.

For those who cannot read: SHE IS NOT PAID FOR IT.

Cool! so now we know that ONE person attending isn't paid directly!

My wife is short (1.44 m), but brave.

She says Mr. A. is a coward who evaded military service and is now hiding behind the military.

I think this also applies to some former American presidents.

My wife is shorter (1.41 m) and also brave.

She says Mr T is a corrupt AH who has lined his pockets at the expense of Thai people. But she came to BKK from Issan, got a job in a hosptial and put herself thru Uni , so I guess that makes her one of those middle class elite.

Not sure about the US president issue but happy to go along with this assertion.


The trouble with TV is the amount of infiltration by the Thai authorities, some of the post's are so obviously contrived; The report of red shirt's found disgarded in a stolen pickup with an RPG gun's, ammo & grenades. Really, how slack! Then the official stating how hard they are working to identify the terrorist's. Well go and have a look in the local army barrack's for some newly promoted officer's & NCO's!!

My Thai wife is going to rally in Bangkok next weekend.

She is NOT paid for it and she bought her polo-shirt and heart-shaped rattle from her own money.

For those who cannot read: SHE IS NOT PAID FOR IT.

Cool! so now we know that ONE person attending isn't paid directly!

the sooner there,s a militaty take over the better .

thailand , will be a lot more, peacefull and secure .

IMO most “country folk” are better Buddhists and better people than most “Buddhist ruling elite”.

Really? I haven't seen any indication of that sofar.

My Thai wife is going to rally in Bangkok next weekend.

She is NOT paid for it and she bought her polo-shirt and heart-shaped rattle from her own money.

For those who cannot read: SHE IS NOT PAID FOR IT.

Cool! so now we know that ONE person attending isn't paid directly!

the sooner there,s a militaty take over the better .

thailand , will be a lot more, peacefull and secure .

Do you mean peaceful like 1992?

IMO most "country folk" are better Buddhists and better people than most "Buddhist ruling elite".

Really? I haven't seen any indication of that sofar.

Most country folk go through the motions of being buddhist because everyone around them expect them to. (That goes for all religions.)

My Thai wife is going to rally in Bangkok next weekend.

She is NOT paid for it and she bought her polo-shirt and heart-shaped rattle from her own money.

For those who cannot read: SHE IS NOT PAID FOR IT.

dick farang

so what are you saying about your thai wife....?

she is going to bkk rally next wkend.... ?

did you see the real red shirt and red heart ladies.... having their heads shaved-balled to the skull....?

DID YOU SEE THE NEWS TODAY AT 4:00 PM BKK TIME.... thousands of redshirts piling on pickups heading north....

they said they are going home to see their families and members.... there at least they can eat regularly....

AND redshirts coming from the north to replace the redshirt deserters.... according to roadside observers.... are only numbered in several hundreds at best....

IF YOUR WIFE IS NOT RECEIVING ANY RENUMERATION one way or the other.... i'd say.... you and your wife are very much short changed.... :)

if i were you.... i won't be too proud to boast about her devotion to a collective bodies of some 100,000 boasting to represent the 60,000,000 thai people....

perhaps, you already firgured it out that the ratio of redshirt and its supporters is.... dramatically disporportionate.... 1 to 600 meaning....

where there is 1 redshirt.... there... there are 600 non-red....

perhaps you can ask your lovely thai wife to also wear a yellow ribbon around her hair.... i for one would love to spot her in the front row.... to cheer her on....

well, come to think of it.... if she really wants to show her loyalty to the redshirts who champion for tuksin.... and have her head shaved....

then she won't be able to wear a yellow ribbon on her head....

at any rate.... if it is you and yours desire to represent a convicted male escapee named tuksin....

you folks surely have the same democratic rights to do whatever you please....

just make sure that whatever your wife does would not infringe upon your neighbors' democratic rights either.... K?

the 4:30 news stated that there are now about 190 groups of private citizen expressed themselves in written declaration that....

if the redshirts continue to disrupt their business places.... disrupting their customers' conveniences.... disrupting their children's schools and education....

they will.... get this.... they will take to the street to stop redshirts' aggression on their own, even without govt, police nor military assistance....

it seems like.... the very silent and patient larger part of citizentry in bangkok has finally spoken out loud.... not for the redshirts as most core leaders would hope to hear....

we hope there is still time for all concerned parties to negotiate for a graceful face-saving retreat.... but thai politics will never be the same from now onwards....

dick, you really should ask your wife to wait a week or two.... or to wait til after saturday, the 27.... to travel to bkk to join the redshirts' victory march.... if any....?

i'll also be in bkk.... on the sunday, the 28.... to observe the obvious....

Well I think through his posts dick farang has given us enough information for all to know he is either controlled by his Thai wife or he doesn't have a clue as to the current and past situation concerning Khun T. and his lap dogs. E pluribus unim. Sad to say but now df has lost all credibility. :D



Why is it that the government seems to know all about the intentions of the bombers but can't identify those responsible?

Why is it that security laws are being applied to achieve political objectives? Can we have some transparency here, please?

So are you saying that the Thai Government is bombing government buildings? The government is not trying to overthrow itself. It is Thaksin and his Red Shirts that are trying to overthrow the goverment. Prime Minister Abhisit was very calm, cool and collected against the Reds. No other country in the world would have allowed protestors to throw blood on government property and at the feet of soldiers without reacting violently against an act that was clearly done to provoke violence. There needs to be security measures taken to protect the government's property and the people from Thaksin's Red Shirts that will not give up as long as Thaksin calls for the violent overthrown of the present government. The Reds lost. They made themselves and Thailand look like a Third World country throughout the world. Tourism was further harmed and many poor earn their wages working for hotels - thousands of rooms cancelled just in Bkk. Yeah, the Reds really helped Thailand's economy and standing in the world didn't they?!

What a load of trollope,as far as i can remember Thaskin was voted into power by the people, they should have been given a chance to throw him out at the next election,at no time was he trying to change the constitution to extend his power,like many south american and african dictators,they just charge him with being a crook,in the last year i seem to have read how many provinces have claime dfor funds for flood damage, when they didnt have any. then there,s the so called bomb detector,hospital equipment,buses, fire engines,need we go on, as far as i can see he wasnt stealing anything from the public purse, just fiddling some shady shares,and land...now havent i read somewhere about others and land? I have been in the military and been on many overseas excursions,but never been used for public unrest

this government can only rely on the army to help them out,and now ask them for their equipment want lists, and anyway what soldiers lay down their live sfor 200bht a day...oh yes i forgot they are getting an extra 300bht a day for protecting the government from the red shirts,what sort of army is this?Playing politic,s again,its proberbly that the government can not rely on their very corrupt police force,who have better things to do than protecting this government,like going out and fleecing the thai people to make up for their very poor wages.

I reckon that if I was a Muslim Extremist in southern Thailand and the Malay peninsula and my goal was secession from Thailand and the Islamification if SE Asia I would have been stashing explosives around Bangkok for the last 6 months just waiting for a moment like this. To incite civil war amongst the Buddhist ruling elite and country folk would be an ideal way to push their agenda for separation and to bring the southern population over to their way of thinking. I'm not saying this is the case but it seems that a lot of munitions and arms have gone "missing" from southern barracks over the last few years and not a lot of people are really talking about the possibility of a "third force"....

IMO most “country folk” are better Buddhists and better people than most “Buddhist ruling elite”.

IMO One of the most difficult things to do is to convince an alcoholic that he has a drinking problem and to admit it.

equally difficult

To convince a brainwashed person that he has been brainwashed and for them to admit it.......

Its very sad to see and hear of so many people getting paid to go and protest

Its very sad to hear some calling these paid protesters stupid

and then you tell us your wife is not even getting paid ! ! !

I would say you have bought the program hook, line and sinker.... but of course you cannot admit it...... right ???

Seems ironic you mention brains not being in idle at the end of your post. Yours is clearly not even in idle. The red shirts demand democracy. They want free and fair elections with the winner being accepted as the winner. The whole political unrest in Thailand has come about because of the Democrats refusal to accept the mandate of the people.

Do a Wikipedia search of the last 5 generals elections and see who were the winners were - it wasn't the Democrats.

I don't NEED to consult wikipedia to know what has happened in Thailand. I have lived here through it and followed it closely.

You can't "demand" democracy when your party has been dissolved for electoral fraud and have any shred of credibility.

You can't "demand" democracy when your leader states unequivocally that Democracy is not his goal.

You can't demand democracy when your leader demolishes the checks and balances that hold the executive branch accountable.

You can't "demand" democracy when the current government (contrary to your belief) was elected to office the same way as the previous 2 governments. (By the members of parliament by forming a coalition!)

You can't "demand" democracy when your leadership threatens (and those threats bear fruit) violence.

Please look back at the 2007 elections and see who had the most votes (note --- in parliamentary democracy votes do not count and only seats in Parliament do!), I am guessing that you will be shocked to see that the Dems got the most votes.

Please look back in recent Thai political history and see who the independant power-brokers in Isaan and the North are and look what happened with them. The next step will require a bit of deduction from you. Now tell us why the factions that Thaksin put together deserted PTP. It certainly wasn't for the rumored 40 million baht! They knew that Thaksin had lost and decided to distance themselves.

The poor in Thailand DO deserve a voice (and are getting better and more sustainable benefits under the Democrats than they ever did under TRT/PPP), but until they get rid of the Thaksin baggage they will remain just a discredited rabble.

If you want one person/one vote for the PM, then the Democratic party won the election.

If you want to know why Thaksin's PTP can't hold a coalition together,

it's because the people who matter in the North and North east, the power brokers,

do not believe Thaksin can get the job done any more.

What a load of trollope,as far as i can remember Thaskin was voted into power by the people, they should have been given a chance to throw him out at the next election,at no time was he trying to change the constitution to extend his power,like many south american and african dictators,they just charge him with being a crook,in the last year i seem to have read how many provinces have claime dfor funds for flood damage, when they didnt have any. then there,s the so called bomb detector,hospital equipment,buses, fire engines,need we go on, as far as i can see he wasnt stealing anything from the public purse, just fiddling some shady shares,and land...now havent i read somewhere about others and land? I have been in the military and been on many overseas excursions,but never been used for public unrest

this government can only rely on the army to help them out,and now ask them for their equipment want lists, and anyway what soldiers lay down their live sfor 200bht a day...oh yes i forgot they are getting an extra 300bht a day for protecting the government from the red shirts,what sort of army is this?Playing politic,s again,its proberbly that the government can not rely on their very corrupt police force,who have better things to do than protecting this government,like going out and fleecing the thai people to make up for their very poor wages.

Thaksin didn't give the people a chance to vote him out. He dissolved the government.

He couldn't get voted back in. Even with no opposition, he still couldn't form a government. Then he was trying to change the law so he could form a government.

I think I'll just stop there, because the rest of your post is just a complete load of tripe.


Apparently trebelone missed the results of the assets seizure case too if he thinks Thaksin wasn't caught stealing from the public.


My wife is Thai and we talked over dinner tonight and we definately disagree on the RED/YELLOW situation. She likes Thaksin because she thinks he is a good businessman and that while he was PM crop prices were high which are good for the farmers. Now that they are low, she and her family blame Abhisit. I tried to explain the cycle of the world economy, the influence America has on consumption and trade and the overall concept that if you just wait a bit, the Thai economy will turn just like it will turn in every other democratic country in the world. Using her logic, we should re-elect Clinton as President since she blames GW Bush for the UD economic problems. She did not get it and continues to think Thaksin willl solve all of Thai problems.

She said that some of the red leaders in her area have been paid huge sums of money to ralley supporters who are in turn paid to march, demonstrate and probably throw bombs. Some she said have been paid 15,000,000 Baht with lesser amounts going to lower ranking supporters. When I tossed out the notion that if that were successful then the leader of Thailand would be the guy with the most money not necessarily the guy that will best serve the country. And following that, this man would be in power again to criminally get his money back at the expense of the country, trade, exports, good roads, free education and th like. Sorry, because crops are high 'due to Thaksin, we need him back to make crops high again'.

She also said Thai Baht is strong now for some reason and Thaksin would make it stronger. My last attempt to show how the US Dollar has weakened and thereby caused all currencies to become stronger by comparison but she thinks this is due to something Thailand has done itself. I tried to explain how and why the USD has fallen, why 65 banks have failed so far, why so many houses on in foreclosure and the commercial market is just beginning to fail and these concepts are beyond her understanding.

This lack of a broader view of things shows how one guy can play off this ignorance, tell the farmers he will make the grass grow, the rains fall, the crop values go us and 'we'll all live a better life' so here is 500 baht so you can go to Bangkok and help get me back in power so I can help you!!

My Thai wife is going to rally in Bangkok next weekend.

She is NOT paid for it and she bought her polo-shirt and heart-shaped rattle from her own money.

For those who cannot read: SHE IS NOT PAID FOR IT.

Cool! so now we know that ONE person attending isn't paid directly!

Why is it that the government seems to know all about the intentions of the bombers but can't identify those responsible?

Why is it that security laws are being applied to achieve political objectives? Can we have some transparency here, please?

So are you saying that the Thai Government is bombing government buildings? The government is not trying to overthrow itself. It is Thaksin and his Red Shirts that are trying to overthrow the goverment. Prime Minister Abhisit was very calm, cool and collected against the Reds. No other country in the world would have allowed protestors to throw blood on government property and at the feet of soldiers without reacting violently against an act that was clearly done to provoke violence. There needs to be security measures taken to protect the government's property and the people from Thaksin's Red Shirts that will not give up as long as Thaksin calls for the violent overthrown of the present government. The Reds lost. They made themselves and Thailand look like a Third World country throughout the world. Tourism was further harmed and many poor earn their wages working for hotels - thousands of rooms cancelled just in Bkk. Yeah, the Reds really helped Thailand's economy and standing in the world didn't they?!

My sentiments too, you hit the nail on the head

My wife is Thai and we talked over dinner tonight and we definately disagree on the RED/YELLOW situation. She likes Thaksin because she thinks he is a good businessman and that while he was PM crop prices were high which are good for the farmers. Now that they are low, she and her family blame Abhisit. I tried to explain the cycle of the world economy, the influence America has on consumption and trade and the overall concept that if you just wait a bit, the Thai economy will turn just like it will turn in every other democratic country in the world. Using her logic, we should re-elect Clinton as President since she blames GW Bush for the UD economic problems. She did not get it and continues to think Thaksin willl solve all of Thai problems.

She said that some of the red leaders in her area have been paid huge sums of money to ralley supporters who are in turn paid to march, demonstrate and probably throw bombs. Some she said have been paid 15,000,000 Baht with lesser amounts going to lower ranking supporters. When I tossed out the notion that if that were successful then the leader of Thailand would be the guy with the most money not necessarily the guy that will best serve the country. And following that, this man would be in power again to criminally get his money back at the expense of the country, trade, exports, good roads, free education and th like. Sorry, because crops are high 'due to Thaksin, we need him back to make crops high again'.

She also said Thai Baht is strong now for some reason and Thaksin would make it stronger. My last attempt to show how the US Dollar has weakened and thereby caused all currencies to become stronger by comparison but she thinks this is due to something Thailand has done itself. I tried to explain how and why the USD has fallen, why 65 banks have failed so far, why so many houses on in foreclosure and the commercial market is just beginning to fail and these concepts are beyond her understanding.

This lack of a broader view of things shows how one guy can play off this ignorance, tell the farmers he will make the grass grow, the rains fall, the crop values go us and 'we'll all live a better life' so here is 500 baht so you can go to Bangkok and help get me back in power so I can help you!!

My Thai wife is going to rally in Bangkok next weekend.

She is NOT paid for it and she bought her polo-shirt and heart-shaped rattle from her own money.

For those who cannot read: SHE IS NOT PAID FOR IT.

Cool! so now we know that ONE person attending isn't paid directly!

Maybe she is dumber than the rest

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