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Watch Out For Kiwi Journos


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Legally it is as your first sentence say. What you and the girl do after that is up to you.

Come on mate.

I am trying to keep within forum rules here but it is blatantly obvious to everybody what goes on, trying to smooth over it with 'technicalities' doesn't change the nature of those businesses.

(I had to remove some of the quotes to make it post)

I'm not sure as to the point you're making, but if it's that prostitution is wrong don't ever go to New Zealand, as it's LEGAL there! Yup, perfectly OK to go to a BROTHEL and PAY someone to have sex with you. But, horrors, no one is going to NZ from other countries to make TV shows about how terrible it is that poor women are being exploited by wicked men from other countries going on sex tours of NZ, and how they are ending up mentally damaged by awful nasty men using their bodies for their own gratification. Nope, no journalists going there to make the big scoop. I wonder why?

While we're about it, can you tell me any country that DOESN'T have prositution? No, you can't, can you? So why is it that LOS is the only country which has the hacks lining up to make their sordidly edited "exposes".

Incidentally, I saw a British TV show called "girlfriends for sale" or such. In 2 episodes, the first about a sex resort in Venesuela ( prostitution is legal ), where out of 45 or so girls they only managed to get 3 to complain about being there, and in the second, set in LOS ( where else ), they were unable to really make much of a case against the bar scene, despite some obvious "coaching" of the girls, and a badly staged 'fight" scene ( never seen such myself ) between the girls. They came trying to make the point that poor uneducated girls were being exploited by western men, and failed. It only came off as being a bit sad, but not wicked.

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I guess most all of you masterbate......nothing to be embarrassed about.......not illegal.....so if somebody covertly filmed your self pleasuring, and made a documentary about masterbation......appears it wouldn't be a problem for most of you?

It is about privacy........you never know you could well be depicted in the resulting documentary as a load of.......... :)

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I'm not sure as to the point you're making, but if it's that prostitution is wrong don't ever go to New Zealand, as it's LEGAL there! Yup, perfectly OK to go to a BROTHEL and PAY someone to have sex with you. But, horrors, no one is going to NZ from other countries to make TV shows about how terrible it is that poor women are being exploited by wicked men from other countries going on sex tours of NZ, and how they are ending up mentally damaged by awful nasty men using their bodies for their own gratification. Nope, no journalists going there to make the big scoop. I wonder why?

Could it be that the legalisation of prostitution in NZ is accompanied with appropriate health care for these workers? Further, if such a thing is supported properly by a government, exploitation will hardly be a problem.

Then again, your post could've been 'tongue in cheek'. :)

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Personally I'm against this sort of "investigative" journalism. Many years ago, an acquaintance of mine, was persuaded by a TV crew, to let them film him attending a rock concert, in the town I lived in back in the UK. He was given a back stage pass, got to meet the band, went to the after the show party, and was absolutely full of himself afterwards, understandably so. When the show aired, he was featured only for a few minutes, but his girlfriend, unknown to him, was being used by the band, while the TV crew were filming him. This poor guy had told everyone he knew to watch the show, including his family, and he was made to look a complete fool. The TV crew obviously had set him up, and he committed suicide shortly afterwards. These "investigations" can have unpredictable results, particularly when the aim of the report is for the titillation of the viewing public.

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It will assist the girls in the long run as a wave of horny Kiwi's (guys n girls) arrive beyond its screening :)

I don't know whether to watch it or not as I don't know where it sits for our senior high school daughter who presents her main class English requirements for speechs and presentation on Thailand, and does it all over again in one of her 2nd tier subjects ESOL, and all over again individually with falangs in her part time weekend waitressing work in Thai costume in her favourite Thai resturant.

I think that she and lots of other Thai's here put forward enough of an exotic beautiful Thai presentation that Thailand stands up well in the eyes of those Kiwi's who know Thailand, and of course, that includes the sexy side of Thailand. It's not like Kiwi's don't already know what goes on in Thailand. :D as we are one of the most travelled populations around including travelling through Asia in our teens.

I don't see what this woman and her team is reporting anything not already known and done to death here in Kiwiland.

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Okay all you punters aka Sex fiends you have been warned by the OP. Leave the short/long times at home for a while.

Hope this doco does get made and you all get exposed for what you are

I are a happy man! I are a happy man because I live in Thailand.

The largest Thai punter internet site is run by a Kiwi it would be simple for this lady to get the real story. If she is reading this thread go see him. I am sure he would be happy to talk to you.

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I guess most all of you masterbate......nothing to be embarrassed about.......not illegal.....so if somebody covertly filmed your self pleasuring, and made a documentary about masterbation......appears it wouldn't be a problem for most of you?

It is about privacy........you never know you could well be depicted in the resulting documentary as a load of.......... :)

Absolutely false! Why would a man masturbate in Thailand. I have lived here five years and have forgotten how.

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I guess most all of you masterbate......nothing to be embarrassed about.......not illegal.....so if somebody covertly filmed your self pleasuring, and made a documentary about masterbation......appears it wouldn't be a problem for most of you?

It is about privacy........you never know you could well be depicted in the resulting documentary as a load of.......... :)

Absolutely false! Why would a man masturbate in Thailand. I have lived here five years and have forgotten how.

You don't forget how........any more little untruths in there!!!...... :D

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I guess most all of you masterbate......nothing to be embarrassed about.......not illegal.....so if somebody covertly filmed your self pleasuring, and made a documentary about masterbation......appears it wouldn't be a problem for most of you?

It is about privacy........you never know you could well be depicted in the resulting documentary as a load of.......... :D

Absolutely false! Why would a man masturbate in Thailand. I have lived here five years and have forgotten how.

You don't forget how........any more little untruths in there!!!...... :D


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It seems that many people are living in a bubble of self delusion. There have been multiple foreign undertakings over the past 3 years that have photographed and catalogued visitors to locales known to feature underage or exploited foreigners (aka trafficing of women). Participating and sponsoring nations have been Germany, Australia, Canada, USA and the Netherlands. Surprised?shocked? Don't be. It's been part of a campaign to deal with the problem for some time. Bear in mind that it is a criminal offense in some countries to go a foreign locale for the purposes of engaging in illegal sexual acts. You can and will be charged in your home country.

Those bar owners that employ adults and that run a respectable entertainment venue have nothing to fear. The bars with the underage girls, the trapped refugees from Burma and the joints where girls are obliged to publicly degrade themselves are the ones that should worry. The patrons of such place are nothing more than depraved pervs that exploit the weak. Whatever public humiliation they get is well deserved. Normal guys sitting in a bar talking to a BG have nothing to worry about. I'm sure the slimey bar operators know some local BiB and probably feel very confident insulting the woman reporter or boasting how they know so and so. Guys that huff and puff like that usually find their friends in high places never existed when they go up against someone that's got the juice. Harass the reporter and her crew and you'll end up in more trouble than you could ever imagine. You will be exposed, and as we all know cockroaches run from bright lights.

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'And for those here for a bit of fun, doing no real harm to anyone, who would simply rather not be in the glare of the international media spotlight, might this not best summarize their thoughts: Sarah, aren't there more important things for real journalists to be doing with their time?'

It's debatable whether or not the night life industry does no real harm or not. For all you know they might be exposing underage employment in this field, such an investigation to be supported surely?

She's obviously just a fat cow who could never have an honest relationship with a man (or woman if she's gay), and likes to meddle in other people's business. Although I seldom visit Pattaya anymore, I'd just love to mess with that group who have a pre-conceived idea of what goes on in Thailand, and then point out ONLYthe nasty stuff like it is the norm.

Quite amazing to see some of the reactions here regarding the journo. One of the benefits of having a free press is the ability to 'expose' certain practices which are either illegal or immoral, not only concentrating on the sex trade in Thailand. How many times have we sat in front of the tv watching 60 Minutes or something similar cheering on the reporter for unmasking some rorting politician or similar?!

As to what her appearance is like 'fat cow' etc.... It does show the mental state of some here who see western professional women by their appearance as opposed to their qualifications or expertise. Scared little men

On a further note, how would New Zealand authorities react if a group of foreign reporters went to each Maori village and started searching for ONLY the nasty stuff and then report it as being normal in New Zealand? And, you wouldn't have to stop there. A reporter could go to just about every country everywhere and report on only the bad stuff that goes on. Then, report it like it was everywhere.

Correct. Actually her time would be much better spent saving the money on the flights and doing some research at home on some Kiwi domestic issues.

Does anyone need to be informed yet again that men enjoy the odd beer and like having sex with pretty women :)

Carmine, you write as though only Thailand is used for journalistic purposes . . . why would that be? Also, what makes you think that she doesn't do similar, undercover, work in NZ?

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My sixth sense called out to me, somehow I knew my name was being taken in vain in this thread. :D

Don't see any direct flaming, and compared to some of the other stuff being posted, quite tame in fact :)

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Scared little men? Is that acceptable SBK? :)

btw interesting related news item http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12...kok-go-bar.html

Thanks for posting that link James. One only has to read that article to see the way things can be twisted to appear however the writer wants them to appear. "Forced to have sex" Yes I am aware of the practice in some bars to deduct some salary from girls that do not acheive their "quota" of Bar fines in the month, that doies not equate to being forced to have sex ! the girls in question when they meet their quotas often realize salaries in excess of 40,000 Baht/ month when you factor in lady drink earnings and tips. These girls have a choice, they can continue working in the industry and be exposed to the various seedy by-products (drugs,STD's,alcoholism), or they can work in a factory 14 hours/day for about 8,000 Baht/month.

Many people fail to realize that the girls that work in the bars frequented by Foreigners do so out of choice. This is not always the case in Bars/Karaoke's frequented by Thais, particularly those outside major population centers.

I am all for highlighting the plight of those Thai/Burmese/Lao/Cambodian women forced or sold into prostitution but our erstwhile reporter will be hard pressed to find any in the areas frequented by Foreigners and were she to try to obtain footage and interviews in the areas where she could find some of these women I fear for her safety.

As usual they will do their reports from the comfort of a five star hotel and portray the "volunteer" prostitutes as victims of western depravity who were forced into their respective bars by unscrupulous bar owners.

If the Thai's wanted to put an end to these activities they would do so, since most of the bars are owned by the heirachy of the Army/Police or politicians I can't see that happening in the near future.

I f they came near me with a camera in a bar whilst I was enjoying a cleansing ale I would be less than happy! Not because I was doing anything wrong or immoral but because they have the ability to make it appear that I was! An order for a drink could be made to appear like arranging a bar fine and once these things are in the can there is nothing you can do.

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Scared little men? Is that acceptable SBK? :D

btw interesting related news item http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12...kok-go-bar.html

Oh, that's another non-story about the Union boss who went to PLayskool :) . Was pissing myself with laughter when I read that one at the weekend.

Just goes to show you that it's not only happens in Portsmouth

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Someone should do an Ali G. on her, come up with the kind of stuff that will get her drooling, and keep carrying on with it past the point of ridiculousness. But nobody let on until after the show airs.

There is a fellow I know of from another internet forum who claims to never pay more than a few hundred baht for ST. She should interview him, have him explain why the women aren't worth more than he pays, etc.

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I guess most all of you masterbate......nothing to be embarrassed about.......not illegal.....so if somebody covertly filmed your self pleasuring, and made a documentary about masterbation......appears it wouldn't be a problem for most of you?

It is about privacy........you never know you could well be depicted in the resulting documentary as a load of.......... :)

Absolutely false! Why would a man masturbate in Thailand. I have lived here five years and have forgotten how.

You don't forget how........any more little untruths in there!!!...... :D

There are some people who go to a chocolate factory and don’t eat chocolate. There are others who go to the tap room at a local brewery but don’t drink the beer. There are even men who come to Thailand and get married. I don’t wish to make any disparaging remarks about anyone. Perhaps it is normal for a grown man to masturbate in Thailand. I don’t know.

When I was a young man I played professional hockey and worked on a horse ranch. Now I would be hard pressed to execute a decent slap shot or round up a few horses. I haven’t skated or ridden in years.

I have forgotten how to do a lot of things since I moved here.

I think it is a mistake to judge others by ones self. I don’t know which countries produce the best masturbators. It would be interesting to do a survey.

Perhaps the lady journalist could query men from NZ as to their memory of masturbation techniques. Maybe they have forgotten too. David Carradine would have been a lot better off if he forgot.

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Why would a man masturbate in Thailand. I have lived here five years and have forgotten how.

You're obviously not doing it right. I enjoy a good knee-trembler as much as the next man, but you can't beat the real thing. :)


Very well put, midas ;-)

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I don’t know which countries produce the best masturbators. It would be interesting to do a survey.

That would be the UK, no question. You'll have to draw your own conclusions as to why, although this ancient proverb may help provide a few pointers: those that deny the right to free speech also deny the right to free boom boom.

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It seems that many people are living in a bubble of self delusion. There have been multiple foreign undertakings over the past 3 years that have photographed and catalogued visitors to locales known to feature underage or exploited foreigners (aka trafficing of women). Participating and sponsoring nations have been Germany, Australia, Canada, USA and the Netherlands. Surprised?shocked? Don't be. It's been part of a campaign to deal with the problem for some time. Bear in mind that it is a criminal offense in some countries to go a foreign locale for the purposes of engaging in illegal sexual acts. You can and will be charged in your home country.

Those bar owners that employ adults and that run a respectable entertainment venue have nothing to fear. The bars with the underage girls, the trapped refugees from Burma and the joints where girls are obliged to publicly degrade themselves are the ones that should worry. The patrons of such place are nothing more than depraved pervs that exploit the weak. Whatever public humiliation they get is well deserved. Normal guys sitting in a bar talking to a BG have nothing to worry about. I'm sure the slimey bar operators know some local BiB and probably feel very confident insulting the woman reporter or boasting how they know so and so. Guys that huff and puff like that usually find their friends in high places never existed when they go up against someone that's got the juice. Harass the reporter and her crew and you'll end up in more trouble than you could ever imagine. You will be exposed, and as we all know cockroaches run from bright lights.

I agree with you. But, Journalists have a tradition of taking things out of context and making up a story to match their pre-agenda. Unless you've been in Thailand a while you will not understand the process. If a journalist REALLY wants to be of some value then investigate the Thai police involvement with the sex slave trade business. But, that would be risky. So, only a few REAL journalists actually do any good. And, hanging around the go-go bars of Pattaya is hardly journalism. It's more like a parasite feeding off the same, grimey scene.

And, anyone who happens to be there perfectly legally could have their career or personal life compromised when things are taken out of context. People who use hidden cameras are no different than peeping Toms. Or, in this case... Tomasinas. But, if the journalists are here in Thailand on the request of the government then that is an entirely different story. If they are actually doing an expose at the request of the monarchy then I agree they have every right to do so. But, I highly doubt this is the case. No higher ups in Thai government want THEIR names exposed. And the rulers of this country don't want the name of Thailand besmirched in some phoney "sex sells" expose.

I remember back when Gerald Ford was president and the media didn't think he protrayed the "strong, masculine image" that they THOUGHT a president should have. So, at every opportunity they took pictures of him, picking his nose, or stumbling, or any one of a number of un-appealing images. They gave the American people an image of a stumbling, bumbling man. They did the same to Bush in his later days in office. THAT is why I don't like these journalists.

Mark45 said pretty much what I would have said in the absence of my time out.

And, those of you who say men who frequent the go-go bars and bar beers in Thailand are sad old individuals then you are sadly mistaken. The guys and gals I see in the bars of Thailand all look like they are having a good time... and so do the women who accompany their boyfriends to the bars. That is more than I can say for 80% or married couples in North America.

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Scared little men? Is that acceptable SBK? :)

btw interesting related news item http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12...kok-go-bar.html

Is scared little men acceptable? Of course it is. I see 'fat bald men' littered with gay abandon and giddy delight, so 'scared little men' must be fine.

Quite why anyone gets upset about something that doesn't apply to themselves is perplexing. I love playing the 'why are they offended game' - it's always very revealing. Do the math.

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Scared little men? Is that acceptable SBK? :)

btw interesting related news item http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12...kok-go-bar.html

Is scared little men acceptable? Of course it is. I see 'fat bald men' littered with gay abandon and giddy delight, so 'scared little men' must be fine.

Quite why anyone gets upset about something that doesn't apply to themselves is perplexing. I love playing the 'why are they offended game' - it's always very revealing. Do the math.

Could be worse. If they closed the bars in boys town it might be "fat bald men littered with abandoned gays."

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Ohh dear, I just read through all that dribble and couldnt give a rats @hole. Hopefully this women does expose a few of you dirty old men.....that whole entire scene is so seedy, is it even possible to put a bad spin on it? :)

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