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Thailand Child-Sex Ring Run By Monk Busted In Chiang Mai


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Sick.. very sick.. Let the kids be kids...let them grow up at least and chose for themselves what direction to follow.. the path of the "brown dirt cowboy" or tommy girl who thinks her wad is better to chew..

As far as the monks go.. most are phoney cowards living a lie.. It is too easy to be a monk... Anyone can be a monk and hide away in some far away place living a total lie...

There perverts are just sick kids grown up but cannot be all the way.. I hope the monk in question gets hard time... for a long time..

Changing the subject.. a young kid hit me in my truck tonight causing himself injuries.. and messing up my newly restored paint job. What did he do?? RAN!! of course..typically a Thai thing to do after hitting a car with your beat up old motor bike...After a long chase through the village I finally cornered him and push his bike to the ground. He was totally drunk!

What did the cops do?/ Think they would arrest him for driving drunk...?? They tried to make it seem as it was my fault that the drunk kid hit my truck and it was my fault he ran away.. The damage was only about 3000 baht.. in the states about $3000 ... what did the police do?? they offered me and demanded I take 1500 baht and drive away.. then let him go back to his drinking..

The off duty coppers look like they had a few too many as well..

The morel of this story: Is the word Falong.. a good word or a bad word in Thailand??

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Definitely some disturbing information in that report. However, I must say there is something very fishy about that Grade D lurid "news" item. Google the author Krispin St. Pierre and you will find nothing except that very article. Who ever heard of a news writer who uses a byline that turns up NOTHING on google? So perhaps a fake one time name. Why?

Note there is no mention of the age of the victims referred to in the article. Legally, in Thailand and many other countries, that does make a difference in the severity of the charges, so leaving details like that out of a "news" story is suspicious. There is a picture of a shockingly young child, but does that mean the victims were also that shockingly young, a picture of that kind suggests that without backing it up with facts. Also note the bizarre bombs in the story, baseball bats (perhaps for playing the game, who knows?), demonizing Viagra (after all it is a medication that can be used properly or abused), and talking about death penalty in a US (relevant to Chiang Mai how?).

There is probably a story behind the story of this Krispin person. Perhaps a religious NGO news feed (perhaps even an organization that has a pecuniary interest in sensationalizing this kind of information), if I had to guess. I could be wrong, but something really smells in that source. If I am wrong, apologies in advance.

Even so, bottom line, no decent newspaper would ever publish that news item, as is.

Edited by Jingthing
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This appears to be a sickening major problem worldwide. Convincing evidence points to top people in our society including major politicians, police, media controllers, judges and the people running child protection agencies running worldwide pedophile rings for sexual and satanic abuse. Do a google search on "Hollie Greig" or "Nancy Schaefer CPS" and you'll see for yourself. The alleged scale of the problem is terrifying.

It is terrifying and I believe most are not aware of how massive this sickening problem really is. We can all help to do something about it though, even from our computers. I regularly recieve emails from avaaz.org, a volunteer group dedicated to doing there part to right alot of wrongs. Just a few days ago I received an email about this specific disgusting topic. Check out the link and make a donation. Think about how many children could be saved from this torture by just busting one organized rape ring. https://secure.avaaz.org/en/fight_rape_trade/?vl

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Some thoughts

1. Whats with the photo? Whose kid is that?

2. Why always a foreigner in the light about this stuff when the locals have been doing this since time began.

3. Someone wants new laws to make more money off foreigners.

4. If your mother and father cannot take care of you and watch over you, or won't (like the case in Thailand where they sell their kids) the world can be a pretty rough place.

5. I'll bet a lot of Asian guys would love to come to the western world and do the same things to our kids.

6. I went to catholic school and many of the priests were pedo's and we all knew it and we did our best to stay away from the suckers.

7. May also be some Aid Agency trying to get more money for their bizzare services.

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Definitely some disturbing information in that report. However, I must say there is something very fishy about that Grade D lurid "news" item. Google the author Krispin St. Pierre and you will find nothing except that very article. Who ever heard of a news writer who uses a byline that turns up NOTHING on google? So perhaps a fake one time name. Why?

Note there is no mention of the age of the victims referred to in the article. Legally, in Thailand and many other countries, that does make a difference in the severity of the charges, so leaving details like that out of a "news" story is suspicious. There is a picture of a shockingly young child, but does that mean the victims were also that shockingly young, a picture of that kind suggests that without backing it up with facts. Also note the bizarre bombs in the story, baseball bats (perhaps for playing the game, who knows?), demonizing Viagra (after all it is a medication that can be used properly or abused), and talking about death penalty in a US (relevant to Chiang Mai how?).

There is probably a story behind the story of this Krispin person. Perhaps a religious NGO news feed (perhaps even an organization that has a pecuniary interest in sensationalizing this kind of information), if I had to guess. I could be wrong, but something really smells in that source. If I am wrong, apologies in advance.

Even so, bottom line, no decent newspaper would ever publish that news item, as is.

That may be but Tee Nee did. My personal source for all serious world changing news and hot Thai gilrs. LOL


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It's amazing that this found it's way into the media and wasn't censored or ohtherwise suppressed.

Something is changing in Thailand. To the good.

Not really. They run these stories from time to time. Notice that even though the ring was run by Thais, the story was careful to suggest that all the customers were foreigners. I don't thing anyone has done a credible study in Thailand yet, but several years ago when someone studied this problem in the Philippines they found that 98% of the child sex abusers were locals. I'm pretty sure if they released the full information, you would find that this ring in Chiang Mai had three or four foreign "customers" and fifty or sixty Thai "customers." The prostitution business is the same, although I grant you the foreign customers are probably a somewhat larger percentage. The foreigners don't know what a big show they're putting on, so everybody sees them. But drive down Ratchadapisek Road in Bangkok and notice the "spas" and "massage parlors" on both sides. There are dozens of them, and their customers are all Thais. Go to any small town in Thailand and you'll find prostitutes who've never seen a farang before (at least if you speak Thai fairly well, you can).

So this kind of story isn't new. It's a good thing this ring got busted. I would have been pleased if some of their foreign "customers" had been busted, too. I would have been more pleased if a whole bunch of Thais had been busted. Don't get me wrong, the Thai police DO arrest Thai sex abusers; you just hardly ever hear about because it doesn't make foreigners look bad.

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One more proof of how good 'organized religion' is. We have a massive crowd of people in Europe coming out now claiming to have been molested by vicars, priest & bishops. How about the monks, which have accumulated massive wealth finally do something to help the people rather than have them go to their 'golden toilets' - check this, no joke! Pay for the sake of your soul, an age old business grounded on the superstition and childlike trust in 'authorities'. Well, the masters always said that you can talk to god directly, so cut out the corrupt middle-man. Sure there are decent monks, but I've seen to much of them shopping at Phantip Plaza, hanging onto mobile phones and smoking in public. "Here my son, your sins are gone, now go to the donation box"


Conspiratorial much? Let your anger go...or at least keep it to yourself. What would Thailand be without Bhuddism?

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Of all the problems in Thailand that people keep complaining about, this is the worst. There should be a serious country-wide crackdown on paedophiles. A hardcore serious crackdown for many years in Thailand and neighboring countries is needed. All the foreign and citizen paedophiles need to be imprisoned for very long terms and foreign paedophiles need to be driven and kept out of the country. And when I say paedophiles, I don't mean an 18 year old guy dating his 16 year old girlfriend. Be logical. Also, all traffiking in all people for labour, sex, slavery, etc. needs to be eliminated, regardless of age. I don't understand how so many foreign paedophiles get away with their actions in Thailand. It would seem like many more would be turned in and arrested. Next time a Thai is rude to you or stares at you harshly, that person might have been molested/raped by a foreigner when they were young and, thus, hates foreigners now.Think about it. Why don't the Thais crackdown harshly and clear the paedo-filth from their country? This is their worst problem.

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Definitely some disturbing information in that report. However, I must say there is something very fishy about that Grade D lurid "news" item. Google the author Krispin St. Pierre and you will find nothing except that very article. Who ever heard of a news writer who uses a byline that turns up NOTHING on google? So perhaps a fake one time name. Why?

Note there is no mention of the age of the victims referred to in the article. Legally, in Thailand and many other countries, that does make a difference in the severity of the charges, so leaving details like that out of a "news" story is suspicious. There is a picture of a shockingly young child, but does that mean the victims were also that shockingly young, a picture of that kind suggests that without backing it up with facts. Also note the bizarre bombs in the story, baseball bats (perhaps for playing the game, who knows?), demonizing Viagra (after all it is a medication that can be used properly or abused), and talking about death penalty in a US (relevant to Chiang Mai how?).

There is probably a story behind the story of this Krispin person. Perhaps a religious NGO news feed (perhaps even an organization that has a pecuniary interest in sensationalizing this kind of information), if I had to guess. I could be wrong, but something really smells in that source. If I am wrong, apologies in advance.

Even so, bottom line, no decent newspaper would ever publish that news item, as is.

Another admirable post, JT. I like the cut of your jib sail.

However apropos (or not), the breaking news in Philadelphia reports the arrest of two adults and three teenagers for the gang raping of a girl (age 7) who was trying to protect her sister (age 14) who had been the primary target of the teenager boys' plot.

The report stated that the 7 year old girl offered to go to the 'meeting' on the notion that the evil ones wouldn't do any bad things to one so young.

My suspicion is that 'adults' enlisted the efforts of the teenage boys and when the 7 year old girl appeared, that was good enough for these nefarious perverts...truly hideous.

I wonder what percentage of these perverts experienced similar abuse in their formative years. Does overpopulation play a role?

I appreciate any responses offered.

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The article may well have gone into a bit too much detail regarding how paedophiles go about their business. Nevertheless, I have lived in Chiang Mai for a year now and the dark side of our present home and its surrounding areas is a frequent subject for discussion. I dare say that anyone who is already willing to act out their fantasies of raping small children will almost certainly be capable of finding out how to do so in the most risk-free way possible. I dearly wish they were more stupid though apparently they're not.

Like many of the previous posters, I am very impressed (gobsmacked, in fact!) that it was a Thai newspaper that reported this incident. Anyone who is truly interested in journalism must surely acknowledge what a feat it is for a (presumably) Thai editor to give the go ahead on an article which denounces (amongst others) a Thai Buddhist monk. I know of a number of devout Buddhists who would feel deeply ashamed if they were to read it... but they shouldn't!! Isn't that why Thai newspapers are afraid of offending their readers and therefore selling less papers?!A Buddhist press that denounces Buddhist paedophiles (if that's not a massive contradiction in terms) should be praised tremendously. I sincerely hope that a few nasty little orangle-cloaked paedos are losing sleep over this.

If you think the Pattaya Daily News is a Thai newspaper, it just demonstrates that you've only been here for a year, and suggests to me that you aren't all that observant (I'm in a lousy mood, haven't had my third cup of coffee yet).

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Thai monks and Catholic priests - what is wrong with these guys? "Suffer little children to come unto me" says the Gospels and I'm sure there is a Thai quote giving a similar entreatment to care for the innocence of children. So how come? - having been scared SH**less by the Jesuits priests in their black cassocks when I was a kid (I might add fueled by horror stories from other boys who told what happened if they caight you alone in the changing rooms after gym or PT as it was called in my day) - I'm starting to wonder if it has got something to do with - men in dresses. All due respect to the guys in our forum who like cross dressing.

Why is a story about monks and perverts a reason to bash the Catholic church? Too many posters use forums to express their biases and hatreds, rather than sticking to the story at hand. Untold thousands of good religious people (all religions) dedicate their lives to helping homeless orphans in poor countries. If the story is about a few sick monks and the pedophile falangs, then stick to the facts. I'm sure the vast majority of monks who read this story are sickened to hear of this activity, as do the vast majority of TV posters who are sickened by these perverts who make all of us male falangs look bad, or at the least, suspect, in the eyes of the Thai people.

This is a forum, Priests or Monks are in the headlines for horrendous crimes against children. So but out bro. No excuses.

I read Kevin B's comments and reread, still can't come up with how you concluded he was bashing the Catholic church. Seems to me, it was the wolves in sheeps clothing

he was condemning, and rightly so.

Truth is, if most people lived by the precepts and moral codes of either Buddhism and/or Catholicism none of this w*** would be happening.

However, while the faiths may be pure, can the institutions have their feet held to the fire? I don't know about Buddhist 'authorities', but it is well known catholic Bishops, Cardinals and Popes, while not the necassarily the perps, did enable by turning a blind eye and 'transferring' offenders, instead of defrocking. Therefore, they were aiders and abettors.

Maybe someone knows if the same syndrome exists in the wats?

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Now here is an interesting question, in reference to the infamous, well known, expression 'murdering monk'.

As we all know criminals can get out of jail by becoming monks, how does apply to all the 'so called' monks who get caught doing crimes, LOTS of rapes, if you don't know.

Do they have to reconvert? or just get out auto?

What do you mean, "As we all know..."? I've lived here for thirty years and I've never heard of this before. Where on earth did you hear such a thing? If a monk is accused of a crime he's first expelled from the monkhood and then tried in a civil court. If he's found guilty and sentenced to prison, after his release he may be eligible to reenter the monkhood, or he may not, depending on what he was convicted of. A conviction for rape or murder certainly would render a man ineligible (because of the civil law governing the monkhood, not because of the vinaya; although I think the vinaya also prohibits murderers from becoming monks). On the other hand, if the court acquitted him he could certainly reenter the monkhood. But prisoners aren't released so they can become monks.

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Sick.. very sick.. Let the kids be kids...let them grow up at least and chose for themselves what direction to follow.. the path of the "brown dirt cowboy" or tommy girl who thinks her wad is better to chew..

As far as the monks go.. most are phoney cowards living a lie.. It is too easy to be a monk... Anyone can be a monk and hide away in some far away place living a total lie...

There perverts are just sick kids grown up but cannot be all the way.. I hope the monk in question gets hard time... for a long time..

Changing the subject.. a young kid hit me in my truck tonight causing himself injuries.. and messing up my newly restored paint job. What did he do?? RAN!! of course..typically a Thai thing to do after hitting a car with your beat up old motor bike...After a long chase through the village I finally cornered him and push his bike to the ground. He was totally drunk!

What did the cops do?/ Think they would arrest him for driving drunk...?? They tried to make it seem as it was my fault that the drunk kid hit my truck and it was my fault he ran away.. The damage was only about 3000 baht.. in the states about $3000 ... what did the police do?? they offered me and demanded I take 1500 baht and drive away.. then let him go back to his drinking..

The off duty coppers look like they had a few too many as well..

The morel of this story: Is the word Falong.. a good word or a bad word in Thailand??

Your comment concerning monks is ignorant and offensive. It shows your utter lack of knowledge concerning the local SE Asian form of Buddhism and why people choose to be a life-long monk or short-term monk. You should study Buddhism before making ignorant comments.

Also, you need some English literature, etc. lessons if you believe the moral of the story is "the meaning of the word falang".

At least it is good you agree that the paedos should be delt with harshly.

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As Someone who was repeatedly sexually abused as a child may I say that it does not matter what people do to help the victims they will be like me having flashbacks and bitter memories all their lives. To me I feel even today that it would have been kinder if they had killed me rather than me suffer the daily reminders especially one like this story brings. - Yes in later life I had counselling and I also trained to help fellow survivors of child hood sexual abuse but those five years as a child when I cried out for help an no one would listen will be with me till I die -- If I said what I feel about those people who have been caught and the "customers" I would be perminantly banned from Thai Visa but I appeal to all the readers that if you know anyone who is abusing children do something about it .

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Again, good on the BIB to catch this pair. It may make foreign paedos think twice about coming to Thailand. However, the Thai men who commit 95% of the child sex crimes in Thailand will never be caught, not so long as influence and money preside over human rights.

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I've spoken with brothel owners in northernmost Thailand and they've told me the people who most often make offers and who pay the highest for underage girls (must be virgins, or close to it!) ....are Chinese men.

"The Thai government can help - give them residence & papers (or better, citizenship) and an education"

I couldn't agree more. Mum and dad earn a pittance because they don't really exist in the eyes of the government, dad probably boozes away what little they have and the kids can't get an education. A child without citizenship or an education is easy prey for these abhorrent predators.

Basic truth. Villages within Thailand where few have Thai ID are particularly vulnerable. Appropriate Thai authorities have been lazy and grossly irresponsible by not doing their jobs of assisting such people getting citizenship. Plus the Pu Yai Ban (village headmen) always take large bribes for bestowing face ID cards and should be heavily disciplined - fined and jailed.

Village folks should be encouraged to report (to police or gov't authorities) whenever low life types come to their villages soliciting illegally.

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The article may well have gone inquote]

If you think the Pattaya Daily News is a Thai newspaper, it just demonstrates that you've only been here for a year, and suggests to me that you aren't all that observant (I'm in a lousy mood, haven't had my third cup of coffee yet).[/qu0te}

I didn't think the Pattaya Daily News went to Chang Mai. Where was that mentioned. Perhaps you need a few more cups or a different drug of choice.

A nice touch by the Journo to mention Pattaya. Which is a bloody world away from hill side children and perverted monks in Chang Mai.

Edited by ronrat
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"The Thai government can help - give them residence & papers (or better, citizenship) and an education"

I couldn't agree more. Mum and dad earn a pittance because they don't really exist in the eyes of the government, dad probably boozes away what little they have and the kids can't get an education. A child without citizenship or an education is easy prey for these abhorrent predators.

What about people with kids who arrived in Thailand last Thursday from Burma or Southern China. What about the ones arriving next Monday. What about the truckload of Khmer beggar & flower selling kids that came in yesterday. Will Thailand give them all citizenship?

Because hilltribe people born in Thailand already qualify for residence status and citizenship.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Finding underage sex in Thailand is about as difficult as buying imported beer.

It is everywhere.

Police do not care.

You have to be very sheltered or dumb not to come across it.

I didn't. Did you, and if so where? And, did you report it to police/authorities?

EDIT: You did say 'underage'.. That's indeed not unlikely to at some point come across girls in bars or karaokes who are 16 or 17. The topic is about paedophiles though, who by definition are attracted to pre-puberty children.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Chiang Mai is currently suffering a surfeit of paedolphiles and others of a similar disposition, according to the city authorities.

Nice one. Wonder if there is any evidence whatsoever to show that the problem in Chiang Mai is worse than anywhere else in Thailand.

I also wonder what 'others of a similar disposition' even means. Similar to a paedophile, but different? Same same but different? Either somone abused kids and should rot in jail or they don't. I really wonder what this means. I always have a lot of trouble getting through a news article when it starts off with an unintelligible curve-ball. I'm happy I did finish it though in this case; essentially it's good news that people were caught.

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Certain terminologies are thrown around with complete disregard for their true meaning, and two such examples would be words like "friend" and "monk". Thanks to entities such as Facebook, Hi5 and other social sites, the term friends has been downgraded to mean nothing more than a name on a page, or a contact. The same can be said for the term monk. A monk is a monk because one has evolved into a monk. One does not just become a monk because it is the whim of his parents or society. Wearing an okra colored robe does not make one a monk in any sense of the true meaning. To be a monk is a state of being, not a performance. The headline should have read man pretending to be a monk, or man dressed as a monk etc would have been more appropriate. I put this in the a category far worse than the fake blind beggars, or the healthy people that crawl around the streets and beg for a living. I even put this as more offensive because of the use of trust, than those that run gangs of beggars and maim people. This is outrageous. I truly hope that the people involved with the legal process drop the obligatory pseudo-respect that one unconsciously gives these people, and yes they are only people, and treats them as they really are. :)

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As Someone who was repeatedly sexually abused as a child may I say that it does not matter what people do to help the victims they will be like me having flashbacks and bitter memories all their lives. To me I feel even today that it would have been kinder if they had killed me rather than me suffer the daily reminders especially one like this story brings. - Yes in later life I had counselling and I also trained to help fellow survivors of child hood sexual abuse but those five years as a child when I cried out for help an no one would listen will be with me till I die -- If I said what I feel about those people who have been caught and the "customers" I would be perminantly banned from Thai Visa but I appeal to all the readers that if you know anyone who is abusing children do something about it .

I have been raised in the 50's, a time where Catholic priests and monks were ruling 99% of the Education and Family.

I have been abused by "Catholic" priests and monks as well and never forget their face and the Catholic habit they was wearing as an excuse for their paedophile habits.

I remember a specific "Catholic" priest who used to visit our house and every time I had to sit on his lap, feeling his penis grow suddenly to a log while he was touching me all over.

In school, the same priest used to give "sexual" education and let some of us undress completely to show "the sexual organs" to the other children and how our penis could do unimaginable things by the power of God.

Nevertheless, I never went with this to anyone because I and the others knew very well that the priests would never be punished (their power was to big) and we would only make ourselves the ones who were to blame for this happening.

I left ALL religions for what they are (a playfield for criminals) and became an atheist.

Priests and monks of all religions all over the world will continue to abuse kid's and perform illegal acts or acts which are against their religion. But as long as religion will exists, this will never change.

Don't forget that most of the wars started troughout history started on a religious base.

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Finding underage sex in Thailand is about as difficult as buying imported beer.

It is everywhere.

Police do not care.

You have to be very sheltered or dumb not to come across it.

I didn't. Did you, and if so where? And, did you report it to police/authorities?

EDIT: You did say 'underage'.. That's indeed not unlikely to at some point come across girls in bars or karaokes who are 16 or 17. The topic is about paedophiles though, who by definition are attracted to pre-puberty children.

Winnie, are you "living" in Thailand?

The ritual of complete families selling their daughters virginity, mostly at the age of 12, is a well known ritual.

"he will lose her virginity anyhow to some bloke on a motorbike. Why not making money out of it?"

I have seen this happening a few times, even in Pattaya where the complete family was sitting in the back of truck.

In almost every local parks, there are some "100 Baht" hookers working day and night.

Some of them can be very young.

But if you have "special" requests, simply ask the "mama san" who are collecting their share from the hookers and she will provide you with everything you wish.

On a sidenote, in the oold local park where I live, this was happening whilst there were 3 (THREE) police stations in the same park.

The park has been refurbished a few years ago, but 1 poolice station is still there and the police is walking undercover in the park.

You can recognize them by collecting their share from the "mama san" and having access to the services of girls for free from time to time.

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I was in my wife's village in Sukhothai region, at a gathering of family members. My thai is rudimentary, but my wife later confirmed that one of the topics of conversation was that Chai (I actually forget his name) had come home drunk and raped his daughter again. There were a few "tut, tut" and "mai dees", but not one suggestion that the BIB would get involved. I gathered that he was from the same village, but not close family, and I have no idea of the girl's age, but I would expect that a teenager would be able to move in with a relative to avoid the situation.

While incestuous rape is being condoned, what hope have you got of defeating paedophiles?

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The "unnamed" convicted British citizen? Otherwise, in both Britain and Thailand, media are swift publishing pictures and names of criminals, even before they are convicted. Now this a...e is unnamed! Why is this sh...head protected? And what were their sentences? Maybe they are all out walking the streets of CM again?

Is this not the same guy who was arrested a couple of days ago and had the story on this forum.?

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I was in my wife's village in Sukhothai region, at a gathering of family members. My thai is rudimentary, but my wife later confirmed that one of the topics of conversation was that Chai (I actually forget his name) had come home drunk and raped his daughter again. There were a few "tut, tut" and "mai dees", but not one suggestion that the BIB would get involved. I gathered that he was from the same village, but not close family, and I have no idea of the girl's age, but I would expect that a teenager would be able to move in with a relative to avoid the situation.

While incestuous rape is being condoned, what hope have you got of defeating paedophiles?

Exactly... its too horrible to even contemplate but the Thais will do nothing - it really pisses me off

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I am worried that it is just a tiny drop in the bucket and was the result of offending someone in the organization. They have to arrest people occasionally to make the decent public feel better. Just because some one is arrested occasionally does not deny the fact that this kind of crime is a major on going business. I wish I was wrong.

I just hope that the token arrests are of guilty parties.

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