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Red Shirts At Darets's (darrett) Guesthouse, Thapae Gate


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Going to the toilet at “Daret’s” guesthouse near Thapae Gate, I noticed the owners and some staff was watching the shouting/yelling Hitler style, “Red Shirt” TV.

Asking if they were supporters, I got the arrogant and aggressive answer “yes, is something wrong with that?”.

More and more businesses openly offend customers by watching, supporting the “red shirt war” paid for by Thaksin.

For sure, we will not go there anymore.

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Up to you, however bit childish on your part. You are seeing democracy in motion, one should be proud to see the interest at the grass roots.


I don't understand why all these foreigners have a problem with a bunch of poor subservient people trying to get at least a little bit of freedom and honey flowing their way.  I guess they just want to keep poverty and oppression, so they can be cooperatively wealthy and free?      

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A good warning though. Who needs that crap on a holiday?


Our departure from BKK was almost screwed up last year, the airport re-opened the day we departed :D

Due back next week and there is this crap going on.

Why are there so many Bad Vibes in the Land of Smiles?

Tossers (both colours), :)

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I have seen similar in UK, USA and Australian pubs.

They have every right to support who they want but should be considerate of their customers, though it appears you didn't really notice it until you went to the toilet.

You also have the right not to go there, (even if 3 Chang's are a bargain @ 100 Baht). :)

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Going to the toilet at “Daret’s” guesthouse near Thapae Gate, I noticed the owners and some staff was watching the shouting/yelling Hitler style, “Red Shirt” TV.

Asking if they were supporters, I got the arrogant and aggressive answer “yes, is something wrong with that?”.

More and more businesses openly offend customers by watching, supporting the “red shirt war” paid for by Thaksin.

For sure, we will not go there anymore.

I'm sure the staff are absolutely gutted that you wont be back. They were probably shouting/ yelling (Hitler style? - touch perjorative on your part?) because Red Shirt TV had just come back on after the government tried to ban it.

You have strong views on the matter for someone who maintains he is just here as a tourist, if i might say so.

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Went to my local wholesaler this afternoon to buy a few Leo.

They have a TV by the checkout, and of course it was on the red channel. I took no offense- why should I? Rather they watch that than some idiot soap opera with unbelievably histrionic females with porcelain white skin screaming invective at some poor servant from the hinterlands.

Now we get to see the folks from the hinterlands scream at the others....tit for tat IMO.

I notice quite a few cars, including luxury models, in this town with red ribbon tied to the radio antenna or the side mirror.

If the OP has just noticed for the first time that Chiang Mai is red shirt heartland...... :)

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If thats the only place you noticed Red supporters... youre really not paying much attention to anything. Everywhere I go I hear the Reds broadcasting, either by Radio or TV. Everyone from street vendors on Kaew Narawat by McCormick, tuktuk drivers when on break at the side of the road on the moat (they normally have their radio turn up very loud). Even the workers at my dorm, the daily guards and the kitchen staff.

You cant get away from it... this is the heartland of Red country.

Here's what you do... TUNE IT OUT. The moment I hear something I might get curious ( cause I understand every word thats being boardcasted) but the moment I know what it is, my ears goes deaf to the speeches. Basically in one ear and out the other without my brain processing it.

Who cares what they support. Its their choice. Just turn a deaf ear and blind eye to it.

Edited by Yunnie
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Up to you, however bit childish on your part. You are seeing democracy in motion, one should be proud to see the interest at the grass roots.

Yes, but they don't have to be so shitty about it and particularly as he was a customer. It does seem the MO with that type.

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Up to you, however bit childish on your part. You are seeing democracy in motion, one should be proud to see the interest at the grass roots.


I don't understand why all these foreigners have a problem with a bunch of poor subservient people trying to get at least a little bit of freedom and honey flowing their way.  I guess they just want to keep poverty and oppression, so they can be cooperatively wealthy and free?      

hmm they own a guest house in cm and they have no honey? :) oppressed? :D poverty? :D sometimes the facts can be confussing :D

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The fact is many of the red rally speeches do indeed sound Hitlerian. I agree with the OP on that observation.

What an odd thing to say. You must be listening to a lot of old Hitler speeches lately, eh? Care to elaborate.

One of the ranting speeches was made by someone who's just been convicted of murder and sentenced to 20 years in gaol. He wasn't talking about peace and reconciliation on the red shirt stage. And I have absolutely no idea why someone recently convicted of murder is allowed to travel to Bangkok to encourage more violence. However TIT.

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Up to you, however bit childish on your part. You are seeing democracy in motion, one should be proud to see the interest at the grass roots.


I don't understand why all these foreigners have a problem with a bunch of poor subservient people trying to get at least a little bit of freedom and honey flowing their way. I guess they just want to keep poverty and oppression, so they can be cooperatively wealthy and free?

I do not think anyone wants anybody to stay poor, you are absolutely wrong in this case. If you understand what they are talking about on the the redshirt stage, I wonder if you would say what you said. " cut the PM head and use his blood to wash our feet!" " The PM is as cruel as Hitler he wants to kill the people" " If you do not reopen PTV you can pack and leave the country, there is no place for you" This is not not proper media, is it? It will encourage violence and break the emergency state at the moment.

If someone is talking about helping people out of poor in this country then Mr.Abhisit is doing his job,he provides education (15 years free education) and a long term financial solution for the farmer by pulling their shark loans into the bank loan while MR. T just gave one million Baht to each village so that the poor uneducated farmers can loan money to buy unneccessary stuff for their life(like motor bike for their son to ride without helmet, LCD TV,Sterio!). Poor people, they think they can "Touch" the money but can you see?? It is just the trick to buy vote by using government money. I wonder if the protesters are trying to help the people out of poverty or helping someone to stay supper rich!

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Who cares what they support. Its their choice. Just turn a deaf ear and blind eye to it.

Sawasdee Khrup Khun Yunnie,

We find turning blind ears and deaf eyes to it just as self-protective, on a mental level, but in our human heart we still feel currents of care and sympathy for the trauma this nation is going through.

best, ~o:37;

Edited by orang37
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Up to you, however bit childish on your part. You are seeing democracy in motion, one should be proud to see the interest at the grass roots.


To the OP: feel free not to go to the toilet in that particular guesthouse anymore. :)

All: How about the places that show ASTV? You know what, I manage to respect the people's view, no matter which way they lean. So I happily still patronize places that show ASTV. For example, Phuket Laikhram. Great place! :D

Have some respect for your hosts political views!

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Up to you, however bit childish on your part. You are seeing democracy in motion, one should be proud to see the interest at the grass roots.

I don't understand why all these foreigners have a problem with a bunch of poor subservient people trying to get at least a little bit of freedom and honey flowing their way. I guess they just want to keep poverty and oppression, so they can be cooperatively wealthy and free?

I strongly suspect it's because their lifestyle depends on a supply of bar boys and girls. Wouldn't want the rural masses to demand empowerment and a fair deal now would we. :)

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Who cares what they support. Its their choice. Just turn a deaf ear and blind eye to it.

Sawasdee Khrup Khun Yunnie,

We find turning blind ears and deaf eyes to it just as self-protective, on a mental level, but in our human heart we still feel currents of care and sympathy for the trauma this nation is going through.

best, ~o:37;

Well stated, on several levels.

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Up to you, however bit childish on your part. You are seeing democracy in motion, one should be proud to see the interest at the grass roots.

Yes, but they don't have to be so shitty about it and particularly as he was a customer. It does seem the MO with that type.

We don't have customers in Chiangmai, just an endless supply of farang easy money... :)

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@ WinnieTheKhwai,

Sorry Sir, maybe I was not clear.

The TV is at the restaurant and at the guest house check in counter. You have to pass it going to the toilet but it is in public area. We were sitting about 2 tables away and, while I eat, I don't want to listen to those Mafiosi speeches.

Dear WinnieTheKhwai, do you know what they talking about? Do you UNDERSTAND it? Unfortunately for me, I speak/understand Thai and let me tell you this: I have never heard such cruel bad language at ASTV. ASTV not even comes at 10% to it.

I don’t know where you come from but, in any Western country, if you use those words and tactics I hear on the Red Channel TV, that channel will be closed the next day and the people in jail. Believe me. It will NOT survive for 1 day. It is dangerous and disgusting and has NOTHING to do with democracy or free speech from poor people. NOTHING AT ALL.

Do me, and others, a favor: record and let someone translate it. Not a normal Thai because they will be ashamed to tell you.

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