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Thai Karaoke Bars

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Just wondering if anyone has had any interesting experiences with the Thai Karaoke bars. There are plenty around and I am assured many do not object to the farang (especially if accompanied). Im fairly curious as with most things so, anyone got anything to say on the topic? Cheers

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I was diving once at Khao Lak and was relaxing with a few friends playing pool in one of the bars. Anyway the night started to get a bit boring so we asked a couple of the Thai divemasters what was in the local town. They said there was a couple of Karaoke bars and would love to take us. :D

So off we went... me, a diving instructor, and the two Thai divemasters.

First stop was a bar just of the main road. So in we walked, heads turned and jaws dropped. After the staff and customers got over the shock of seeing Farang in the bar the staff showed us to our seats and bought the beer over.

So I took in my surroundings. It was a very dimly lit room, male customers sat at tables, with girls sat with them dressed up like carnival queens. On the stage at the front a girl (dressed in the same terrible way) was singing a Karaoke song, sounded more like someone was strangling a cat.

After about 5 minutes a couple of carnival girls came and joined us. Conversation was limited, they didn't speak english, and they didn't understand my near perfect Thai.. :D

Not really my kind of place, but the beer was cheap and I was drunk, so I didn't care.

After about an hour we drunk up paid the bill and jumped on the motorbikes. The next bar we were told was in the town. So after going into town and riding down some back streets we arrived a the bar. First impression was how is this building still standing. It was a dump. Through the doors we could see a girl singing Karaoke and a few blokes sat around.

So we (the two farang) made a move to go in but noticed the two thai divemasters stayed sat on the motorbikes. So we asked them why they weren't coming, they replied that this was a very bad place, has mafia and were worried about being shot...!! :D I still to this day cannot believe they were going to let us go in.. :o

So back on the motorbikes and headed off down the back streets again. The third and final bar we came to looked a bit better. This one had a TV showing football and a decent looking karaoke system, which was currently being used by a girl in normal casual dress.

So we sat down, got some beers and watched the Karaoke performance. After a while a couple of girls came and sat with us. Again the conversation was riveting. :D

Anyway one of the divemasters seemed to be enjoying himself talking to one of the girls, so much so that he went up to a "hole in the wall", talked to a bloke there and was allowed to carry on chatting to his new friend out the back.. in private :D

This last bar was by far the best... at least everyone could get up and use the Karaoke, not just the girls...

Anyway thats my experience with "karaoke" bars.

totster :D

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So I took in my surroundings. It was a very dimly lit room, male customers sat at tables, with girls sat with them dressed up like carnival queens. On the stage at the front a girl (dressed in the same terrible way) was singing a Karaoke song, sounded more like someone was strangling a cat.

After about 5 minutes a couple of carnival girls came and joined us. Conversation was limited, they didn't speak english, and they didn't understand my near perfect Thai.. 

Wow, deja-vu all over again at such a joint in CM some years back. As long as I bought some orange drink periodically, I was in like Flynt (Larry) :o

So sleazy, but so endearing, to a point. :D

Another interesting memory, never a lifestyle for me :D

Edited by Ajarn
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Just wondering if anyone has had any interesting experiences with the Thai Karaoke bars. There are plenty around and I am assured many do not object to the farang (especially if accompanied). Im fairly curious as with most things so, anyone got anything to say on the topic? Cheers

Yes, many times. Karaoke used to seem kind of a peculiar thing, but I now am hopelessly addicted to it. Karaoke in Thailand is very different than that found in say the US or Japan. In Thailand it is a piece of cake to get an authentic experience. There are ranges of places from very upsale to very ratty and as odd as this is going to sound, I find the cheaper the place, the better the experience. The vibe and people around you make the experience.

All you need is to know one Thai, even just vaguely. Ask the Thai friend to assemble the group who will come. It is a group experience, so 3 absolute minimum, but more is better. Then simply follow them to where they prefer and let them do all the food ordering and drink ordering. If you can bite your tongue and do all of that, you will learn a great deal about Thai's this way; what they like to do, like to eat, how they interact, their music, and all the videos you will see they sing to. Karaoke is generally a late night activity and as Thai's end their work at restaurants, bars, and so forth they head to karaoke so places often stay open just about all night long.

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Just wondering if anyone has had any interesting experiences with the Thai Karaoke bars. There are plenty around and I am assured many do not object to the farang (especially if accompanied). Im fairly curious as with most things so, anyone got anything to say on the topic? Cheers

you wouldnt want to go these places without thai friends or some drunken thai males could pick a fight with you.

usually some grotty place with a the big machine in the corner. the music played has a rate payable to the owner of the machine ,so every tune played has a due .

plus the rental of the big machine. and you cant use your own music or video on the big machine .

then there is the ever present 'jailbait' mosying around looking for a punter.

but in the case of thais its not jailbait .

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In these places you gotta watch out for getting too friendly with the girls when many Thai guys are about.

Absolutely! If you've been here a while then you would understand how it works. The girls will think it's Christmas if a couple of foreigners walked in. You'll be the centre of attention and generally feel good about yourself, they're good at that these gilrs!

However, the local Thai men will be seriously pissed off! Chances are, if you're outside the usual touristy haunts then you could have a problem. Unless you're a competant Thai speaker, best not to go into one of these "local" bars without a Thai friend.

If you can "speako a bitto de lingo" however, you can have a good laugh. Find out who the "big man" in the bar is and invite him to join you for a drink and you'll be set for life. If you ever went back to the same bar, having done the decent thing and shown due respect, then all will be fine. Doesn't hurt to say "Sawadee Kup" to the owner either!

Got a couple of these bars I used to go to when I lived in Chumphon, which is not really a touristy/expat place. Once the girls knew I was married and not looking for their "services", I ended up a kind of regular and really had some good laughs.

Lovely Jubbly Rodders!

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I go all the time. I've never had an ugly moment with a Thai guy anywhere. And on this subject, they encourage me to spend the night with their ladies.

at most places it will cost money to have a girl just sit with you for an hour. I haven't always been successful at getting them to sing. Beer usually costs more.

I usually go alone. But one recent time I brought a new teacher to town and ladies were turning down his requests to sit with him (even for money) but not me. What an ego boost. But the women aren't as nice as they are in beer bars.

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Went to a couple of "underground" Karaoke clubs in May (in Pattaya). Strictly Thai kind of places.

Wouldn't let anyone park in front of the club (so as to not attract the wrong kind of attention). I was with a group of 6 girls (all worked a the same establishment, 2 mamsans, 3 dancers and a waitress).

The club didn't have any girls of it's own, not that that was a concern at the time for me. Ordered booze by the bottle, the girls started picking out songs and ordering some food.

The place would hold maybe 25 people withoutr being crowded. One other group of Thais (6 guys/girls) and then another group came in later, 3 girls, 2 Thai guys.

No problems, no hassles, except for the girls trying to get me to sing. Fortunately, they didn't have a great selection of western songs. No karoake machine, but a DJ who would play what ever was popular at the time in between singers.

If you didn't already know where the clubs were, you probably wouldn't find them on your own. Buried within buildings, with heavy-duty soundproofing and "bouncers" lurking inside the door (to warn of approaching police).

I wouldn't go to one of those on my own anyways. Get bored too quickly, too loud to enjoy a quiet after-hours drink, few, if any girls.

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Just wondering if anyone has had any interesting experiences with the Thai Karaoke bars. There are plenty around and I am assured many do not object to the farang (especially if accompanied). Im fairly curious as with most things so, anyone got anything to say on the topic? Cheers

Have done a fair bit of research on karaoke bars. I haven't been accompanied by Thais at any of them.There are two types - ones where you do the singing and ones where the girls do the singing.

The first type tend to be cheap 'n' cheerful, often just a bamboo shack on the outskirts of town. Girls will have a chat and make sure your beer glass is full. If you can sing there are usually English tunes on the machine and you will be a big star if you give them a couple of songs. As they make most money from the food order a couple of dishes to keep the owner happy. The posher, air conditioned karaoke bars found in towns and hotels are more expensive. These often have private rooms for you and your mates to sing in. Take one of these rooms if you want the girls to look after you. The staff in these places are (usually) not 'professionals'.

The singing girl or 'naclong' bars are more classy and more expensive. The girls do the singing. As a rule of thumb the worse the singer the less clothes she wears. If you like a girl send up some garlands up to the stage when she is singing and she'll keep you company all evening. However, take the time to suss out the joint. If a Thai is sending up garlands do not try to steal his woman by sending up garlands of your own. Try not to be too flash with the baht as this will also cause resentment from the locals. Do not be too forward, the girls are not whores like the go-go bar girls, but if you get along it might be possible to negotiate something for after the bar shuts. Always a good idea to check the bill (at least the number of beers consumed if you can't read Thai) as they have a habit of inflating the bill.

Never had any trouble from the Thais, only the usual drunks coming across for a chat. A couple of times I have been so drunk myself one of the girls has had to give me a lift back to the hotel on her 'bike. In many places the karaoke bars are the only places you can get a beer or food after 9 pm.

One final observation: all the bars seem to run by women or katoeys.

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Do not be too forward, the girls are not whores like the go-go bar girls,


OK, perhaps a slightly naive/careless comment, but Backpack is also being slightly cynical. Some, maybe most, of the girls will have a price, but it will be higher than the price you would pay at the massage parlour. However, if you think (and behave as if) every woman working in every karaoke bar is a whore then it wouldn't be a surprise if you attract trouble from the Thai males.

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Mrs Dragonman used to work in a karaoke in Bangkok before we met. Says there was good money to be had from old thai guys paying to have the company, just talk and flirt, of a young girl for the night. Most just paid for the company to get away from the missus, but a couple were looking for mia nois. Not the norm. for thais to have short time. if they want this they go to massage clubs. She didn't see one farang in the year she was working there. Thais expectations for their 500 baht seem a lot less than most farangs :o

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Well, any type really. Its not something I've looked into before so its all of interest. Custard took me to a somewhat upper class type karaoke 'establishment' and lets just say it was an 'interesting' experience! All girls working there were university students or thereabouts, apparantly earning some extra money on the side. They had a dancing hall and then individual karaoke rooms where everybody had a sing along and suspicious looking waiters would come along every so often and demand you buy beer and then lower the lights..!

Quite funny really, I shall have to remember the name of the place.

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Once tagged along with a group of Thais to a large place called "Mahathai Plaza" (I think) off Ramkhamhaeng rd. Guard of honour of wai-ing birds on entrance, seemed to be all private rooms. Rooms were all done up very nicely, plasma TVs and very diligent waiting staff. Didn't do much for me though and was saying to the wife when are we gonna leave? She said just wait a bit, think there's going to be some short of show. Soon in came two girls, door closed, waiting staff made themselves scarce, girls had a dance in front of the TV, stripped down to naked and then proceeded to bounce up and down on the knees of some of the male patrons, not including me sadly having been warned off by the wife.

Interesting experience. Didn't think that much to the girls though, maybe they would appeal more to Thais/Asians.


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I've had numerous experiences of these establishments all over the country- mostly good.

Once in Ranong overnight to do my visa. Didn't know the town at all so asked a motorcycle taxi to take me somewhere for a beer and some pretty girls. Ended up at a large, air con karaoke place. Ordered a beer, mamasan asked if I wanted a girl to talk to and brought over "her daughter". She was totally untouchable. After 3 large Singhas for me, two small cokes and some fried rice for her, I asked for the bill. 1,000 Baht - in Ranong!! I went ape and threatened to call the police until I remembered I was on 3 days overstay. Paid quickly and left.

In another just south of here with a friend who knew the score. Two very eligible ladies quickly led us away to a VIP room where within seconds they were naked and cavorting around. That was a good laugh until someone else pointed out a few days later that it police owned and likely to be the scene of the next big drug bust shootout. Never did go again.

Lastly in Sadao. Only popped in for a couple of beers and chose some music. When i declined the offer of a lady for short time, my music was deleted straight away and the looks were hostile to say the least. Again, paid and left asap.

On the whole, I don't mind them, but as has already been pointed out, you do have to be careful in some of them.

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What is it with these places? My wife loves going in the bars and singing some songs, and drinking a bottle of whiskey. I too have been forced into these places on several occasions and evn be made to sing a few songs :o I sound like a cat been strangled but i guess its ok because the Thais dont know what your singing so its not so bad. lol

The wifes favourite place is a little bar just up past jusco on suk 71 some dodgy little place which i am sure is frequented by the local mafia, lots of dodgy looks that my wife didnt seem to notice, they seemed to lossen up after i had made a fool of myself and some even started clapping.

Imho these places are best avoided

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I just don't get why anyone wants to go to a karaoke bar. I live in a Thai (non-tourist) area, and every once in a while someone would have a party :o Last night :D this terrible :D thing happenned again.....

Volume is all. Great big speakers. The singing is bad, really bad... worldclass bad. Last night I thought maybe I should actually make a recording and sell as a joke tape. The later it gets :D the badder it gets.

Why pay to endure this? :D

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Just wondering if anyone has had any interesting experiences with the Thai Karaoke bars. There are plenty around and I am assured many do not object to the farang (especially if accompanied). Im fairly curious as with most things so, anyone got anything to say on the topic? Cheers

Have done a fair bit of research on karaoke bars. I haven't been accompanied by Thais at any of them.There are two types - ones where you do the singing and ones where the girls do the singing.

The first type tend to be cheap 'n' cheerful, often just a bamboo shack on the outskirts of town. Girls will have a chat and make sure your beer glass is full. If you can sing there are usually English tunes on the machine and you will be a big star if you give them a couple of songs. As they make most money from the food order a couple of dishes to keep the owner happy. The posher, air conditioned karaoke bars found in towns and hotels are more expensive. These often have private rooms for you and your mates to sing in. Take one of these rooms if you want the girls to look after you. The staff in these places are (usually) not 'professionals'.

The singing girl or 'naclong' bars are more classy and more expensive. The girls do the singing. As a rule of thumb the worse the singer the less clothes she wears. If you like a girl send up some garlands up to the stage when she is singing and she'll keep you company all evening. However, take the time to suss out the joint. If a Thai is sending up garlands do not try to steal his woman by sending up garlands of your own.

One final observation: all the bars seem to run by women or katoeys.

Some good advice here but I would add that I never heard cafes refered to as 'nadong bars' and never seen a cafe that was run by a woman or katoey. If buying mali (galand) the girl. or guy, will usually just come to your table and wai and only sit down if invited. If alone they are more likely to sit down, they expect a drink and tips at the end of the night. I have learned a lot about thai music from singers in cafes, esp in khon khaen where for some reason it's easier to find a singer who speaks english. Quite a number of famous singers started out in cafes so there is always the hope that they will go on a get discovered if very good, and they do have to be very good. I have heard some remarkable singers in cafes who never won a competition though as looks come into it as well.

I never had any problems either in karaokes or cafes from thai guys, just the opposite. I have been asked to join parties, been offered booze and even had a thai on another table try to give me 50 baht for a taxi as it was raining! I agree that you should not go into these places and treat the girls like whores, that's probably when falangs do get themselves in trouble. A knowledge of the music goes a long way, being a loud mouth showing no respect to anyone dosn't. One good thing about karaokes in Bkk at least is that some still open until daylight. It's not necessary to go with a group, esp to a cafe and in these places the food is normally quite good. The only problem in a karaoke is that the music books are all in thai but you can tell the girls what you want to hear, 5-10 baht a song. Posh karaokes though I would say you have to go with a group, unless you want to be in the room alone with the singers-peter :o

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