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State Of Emergency Decree Imposed In Bangkok

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This is an appeal to all the 'farang' active on this forum. I don't care if you prefer yellow or red, but stop your bickering on behalf of one of the parties. Try to think about how each of you could contribute to a peaceful solution of the current crisis instead of shouting your expert advices to... yes to who? To each other? Try to look at what is happening with objectivity and being concerned about the well being of Thailand and it's people. When you do that, you can only be concerned about the imminent future. There is a government confronted by civil unrest. This government declares the state of emergency for parts of the country and orders the arrest of red shirt leaders. To enforce this it has - like any government in any country - to rely on police and eventually armed forces. If they do not act it may be a sign that police and armed forces are as divided as the rest of Thai society. In that case the threat of civil war is a real one. Nobody will gain from that, everybody will suffer. Demonizing the opponent serves nothing. So lets hope and pray that the THAI who are in a position to do so stand up and act wise with the sole objective to do good for this country.

Look at what Buddha would like to tell Thai people, "The Root of corruption makes today's Thailand". Can any Thai challenge this basic fundamental of Buddism? I don't have religion but I respect good thinking and Gods.

DO NOT BLAME THAKSIN. BLAME THAI PEOPLE BECAUSE YOU ALL LIKE TO SUPPORT CORRUPTION. Any Thai here reply if you do not bribe the police when you break the traffic law? Small bribe is bribe. All add up, million of US dollar. The root of Thai political problems lay down to Thai people. Thai politicians corrupt because of Thai culture and value. Look at Singapore, Hong Kong, Canada and many more as good example of less corruption because of our culture and value. I am wondering, which Thai PM did not corrupt? Any Thai can answer me this question? From Canada writer

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Water canons should be sufficient.


Whatever works. Water will also help dampen their Molotov cocktails. If its real wet, they red shirt insurgents won't be able to start a fire, surely a good thing all around.

Nice pics. When taking them I hope you also explained to them how you despised daily paid workers as you did on here before. I assume you being such an upright citizen albeit hater of the poor that these are your pictures and not some you knicked form somewhere else and posted here ilegally without any permission as I am sure someone with such an understanding of the poor as demonstrated in here prviously would happily mix with them and even have the courage of conviction to state they should lose their daily pay as copmpared to university students on job trainign they didnt deserve to get it

Wow, talk about twisting. Feel free to go back in my posts. I never said that I despised daily paid workers. I however said that I don't support unpaid trainees and that I always pay my trainees a salary, never use them for free. I said that I despise employers who use trainees as a free work force.

You said they were lucky to be paid and then had the audacity to compare the poor to university students with all their privileges who worked unpaid for 6-12 months of their inaugeration to privileged elite life.

before Obama was elected President :D With the socialist agenda that Obama is trying to stuff down the throats of hard working Americans, it is quite possible that many of those Thais (and many Americans as well) may be liquidating their assets and moving overseas in the not too distant future, at least until some sense of sanity has returned to the U.S. governemnt :D

I love these lunatic "Obama is a socialist" types. Funny how Founding Father Benjamin Franklin was a socialist before there was socialism. Public libraries and hospitals were his ideas. Can't get more socialist than that. And what is a socialist hater doing backing the Red shirts? :D Or is socialism ok for Thailand but not the USA?

Wise up netfan, Obama is a socialist with marxist leanings :D The only reason he got elected is brecause he campaigned as a moderate that was for open and tansparent bipartisan government, of course once he got in the openness and transparency never seemed to materialize as everything has been done behind closed doors, and the bipartisanship well that was also just another lie from Obama, the country is more polarized than ever and the politics more partisan than ever :) It's OK though many of the lemmings that voted for obama now realize the mistake they made, just look at obamas approval rating from the 60's after the election down to just 43% currrently :D BTW I for open and free elctions in Thailand, I am a fan of Democracy therfore I do support new elctions in Thailand, if that makes me a red shirt supporter then so be it. I am a big fan of free and fair elctions everywhere, thankfully we have a chance here in the states to throw the scoundrles out every 2 years, and that is just what will occur in Novemeber, so you had better get ready for that netfan because after November 2nd obama will be the lamest duck of any President in american history :D

Thaksin Shinawatra has no interest in anything other than recouping his stolen money

I agree with you the current goverment stole his money and he wants it back, cant argue with the guy

hahahah funniest post i have seen all day"

I think it would be more accurate to say the the present Government recouped some of the money that Thaksin stole. He stole it from the citizens of Thailand, many of them now wearing a red shirt.

I am beginning to wonder if there might be something in the Buddhist belief in reincarnation. Could Abhisit have been Neville Chamberlain in a previous life?

before Obama was elected President :D With the socialist agenda that Obama is trying to stuff down the throats of hard working Americans, it is quite possible that many of those Thais (and many Americans as well) may be liquidating their assets and moving overseas in the not too distant future, at least until some sense of sanity has returned to the U.S. governemnt :D

I love these lunatic "Obama is a socialist" types. Funny how Founding Father Benjamin Franklin was a socialist before there was socialism. Public libraries and hospitals were his ideas. Can't get more socialist than that. And what is a socialist hater doing backing the Red shirts? :D Or is socialism ok for Thailand but not the USA?

Wise up netfan, Obama is a socialist with marxist leanings :D The only reason he got elected is brecause he campaigned as a moderate that was for open and tansparent bipartisan government, of course once he got in the openness and transparency never seemed to materialize as everything has been done behind closed doors, and the bipartisanship well that was also just another lie from Obama, the country is more polarized than ever and the politics more partisan than ever :) It's OK though many of the lemmings that voted for obama now realize the mistake they made, just look at obamas approval rating from the 60's after the election down to just 43% currrently :D BTW I for open and free elctions in Thailand, I am a fan of Democracy therfore I do support new elctions in Thailand, if that makes me a red shirt supporter then so be it. I am a big fan of free and fair elctions everywhere, thankfully we have a chance here in the states to throw the scoundrles out every 2 years, and that is just what will occur in Novemeber, so you had better get ready for that netfan because after November 2nd obama will be the lamest duck of any President in american history :D

Jesus man if you think Obama is a marxist you dont know nothing about politics beyond what facist fox news and the tea bags feed you. Obama in world terms is a complete moderate. There is nbothing socialist or marxist in US politcs. It is all well right to center


What DATE were those pics taken? They are clearly pure propaganda. The violent red shirt insurgents who today attacked Thailand's parliament have clearly worn out their welcome in Bangkok!

^VegasVic - Lamer than Carter? :)

I know it's hard to imagine any Predident lamer than Mr. Peanut Brit, but yes, after the Novemeber elections obama will be even lamer than Carter :D

Jesus man if you think Obama is a marxist you dont know nothing about politics beyond what facist fox news and the tea bags feed you. Obama in world terms is a complete moderate. There is nbothing socialist or marxist in US politcs. It is all well right to center

Yep, there is a lot of political ignorance from right wing Americans. Probably explains why most of them in Thailand support the red shirt insurgents.

before Obama was elected President :) With the socialist agenda that Obama is trying to stuff down the throats of hard working Americans, it is quite possible that many of those Thais (and many Americans as well) may be liquidating their assets and moving overseas in the not too distant future, at least until some sense of sanity has returned to the U.S. governemnt :D


Vic is missing the point (this aint the USA --- this being the country I live in). Vic is also wrong about his vote count but hey .... if he repeats the lies often enough someone might believe it!!)

moresomekl --- ah why bother ... Just to repeat the facts the PPP formed a coalition government.

YES they did . And without the help of tanks , yellow morons at the airport , or a judge that has no business banning parties .

Amazing Thailand :D

What DATE were those pics taken? They are clearly pure propaganda. The violent red shirt insurgents who today attacked Thailand's parliament have clearly worn out their welcome in Bangkok!

Obviously they were taken around 1992 or 1993.

It's not "propaganda", it's what's happening out there. Stand up from your chair, turn off the real propaganda television run by the government, which doesn't show you what the pictures show, and take a look outside.

What DATE were those pics taken? They are clearly pure propaganda. The violent red shirt insurgents who today attacked Thailand's parliament have clearly worn out their welcome in Bangkok!

Obviously they were taken around 1992 or 1993.

It's not "propaganda", it's what's happening out there. Stand up from your chair, turn off the real propaganda television run by the government, which doesn't show you what the pictures show, and take a look outside.

I don't believe you. Many reports they are hated in Bangkok now. You can spout your misinformation all you want though, after all the red insurgents have declared war, such a peaceful group of great citizens there.

Nice pics. When taking them I hope you also explained to them how you despised daily paid workers as you did on here before. I assume you being such an upright citizen albeit hater of the poor that these are your pictures and not some you knicked form somewhere else and posted here ilegally without any permission as I am sure someone with such an understanding of the poor as demonstrated in here prviously would happily mix with them and even have the courage of conviction to state they should lose their daily pay as copmpared to university students on job trainign they didnt deserve to get it

Wow, talk about twisting. Feel free to go back in my posts. I never said that I despised daily paid workers. I however said that I don't support unpaid trainees and that I always pay my trainees a salary, never use them for free. I said that I despise employers who use trainees as a free work force.

Wow, that's totally hammered Hammereds argument :)

THe last election in Thailand by the thai people was in December 2007 .

The PPP (proThaksin) won the absolute majority at that election if i remember well .

What election are you refering too ?

You are wrong. The PPP did not win an absolute majority. here are those 2007 results.

Constituency Vote

People's Power Party: 36.63%

Democrat Party: 30.30%

Proportional Vote

People's Power Party: 39.60%

Democrat Party: 39.63%

PPP 226 seats

Democrats 166


PPP 233 seats

Dems 165 seats

Check your numbers

These numbers are correct.

PPP had a plurality and were able to form a coalition government.

Pheua Thai still have a slight plurality and could have formed a new government after the dissolution of PPP at the end of 2008.

Their problems were:

1) The Friends of Newin group did not join the PT and instead formed a new party (Phumjaithai) which backed a Democrat-led coalition.

2) Former PPP partners Chart Thai / Chart Thai Phattana also decided to join the Democrat-led coalition.

Thus, the Democrats had the numbers to form coalition government with the the above 2 parties plus the Pheua Phaendin and Ruam Jai Thai Chart Phattana parties.

The current government is just as much a "government of the people" as the PPP-led coalition.

The PT lost some of it's members and couldn't form a coalition post-PPP dissolution.


A few images from outside Lumpini Park on Tuesday - just to add some balance in regards to the "innocent, peaceful Red Shirts"




Kittens, bunny rabbits, and baby ducks ......NOT!


What DATE were those pics taken? They are clearly pure propaganda. The violent red shirt insurgents who today attacked Thailand's parliament have clearly worn out their welcome in Bangkok!



All those 1st group were posted to the host MARCH 20th 2010.

so 18+ days ago...

Very truthful THEN... today is another story.

The tiny Matichon ones are from April, no day listed.

Post 786 little kid


And the drum beat of propaganda goes on.


Ok so what are people going to do. Please read what I say first.

People say that education is the key. But all I see here is the same entrenched views and name calling. Example government is illegal, no it's not, yes it is. The yellow did it first so we can, no you can't yes we can etc. It's like reading the script of a very bad panto at skegness.

What should happen now.

I will now give my viewpoint and why I think this. I am open to proper debat and discussion, but if we resort to name calling then I give up.

My viewpoint is that I believe Abhist at the moment is the best hope for the country. My beliefs are socialist but I can't stand a false prophet.The reds have tied themselves too much to Thaksin. They have a really valid point that is being totally destroyed by the the Thaksin connection. I know a lot of Thais sociably and at work and a lot were pro red but have turned off by the constant crap that is happening in their country. they are now not red or yellow but sick of the sh1t.

So what do we do?

Does anybody here truely believe we could have a free and fair election.

By that I mean an election where politicians from all sides could travel freely and safely anywhere in the country and canvas for votes, Where people can listen to who they want to listen to with out intimidation from colured groups, both red and yellow. Elections where the party with the deepest pocket doesn't win but where electorates can choose ther vote under no intimidation or monetary reward.

The Thais I know are sick of the whole situation, and that includes people from North and North East Thailand.

No doubt I will be slated for this post but I want to hear your suggestions.

Abd if all the reds can say is elections, tell me why they are free and fair. And pro Demoracts if you can't see the red anger then you are blind.

So what do people think.

Nice pics. When taking them I hope you also explained to them how you despised daily paid workers as you did on here before. I assume you being such an upright citizen albeit hater of the poor that these are your pictures and not some you knicked form somewhere else and posted here ilegally without any permission as I am sure someone with such an understanding of the poor as demonstrated in here prviously would happily mix with them and even have the courage of conviction to state they should lose their daily pay as copmpared to university students on job trainign they didnt deserve to get it

Wow, talk about twisting. Feel free to go back in my posts. I never said that I despised daily paid workers. I however said that I don't support unpaid trainees and that I always pay my trainees a salary, never use them for free. I said that I despise employers who use trainees as a free work force.

Wow, that's totally hammered Hammereds argument :D

It's not too difficult to hammer any of hammereds arguments, after all he is not the brightest bulb in the room thats for sure :)

What DATE were those pics taken? They are clearly pure propaganda. The violent red shirt insurgents who today attacked Thailand's parliament have clearly worn out their welcome in Bangkok!

Obviously they were taken around 1992 or 1993.

It's not "propaganda", it's what's happening out there. Stand up from your chair, turn off the real propaganda television run by the government, which doesn't show you what the pictures show, and take a look outside.

I don't believe you. Many reports they are hated in Bangkok now. You can spout your misinformation all you want though, after all the red insurgents have declared war, such a peaceful group of great citizens there.

Funny Jing - the reports I am getting seem to be that the reds have more support than you think. :) Or should I call you Bangkok Jing, head of the Propaganda Ministry?

What DATE were those pics taken? They are clearly pure propaganda. The violent red shirt insurgents who today attacked Thailand's parliament have clearly worn out their welcome in Bangkok!



All those were posted to the host April 20th 2010.

so 19 days ago...

Very truthful THEN... today is another story.

Not True,

Today is April the 8th, so these must be in 12 days time. :)

Strange but true...

What DATE were those pics taken? They are clearly pure propaganda. The violent red shirt insurgents who today attacked Thailand's parliament have clearly worn out their welcome in Bangkok!

Obviously they were taken around 1992 or 1993.

It's not "propaganda", it's what's happening out there. Stand up from your chair, turn off the real propaganda television run by the government, which doesn't show you what the pictures show, and take a look outside.

I don't believe you. Many reports they are hated in Bangkok now. You can spout your misinformation all you want though, after all the red insurgents have declared war, such a peaceful group of great citizens there.

Funny Jing - the reports I am getting seem to be that the reds have more support than you think. :) Or should I call you Bangkok Jing, head of the Propaganda Ministry?

Nice touch there Brit :D

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