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Thai 'Red Shirts' Pledge More Protests After Court Ruling


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This is really embarrassing ... why don't they just dissolve this mob or at least arrest their heads?

The problem doesn't go away by "dissolving the mob" or arresting the leaders. In case you haven't noticed, this is going on for over a year now. Simply cleaning up when your bathroom is full of water doesn't solve the problem. The water will come back unless you find the source of the running water.

Thaksin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

As much as so many people on this forum are claiming, Thaksin isn't the main reason behind the protests. But I'm not here to educate people and you're free to have your own opinion.

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As much as so many people on this forum are claiming, Thaksin isn't the main reason behind the protests. But I'm not here to educate people and you're free to have your own opinion.

I can't figure out if you actually believe the nonsense you spew or if you just post it to see how many people will take the bait.

Lets talk "what if"

What if tomorrow Thaksin pulled on all his funding of the RED movement, all Baht flow stopped and he announced via a press conference that he was wrong and was returning to Thailand to serve his sentence and that was that.

Do you honestly seriously believe this RED shirt mob would continue as it has?? You simply can not be the delusional.

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This is really embarrassing ... why don't they just dissolve this mob or at least arrest their heads?

The problem doesn't go away by "dissolving the mob" or arresting the leaders. In case you haven't noticed, this is going on for over a year now. Simply cleaning up when your bathroom is full of water doesn't solve the problem. The water will come back unless you find the source of the running water.

Thaksin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

As much as so many people on this forum are claiming, Thaksin isn't the main reason behind the protests. But I'm not here to educate people and you're free to have your own opinion.


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As much as so many people on this forum are claiming, Thaksin isn't the main reason behind the protests. But I'm not here to educate people and you're free to have your own opinion.

I can't figure out if you actually believe the nonsense you spew or if you just post it to see how many people will take the bait.

Lets talk "what if"

What if tomorrow Thaksin pulled on all his funding of the RED movement, all Baht flow stopped and he announced via a press conference that he was wrong and was returning to Thailand to serve his sentence and that was that.

Do you honestly seriously believe this RED shirt mob would continue as it has?? You simply can not be the delusional.

Have you done the math? If every red shirt is being paid 2,000 or 4,000 Baht for 3 weeks, at the estimates by the government of 60,000 to 80,000 demonstrators, 100,000 at the peak? Do the math, then come back with the amount that Thaksin has allegedly spent in 3 weeks.

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As much as so many people on this forum are claiming, Thaksin isn't the main reason behind the protests. But I'm not here to educate people and you're free to have your own opinion.

I can't figure out if you actually believe the nonsense you spew or if you just post it to see how many people will take the bait.

Lets talk "what if"

What if tomorrow Thaksin pulled on all his funding of the RED movement, all Baht flow stopped and he announced via a press conference that he was wrong and was returning to Thailand to serve his sentence and that was that.

Do you honestly seriously believe this RED shirt mob would continue as it has?? You simply can not be the delusional.

Have you done the math? If every red shirt is being paid 2,000 or 4,000 Baht for 3 weeks, at the estimates by the government of 60,000 to 80,000 demonstrators, 100,000 at the peak? Do the math, then come back with the amount that Thaksin has allegedly spent in 3 weeks.

Smart. Answer to the question neatly avoided.

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Have you done the math? If every red shirt is being paid 2,000 or 4,000 Baht for 3 weeks, at the estimates by the government of 60,000 to 80,000 demonstrators, 100,000 at the peak? Do the math, then come back with the amount that Thaksin has allegedly spent in 3 weeks.

I don't need to do the math. I never said or claimed that EVERY protester was being paid. I know of some that WERE paid and it was 500 per day, they were only offered that on the weekends, I don't know if that is a standard deal or what. But like I said that is neither here nor there.

To top it off NO government has estimated that there have been 60 to 80k protesters there EVERY day since this thing began. It peaked for ONE day at 100k and we've heard as low as 16k from all the various sources. Again who cares...

My question still stands.. DO YOU (answer the question without avoiding by asking one in return) honestly believe that if Thaksin pulls EVERY source of financial backing he is personally responsible for that the RED movement will continue on as is? Do you honestly not think that all those using this as part time work will pack it in and go home, or just not show up on the weekends anymore etc?

Simple question, why is it so hard for you to answer?

Let me take a stab at it for you, if their Dear Leader stopped with the phone in nonsense and gave himself up to the courts and stopped the flow of money this thing would fall apart faster than a cheap suitcase....

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Nothing is avoided. You, like many others, are implying every single day that the red shirts are simply here because they're being paid. I've seen leading newspapers and dozens of people on this forum thereafter claiming that people are getting paid 2,000 or 4,000 per day to protest. So I'll do the math for you. Say only 2,000 Baht. Only 60,000 protesters (according to government sources) for 21 days (3 weeks). 2000x60000x21 makes 2,520,000,000. Over 2 Billion Baht that Thaksin has allegedly spent in 3 weeks, just for the protesters. Not including the transportation, stages, etc.

Some people can't see that the red shirts are their on their own free will. They are however paid for the gas to drive to Bangkok, I'll give you that. It's absolutely unacceptable that poor farmers that make less per month than we spend in a day should be paid for the gas to come to Bangkok to express their opinions.

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Nothing is avoided. You, like many others, are implying every single day that the red shirts are simply here because they're being paid. I've seen leading newspapers and dozens of people on this forum thereafter claiming that people are getting paid 2,000 or 4,000 per day to protest. So I'll do the math for you. Say only 2,000 Baht. Only 60,000 protesters (according to government sources) for 21 days (3 weeks). 2000x60000x21 makes 2,520,000,000. Over 2 Billion Baht that Thaksin has allegedly spent in 3 weeks, just for the protesters. Not including the transportation, stages, etc.

Some people can't see that the red shirts are their on their own free will. They are however paid for the gas to drive to Bangkok, I'll give you that. It's absolutely unacceptable that poor farmers that make less per month than we spend in a day should be paid for the gas to come to Bangkok to express their opinions.

You have got a question, but you avoid to answer.

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Nothing is avoided. You, like many others, are implying every single day that the red shirts are simply here because they're being paid. I've seen leading newspapers and dozens of people on this forum thereafter claiming that people are getting paid 2,000 or 4,000 per day to protest. So I'll do the math for you. Say only 2,000 Baht. Only 60,000 protesters (according to government sources) for 21 days (3 weeks). 2000x60000x21 makes 2,520,000,000. Over 2 Billion Baht that Thaksin has allegedly spent in 3 weeks, just for the protesters. Not including the transportation, stages, etc.

Some people can't see that the red shirts are their on their own free will. They are however paid for the gas to drive to Bangkok, I'll give you that. It's absolutely unacceptable that poor farmers that make less per month than we spend in a day should be paid for the gas to come to Bangkok to express their opinions.

yes it was avoided in the first reply and in this one too... I am NOT claiming that every protester is being paid I am NOT saying it is 2,000 or 4,000 per day... I am well aware that many of the protesters there are there because of various reasons other than money.. some are true believers, some and being duped, some having nothing better to do..

BUT again please answer the question at hand not just spouting your same old tired deflections

IF Thaksin pulled ALL funding he is personally responsible for, do you honestly believe the RED shirt movement would continue on as is without any change?

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Let me take a stab at it for you, if their Dear Leader stopped with the phone in nonsense and gave himself up to the courts and stopped the flow of money this thing would fall apart faster than a cheap suitcase....

He doesn't need to give himself up. Thaksin was convicted by an opposition-installed court, brought into power by a military coup. I'm not saying Thaksin wasn't corrupt and didn't take money here or there, you can go back on my posts, I've always said that. But he wasn't convicted in an "up-to-international-standards" fair trial. Why hasn't he, after all these years, been arrested by Interpol, if he's really that guilty? Why hasn't Thailand been able to obtain an international arrest warrant? He's been to Dubai, Sweden, UK, Switzerland, etc. And surely he's done stop-overs in dozens of other countries that have extradition agreements.

If I was Thaksin, I wouldn't come back either. It's a witch-hunt, where the witch is hunting another witch.

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IF Thaksin pulled ALL funding he is personally responsible for, do you honestly believe the RED shirt movement would continue on as is without any change?

To answer your question: No, I don't think it would continue without any change. But I do think it would continue regardless. There are much bigger issues that the poor are concerned about than Thaksin's prison term.

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Nothing is avoided. You, like many others, are implying every single day that the red shirts are simply here because they're being paid. I've seen leading newspapers and dozens of people on this forum thereafter claiming that people are getting paid 2,000 or 4,000 per day to protest. So I'll do the math for you. Say only 2,000 Baht. Only 60,000 protesters (according to government sources) for 21 days (3 weeks). 2000x60000x21 makes 2,520,000,000. Over 2 Billion Baht that Thaksin has allegedly spent in 3 weeks, just for the protesters. Not including the transportation, stages, etc.

Some people can't see that the red shirts are their on their own free will. They are however paid for the gas to drive to Bangkok, I'll give you that. It's absolutely unacceptable that poor farmers that make less per month than we spend in a day should be paid for the gas to come to Bangkok to express their opinions.

yes it was avoided in the first reply and in this one too... I am NOT claiming that every protester is being paid I am NOT saying it is 2,000 or 4,000 per day... I am well aware that many of the protesters there are there because of various reasons other than money.. some are true believers, some and being duped, some having nothing better to do..

BUT again please answer the question at hand not just spouting your same old tired deflections

IF Thaksin pulled ALL funding he is personally responsible for, do you honestly believe the RED shirt movement would continue on as is without any change?

Try broadening your thinking......are there other money people who may wish for a change of government?......if so then yes the movement would continue...... why the assumption that only one man supporting the red movement has financial clout?

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He doesn't need to give himself up. Thaksin was convicted by an opposition-installed court, brought into power by a military coup. I'm not saying Thaksin wasn't corrupt and didn't take money here or there, you can go back on my posts, I've always said that. But he wasn't convicted in an "up-to-international-standards" fair trial. Why hasn't he, after all these years, been arrested by Interpol, if he's really that guilty? Why hasn't Thailand been able to obtain an international arrest warrant? He's been to Dubai, Sweden, UK, Switzerland, etc. And surely he's done stop-overs in dozens of other countries that have extradition agreements.

If I was Thaksin, I wouldn't come back either. It's a witch-hunt, where the witch is hunting another witch.

Avoided again. It really can't be that hard a question.

IF Thaksin personally pulled the plug on any and all financial backing he is doing of the RED movement do you honestly believe it would continue on without missing a beat?

Please keep the red herrings out of the discussion.

He doesn't have to give himself up.

He can just shut up, no more nonsense filled phone in calls...simply shut up go away and NO MORE money... not a single baht for anyone in the movement, from the highest to the lowest

Do you believe it would continue??

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Some people can't see that the red shirts are their on their own free will.

Most of them are actualy.

And as far as money is concerned, the yellow shirts were paid more than the red shirts, and it does not really mean they did it for the money.

They believed in what they were doing and so do the red shirts.

Edited by eurasianthai
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IF Thaksin pulled ALL funding he is personally responsible for, do you honestly believe the RED shirt movement would continue on as is without any change?

To answer your question: No, I don't think it would continue without any change. But I do think it would continue regardless. There are much bigger issues that the poor are concerned about than Thaksin's prison term.

The leadership would crumble. Without Thaksin's money all the Red leaders would be up for the highest bidder (and they would probably have bidders- Newin did). The people who have been led down here would have no one to tell them what to do, where to go, what to think. It's possible some level-headed person who really believed in democracy and equality would emerge, but where is that person now?

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Try broadening your thinking......are there other money people who may wish for a change of government?......if so then yes the movement would continue...... why the assumption that only one man supporting the red movement has financial clout?

I don't need to broaden my thinking you need to read along more closely. I never said ONLY one man was supporting it. Did you read where I said that? I asked a simply question if that ONE man pulled all his financial backing would it continue as is? Rainman now admits he even agrees it would not continue on as is...

This is now and has been from the start of things a Thaksin circus, he is pulling the strings and financing a large part of things if he is not than the RED leaders are lying to the supporters as they are telling people that are signing up that their "Dear Leader" is helping them by paying them to fight for the rights of all Thai's but that of course he means the minority that still give a rats ass what happens to him...

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Avoided again. It really can't be that hard a question.

I already answered it, but you didn't bother reading it, so why are you so obsessed with it?

Your post did not show up until after my previous reply to you. So I am just seeing it now. Thank you for answering four posts later.

It wasn't that hard was it to admit that in fact Thaksin is very very deeply involved in this mess. I never claimed it was ONLY about him because there are serious issues in this country in regards to the poor but Mr. T is NOT the man to fix them he had his chance and made it worse not better, ok well he did increase his personal wealth but I think the idea as to make it better for the people of Thailand not just for him and his family...

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Try broadening your thinking......are there other money people who may wish for a change of government?......if so then yes the movement would continue...... why the assumption that only one man supporting the red movement has financial clout?

I don't need to broaden my thinking you need to read along more closely. I never said ONLY one man was supporting it. Did you read where I said that? I asked a simply question if that ONE man pulled all his financial backing would it continue as is? Rainman now admits he even agrees it would not continue on as is...

This is now and has been from the start of things a Thaksin circus, he is pulling the strings and financing a large part of things if he is not than the RED leaders are lying to the supporters as they are telling people that are signing up that their "Dear Leader" is helping them by paying them to fight for the rights of all Thai's but that of course he means the minority that still give a rats ass what happens to him...

If you agree one man is not supporting the reds financially, your question which you persisted with so passionately is actually redundant!!

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If you agree one man is not supporting the reds financially, your question which you persisted with so passionately is actually redundant!!

I said NOT only one man is supporting them, he is the biggest supporter by far I would guess and I see that rainman agrees with me as he also agrees it would not carry on as is without his money..I guess not so redundant after all.. but thanks for playing

In case you missed it and need it explained for you, the point was NOT the answer to the question but rather to have Rainman actually answer it without all his spin and deflection issues.. you know if it's NOT about money why would Thaksin pulling his money have any effect at all?? I don't suppose you want to take a shot at that one?? Ya thought not...

Bedtime for me kiddies.. have a good one...

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If you agree one man is not supporting the reds financially, your question which you persisted with so passionately is actually redundant!!

I said NOT only one man is supporting them, he is the biggest supporter by far I would guess and I see that rainman agrees with me as he also agrees it would not carry on as is without his money..I guess not so redundant after all.. but thanks for playing

In case you missed it and need it explained for you, the point was NOT the answer to the question but rather to have Rainman actually answer it without all his spin and deflection issues.. you know if it's NOT about money why would Thaksin pulling his money have any effect at all?? I don't suppose you want to take a shot at that one?? Ya thought not...

Bedtime for me kiddies.. have a good one...

Too easy...... the movement will carry on with or without the funding of any one individual........in fact the movement may well prosper......broadly thinking of course!!!......... :)

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If you agree one man is not supporting the reds financially, your question which you persisted with so passionately is actually redundant!!

I said NOT only one man is supporting them, he is the biggest supporter by far I would guess and I see that rainman agrees with me as he also agrees it would not carry on as is without his money..I guess not so redundant after all.. but thanks for playing

In case you missed it and need it explained for you, the point was NOT the answer to the question but rather to have Rainman actually answer it without all his spin and deflection issues.. you know if it's NOT about money why would Thaksin pulling his money have any effect at all?? I don't suppose you want to take a shot at that one?? Ya thought not...

Bedtime for me kiddies.. have a good one...

Too easy...... the movement will carry on with or without the funding of any one individual........in fact the movement may well prosper......broadly thinking of course!!!......... :)

You may be and I hope you are right. Fact is the discussion of Thailands political future has moved beyond Thaksin but todays political realities have not.

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I am not sure if its possible, but an effective way to disperse the protesters without violence would be with ear splitting noise, it wouldn't be much fun for the local residents but it would get rid of everyone within a few hours.

Too easy...... the movement will carry on with or without the funding of any one individual........in fact the movement may well prosper......broadly thinking of course!!!.........

No money, no protest.

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I wish all the ignorant contributors here who claim that all the reds are just paid to be demontrate would stop making things up.

I know that in my village they are having to harvest their crops early to finance trips to Bangkok to lend their support.

You can call them ignorant or stupid but they do have genuine feelings that they are getting a rough deal from the powers that be.

Just the fact they have maintained the demos for 3 weeks show there is genuine commitment.

Please stop criticising them for their lack of sophistication. Sure many have limited education but that is the result of years of Bangkok elite governance and not their fault.

Just remember that at their height the yellows could get 20,000 on the street for just a few days these reds have maintained far higher numbers for 3 weeks and not closed down any airports! They may be uneducated but they are not stupid and I find it disgusting that so many so called educated farangs in this forum think they know better an dismiss their complaints out of hand.

Ok I'll talk about the experience in my girlfriends village. They live about 25km from the middle of Chiang Rai. good Thaksin country. They are not lucky enoudh to have water to be able to grow another crop. They have one rice crop a year which feeds them and their family. They don't have any to sell. The rest of the year they get by on bits and pieces. Example the dad sets traps for wild birds which he can sell at the market for 50bt. He's also a bit of an odd job mechanic. As of last week people in this village were being offered 700 Baht a day to go to Bangkok. A lot of people in the village did this because at the moment they have no crops and are just meeting ends meet.

When Thaksin was in power they and a few other people got loaned cows or bulls. As soon as they got them they started breeding them because later, they were told, Thaksin wanted them back. When the coup happened they thought ok the cow is ours now. But they did not feel sorry for Thaksin. More like here is the end of another guy with his own interests at heart. But at least we have a cow.

When I went there three weeks ago the majority of people were anti red shirt, but the red shirts were most vocal and made it seem like they were the majority. The rest of the village were being pragmatic and looking how they could benefit themselves while not knowing the whole picture.

So Somo, my girlfriend's family would love to be in a position where they caould harvest crops now but for a lot of North Thailand this is not an option now. So there are a lot of people down there now because at the moment they are being pragmatic. This is a good way to make money and they are being lied to by the red shirt leaders. These are the people I worry about if things get nasty.

Edited by Throatwobbler
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I am not sure if its possible, but an effective way to disperse the protesters without violence would be with ear splitting noise, it wouldn't be much fun for the local residents but it would get rid of everyone within a few hours.
Too easy...... the movement will carry on with or without the funding of any one individual........in fact the movement may well prosper......broadly thinking of course!!!.........

No money, no protest.

Then the smart move would be to let the protest run......totally deplete the UDD funds.......then call an election when they cannot purchase votes!!!!

And most of the Anti reds are saying finish it off and send them home now.......wow such vision eh!!!

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Forget the courts. The thread is not about the courts, but about continuing protests. The Reds are rejoicing as they see Abhisit as being weak. Even some in his own party see him as weak. It is time for Abhisit to put up or shut up. If he puts up, then the question is whether he has the support to shut the Reds down.

The important thing is NOT the thread but what is happening.....you cannot forget the courts unless what you promote is lawlessness. Do you?

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