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Thaksin - very Ill (allegedly)


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:D I am undergoing chemotherapy in Melbourne after diagnosed at Bangkok Christian Hospital. I did not bring any equipment from Thailand despite the chaos of the Oncology Ward where I am an out patient here......and there is nothing to joke about concernng cancer...besides imagine if they found a cure, how would all those medicos make money, not to mention the drug barons... :D

Sorry to hear that. Wishing you a full and speedy recovery.

:) Many thanks Rixalex for your kindness, it has been nightmarish, could not afford medical treatment in Bangkok so had to rush back to Melbourne.....the most wonderful thing was that we got my thai partner of 5 years a tourist 6 months visa so he is here with me to cushion the discomfort...probably good timing for both of us....if ya get my drift..take care. life is so fragile wherever one lives....Dukkha

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Thaksin's death by natural causes would be the best thing that could happen to Thailand. It would remove the element dividing the country. The 2 sides could finally reconcile if he were removed.

Love him or hate him, this is the truth. I can only hope that if this rumour is true, he dies quickly and without pain. His suffering would not benefit anyone, but his quick demise and removal from the political scene will finally heal the rift dividing the nation.

That is a fundamental truth nobody can afford to ignore. Sometimes death does serve a larger purpose, and you can mourn his passing if you feel inclined, but do not lose sight of the good that can come from it.

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:D I am undergoing chemotherapy in Melbourne after diagnosed at Bangkok Christian Hospital. I did not bring any equipment from Thailand despite the chaos of the Oncology Ward where I am an out patient here......and there is nothing to joke about concernng cancer...besides imagine if they found a cure, how would all those medicos make money, not to mention the drug barons... :)

My thoughts are with you dukkha, I hope you make a speedy recovery & stay strong.

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Thaksin's death by natural causes would be the best thing that could happen to Thailand. It would remove the element dividing the country. The 2 sides could finally reconcile if he were removed.

Love him or hate him, this is the truth. I can only hope that if this rumour is true, he dies quickly and without pain. His suffering would not benefit anyone, but his quick demise and removal from the political scene will finally heal the rift dividing the nation.

That is a fundamental truth nobody can afford to ignore. Sometimes death does serve a larger purpose, and you can mourn his passing if you feel inclined, but do not lose sight of the good that can come from it.

I'm not so sure that Thaksin's death would bring this all to an end though. There are plenty of other Shinawatras to take the mantle. Just a question of which one has an appetite for power. Yingluck seems to have ambition and she's a darn sight prettier on the eye than our man Thaksin.

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:D I am undergoing chemotherapy in Melbourne after diagnosed at Bangkok Christian Hospital. I did not bring any equipment from Thailand despite the chaos of the Oncology Ward where I am an out patient here......and there is nothing to joke about concernng cancer...besides imagine if they found a cure, how would all those medicos make money, not to mention the drug barons... :)

Get well mate; it's a tough battle - all our thoughts are with you it seems and of course that is including mine.

My old man was given 3 months - he lasted 11 years. Seems like it is very tough treatment, but a good positive mindset, something to look forward to and leading a good and peaceful life may assist. It's great you've got a loved one by your side.

When things are better (which they will be) it will be an honour to take you out and issue some damage to the prostate and your liver with a good tinnie smacking session; I'll even buy you some VB.

Get well sooon ;-)

This is the right time to say:



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The story of Thaksin having prostate cancer is entirely fictitious. It was a rumour started by one of his opponents in parliament. The fact that the Nation has failed to rebut the story tells you all you need to know about the Nation and the colour of its proprietors.

In the media wars for readership, companies very frequently report on rumours. Tacky to be sure! Not real news to be sure! Useful only if the rumour is said to be a rumour.

now whats that old saying?....ah......there's no smoke without fire?

what if its an electric heater...no fire, still smoke=another heat source...thaksins opposition-always a possibility

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Thanong of The Nation is certainly an unreliable source who loves to publish rumours ad nauseam without trying to verify them, e.g. the story of the alleged forfeiture of of a huge amount of Thaksin's money by UK authorities who normally disclose such things, as they did when they froze a mere US$100 million of Tommy Suharto's money in the Channel Islands (and later unfroze it).

On the other hand Thaksin did look unwell in the picture in question. His face looks very puffy which could be as a result of steroids to counter the side effects of chemotherapy but could also be caused by many other things or just a poor photograph.

Best wishes to Dukka and get well soon.

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:D I am undergoing chemotherapy in Melbourne after diagnosed at Bangkok Christian Hospital. I did not bring any equipment from Thailand despite the chaos of the Oncology Ward where I am an out patient here......and there is nothing to joke about concernng cancer...besides imagine if they found a cure, how would all those medicos make money, not to mention the drug barons... :)

Sorry to hear that. Wishing you a full and speedy recovery.

Same from here.

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The story of Thaksin having prostate cancer is entirely fictitious. It was a rumour started by one of his opponents in parliament. The fact that the Nation has failed to rebut the story tells you all you need to know about the Nation and the colour of its proprietors.

i posted this pic here before but discussion was denied. make up your own mind. maybe just an orf day?


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Thanong of The Nation is certainly an unreliable source who loves to publish rumours ad nauseam without trying to verify them, e.g. the story of the alleged forfeiture of of a huge amount of Thaksin's money by UK authorities who normally disclose such things, as they did when they froze a mere US$100 million of Tommy Suharto's money in the Channel Islands (and later unfroze it).

On the other hand Thaksin did look unwell in the picture in question. His face looks very puffy which could be as a result of steroids to counter the side effects of chemotherapy but could also be caused by many other things or just a poor photograph.

Best wishes to Dukka and get well soon.

I've looked all over the internet to see if I could find news from another source other than the Nation or Thai Visa, can't find anything that supports this thread.

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Thaksin's death by natural causes would be the best thing that could happen to Thailand. It would remove the element dividing the country. The 2 sides could finally reconcile if he were removed.

Love him or hate him, this is the truth. I can only hope that if this rumour is true, he dies quickly and without pain. His suffering would not benefit anyone, but his quick demise and removal from the political scene will finally heal the rift dividing the nation.

That is a fundamental truth nobody can afford to ignore. Sometimes death does serve a larger purpose, and you can mourn his passing if you feel inclined, but do not lose sight of the good that can come from it.

I'm not so sure that Thaksin's death would bring this all to an end though. There are plenty of other Shinawatras to take the mantle. Just a question of which one has an appetite for power. Yingluck seems to have ambition and she's a darn sight prettier on the eye than our man Thaksin.

I am not sure I want Thai Sarah Palin to govern Thailand.

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I've looked all over the internet to see if I could find news from another source other than the Nation or Thai Visa, can't find anything that supports this thread.

Not surprising. But there is no way to prove it isn't true either.

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I've looked all over the internet to see if I could find news from another source other than the Nation or Thai Visa, can't find anything that supports this thread.

Not surprising. But there is no way to prove it isn't true either.

The rumor started from ASTV morning political talk show host. Taksin spoke person didn't deny or admit.

Or maybe, too much flyings(on a private jet) can cause fatigue, fluffy face, and brain damage(this one he has it).

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:D I am undergoing chemotherapy in Melbourne after diagnosed at Bangkok Christian Hospital. I did not bring any equipment from Thailand despite the chaos of the Oncology Ward where I am an out patient here......and there is nothing to joke about concernng cancer...besides imagine if they found a cure, how would all those medicos make money, not to mention the drug barons... :)

Good luck. Hope you are able to return to a normal life very soon. Been there, done that (11yrs ago) as the saying goes. Chemo fecks up the body while it kills the bad stuff. It is very tough on the system.

The pix of Taksin posted above by another reply are indicative of someone with a serious change for the worse in health for whatever reasons.

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Its just not good karma to wish illness and death even on people who you think have done very bad things. There are probably exceptions like Hitler and Pol Pot, but I will leave the final judgment of Thaksin up to the higher powers (which I don't really believe in, but respect that many do).

Does anyone know when Hitler died exactly and when Taksin was born? There's a strong likeness.

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Does anyone know when Hitler died exactly and when Taksin was born? There's a strong likeness.

Utter nonsense! I don't see no moustache!


If I understand karma correctly Hitler wouldn't have been reborn as someone like Thaksin. More likely, a cockroach, or if karma had a sense of humor, a gay Jewish Bolshevist.

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It's just his allergies.

He reacts violently to any sign of integrity, truth and justice. Face puffs up, throat tightens a bit, hard to breathe, world feels smaller.

I believe that court-decisions have also been known to bring tears to his eyes ? :)

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Once again we a thread running with no substantiating references.

"My Mate said" , "somebody said a team of doctors are flying to Dubai", "a friend at Kasikorn Bank called...." <deleted> !!

Has the guy got cancer or not ?

If he has - let's see an 'official' confirmation.

If not - kill this 'speculative' topic.

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Once again we a thread running with no substantiating references.

"My Mate said" , "somebody said a team of doctors are flying to Dubai", "a friend at Kasikorn Bank called...." <deleted> !!

Has the guy got cancer or not ?

If he has - let's see an 'official' confirmation.

If not - kill this 'speculative' topic.

"BANGKOK: -- The video phone-in lasted only five minutes yesterday, but it was long enough for Thaksin Shinawatra to tell his supporters and enemies alike that he's not dead yet."

I am very sorry to hear that "he's not dead yet"

The sooner the better for Thailand's sake!

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Last week on his Twitter site he said that he'd heard the rumours that he had cancer and his hair had fallen out and found them funny. "The ancients said, a person cursed like this will leave a long life!"

Also said he'd been to Moscow for a checkup, his cholesterol levels were normal, all other results were normal and he felt in good health.

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  • 4 weeks later...
The story of Thaksin having prostate cancer is entirely fictitious. It was a rumour started by one of his opponents in parliament. The fact that the Nation has failed to rebut the story tells you all you need to know about the Nation and the colour of its proprietors.

In the media wars for readership, companies very frequently report on rumours. Tacky to be sure! Not real news to be sure! Useful only if the rumour is said to be a rumour.

now whats that old saying?....ah......there's no smoke without fire?

Bias of balance by another name, this is the sole reason mud-slinging campaigns work. Make up a ridiculous lie, and hope some of it will stick. It almost always works.

It's called bias of balance (heard Clinton mention it first but not sure he came up with it) because it works like this:

Assume the truth is A.

Then, tell a lie, B.

Now, because people believe in "balanced" reporting, where "both sides have their say", people will in the end believe that the truth lies somewhere between A and B. Whereas, in reality, it's always been A only, and B is just a load of made up BS. Therefore I am really wary of this stuff. There's no smoke without fire is basically giving credit and power to the liars. Beware.

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