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This Saturday looks like a tragedy will start in few minutes....


Government will have to take whole responsabilty of what is going to happen and is definitively not able to manage the whole country....

"Gouverner c'est prevoir"

"To gouvern" is "to anticipate"


I am afraid this Government has a too short view and is not foreseing the consequences ....

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The use of the term "attack" is misleading. An attack would have been a violent incursion using fire arms etc. What occurred with a small number of people was an act of attempted trespass, an unauthorized egress into a restricted area. One should not make more out of the event that what happened. The authorities response was an appropriate non lethal response to trespassers that refused a command to stay away. It was wrong to attempt entry, but that does not make it an "attack". The response was commensurate with the actual threat presented. Really, a non-event. The authorities are to be commended for acting responsibly and avoiding a loss of life.


-Clearly there are those who have decided to define Democracy, and Parliamentary procedures

with their own personal variations of correct and legal....

And no amount of universally accepted definitions, facts and references to facts

will convince them that THIER interpretation is not the correct one.

It is part of life that we have the blindly obtuse and zealotous SURE in mind and outwardly,

but it still doesn't change the facts, it only spreads greater levels of disinformation around.

Such a sad statement on the human condition.

We have several here who don't consider anything but their own closed minds in any arguments.

Darest reality to raise it's hoary, golden head above the mire and speak one word of truth,

lest it be stomped under the thoughtless foot of the under-informed. A.


The government critics will attack Abhisit if he doesn't act -- TOO WEAK, he must step down! -- and they will also attack him if he acts -- TOO BRUTAL, he should have just caved and stepped down --- thus, of course, it is stupid to listen to your enemies advice. He may as well act. It is clear that is what the MAJORITY of the Thais want him to do. The rule of the mad mob must be stopped sometime, somewhere, why not now?

As far as coups. The military can do coups anytime they want, sadly, under any Thai government. History has shown this. Will they now? Maybe. But there are strong indications they really don't want to do that anymore after the problems caused by the last coup.

Coming back to the Thread Topic

This Saturday looks like a tragedy will start in few minutes....


Government will have to take whole responsabilty of what is going to happen and is definitively not able to manage the whole country....

"Gouverner c'est prevoir"

"To gouvern" is "to anticipate"


I am afraid this Government has a too short view and is not foreseing the consequences ....

This happens across the world, look at the riots in Europe, they get broken up, people get beaten, its just what happens.

Moresomekl --- You start that last post with a lie. "In a democracy..." In parliamentary democracies governments can change without a new general election. That is a fact. The rest is you just trying to support that initial lie.

Wrong ...

Anyway you dont even know what parlementary democracy means in the vast world , let alone democracy

it would seem .

Anyway lets conclude this exchange , its boring

Ummm again in Parliamentary democracies governments can change without a new election. Small parties can realign and poof --- a new government. To suggest otherwise is simply a lie.

edit ------

Google "parliament elects new government" and see ....

Coming back to the Thread Topic

This Saturday looks like a tragedy will start in few minutes....


Government will have to take whole responsabilty of what is going to happen and is definitively not able to manage the whole country....

"Gouverner c'est prevoir"

"To gouvern" is "to anticipate"


I am afraid this Government has a too short view and is not foreseing the consequences ....

Why a tragedy. The Police are moving people that are breaking the law. Happens all over the world.

Cheers, Rick

Moresomekl --- You start that last post with a lie. "In a democracy..." In parliamentary democracies governments can change without a new general election. That is a fact. The rest is you just trying to support that initial lie.

Wrong ...

Anyway you dont even know what parlementary democracy means in the vast world , let alone democracy

it would seem .

Anyway lets conclude this exchange , its boring

I'm sure we will be able to continue it in some other thread when you start complaining about it again.

What isn't clear to you?

- That the law was clear before the executive got caught red handed being involved in electoral fraud?

- That the disbanding of the PPP made no difference to the voter, since they are still represented, either through by-election to replace a banned MP or through their MP moving to another party (most likely the PTP)?

- That the disbanding of the PPP made no difference to the government, since they were still the government after the disbanding?

You can't keep using the excuse of "but if this happened in another country ..." because a) electoral fraud rarely happens in other countries, and b ) we aren't in another country. Different situations. Different results.

The government critics will attack Abhisit if he doesn't act -- TOO WEAK, he must step down! -- and they will also attack him if he acts -- TOO BRUTAL, he should have just caved and stepped down --- thus, of course, it is stupid to listen to your enemies advice. He may as well act. It is clear that is what the MAJORITY of the Thais want him to do. The rule of the mad mob must be stopped sometime, somewhere, why not now?

INDEED JT, tender times, I unlike others here don't have the answers to this situation, as it stands.

It would seem that some people should of considered their demands/positions more carefully, prior to this. Of course saying this now, makes little difference.

Here is a weird one. It seems the reds Buddha image has broken in two, Being taken by some as a bad tiding. Wonder how many people believe in that kind of stuff

Far too many. Particularly country Thais.

It's an omen for sure, and is the kind to give a sense of foreboding in the average up country Somchai.

Why else did Thaksin go to such lengths to do all those rituals and have others do them for him when he wasn't here?

Because most of his chosen demographic is profoundly superstitious.

This is the kind of omen that loses wars.

Whether that will be true this time.....

I don't think I've ever encountered a person with such a a low opinion of the human race. Oh, except yourself. You are always right and feel free to call people you don't even know names and challenge their character. It is OK to disagree with people but please try to show a little restraint and respect. Who knows! You might have eat your words soon.

Stop the name calling. Surely your vocabulary has enough civil words to voice your opinion without attacking people.

Military moving in on Phan Faa.

Not sure about Rajaprasong. Maybe police there.

i see now the troops moving from near khaosan rd . to rajdamnon rd. and Democracy Monument, red mob run around with iron stick , all shops and street selers in khaosan close. 14.00


One way or another the red shirts will be broken up today. The end of another episode, though I expect they will mount further rallies and protests after Songkran.

The use of the term "attack" is misleading. An attack would have been a violent incursion using fire arms etc. What occurred with a small number of people was an act of attempted trespass, an unauthorized egress into a restricted area. One should not make more out of the event that what happened. The authorities response was an appropriate non lethal response to trespassers that refused a command to stay away. It was wrong to attempt entry, but that does not make it an "attack". The response was commensurate with the actual threat presented. Really, a non-event. The authorities are to be commended for acting responsibly and avoiding a loss of life.

Point taken. An "attempt to trespass" was repelled.

I hope the events today continue to avoid loss of life. That will depend on the reds response to the efforts to remove them from the protest areas.

The use of the term "attack" is misleading. An attack would have been a violent incursion using fire arms etc. What occurred with a small number of people was an act of attempted trespass, an unauthorized egress into a restricted area. One should not make more out of the event that what happened. The authorities response was an appropriate non lethal response to trespassers that refused a command to stay away. It was wrong to attempt entry, but that does not make it an "attack". The response was commensurate with the actual threat presented. Really, a non-event. The authorities are to be commended for acting responsibly and avoiding a loss of life.

A case in point.

Personalized definitions to make a point, thereby losing the point.

So many apply it's ridiculous to say other wise.

Attack –verb (used with object)

1.to set upon in a forceful, violent, hostile, or aggressive way, with or without a weapon;

begin fighting with: He attacked him with his bare hands.

2. to begin hostilities against; start an offensive against: to attack the enemy.

3. to blame or abuse violently or bitterly.

4. to direct unfavorable criticism against; criticize severely; argue with strongly: He attacked his opponent's statement.

5. to try to destroy, esp. with verbal abuse: to attack the mayor's reputation.

6. to set about (a task) or go to work on (a thing) vigorously: to attack housecleaning; to attack the hamburger hungrily.

7. (of disease, destructive agencies, etc.) to begin to affect.

–verb (used without object)

8. to make an attack; begin hostilities.


9. the act of attacking; onslaught; assault.


a military offensive against an enemy or enemy position.

11. Pathology. seizure by disease or illness: an attack of indigestion.

12. the beginning or initiating of any action; onset.

13. an aggressive move in a performance or contest.

14. the approach or manner of approach in beginning a musical phrase.

Origin: 1590–1600; earlier atta©que < MF atta©quer < It attaccare to attack, attach


1. storm, charge. Attack, assail, assault, molest all mean to set upon someone forcibly, with hostile or violent intent. Attack is the most general word and applies to a beginning of hostilities, esp. those definitely planned: to attack from ambush. Assail implies vehement, sudden, and sometimes repeated attack: to assail with weapons or with gossip. Assault almost always implies bodily violence: to assault with intent to kill. To molest is to harass, to threaten, or to assault: He was safe, and where no one could molest him. 4. censure; impugn, oppugn, abuse. 9. onset, encounter.


1, 4. defend. 9. defense.

Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2010.


I can not understand how 95% of falang write on this site pure dribble

Do any of you really believe Thais take any notice of the things that are written on this site

Four days ago my Thai wife made a comment on this site through myself saying Thai Fortune tellers where predicting a serious sign by the weekend

All she got was a lot of abuse on this and any other occasion she wanted to say how Thai feels

Today she ring me and say the sign has now come

The Buddha has fallen and like Thailand has broken in 2

I will not go into what this means to a Thai, and I find my Thai wife has suddenly gone very silent about the meaning.

Every Thai has a main Monk from her village that they put their faith in, most have been this since they where young

So I am not surprised that she ring him 3 times to day for councilling

I know there are many TV members married to a Thai lady, so now is time to talk to her re her feeling

Those that do not have Thai wives will go on rambling in a way that does nothing to improve the situation

All I can say is there are many that feel Thailand is now split in 2

and only the giving of blood can repair the damage

To each his own thoughts, but in Thailand there are many that believe in the Loa ways and the sign is not good for the red shirts and not good for Thailand

Again I have said many times

This is their land and we are but guests here

Military moving in on Phan Faa.

Not sure about Rajaprasong. Maybe police there.

i see now the troops moving from near khaosan rd . to rajdamnon rd. and Democracy Monument, red mob run around with iron stick , all shops and street selers in khaosan close. 14.00

That means they are squeezing them from at least 2 directions. Expect them to encircle the protesters within the hour and allow those who want to leave to leave. Anyone resisting at that point is probably lacking in the brain cells department.

I think Phan Faa will be cleared within the hour.

Agreed. More and more troops filing in and moving up from behind and only a few hundred reds there, and they are moving back peacefully.

The scene is much more tense at Thai 1st army. Looks like a lot of reds throwing rocks at the troops, and there are water cannons being fired back. Troops appear to be moving in from behind from what I can see on Thai PBS live video. This one could get nasty.

Police are massing at Chidlom BTS, apparently preparing for what will probably be the most difficult one: Ratchaprasong. Reds are still going on and on about Abhisit and "awk pai" on the stage...


The protesters have had a month to disperse, no one can say that they haven't been given fair warning. There are millions of law abiding citizens in Bangkok that deserve to have safe streets where the aren't harassed by protesters. Reds should pack up and go home NOW or face the consequences.

Moresomekl --- You start that last post with a lie. "In a democracy..." In parliamentary democracies governments can change without a new general election. That is a fact. The rest is you just trying to support that initial lie.

Wrong ...

Anyway you dont even know what parlementary democracy means in the vast world , let alone democracy

it would seem .

Anyway lets conclude this exchange , its boring

Ummm again in Parliamentary democracies governments can change without a new election. Small parties can realign and poof --- a new government. To suggest otherwise is simply a lie.

I don't think I have seen anyone claiming that. What has been said repeatedly is that when a duly elected government is removed normally Parlimentary governments have held national referendums to select the new government.

Do you doubt this? Where is an example? All of the examples provided so far did not involve removement of a duly elected government or involved a coup which in itself is an illegal act.

Please stop repeating this ridiculous idea unless you have a real example. Continually repeating it without facts to back it up will not make it true


Looks to me like Phan Fa is pretty much sorted. At least from the aerial cam on TNN, it appears the previous red shirt blockade is gone, the streets are clear and no reds in sight.

The government is clearing intending to finish this off today, one red shirt site at a time. Ratchaprasong can't be far off now....

Moresomekl --- You start that last post with a lie. "In a democracy..." In parliamentary democracies governments can change without a new general election. That is a fact. The rest is you just trying to support that initial lie.

Wrong ...

Anyway you dont even know what parlementary democracy means in the vast world , let alone democracy

it would seem .

Anyway lets conclude this exchange , its boring

Ummm again in Parliamentary democracies governments can change without a new election. Small parties can realign and poof --- a new government. To suggest otherwise is simply a lie.

I don't think I have seen anyone claiming that. What has been said repeatedly is that when a duly elected government is removed normally Parlimentary governments have held national referendums to select the new government.

Do you doubt this? Where is an example? All of the examples provided so far did not involve removement of a duly elected government or involved a coup which in itself is an illegal act.

Please stop repeating this ridiculous idea unless you have a real example. Continually repeating it without facts to back it up will not make it true

You have to remember where Moresomekl is from. The surrender capital of the world. No wonder he is saying the government should surrender. icon13.gif

Maybe they have just learned from the PAD playbook.

But, bringing kids into town doesn't seem nearly as bad as paying their families to use them as human shields on the front lines.

From the PAD seizure of BKKs airport.

Protesters in Thailand are luring children into their airport rally by paying mums and dads to give up their kids, according to an Australian trapped in the country...

Families who joined the "peaceful" demonstration with babies or children were getting paid more, Ms Vennell said.

"Many families are pushing their children to enter into the situation to provide more money for their families," she said.

The idea is that the military or police won't use as much force because children were still there, she said.


MellowYellow, if posting media reports, please use ones with a bit more credibility than hearsay picked up by a young traveller with no other authentication.

Feel free to discount posts or even ignore them if they do not meet your standards.


The authorities are showing unbelievable restraint. As for the Red's leaders, whenever they lose an attack (most recently, the First Army Regiment HQ), Jatuporn says those were fake Reds. What a load of Weng.

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