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Thai Authorities Shut Down Red-Shirts Protesters Tv Station

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Both ASTV & People Channel should have been shut long long ago.

I agree. But by leaving ASTV open throughout the airport siege and by closing PTV throughout this siege, you play right into the hands of the red shirts' propaganda. The big people let ASTV stay on, but they want to silence the voices of the little reds.

While the yellow shirt broadcasts during the PAD rallies were pretty bold, they did not openly call people to commit violence, they didn't preach sedition, they didn't commit treason. It is an apples and oranges comparison.

They did ask people to storm government house. They did try to storm parliament. They stormed the airport too.

Reds and yellows ... as daft as each other. Even the politicians regularly throw a few punches in Parliament.

Why are so many foreigners getting their knickers in a twist about this? Just let it run its course and whatever the outcome it will be decided by the Thais themselves one way or another, for better or worse.

Sit back, relax and absorb ...

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Thai Journalists Association, Thailand Cable TV Association condemns blockade of PTV broadcast, closure of website The Thai Journalists Association and Thailand Cable TV Association Thursday issued a joint statement to condemn the government's blockade of the PTV's satellite transmission and the closure of www.prachatai.com.

The joint statement said the actions were unconstitutional and double standard law enforcement.

The Nation

Against the constitution, well thats illegal then isn't it ?

Double standards of LAW enforcement, again.

But hey, its the Yellow Democrats here, they can do anything and are immune are they not ???

Disgraceful to go against the constitution, but then again a coup is against the constitution and not one coup leader or coup backer has ever been tried for treason.

Wonder why Thaksin is tried in courts, but the obvious coup leaders and backers are never tried for treason ?

Double standards in the law courts ? Double standards all round ? Elite can do what they want and others cannot ?

And remember, you can take an international airport like an unlawful yellow terrorist, but you cannot broadcast your intent over mass media. :)

Both ASTV & People Channel should have been shut long long ago.

I agree. But by leaving ASTV open throughout the airport siege and by closing PTV throughout this siege, you play right into the hands of the red shirts' propaganda. The big people let ASTV stay on, but they want to silence the voices of the little reds.

While the yellow shirt broadcasts during the PAD rallies were pretty bold, they did not openly call people to commit violence, they didn't preach sedition, they didn't commit treason. It is an apples and oranges comparison.

They did ask people to storm government house. They did try to storm parliament. They stormed the airport too.

Reds and yellows ... as daft as each other. Even the politicians regularly throw a few punches in Parliament.

Why are so many foreigners getting their knickers in a twist about this? Just let it run its course and whatever the outcome it will be decided by the Thais themselves one way or another, for better or worse.

Sit back, relax and absorb ...

Good advice.


Dont forget the 36 websites that were blocked today on the order of the Deputy PM.

There's a scanned copy of Suthep's order to shut down 36 websites that disseminate news that may be a danger to national security online at Thaienews ( Link ) His order doesn't mention exactly what any of them did wrong - other than being Pro-Red

Ironically, on May 21 2009, Abhisit gave a speech entitled “Media Lessons: The Power of the State, the Power of Capital, and the Power of the People,” to journalists at Thammasat University Pattaya Campus. In which he stated:

“The government wants to see media freedom and will facilitate the operations of members of the media to achieve freedom of expression.”

Looks like what he forgot to mention was that freedom of expression was only allowed if you expressed the views of the government.

Against the constitution, well thats illegal then isn't it ?

Double standards of LAW enforcement, again.

But hey, its the Yellow Democrats here, they can do anything and are immune are they not ???

Disgraceful to go against the constitution, but then again a coup is against the constitution and not one coup leader or coup backer has ever been tried for treason.

Wonder why Thaksin is tried in courts, but the obvious coup leaders and backers are never tried for treason ?

Double standards in the law courts ? Double standards all round ? Elite can do what they want and others cannot ?

Double standards again. Do you have nothing better to say than double standards.

Its a State of Emegency for your information and the government, rightfully, shuts down a station that only preaches lies and hatred.

After the illegal entrance of Parliament yesterday, the Reds could expect these kind of measures to happen.

And now your double standards. What double standards. The REds are not the same group as the Yellows. The political climate is not the same. The government has changed in the meantime and the public perception of all these endless color-demonstrations is also different.

You really wonder why Thaksin was tried? Because he's a very bad person, a criminal!

Level --- not only are you repeating the same lie over and over, you are also posting the same thing on multiple threads. Check the appropriate reply on the other thread as I can't be bothered to repeat myself in this one.

I thought it was you repeating your lie over and over again ?

Misrepresenting facts and all that nonsense you were doing is it not ?

Back on topic.

It is very wrong for the government to have acted in this way and stopped the freedom of the peoples as so given under the constitution. I am very glad to hear that the PTP party are going to try to get Suthep over this, for he appears to have acted against the constitution.

And there is no excuse for member of parliament to ever do that.

Media broadcasting is a licensed public trust,

when the broadcaster starts endangering the public and lying to the public,

he will be closed down. Simple as that.

I'm against what the red shirts have done thus far, but nothing justifies denial of free speech in a proper democracy.

Here we go again - free speech has limits- can you yell "fire" in a theater because you want to, just for laughs? No. Can you broadcast a doctored tape of the PM that falsely shows him to be ordering troops to fire on protesters? Call for a mob to attack government officials in their homes (AC chairman and PM)?, say "I will kill him" - talking about the PM? Tell supporters to bring empty bottles to Bangkok and fill them with petrol? In what other democratic country would this be considered free speech? The Reds crossed the line.


Yes the reds crossed the line many times, for a long time. It is actually obvious they INTENTIONALLY crossed the line to provoke a reaction. They are being led by a desperate man, Thaksin, who is willing to try anything and everything now, and has no regard whatsoever to the long term damage he has done to his country (one of his countries). In short, he is a villain of the first order.

Dont forget the 36 websites that were blocked today on the order of the Deputy PM.

There's a scanned copy of Suthep's order to shut down 36 websites that disseminate news that may be a danger to national security online at Thaienews ( Link ) His order doesn't mention exactly what any of them did wrong - other than being Pro-Red

Ironically, on May 21 2009, Abhisit gave a speech entitled “Media Lessons: The Power of the State, the Power of Capital, and the Power of the People,” to journalists at Thammasat University Pattaya Campus. In which he stated:

“The government wants to see media freedom and will facilitate the operations of members of the media to achieve freedom of expression.”

Looks like what he forgot to mention was that freedom of expression was only allowed if you expressed the views of the government.

"Truth Today". Thaksin allowed to speak to his followers. Websites critical of government, Red TV. All allowed. UNTIL violence was advocated and and out and out lies were broadcast. If the Reds had not broadcast threats to the lives of government officials and lied to the people, they would still be on air. Name one other democracy that would allow what the Reds have broadcast to continue to be broadcast.

Well done Abhisit the Reds will hate you even more now

Shutting down the access for the leaders to coordinate largish groups of people in defiance of the law certainly makes sense to most people. The sms system was shut down yesterday. People TV today. Radio stations yesterday and today.

The amazing thing is that people are saying this is bad when you have people threatening violence etc from the stages of the Reds to be broadcast across the country.

You are absolutely clueless - you don't get it? shut down reds and keep your yellow stuff open? are you mad? you think this will work - I actually thought Abhisit had a brain

and we all think that you have a squiggily tail....

To the older members, I think we have a generation or two that haven't got a clue as to how any electoral system works or how things work in the real world. Seems that most have no sense of history and no sense of compromise . Abhisit is the best PM Thailand has ever had. Over 500,000 farmers just had their loans cut in half and given up to 15 years to pay them off in some case. The Mekong River Commission (including China) agreed to consider the down stream effects of building dams and have promised to maintain a sufficient water supply to its downstream neighbors. Doesn't this help the poor?

These are not small feats, but they go largely ignored by people that post on this forum because the stupid <deleted> posting here that can't read beyond the first page of a news paper.



Thai famers are not smart enough to tell if the media is telling the truth. All medias in Thailand, including webboard & ThaiVisa should be controlled by Mark. This is for the common good.

duplicate post :)

Forget the duplicate post Brit, you'll be at 20,000 posts very shortly and you need to get into Bangkok very quickly, the REDs want to give you some love back and give you the freedom of the city.

To the older members, I think we have a generation or two that haven't got a clue as to how any electoral system works or how things work in the real world. Seems that most have no sense of history and no sense of compromise . Abhisit is the best PM Thailand has ever had. Over 500,000 farmers just had their loans cut in half and given up to 15 years to pay them off in some case. The Mekong River Commission (including China) agreed to consider the down stream effects of building dams and have promised to maintain a sufficient water supply to its downstream neighbors. Doesn't this help the poor?

These are not small feats, but they go largely ignored by people that post on this forum because the stupid <deleted> posting here that can't read beyond the first page of a news paper.



To the older members, I think we have a generation or two that haven't got a clue as to how any electoral system works or how things work in the real world. Seems that most have no sense of history and no sense of compromise . Abhisit is the best PM Thailand has ever had. Over 500,000 farmers just had their loans cut in half and given up to 15 years to pay them off in some case. The Mekong River Commission (including China) agreed to consider the down stream effects of building dams and have promised to maintain a sufficient water supply to its downstream neighbors. Doesn't this help the poor?

These are not small feats, but they go largely ignored by people that post on this forum because the stupid <deleted> posting here that can't read beyond the first page of a news paper.


Don't know which is funnier, belief that imitating Thaksin's populous policies (farmers) or that China and the MRC will actually work for protection of the lower Mekong, make Abhisit the "best PM". Nonetheless, thanks for the humor.


Let's be realistic. Abhisit would probably be good (for a Thai) at doing crossword puzzles or baking a cake from a boxed mix as he's relatively bright. But he's been spoon fed since birth and lacks any managerial skill and any useful political skills. He's accomplishments since being appointed PM by the military junta (or by free democratic elections, if you prefer) are limited to over 3,000 very attractive photos of himself in ribbon-cutting ceremonies with various elite layabouts.

Well done Abhisit the Reds will hate you even more now

The red shirts station should have been shut down on day one.

For all the free rightests out there it might interest you to know that the station was inciting sedition and treason " the latter punisable by death in front of a firing squad" and that is what all these clowns should be facing now.

Let's be realistic. Abhisit would probably be good (for a Thai) at doing crossword puzzles or baking a cake from a boxed mix as he's relatively bright. But he's been spoon fed since birth and lacks any managerial skill and any useful political skills. He's accomplishments since being appointed PM by the military junta (or by free democratic elections, if you prefer) are limited to over 3,000 very attractive photos of himself in ribbon-cutting ceremonies with various elite layabouts.

Some might agree, but since when has it been a pre-requisite in any Democracy in the world that your PM or President actually knows what he is doing or has any experience of what they are getting into.

If anything ignorance is bliss, look at Bush Jnr and Gordon Brown. Both should have known exactly what was coming, but alas.......... And yes, the housewife's love him, but then look at Clinton........

^who actually too over the tv station was it the BIB or military?

Noel Edmonds and Mr. Blobby apparently.

OMG, just when I thought Thai TV couldn't get any worse ! :):D

Well done Abhisit the Reds will hate you even more now

The red shirts station should have been shut down on day one.

For all the free rightests out there it might interest you to know that the station was inciting sedition and treason " the latter punisable by death in front of a firing squad" and that is what all these clowns should be facing now.


Let's be realistic. Abhisit would probably be good (for a Thai) at doing crossword puzzles or baking a cake from a boxed mix as he's relatively bright. But he's been spoon fed since birth and lacks any managerial skill and any useful political skills. He's accomplishments since being appointed PM by the military junta (or by free democratic elections, if you prefer) are limited to over 3,000 very attractive photos of himself in ribbon-cutting ceremonies with various elite layabouts.

Some might agree, but since when has it been a pre-requisite in any Democracy in the world that your PM or President actually knows what he is doing or has any experience of what they are getting into.

If anything ignorance is bliss, look at Bush Jnr and Gordon Brown. Both should have known exactly what was coming, but alas.......... And yes, the housewife's love him, but then look at Clinton........

Hmmmm the fact that he HAS accomplished more (thankfully to a failed walk-out by the PTP) than Samak or Somchai speaks wonders though, now doesn't it?

Well done Abhisit the Reds will hate you even more now

The red shirts station should have been shut down on day one.

For all the free rightests out there it might interest you to know that the station was inciting sedition and treason " the latter punisable by death in front of a firing squad" and that is what all these clowns should be facing now.




The "Red" channel just came back on Sophon cable. It was channel 5, then all of a sudden switched. It looks different, but there is the stage and everything is RED!

I'm against what the red shirts have done thus far, but nothing justifies denial of free speech in a proper democracy.

Here we go again - free speech has limits- can you yell "fire" in a theater because you want to, just for laughs? No. Can you broadcast a doctored tape of the PM that falsely shows him to be ordering troops to fire on protesters? Call for a mob to attack government officials in their homes (AC chairman and PM)?, say "I will kill him" - talking about the PM? Tell supporters to bring empty bottles to Bangkok and fill them with petrol? In what other democratic country would this be considered free speech? The Reds crossed the line.

The reds on this forum know all of that ... the cries of "free speech" are just a rally point not based in fact

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