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State Of Emergency Decree Imposed In Bangkok

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However, this endeavor has not been successful. The rally has led to a violation of the law and the Constitution and has caused great inconvenience for the people, the economy, and foreign confidence in Thailand.

Nothing like the country's prime minister painting a picture to the newsrooms and lowering foreign confidence even further ...


Gee! I guess taking over both airports and the government house were all legal? Constitutional?

(Jingthing well it seems that Jingthing seems to think this was all legal ---- but as i said in my last post - sure he goes to be in his yellow jamas

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It's about time! Totally justified for all the world to see.

A message to the good people of Thailand.

I can tell you with confidence the vast majority of foreigners support your honorable PM Abhisit in his valiant effort to fight anarchic red shirt's illegal attempt at revolution and the rule of a violent mob. Good luck to and best hopes for a PEACEFUL resolution.

I second this 100%

It is well overdue. Now I am still waiting to see if a curfew will be announced.

Yes it will hurt tourism but only for a short time.


Indeed, where is the curfew? Hopefully coming soon.

Please someone do something, or is this ridiculous situation going to continue. If the army/police aren't going to do anything, the only outcome is resignation from Abhisit.

Mixed feelings. Just sent my wife to Nonthaburi but she's driving my new truck.

and WHY the mixed feelings? are u more scared for your truck or your wifie? :)

...hope they both return back unharmed and without any scratches

My wife can hold her own against any mob, so I'm not worried about that. If she encounters one there will likely be a thread here about it. :D Anyway, sorry for the OT in what is a VERY SERIOUS thread.

I agree.. Arrest the bastards. Put them away for the rest of their lives.

And the yellow shirt leaders who SEIZED AN INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT too. Oh wait, they're all free and one of the main guys is now Foreign Minister. Its all okay as long as you wear the right color.

It's about time! Totally justified for all the world to see.

A message to the good people of Thailand.

I can tell you with confidence the vast majority of foreigners support your honorable PM Abhisit in his valiant effort to fight anarchic red shirt's illegal attempt at revolution and the rule of a violent mob. Good luck to and best hopes for a PEACEFUL resolution.

so now u have taken up speaking for the vast majority of farang - well sunshine count me out of your vast majority - would u like to qoute what percentage u claim is the vast majority --- sounds like another yellow shirt supporter - illegal - what part is illegial - the illegal government in place or the reds who just claim equal justice and recognition -

Count me out too.


well i'm glad the red shirts have declared war against the government. This should give this government every good reason to get out there and kick some asses and end this crap! :D These fools are doing all this for a coward that has no interests in their plight, if they even really have one, just shows how stupid the herd mentality can be. Arrest the leaders of this charade and charge them with treason. Have every shop owner that has been affected sue them for damages. Make them rue the day they decided to let their egos control their actions, and know that the almighty Thaksin Shinawatra has no interest in anything other than recouping his stolen money and getting into power to steal more. This is not a peaceful demonstration, to demand the house be dissolved when it is not in the best interest of the people just shows how uniformed they are. Notify every county out there to take a look at their constitutions and see if it is legal to use their country as a base for terrorism. Now's the time to finish the job. :)

However, this endeavor has not been successful. The rally has led to a violation of the law and the Constitution and has caused great inconvenience for the people, the economy, and foreign confidence in Thailand.

Nothing like the county's prime minister painting a picture to the newsrooms and lowering foreign confidence even further ...


I think if nothing else, if Anupong doesn't act, a lot of people who had no idea at all will start to realise that in reality the PM is not actually running the army.

That in itself will be quite an eye opener for a lot of people and will cause quite a bit of head scratching.

Well the truth is the PM does not actually run the army - it's completely independent. One of the major problem's that Thailand has IMHO.

aint that the truth...

It's about time! Totally justified for all the world to see.

A message to the good people of Thailand.

I can tell you with confidence the vast majority of foreigners support your honorable PM Abhisit in his valiant effort to fight anarchic red shirt's illegal attempt at revolution and the rule of a violent mob. Good luck to and best hopes for a PEACEFUL resolution.

Since when were you the voice of the "vast majority of foreigners"?

I have tried to show restrain while some members here have voiced their opinions her on TV, But they are so blind... While I personally may not agree with some tactics used by the 'Reds', they however have a valid cause... Thailand is current run by an elietest unelected government. The current government is trying to stamp out the voice of 'democracy'(if that really exists within any polical system worldwide anyway). The current UNELECTED government while pretending to fighting corruption are doing nothing more than stalling on an election so they can best position themsleves for their own selfish interests... So please stop thinking you represent the voice of the 'Vast Majority' You are just sounding like the unelected puppet of the military.

The poor and uneducated of Thailand should be allowed a voice and should be allowed to have their say in who runs their country. Isn't that what democary is supposed to be? The PM and the current unelected puppet government wants to silence anyone not dancing to their tune... this protest has grown beyond being about Thaksin and has some serious issues that the people of Thailand need addressed.

[Now I know I have made a few spelling errors for which I apologise before the TV Keyboard warriors jump on that... I wish ALL here in Thailand a happy songkran and hope that a soloution will be found and that peace and a sense of justice prevails...

It's about time! Totally justified for all the world to see.

A message to the good people of Thailand.

I can tell you with confidence the vast majority of foreigners support your honorable PM Abhisit in his valiant effort to fight anarchic red shirt's illegal attempt at revolution and the rule of a violent mob. Good luck to and best hopes for a PEACEFUL resolution.

Jingthing, I fully agree with you. PM Abhisit simply cannot allow illegal actions such as the invasion of Parliament without using force. Nobody wants it, but law and order have to be re-imposed (and if that means replacing Anupong, so be it). (Mind you, I think the Yellow-shirts should have been treated equally harshly... but that wasn't Abhisit's decision.)

I agree.. Arrest the bastards. Put them away for the rest of their lives.

And the yellow shirt leaders who SEIZED AN INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT too. Oh wait, they're all free and one of the main guys is now Foreign Minister. Its all okay as long as you wear the right color.

are you referring to those that are awaiting their trials, but have a right to work and support themselves and their families? more could be said :)

It's about time! Totally justified for all the world to see.

A message to the good people of Thailand.

I can tell you with confidence the vast majority of foreigners support your honorable PM Abhisit in his valiant effort to fight anarchic red shirt's illegal attempt at revolution and the rule of a violent mob. Good luck to and best hopes for a PEACEFUL resolution.

What do you consider "the vast Majority of foreigners" ? I guess you think people sould not have a say in how their country is run. Why don't you go back to ................ what ever country you are from.

Based on MANY polls over many months here, the hub of foreigner in Thailand communication, there have been CONSISTENT results of about 2/3 being opposed to the red shirt revolutionaries, and 1/3 being in favor of the insurgents. Insurgent is the correct word. They have declared WAR.

and so say most of u = oh really -u and your vast majority -- the reality is that most thai want peace = now even the army is refusing to use force -- thai against thai -- the only solution to this situation is to have an election asap = pity (Jingthing is such a diehard yellow supporter

......what part is illegial - the illegal government in place or the reds who just claim equal justice and recognition -

Our government is perfactly legal under the Thai constitution (as would be the case in many western countries)!!




What is State of Emergency?

SOE law gives authorities expensive power to tackle public gatherings, news dissemination, use of public places and transport.

The empowered authorities can arrest, detain, interrogate suspects, "search or demolish" places or structures if necessary.

Also expansive powers given to authorities to censor/prohibit publications and communications.

As for curfew, not yet. That will depends on the empowered authorities (suthep committee)

Another important point of SOE, soldiers, who have played secondary role under ISA, will have a bigger role, leading even.


Let me ask this. Who has the guns? So I guess it will be a onesided war. The only people that will die will be these poor people in RED. Do any of you remember 1992????

Then they are suicidal FOOLS for declaring war, aren't they? Nobody made them occupy Bangkok and hold the country hostage for the sake of Thaksin. They made the choice, even if most are just mercenaries who don't really understand the first thing about politics. Also do not assume there is any desire to use lethal force. However, the reds have declared WAR which means the reds will be using lethal force, so in that case, the military will have no choice, now will they? The reds could stop this right now by offering their criminal leaders for arrest and simply catch a bus out of town! Nobody is making them stay and fight this war.

However, this endeavor has not been successful. The rally has led to a violation of the law and the Constitution and has caused great inconvenience for the people, the economy, and foreign confidence in Thailand.

Nothing like the county's prime minister painting a picture to the newsrooms and lowering foreign confidence even further ...


I think if nothing else, if Anupong doesn't act, a lot of people who had no idea at all will start to realise that in reality the PM is not actually running the army.

That in itself will be quite an eye opener for a lot of people and will cause quite a bit of head scratching.

Frankly i dont think the army will intervene or it may turn bloody . Why should they tarnish their image ?

Had Abhisit formed a coalition governement with PT , maybe different .

May be the police might do something ??? .

But of course i could be totally wrong

It's about time! Totally justified for all the world to see.

A message to the good people of Thailand.

I can tell you with confidence the vast majority of foreigners support your honorable PM Abhisit in his valiant effort to fight anarchic red shirt's illegal attempt at revolution and the rule of a violent mob. Good luck to and best hopes for a PEACEFUL resolution.

<deleted>! who appointed you spokesman?

The yellows occupied giv offices for months with no comeback. The reds go in for 10 minutes and a state of emergency is declared.

This obvious inequality is precisely why they are demonstrating and this is one farang that understands.

Well the truth is the PM does not actually run the army - it's completely independent. One of the major problem's that Thailand has IMHO.

As much as i dislike agreeing with you Brit, you just hit the proverbial nail on the head

My thai wife said that a member of a certain family was on TV high up the food ladder, can't mention names on here as you would get banned.

She was quoted in saying that abhisit should desolve parliment immediately for the sake of the country and for the people to stop a major civil war from imploding.

She was also quoted saying that abhisit was only thinking about himself and not about the problems that this is going to cause. She also quoted that if all the poor people stopped working for a month, the elite in Bangkok would have big problems, as its the poor who feed the elite.

So "you wife" says all thi so it must be true, Your "wife " has an opinion , no more no less , NO FACTS

It's about time! Totally justified for all the world to see.

A message to the good people of Thailand.

I can tell you with confidence the vast majority of foreigners support your honorable PM Abhisit in his valiant effort to fight anarchic red shirt's illegal attempt at revolution and the rule of a violent mob. Good luck to and best hopes for a PEACEFUL resolution.

And how would you know"the vast majority" of foreigners support Abbisit? And with confidence? Have you personally polled all foreigners living in thailand? What a dumb post that is

Totally agree !!

There you go , a majority poll.


I can't find a quote about "Redshirts declare war on the government" anywhere but here. Before we all start flying off the handle, what is the source of this quote and which Redshirt leader said it?

If this is a quote from Arisman or Sae Dang, it's just more hot air.

However, this endeavor has not been successful. The rally has led to a violation of the law and the Constitution and has caused great inconvenience for the people, the economy, and foreign confidence in Thailand.

Nothing like the county's prime minister painting a picture to the newsrooms and lowering foreign confidence even further ...


I think if nothing else, if Anupong doesn't act, a lot of people who had no idea at all will start to realise that in reality the PM is not actually running the army.

That in itself will be quite an eye opener for a lot of people and will cause quite a bit of head scratching.

Well the truth is the PM does not actually run the army - it's completely independent. One of the major problem's that Thailand has IMHO.

But when I worked it out it was a bit of an eye opener for me, and that was quite a few years ago.


This all must be very costly to the government. Seems only reasonable that if there is any money left in thaksin account the cost should all be deducted from that. Best way to stop this is to hit em in the pocketbook.

I agree.. Arrest the bastards. Put them away for the rest of their lives.

And the yellow shirt leaders who SEIZED AN INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT too. Oh wait, they're all free and one of the main guys is now Foreign Minister. Its all okay as long as you wear the right color.

are you referring to those that are awaiting their trials, but have a right to work and support themselves and their families? more could be said :)

Awaiting their trials...The word naive comes to mind. I'll give you 100 to 1 that they don't lock up their own Foreign Minister.

If ISA failed, why will a state of emergency succeed?


I was thinking that.

The impasse continues and just gets bigger.

An election, no matter how farcical, might clear the air and allow the political re-alignments necessary to start moving on.

Like this, just seems we get deeper and deeper into the mud.


Let me ask this. Who has the guns? So I guess it will be a onesided war. The only people that will die will be these poor people in RED. Do any of you remember 1992????

It's an insult to those who died in this 1992 crack-down to compare it with the actual situation! SOOOOO different. Yes, I remember very well Suchinda Kraprayoon and his cronies... I am afraid that these poor people in red have chosen themselves to die, for no other reason than to bring back another criminal in this country who didn't finish his job (of stealing money).

If brains had been available in the N and NE, the situation would have been totally different. If education in Thailand had been serious in the last decennia (and Taksin also didn't do anything about this, well planned), we would not have seen this kind of pointless protest from red shirts...

Will it be dangerous to go extend visas tomorrow? >>;

Don't worry. Everything will be almost as normal here in BKK.

You may only face some delay due to trafic on some routes.


The overwhelming majority of Thais should support the government in taking any action to restore order and furthermore the Police and Army need to do their job without their personal views influencing their actions otherwise Thailand and its economy will end up like other basket case countries in the world.

Oops. Too late

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